Whole school

The Traitor's Classroom Game
Did you enjoy the TV series The Traitors? Why not play the game in classroom?
This is a great resource that is felxible and can be used for any topic or lesson. It also allows you to gauge student’s understanding of a topic or question (assessment), sparking intense debate, pushes them to dig deeper into their answers and critical analysis and discussions.
The class are divided into groups, each player picks a card (Faithful or Traitor) meaning there is secret traitor(s) within each group. You can then pose a question to the class and the traitors role is to subtly mislead their group by providing incorrect answers.
This resource has been cleverly designed and includes the rules themed presentation (to input your own questions) and traitor / faithful cards. (Cut the cards and fold in half- glue or laminate to hold together).
NOW includes theme music for added drama and a list of example debate style questions based on Technical Theatre (lighting, sound and projection)

Feed Up, Feed Back, Feed Forward
Hattie and Timperley (2007) outlined three main types of feedback that educators typically provide to students:
Feed-up: Provides information about the learning goals and criteria for success.
Feed-back: Provides information about the student’s current level of achievement.
Feed-forward: Provides guidance on next steps for improvement.
This resource helps to review student work and allows students to take ownership of their goals and feedback so they can self-assess and set themselves actions for improvement.

Critical Thinking Evaluation Toolkit
Based off Gibbs Reflective Cycle and Driscoll/ Borton’s Model of Reflection this bundle will teach students how to critically evaluate their practice and use feedback to develop their work to become distinction level.
Based off Hattie and Timperley (2007) the Feed Up, Feed Back, Feed Forward worksheet will also allow students to use feedback to self assess their work and set actions for improvement.
This bundle includes;
-Critical Thinking Evaluation Lesson
-Critical Thinking Toolkit Worksheet
-SMART Targets Worksheet
-Feed Up, Feed Back, Feed Forward.
The lesson is based around the BTEC Nationals Production Arts Practice (2019) grading criteria for Technical Theatre. However, can be adapted.

Referencing Lesson
Teach your students how to reference information when submitting their coursework and how to avoid plagiarism.

Praise Postcards - Thank You Teacher
A fabulous way for you to say thank you to your teacher or teacher colleagues. With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show a teacher how much you appreciate them.
Perfect for National Thank A Teacher Day!

Thank You Teacher Postcards
This Thank You Teacher Postcard Bundle is a fabulous way for you to say thank you to your teacher or teacher colleagues. With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show a teacher how much you appreciate them.
Perfect for National Thank A Teacher Day!

British Values Poster
This poster displays the British Values which underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating diversity of the UK. These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty
Display this poster in your classroom to remind to staff and pupils of how you use British Values within your school.

Networking Lesson
Teach your students the importance and how to network when entering the world of work and how to gain contacts for employment.
This lesson includes the Accelerated Learning Cycle.

Sentence Starters
Student can sometimes find it difficult to start a sentence to express their ideas, or find words to show the relationship between ideas.
Use this sentence starter resource to list some possible sentence starters or transitional and other words that may be useful.
This resource can be printed into and laminated into bookmark style resource for students to keep hold of when reading/writing.

SMART Targets
Help students to set SMART target goals with this visual planning prompt worksheet.
SMART Targets:
S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Achievable
R- Relevant
T- Timely
Defining these areas help students to track their goals and helps ensure that their objectives are attainable within a certain time frame

Critical Thinking Evaluation Toolkit
This Critical Thinking Evaluation Toolkit ensures students are critically evaluating their practice to hit them hit the distinction grading criteria.
Based off Driscoll/ Borton’s Model of Reflection of WHAT, SO WHAT, NOW WHAT.

Praise Postcard - Nailed It
You’re Going To Nail It Postcard
These postcard puns are a fabulous way for you to say to your students they are going to ‘nail it’. These are particularly good to give to students before they sit their exams or for students to show appreciation to each other.
With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show you’re thinking about them.

Praise Postcard -You're Awesome
You’re Awesome Postcard
A fabulous way for you to say thank you to your students or for students to show appreciation to each other.
With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show how much you appreciate someone.

Praise Postcard - We Are Proud
We Are Proud of You Postcard
A fabulous way for you to say thank you to your students or for students to show appreciation to each other.
With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show how much you appreciate someone.

Praise Postcard - We're Rooting For You
We’re Rooting For You Postcard
These postcard puns are a fabulous way for you to say to your students that you are ‘Rooting’ for them. These are particularly good to give to students before they sit their exams or for students to show appreciation to each other.
With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show you’re thinking about them.

Praise Postcard - You Are Awesome
You Are Awesome Postcard
A fabulous way for you to say thank you to your students or for students to show appreciation to each other.
With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show how much you appreciate someone.

Praise Postcard - We Be-leaf In You
We Be-leaf In You Postcard
These postcard puns are a fabulous way for you to say to your students that you ‘Be-leaf’ in them. These are particularly good to give to students before they sit their exams or for students to show appreciation to each other.
With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show you’re thinking about them.

Praise Postcard - Good Luck
Good Luck Postcard
A fabulous way for you to say Good Luck to your students. These are particularly good to give to students before they sit their exams or for students to show appreciation to each other.
With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show you’re thinking about them.

Praise Postcards - Thank You Teacher
A fabulous way for you to say thank you to your teacher or teacher colleagues. With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show a teacher how much you appreciate them.
Perfect for National Thank A Teacher Day!

Praise Postcard FULL Bundle
Praise Postcard Bundle with 7 colourful designs front and back.
A fabulous way for you to say thank you to your students or for students to show appreciation to each other.
Including postcard puns. These are particularly good to give to students before they sit their exams or for students to show appreciation to each other.
With space for a personal message, these are a lovely way to show how much you appreciate someone.