A collection of lesson packs linked to summer term blocks 1 and 2. Completely resources with teaching presentations and various pupil tasks. Worth nearly £40 separately.
A complete lesson pack focussing on using the expanded column method, and investigation calculations that can be made using digit cards. An excellent stepping stone before using the column method.
A lovely set of investigations linked to the Year3 Multiplication objectives. Contains several questions to explore and a scaffolded investigation that requires children to apply multiplication skills.
A nice bank of activities to support reasoning in the context on money, with Notebook/ Flipchart examples and pupil task cards. Enough material to extend over multiple lessons.
A clear, practical and visual way to teach missing number problems, comes with all the resources you will need to deliver the lesson, including pupil tasks (the children will need access to multi link/ any cubes to complete these).
A complete lesson pack to support reasoning within the context of algebra. Comes with teaching presentations that could be used over more than one lesson, and editable pupil tasks.