An extensive bundle of teaching resources and children’s tasks to support teaching equivalent fractions- covers bar model, multiplication, equivalent fraction webs and missing numerators/ denominators. Enough resources to cover 2/3 lessons.
A complete lesson pack to support reasoning within the context of algebra. Comes with teaching presentations that could be used over more than one lesson, and editable pupil tasks.
Complete lesson pack designed to help recall equivalent fractions decimals and percentages by completing mixed addition pyramids. Comes with teaching presentation (in both Smart and Promeatheam format) and pupil tasks.
Complete lesson bundle in which children generate a fraction dice, and then use bar models to find equivalent fractions. Comes with several tasks as well as challenges, and complete lesson presentations.
Complete lesson pack, editable in Smart, and also in Power Point, comes with teaching slides and varied tasks that cover fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
A selection of lessons for introducing and practising Roman Numerals. Contains several whole lesson flipcharts and children's tasks that allow the children to improve their fluency with recalling roman numerals. All activities are easily adapted to simplify or extend as required.
Complete lesson pack exploring adding 100s, 10s and 1s to 3 digit numbers using place value counters to support crossing boundaries. Contains editable worksheets that can be adapted to your class if required. Complete pick up and teach resource.
A large selection of teaching tasks to introduce counting in £ and in £ and p to Year 2. Contains extensive children's tasks linked to flipcharts. In line with the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning
Contains flipcharts and children's activities for 2 quick paced lessons or could be extended over 3-4 lessons. A comprehensive pack that follows the White Rose Schemes of Learning for Year 2
A very visual introduction to equivalent fractions using the bar model, includes one children's task. A 15 page notebook that can be picked up and taught.