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DrMeg Morinho's Shop

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Hello! Welcome to my shop. Please take a moment to browse. You’ll find high quality biology resources that are fun, engaging and pupil-led. As a teacher I've implemented the things I've always wanted in my lessons, into my resources. That is, resources of excellent quality that truly impact learning. As we know, efficiency is paramount therefore my full-lessons incorporate mark-schemes too, all ready to go! Leaving you with more time to focus on being present for your students.




Hello! Welcome to my shop. Please take a moment to browse. You’ll find high quality biology resources that are fun, engaging and pupil-led. As a teacher I've implemented the things I've always wanted in my lessons, into my resources. That is, resources of excellent quality that truly impact learning. As we know, efficiency is paramount therefore my full-lessons incorporate mark-schemes too, all ready to go! Leaving you with more time to focus on being present for your students.
GCSE biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 2 Cell Division - Lessons 1 to 4

GCSE biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 2 Cell Division - Lessons 1 to 4

This compilation of crosswords are compiled for the new GCSE specification in biology. These can be used as a plenary, a short revision task or as a starter to recap at the previous lesson. There a 4 crosswords in total. There are 3 files for each crossword: 1) the crossword and clues at the bottom of the page; 2) the crossword with the word bank included (for differentiation); 3) the crossword completed with the answers filled in. The lessons included are: 1) Cell division 2) Growth and differentiation 3) Stem cells 4) Stem cell dilemmas
GCSE biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 4 Organising animals and plants - Lessons 5-9

GCSE biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 4 Organising animals and plants - Lessons 5-9

This compilation of crosswords are for the new AQA GCSE specification in biology. These can be used as a plenary, a short revision task or as a starter to recap at the previous lesson. There a 5 crosswords in total. There are 3 files for each crossword: 1) the crossword and clues at the bottom of the page; 2) the crossword with the corresponding word bank included (for differentiation); 3) the crossword completed with the answers filled in (for self/peer assessment). The topics included are: 1) Breathing and gas exchange 2) Tissues and organs in plants 3) Transport systems in plants 4) Evaporation and transpiration 5) Factors affecting transpiration
GCSE Biology Pathogens and Disease end-of-topic test and mark scheme NEW specification

GCSE Biology Pathogens and Disease end-of-topic test and mark scheme NEW specification

GCSE biology end-of-topic test on pathogens and disease. There are a total of 45 marks available in this end of topic test that ideally suits bottom to middle set classes in GCSE biology. The topics covered in the pathogens and disease chapter include human diseases (gonorrhoea, HIV, malaria, measles and salmonella); how they are spread; how the body can protect against disease; and finally plant diseases and defences. There are some extension/challenge longer answer questions in explaining how the body seals a cut to prevent against disease and suggesting what problems may arise when using insecticides and performing some data interpretation and calculations of percentage decrease.
GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 10 The Human Nervous System Lesson 1-6

GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 10 The Human Nervous System Lesson 1-6

This compilation of crosswords are for the new AQA GCSE specification in biology. These can be used as a plenary, a short revision task or as a starter to recap at the previous lesson. There are 6 crosswords in total. There are 3 files for each crossword: 1) the crossword and clues at the bottom of the page; 2) the crossword with the corresponding word bank included (for differentiation); 3) the crossword completed with the answers filled in (for self/peer assessment). The topics included are: 1) Principles of homeostasis 2) The structure and function of the human nervous system 3) Reflex actions 4) The brain 5) The eye 6) Common problems of the eye
5.5 Preventing Infections NEW GCSE Biology specification

5.5 Preventing Infections NEW GCSE Biology specification

A complete lesson, for the NEW AQA GCSE Biology specification, with interactive pupil-led activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) How the spread of disease can be reduced or prevented. Activities: Starter - identify differences between endemic, epidemic and pandemic by interpreting graphs and maps Main Activity 1 - information cards on swine flu, cholera and ebola (integrated into PowerPoint - just print), pupils prepare a leaflet, newspaper, radio advertisement or presentation on the chosen disease. Differentiation/challenge task to explain how each preventative technique prevents the pathogen from being spread Activity 2 - video link on Semmelweis, gap fill activity (AfL), integrated answers for peer or self assessment Plenary - Multiple choice questions on Ignaz Semmelweis
5.6 Viral diseases NEW GCSE Biology specification

5.6 Viral diseases NEW GCSE Biology specification

Created for the NEW AQA GCSE Biology specification. Twenty seven slides on viral diseases including interactive microorganism quiz, differentiated Q&A (with integrated mark schemes), and various options for plenary activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Know examples of plant and animal diseases caused by viruses including measles, HIV/AIDS, and tobacco mosaic virus.
11.1 and 11.2 Principles of Hormonal Control & The Control of Blood Glucose Levels (GCSE Grade 1-9)

11.1 and 11.2 Principles of Hormonal Control & The Control of Blood Glucose Levels (GCSE Grade 1-9)

Thirty five slides of fun (two complete lessons) and interactive activities (with integrated answers) to achieve the following learning objectives: What a hormone is The main organs of the endocrine system The role of the pituitary gland The role of the pancreas in monitoring and controlling blood glucose concentration How insulin controls blood glucose levels in the body How glucagon and insulin interact to control blood glucose levels (Higher only)
11.9 Plant hormones and responses  GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology only TRIPLE SCIENCE

11.9 Plant hormones and responses GCSE (Grade 1-9) Biology only TRIPLE SCIENCE

Content is for the NEW AQA GCSE biology only (TRIPLE GCSE) specification. This GCSE Biology lesson plan/PowerPoint presentation may take up to two lessons to complete and contains all the activities and resources (in one file!) to achieve the following learning objectives: Recall that plants produce hormones to coordinate and control growth, and responses to light and gravity - watch video then answer corresponding questions (integrated answers included); information on tropisms; mini-plenary discussion activity; worksheet on plant hormones and tropisms (integrated answers included). Describe how unequal distributions of auxins cause unequal growth rates in plant shoots and roots - information on auxins; mini plenary - gap fill activity (integrated answers); worksheet as above. Required practical - the effect of light and gravity on the growth of germinating seedlings – Planning and Results sheet (integrated answers included in the PowerPoint); – Analysis and Interpretation of Results sheet (integrated answers included); information slides on how to set up the practical; an example of the expected results is modelled through use of a photograph. AfL: mini plenaries and activities throughout this lesson make it pupil-led. Answers are included for peer or self-assessment of each and every task. I have now included some of the activities as separate worksheets in pdf form so you can easily print from separate files. The mark schemes are also embedded into the PowerPoint presentation for easy peer or self-assessment by students.
GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 6 Preventing and Treating Disease

GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 6 Preventing and Treating Disease

This compilation of crosswords are for the new AQA GCSE specification in biology. These can be used as a plenary, a short revision task or as a starter to recap at the previous lesson. There are 6 crosswords in total. There are 3 files for each crossword: 1) the crossword and clues at the bottom of the page; 2) the crossword with the corresponding word bank included (for differentiation); 3) the crossword completed with the answers filled in (for self/peer assessment). The topics included are: 1) Vaccination 2) Antibiotics and painkillers 3) Discovering drugs 4) Developing drugs 5) Making monoclonal antibodies 6) Uses of monoclonal antibodies
10.1 and 10.2 Homeostasis & The structure & function of the human nervous system NEW GCSE spec.

10.1 and 10.2 Homeostasis & The structure & function of the human nervous system NEW GCSE spec.

Content is for the NEW AQA GCSE Biology specification. 35 slides of fun and engaging activities within this high quality PowerPoint presentation which contains all the resources (in one file!) for two complete lessons. To achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Why it is important to control your internal environment - set of assorted homeostasis cards where pupils take turns to discuss with their partner how their body conditions might change with respect to the images on the cards 2) The key elements of control systems - starter task to match the sense to the sense organ; complete the table: sense, sense organ, stimuli; worksheet (print slide A4 for students to complete (could be used as a potential homework dependent on timing) on homeostasis; plenary - choose the correct meaning for each of the terms. 3) Why you need a nervous system - gap fill exercise with extension task to illustrate how the nervous system detects a change and reacts to it. 4) How the structure of the nervous system is adapted to its function - starter task to sort parts of the body into sense organs, effectors, coordinators; information slides on the structure of the nervous system (CNS, peripheral nervous system). 5) How receptors enable you to respond to changes in your surroundings - information slides on how the nervous system works and the different types of neurons, AfL in gap fill and extension illustration task. 6) How Science Works - Required practical instructions, planning sheet and analysis worksheet with table to complete (print slides A4 for practical write-up), graph to plot results and follow up questions. All activities come complete with fully integrated answers in the PowerPoint for peer/self assessment.
9.3 Anaerobic respiration NEW GCSE Biology specification

9.3 Anaerobic respiration NEW GCSE Biology specification

This is a whole lesson with PowerPoint and fully integrated activities with answers to achieve the following learning objective: 1) Why less energy is transferred by anaerobic respiration than by aerobic respiration 2) What is meant by oxygen debt (Higher only) 3) That anaerobic respiration takes place in lots of different organisms, including plants, bacteria, and fungi. Activities included: Mirror message; information and discussion slides; investigating anaerobic respiration practical divided into Group A, B, C (each Group to follow a prepared method card); table to complete (differentiation); expected results and conclusions from the practical; questions to consider from the practical; plenary sentence matching task; alternative plenary crossword (with word bank for differentiation); practise exam question worksheet (potential follow-up homework); fully integrated answers to the worksheet; QWC exam practise question with integrated answers in the PowerPoint.
GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 7: Non-communicable diseases

GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 7: Non-communicable diseases

This compilation of crosswords are for the new AQA GCSE specification in biology. These can be used as a plenary, a short revision task or as a starter to recap at the previous lesson. There are 5 crosswords in total. There are 3 files for each crossword: 1) the crossword and clues at the bottom of the page; 2) the crossword with the corresponding word bank included (for differentiation); 3) the crossword completed with the answers filled in (for self/peer assessment). The topics included are: 1) Non-communicable diseases 2) Cancer 3) Smoking and the risk of disease 4) Diet, exercise, and disease 5) Alcohol and other carcinogens
GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 11: Hormonal coordination. Lessons 6-10

GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 11: Hormonal coordination. Lessons 6-10

This compilation of crosswords are for the new AQA GCSE specification in biology. These can be used as a plenary, a short revision task or as a starter to recap at the previous lesson. There are 5 crosswords in total. There are 3 files for each crossword: 1) the crossword and clues at the bottom of the page; 2) the crossword with the corresponding word bank included (for differentiation); 3) the crossword completed with the answers filled in (for self/peer assessment). The topics included are: 6) Hormones and the menstrual cycle 7) The artificial control of fertility 8) Infertility treatments 9) Plant hormones and responses 10) Using plant hormones
GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 11: Hormonal coordination. Lessons 1-5

GCSE Biology crosswords NEW specification Chapter 11: Hormonal coordination. Lessons 1-5

This compilation of crosswords are for the new AQA GCSE specification in biology. These can be used as a plenary, a short revision task or as a starter to recap at the previous lesson. There are 5 crosswords in total. There are 3 files for each crossword: 1) the crossword and clues at the bottom of the page; 2) the crossword with the corresponding word bank included (for differentiation); 3) the crossword completed with the answers filled in (for self/peer assessment). The topics included are: 1) Principles of hormonal control 2) The control of blood glucose levels 3) Treating diabetes 4) The role of negative feedback 5) Human reproduction
Populations and Sustainability: Conservation and Preservation A-level Biology

Populations and Sustainability: Conservation and Preservation A-level Biology

A-level Y13 Biology whole lesson on Conservation and Preservation of Ecosystems as part of the Populations and Sustainability topic for OCR specification. Student focused tasks are listed alongside the corresponding learning objectives: LO1 Describe the differences between conservation and preservation - Key definitions (answers provided); plenary activity of examples where students must decide whether it is an example of conservation or preservation (answers provided) LO2 Explain the reasons for conservation and preservation - Are the reasons for Conservation social, economic or ethical activity where students list examples under correct heading (answers provided); Case study activity on the Galapagos Islands where students watch a video link and list all the human activities that have impacted the islands (answers provided) LO3 Compare direct and indirect benefits of conservation - Quick recap questions touch on benefits for conserving an ecosystem and can also be used to consolidate LO1 and LO2 (answers provided). Powerpoint of activities for teacher use in the classroom complete with suggested answers / mark scheme / model answers to share with students so they can use these to compare against their own responses. Activities and Answers also provided in pdf version.
Biological membranes A-level Biology recap & revision activities exam question practice

Biological membranes A-level Biology recap & revision activities exam question practice

This resource is designed for the current OCR A-level Biology specification. It is suggested that these resources be used at the end of learning the topic on Biological Membranes where the series of different activities are designed to revise and recap the topic. This then leads to using the exam question pack which gets students recalling and applying their understanding to answer the questions. There are mark schemes for both the activity pack and the exam question pack. The mark schemes can be used for either self or peer assessment. The resources provided here will take on average an hour lesson to complete and dependent on the level of the students may take longer. Specific tasks/exam questions could then be set as a homework task to complete. It includes different activities to cover the following learning objectives: The roles of membranes within cells and at the surface of cells. The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure and the roles of its components. 3)The movement of molecules across membranes.
Populations and sustainability: What determines population size; Interactions between populations; Conservation and preservation; Sustainable management; Balancing the conflict between conservation and human needs; Controlling the effects of human activities

Populations and sustainability: What determines population size; Interactions between populations; Conservation and preservation; Sustainable management; Balancing the conflict between conservation and human needs; Controlling the effects of human activities

6 Resources
This is an entire lesson series for the Chapter: Populations and Sustainability for the NEW OCR A-level specification. There are a total of 111 PowerPoint presentation slides partitioned into individual lessons with identifiable lesson objectives. This scheme of work has been developed to engage your students through an array of different learning activities and will form the basis for the entire lesson series. It comes complete with answers to activities and questions so you don’t need to spend the time hunting for answers. It includes accurate and high quality information slides interspersed with pupil activities for the following topics within the Chapter Populations and Sustainability: What determines population size? Interactions between populations Conservation and preservation Sustainable management Balancing the conflict between conservation and human needs Controlling the effects of human activities