A pick up and teach lesson bundle containing input and fluency work before going onto an investigation arrange decimal numbers on a pyramid to get the biggest total on top.
A whole lesson pack that could be extended over several lessons, includes whole input, worksheets and task cards that could be explored in further detail
An introduction to adding 4 digit numbers, linking to varied methods of understanding and recording, include whole lesson Notebook and worksheets and investigation in PDF and fully editable format.
A second session involving adding two digit numbers, can be a follow up to the measuring task or stand alone. Children combine sticks and flint and work out the length by adding, how many combinations can they find? Contains 4 levels of differentiated activities.
Lovely practical task that involves measuring flint and then adding the length of flint and sticks to make spears for Stig, with printable flint for the children to measure.
A problem solving session with 17 page Notebook and 4 task/ worksheets. Can be edited to make more challenging/ simpler. Worksheets in PDF but also included in editable form in Notebook..
A lovely investigation that looks at different amounts that could be made using combinations of 5p and 6p. Good opportunity to look at recording with brackets and negative numbers, e.g.( 5-6)+ (5+5) = 9p
A large selection of tasks to challenge more able in Year 2. Reasoning and problem solving based, across many aspects of maths, over 20 tasks that can be adapted.
Whiteboard tasks cards as well as printable sets that would be ideal for growing green comments for more able children. Good evidencing for greater depth. 23 tasks
A pick up and teach lesson pack to introduce and teach about using place value counters to teach multiplication, contains pdf worksheets that are also editable in the Notebook file.