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Miss Baxter's Shop

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Currently teaching German KS3 and 4. Following the Cambridge IGCSE,




Currently teaching German KS3 and 4. Following the Cambridge IGCSE,
Miss BaxterMiss Baxter


Introductory PowerPoint to environmental problems and what we could/ should do. Abholzung, Lufteverschmutschmutzung; man sollte....
imperfect introduction
Miss BaxterMiss Baxter

imperfect introduction

I showed pupils basic verbs and they paired meaings then a short passage in the imperfect to translate- I got the idea from the Sootie imperfect presentation on tes - thank you :) then students worked through teh sheet in between explanations- most found it simple enough- it is not exciting but I hope it is useful to someone
writing assessment AQA mark scheme
Miss BaxterMiss Baxter

writing assessment AQA mark scheme

I gave the students the communication descriptors cut up and range/ accuracy to highlight they did the activities on the slides to help them understand and we discussed as we went through. they then did a spiderdigramm to write up. I felt it helped. I have done similar for speaking if interested.
Christiane PEE essay plan
Miss BaxterMiss Baxter

Christiane PEE essay plan

Thanks to all who have shared their PEE resources for Goodbye Lenin. Here is a gris to help with planning of the essay: • Wie entwickelt sich einer der Charaktere (Christiane) im Verlauf des Filmes, den Sie studiert haben. Wie wichtig ist die Entwicklung dieses Charakteres im Film?
Urlaub Fotos
Miss BaxterMiss Baxter

Urlaub Fotos

Pictures of holiday destinations to practise having the verb as second idea. In den Bergen kann man; auf dem Land..
Relative pronouns intro
Miss BaxterMiss Baxter

Relative pronouns intro

A short introduction to / recap of relative pronouns with link to a website to practice eg Relative pronouns have to be used in German Der Apfel, den ich gegessen habe, war rot.
Clothes table
Miss BaxterMiss Baxter

Clothes table

A quick activity to practise categorizing clothes after introduction and show adjective endings.
word order starter
Miss BaxterMiss Baxter

word order starter

pupils rearrange two sentences to practise having the auxiliary as second idea. Eg ich habe...getrunken dann habe ich...gegessen.