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DrMeg Morinho's Shop

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Hello! Welcome to my shop. Please take a moment to browse. You’ll find high quality biology resources that are fun, engaging and pupil-led. As a teacher I've implemented the things I've always wanted in my lessons, into my resources. That is, resources of excellent quality that truly impact learning. As we know, efficiency is paramount therefore my full-lessons incorporate mark-schemes too, all ready to go! Leaving you with more time to focus on being present for your students.




Hello! Welcome to my shop. Please take a moment to browse. You’ll find high quality biology resources that are fun, engaging and pupil-led. As a teacher I've implemented the things I've always wanted in my lessons, into my resources. That is, resources of excellent quality that truly impact learning. As we know, efficiency is paramount therefore my full-lessons incorporate mark-schemes too, all ready to go! Leaving you with more time to focus on being present for your students.
B2.4 Extracting DNA GCSE Biology

B2.4 Extracting DNA GCSE Biology

Lesson plan and activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Plan an investigation 2) Explain how your method will test the hypothesis 3) Explain why you have chosen your range of data or observations
Section 2. Cells. 3.5 Cell specialisation and organisation NEW Year 12 Biology specification

Section 2. Cells. 3.5 Cell specialisation and organisation NEW Year 12 Biology specification

Lesson plan with activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Describe how cells arrange into tissues, organs and organ systems - a choice from two different starter activities: Name the organ system and what are these cells and how are they specialised to perform their function; microscope slide activity to observe sections and identify the cell, organ, organ system and organism; independent learning to complete definitions; table to complete of examples; exam questions on tissues and cells in plants and animals (with mark schemes) 2) Explain how cell specialisation and differentiation occurs in a cell (link to genes) - information slides to show different epithelial cells; table to complete (answers provided in the power point); information slides and discussion points; challenge article for reading and comprehension task (Nature article for challenge.doc) 3) Discuss the advantages of cellular organisation - question set to complete (answers provided in the powerpoint); challenge article for reading and comprehension task (Nature article for challenge.doc) Finishes with a pupil self evaluation task where they reflect on their learning objectives and identify their corresponding grade.
Section 2. Cells. 3.4 Eukaryotic cells Year 12 Biology

Section 2. Cells. 3.4 Eukaryotic cells Year 12 Biology

Lesson plan and activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Describe the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells - starter: guess the organelle from a series of images that make up each syllable 2) Explain the structure and function of all the different organelles that form the eukaryotic cell ultrastructure - label ultracellular structures of an animal; table of structures and functions with core and extension questions where pupils read about one organelle then teach each other; making cells using plasticine; group essay/challenge with 10-mark QWC exam question - mark scheme included 3) Summarise the differences in ultrastructure between plant, animal, fungi and algae cells - homework task to create a table to compare the similarities and differences in the organelles and structures found in plant, animal, algae and fungi Finishes with a pupil self evaluation task where they reflect on their learning objectives and identify their corresponding grade.
Section 1. Biological molecules. 1.4 Starch, glycogen and cellulose Year 12 Biology

Section 1. Biological molecules. 1.4 Starch, glycogen and cellulose Year 12 Biology

Section 1. Biological molecules. 1.4 Starch, glycogen and cellulose Year 12 AQA Biology This lesson plan/presentation provides you with a high quality lesson that includes all the necessary activities and resources for the following learning objectives: 1) Explain how a-glucose is linked together in starch and glycogen - engaging starter WHO AM I? activity where pupils are shown images of starch, glycogen and cellulose and given clues/descriptions and they must identify each image from the clues. Clues are listed in the notes of the first slide - answers provided. 2) Compare this to the different structure in the polymer of b-glucose in cellulose - information slides are provided on starch, glycogen and cellulose - activity to complete the table by filling it in whilst being presented with the information - there are periodic checks where pupils correct their work from the answers in the powerpoint. Table is prepared for you as a hidden slide - just print! Answers provided in the powerpoint for peer or self review (AfL). Additional summary task: identify the diasaccharide/polysaccharide produced from each monosaccharide - pupils fill in the gaps. 3) Link how the structure of the different polymers are linked to their function in organisms - Exam Question sheet provided in word document. Exam questions are also provided in the powerpoint - pupils can self or peer review answers from the powerpoint. The lesson finishes with a self-evaluation where pupils can reflect on their learning objectives and identify their corresponding level.
Section 1. Biological molecules. 1.3 Carbohydrates - disaccharides and polysacchar Year 12 Biology

Section 1. Biological molecules. 1.3 Carbohydrates - disaccharides and polysacchar Year 12 Biology

Lesson plan complete with activities (e.g practise questions and exam style questions) to achieve the following objectives: 1) Describe how monosaccharide's are linked together to form disaccharides - starter: identify two disaccharides and what monomers they are made from; mono- di- poly-saccharide recap from previous lesson (1.2 Carbohydrates - monosaccharides); step-by-step visual outline of the condensation reaction; table of disaccharides to complete; condensation and hydrolysis practice questions (worksheet - hidden slide - just print!). 2) Outline how to test for non-reducing sugars & starch - discussion point and reference back to previous lesson (1.2 Carbohydrates - monosaccharides) where practical was conducted for testing reducing sugars then hydrolysis of non-reducing sugars. 3) Explain and illustrate how a-glucose is linked together to form starch in polymerisation reactions - exam style question; overview of starch, cellulose and glycogen, practise questions on amylose and amylopectin (worksheet - hidden slide - just print!). The lesson finishes with a self-evaluation where pupils can reflect on their learning objectives and identify their corresponding level.
B2.3 DNA GCSE Biology

B2.3 DNA GCSE Biology

Powerpoint prepared to the Year 11 GCSE Additional Science (Biology) specification on DNA to achieve the following objectives: 1) Define what a gene is - starter task: rearrange the order of keywords; 2) Describe the structure of DNA - cloze activity on the structure of DNA (lower and higher ability choices); activity making DNA from post-it notes; quick questions which apply understanding of the structure (answers provided in the powerpoint); extension work on the genetic code, codons; longer answer questions 3) Explain the ethical issues raised about the uses of DNA technology - exam style question with model answer (extended writing piece).
KS3 Photosynthesis - testing a leaf for starch

KS3 Photosynthesis - testing a leaf for starch

This lesson plan in presentation form is suitable for higher level groups (some activities could be omitted to suit a low ability set) to achieve the following objectives: 1) state the word equation for photosynthesis - starter: list as many words to do with photosynthesis; extension - produce a description of photosynthesis from the key words 2) explain the process of photosynthesis - gap fill exercise with word bank included (answers provided in the powerpoint); two homework ideas: ideas to support the claim "photosynthesis is essential for life", anatomy of a plant - identify where the reactants and products of photosynthesis occur in the plant. 3) use appropriate methods during practical work - method sheet included (Testing a leaf for starch Practical sheet - final.doc); practical equipment and set up explained, questions on the practical given for pupils to complete - extension questions included.
Section 1. Biological molecules. 1.2 Carbohydrates - monosaccharides Year 12 Biology

Section 1. Biological molecules. 1.2 Carbohydrates - monosaccharides Year 12 Biology

This lesson provides a powerpoint style lesson plan for introducing Carbohydrates, Monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides and the practical for testing reducing sugars (Benedict's test). It covers the following lesson objectives: Objectives: 1) Describe how carbohydrates are constructed - pupils make simple drawings of mono - one; di - two; tri - three 2) Describe the structure of monosaccharides - spot the difference activity; drawing molecular arrangements; writing chemical formula for alpha and beta glucose 3) Describe how to carry out the Benedict’s test for reducing and non-reducing sugars - the theory for the test is simply explained with diagrams; the method for the test is explained; a summary check is given in the form of a table (answers included in the powerpoint) to see that pupils can understand the colour changes from the Benedict's test; further detailed practical instructions are provided for pupils to perform the semi-quantitative test for reducing sugars using Benedict's Solution. This is accompanied by practical questions and a table for the recording of results.
Section 2. Cells. 3.2 The Electron Microscope Year 12 Biology

Section 2. Cells. 3.2 The Electron Microscope Year 12 Biology

Section 2. Cells. 3.2 The Electron Microscope Year 12 AQA Biology This lesson plan/presentation provides you with a high quality lesson that includes all the necessary activities and resources for the following learning objectives: 1) Explain how electron microscopes work - engaging starter activity where pupils are shown a series of images and they must decide if each image is taken using a light or electron microscope. Extension is to identify what the micrograph is - answers provided in the presentation. 2) Explain the differences between a transmission electron microscope and a scanning electron microscope - information slides are provided on the early microscopes of Leeuwenhoek and Hooke and what are compound microscopes - activity to label the Compound microscope - the labelling diagram is prepared for you as a hidden slide - just print! Answers provided in the powerpoint for peer or self review (AfL). 3) Describe the limitation of the transmission and the scanning electron microscopes - pupils are given an information sheets spread around the room on the compound microscope, transmission and scanning electron microscopes (hidden slides - just print!) and hunt the answers to complete their table on comparing each type of microscope. Answers provided in presentation. The lesson finishes with a self-evaluation where pupils can reflect on their learning objectives and identify their corresponding level.
Section 2. Cells. 3.1 Methods of Studying cells Year 12 Biology

Section 2. Cells. 3.1 Methods of Studying cells Year 12 Biology

Edited resource August 2020. This lesson plan/presentation provides you with a high quality lesson that includes all the necessary activities for the following learning objectives: Explain the principles of magnification and resolution - engaging starter video on the orders of magnitude, where pupils write down as many of the units of measurement as they can - answers provided in the presentation. Pupils then copy and complete a table where they familiarise themselves with units and conversions. Finally there is a magnification worksheet (Magnification sheet.pdf) and answers are provided in the presentation. Describe what cell fractionation is - pupils complete a reading (AQA A level textbook p.59) and summarising task, sharing their summaries with the rest of the class. There are further questions (p.60) however these could be substituted with your own questions if you are using a different textbook and an extension activity. Explain how ultracentrifugation works - pupils are given an information sheet/worksheet (hidden slide - just print!) on the process of ultracentrifugation. They use the options given in the powerpoint to label the diagram. Answers provided in the presentation.
B2.2 Inside bacteria Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology

B2.2 Inside bacteria Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology

B2.2 Inside bacteria Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology This lesson includes a powerpoint with activities to deliver the following learning objectives: 1) Describe the function of components a bacterial cell including chromosomal DNA, plasmid DNA, flagella and cell wall 2) Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in microscope technology have enabled us to see cells with more clarity and detail than in the past, including simple magnification calculations Activity list 1) An illustrative starter activity to label a microscope - the worksheet for this is included in the powerpoint as a hidden slide - just print! Choose whether you will include the word bank or not. 2) Magnification calculation exercise (table 1 in powerpoint) using objective and eyepiece lens magnifications 3) Calculations of the magnification of specimens under the microscope - differentiated task with more difficult calculations using different units that must be converted. 4) Series of questions with extension question included. All answers to questions provided in the powerpoint. All questions are also provided in the worksheet with space for pupils to write answers - just print! (B2.2 Inside Bacteria ws.doc) 5) Cloze activity (provided in the powerpoint) to explain the importance of the electron microscope.
B2.1 Plant and animal cells Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology

B2.1 Plant and animal cells Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology

B2.1 Plant and animal cells Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology This lesson includes a powerpoint with activities to deliver the following learning objectives: 1) Describe the function of components of plant and animal cells 2) Describe how cells can be studied in detail using the light microscope Activity list 1) An illustrative starter activity in labelling a plant and animal cell - the worksheet for this is included in the powerpoint as a hidden slide - just print! Choose whether you will include the word bank or not. 2) Cloze activity (word.doc) to describe the functions of components of each cell and included in the powerpoint for easy planning. 3) Who am I? Oral activity for pupils to practise what they have learnt before writing. 4) Series of questions with extension included. All answers to questions provided in the powerpoint. 5) Practise Exam style questions can be completed in class and peer reviewed or completed as a homework task.
B2 Cell Division recap/revision GCSE biology

B2 Cell Division recap/revision GCSE biology

This is one to two lessons on Cell Division and Differentiation with a range of engaging activities. The learning objectives are: To describe how cells divide by mitosis - quick starter to refresh ideas on the terms: DNA, gene, chromosome, base pair, nucleus and cell (place words in the correct order from smallest to biggest); pupils make a mitosis flicker card book (template included); order the stages of mitosis. To compare cell differentiation in animals and plants - Multiple choice Quiz activity where pupils can hold up A/B/C/D cards to show their answers. To explain how stem cells can be used in therapeutic treatment - Video on stem cells with question sheet that links directly to the video for pupils to complete whilst they watch.
B1 Cell Structure and Transport recap/revision for GCSE biologists

B1 Cell Structure and Transport recap/revision for GCSE biologists

This resource is a recap of the content in the Cell Structure and Transport lesson series prepared to the new AQA biology specification. It suits a year 10 group that has already covered some of this material previously at Year 9 or it could be used as a revision lesson(s) for a Year 11 group. It includes extension materials with extra and harder questions for those pupils that finish early. It has a variety of tasks: a multiple choice quiz; a gap fill exercise; converting units exercise; magnification and image size calculation activity; true or false type exercise (light or electron microscope); surface area to volume ratio calculation activity; choose the correct word to describe how alveoli are adapted for exchanging materials. The activities are fully incorporated into the powerpoint so there is not tonnes of photocopying (apart from one worksheet).
Biological properties of water (OCR AS)

Biological properties of water (OCR AS)

Lesson on Biological Properties of Water (OCR AS). Activity for pupils to link the characteristics of water to each image in the pupil handout. Pupils can discuss in pairs or small groups the properties and how they link to each image. Their ideas can then be shared with the class as you move through the description and explanation of each property of water. Differentiation incorporated through pupils using multiple characteristics for each image and giving pupils opportunity to explain these characteristics to their partners. Learning objectives: Describe how hydrogen bonding occurs between water molecules; Relate this, and other properties of water, to the roles of water in living organisms. Properties of water.ppt Properties of water activity.pdf
2016 OCR AS biology crosswords: Exchange & Transport, Natural Selection & Evol'n, Transport in Plant

2016 OCR AS biology crosswords: Exchange & Transport, Natural Selection & Evol'n, Transport in Plant

2016 OCR AS biology specification. Crosswords and companion answer sheets. These can be used as a starter, plenary or revision activity. Each crossword is designed to incorporate all key words on each topic. There is a crossword for each of the topics: exchange & transport; natural selection & evolution; transport in plants. A great group activity is to print the crosswords in A3 format, with the grid and clues separate/side-by-side, and have groups of 3/4 AS level pupils competing against each other to complete it.