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KS2 - KS3 - KS4 - KS5 French KS2 - KS3 - KS4 Spanish




KS2 - KS3 - KS4 - KS5 French KS2 - KS3 - KS4 Spanish
French daily routine - Ma journée

French daily routine - Ma journée

KS2 - KS3 French Daily routine Titre : Ma journée Les objectives: Some will be able to write a paragraph about their daily routine using time, adverbs and connectives Most will be able to describe their daily routine using time All will be able to write simple sentences describing their daily routine
French display tube map

French display tube map

Resources to create a tube map of French words: prepositions, negatives, connectives, comparatives and conjunctions.
Television - To give opinions on TV programmes

Television - To give opinions on TV programmes

KS3 French Television Lesson vocabulary introduction and use of opinion L’objectif : give opinions on TV programmes Outcomes: All must be able to say different type of TV programmes Most should be able to give opinions on TV programmes Some could be able to give justified opinions on TV programmes.
List of questions for GCSE French Speaking exam General conversation

List of questions for GCSE French Speaking exam General conversation

List of questions for GCSE French Speaking exam General conversation Theme 1: Identity and culture • Qui suis-je ? • Le temps des loisirs • Jours ordinaires, jours de fête Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest • De la ville à la campagne • Le grand large • Un oeil sur le monde Theme 3: Current and future study and employment • Au collège • Bon travail !
Studio 2 Vert Module 2 Paris, je t’adore ! Unit 1 Paris touristique

Studio 2 Vert Module 2 Paris, je t’adore ! Unit 1 Paris touristique

KS3 French Studio 2 Vert Module 2 Paris, je t’adore ! Unit 1 Paris touristique Paris, je t’adore ! L’objectif : Saying what you can do in Paris Outcomes: All must be able to understand activities you can do in Paris Most should be able to do a quiz on Paris Some could be able to write suggestions on what you can do in a town
KS2 - KS3 Spanish ¿ Cuál es tu nacionalidad ? - What is your nationality?

KS2 - KS3 Spanish ¿ Cuál es tu nacionalidad ? - What is your nationality?

KS2 - KS3 Spanish ¿ Cuál es tu nacionalidad ? - What is your nationality? Vocabulary introduction Objectivo : To name nationalities and countries in the world Outcomes: All must be able to say their nationality Most should be able to say at least three nationalities in both gender. Some could be able to say and write at least six nationalities in both gender
French After Christmas. Les cadeaux de Noël

French After Christmas. Les cadeaux de Noël

KS3 French After Christmas Titre : les cadeaux de Noël Les objectifs: Some will be able to say what they offered for Christmas, what they got and if they like it Most will be able to say what they offered for Christmas and what they got All will be able to say what they got for Christmas
KS3 Spanish - ¿ Dónde vives ? To say where you live

KS3 Spanish - ¿ Dónde vives ? To say where you live

KS3 Spanish - ¿ Dónde vives ? Lesson Consolidation Objectivo : To say where you live Outcomes: All must be able to describe their home Most should be able to describe their home and say where it is Some could be able to say where they live and what surrounding
KS3 Spanish - ¿ Dónde vives ?

KS3 Spanish - ¿ Dónde vives ?

KS3 Spanish - ¿ Dónde vives ? Lesson introduction vocabulary Objectivo : To say what your town is like and what is surrounding Outcomes: All must be able to use the correct form of vivir Most should be able to say where they live Some could be able to say where they live and what surrounding