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Miss Top's_MFL Shop

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Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!




Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!
European Day of Languages Assembly

European Day of Languages Assembly

A 15-minute assembly designed for Yr9s to celebrate Languages for European Day of Languages (26th September), including Careers and Benefit of Languages. As my school is a church of England school, you will aslo find a reflection and a prayer at the end. You will find A first slide with an animation of 36 translation of “European Foreign Languages”, looping as the students come in. Stops when you go the next slide. Quick hand up quiz about number of countries / languages Raise awarness that languages gravitates around us and that we deal with more languages that we realised (mothertongue, fluent, learning, know words of, would like to learn, like the sound of…) Introduction of Language ID as a whole school Initiative Why EDL? Objectives of the day Careers in languages Introduction of MFL club with Secret agent Language handbook (from EDL resources website https://edl.ecml.at/) Benefits of a language (on the brain and salary - hand up quiz) Reflection and prayer.
Theme 5 French _ What makes you tick (ce qui vs ce que) Mod 8 (Higher)

Theme 5 French _ What makes you tick (ce qui vs ce que) Mod 8 (Higher)

Lesson covering what makes student “tick”, what subject matters to them (family, friends, studies, health…) as well as the grammar point ce qui vs ce que as a translation for “what”. A two hour lesson. Lesson 1: introduction of the vocabulary with an unjumbling exercise (translation to unjumble), followed by a study of possible justification of what matters through them with a sentence builder and finishing with a listening exercise. Lesson 2: starts with how to manipulate the sentences “ce qui est important pour moi c’est…” and “ce qui m’inquiète c’est…”, using their own knowledge, by respectively changing the adjective and the verb. Follows on a “turn and talk” activity where students share their manipulated sentence with their partner then follow on with sharing their partner’s sentence to the class ("ce qui est important pour lui/elle…). Follows a study of the grammar point ce qui vs ce que that leads to a complex translation into French.
European Day of Languages A Treasure Hunt

European Day of Languages A Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt using resources from the EDL website https://edl.ecml.at/ (included) Version with and without QR codes. Students answer questions to find out secret codes and win prizes ! Included: “How To” powerpoint with progression, how to use and create your own QR codes (if you wish to use them) + variations if you don’t have the equipment. “How To” powerpoint on Interacty (free website I used to create this Treasure Hunt). Answer sheets with all the riddles + answers Students sheets “Long words” posters to display (not charged extra) Posters from EDL website broken down to display bigger (free resources - not charged extra)
European Day of Languages Assembly + Language ID

European Day of Languages Assembly + Language ID

2 Resources
Assembly to celebrate European Day of Languages 2023, with the launch of a whole school initiative through the creation of a “Language ID”. A language ID for students to fill in that includes: Their mother Tongue Language they are fluent in Language they speak well Language they understand well Language they are learning Language they know words of Language they hear a lot Language they would like to learn Language they like the sound of The assembly includes: A first slide with an animation of 36 translation of “European Foreign Languages”, looping as the students come in. Stops when you go the next slide. Quick hand up quiz about number of countries / languages Raise awarness that languages gravitates around us and that we deal with more languages that we realised (mothertongue, fluent, learning, know words of, would like to learn, like the sound of…) Introduction of Language ID as a whole school Initiative Why EDL? Objectives of the day Careers in languages Introduction of MFL club with Secret agent Language handbook (from EDL resources website https://edl.ecml.at/) Benefits of a language (on the brain and salary - hand up quiz) Reflection and prayer.
Theme 1 French _ C'est de famille _ Reflexive verbs

Theme 1 French _ C'est de famille _ Reflexive verbs

Aimed at Yr9s 3 lesson of 50 min / 1 hour each practicing vocabulary about getting along with family members and justifiying why. Leads up to a writing task. Lesson 1: revision / practice of expressions such as I get along well with, I quarrel with… Lesson 2: Reflexive ER verbs conjugation in the present tense + Revision of adjectives as justification of how well people get along Lesson 3: Translation exercise of a written model to lead to a writing task.
Theme 4 French_Future plans (Simple future) (Foundation)

Theme 4 French_Future plans (Simple future) (Foundation)

Lesson on future plans, designed for a lower set Yr11. Lesson of 1 hour: Starts with vocab presentation through a listening. Then a reading to find the synonyms through sentences, and widen their vocabulary through practice of the new vocab. Recap of simple future. Practice of simple future through model sentences and mini whiteboards. Leads to a writing using sequencers.
French Edexcel_Introduction to Role Play

French Edexcel_Introduction to Role Play

Two lessons of 50 min / an hour each Lesson 1: revision of question word + questions that will be used to prepare the Role play (from lesson On se retrouve où?) Lesson 2: introduction of Speaking exam + what a Role play looks like + practice of a role play. Edit: 12/02/2024 Lesson two now contains a peer-assessment grid, including pronunciation and flow (useful to train for the picture task and conversation).
French Listening and Reading strategies Theme 1

French Listening and Reading strategies Theme 1

Two lessons of over an hour each to see / revise listening and reading strategies. Vocab and exercises used from Theme 1 Family and relationships. Lesson 1: Listening strategies, model + independent practice. Lesson 2: Reading strategies, model + independent practice.
French GCSE Conversation booklet (Speaking) Edexcel

French GCSE Conversation booklet (Speaking) Edexcel

Free preview available ! (Link at the end of the description). Concept of the booklet: The concept of this Conversation booklet is straightforward - Simple questions, Complex answers. The aim of this speaking booklet is to enhance students’ results by removing (as much as possible) the first layer of difficulty when it comes to the conversation task: understanding the question. To do this, the 9 questions per theme follow the pattern below: Parle-moi de…  present tense (x2) Qu’est-ce que tu penses de…  Opinion (x3) ____ dernier/dernière, …  past tense (x2) _____ prochain / prochaine,…  future tense (x2) Opinion questions: you can also ask them a closed question always starting with « tu aimes…? » and coach them to develop their answers. Eg: « tu aimes le foot? » rather than «Qu’est-ce que tu penses du foot? » The booklet also contains: Presentation of the conversation task (what, timings, themes and topics) Presentation of the top band markscheme for Higher and Foundation. Language elements to meet each requirement of the markscheme. One minute presentation: writing frame (designed by a colleague of mine) for Higher and Foundation + space to write. 5 themes that each includes: –> A list of what is included in the theme –> Model answers (WAGOLL), divided in “Grade 3”, “Grade 4/5”, “Grade 6+”, translated and with a paragraph explaining why it’s a good answer against the markscheme. This is being done for a question asking for present tense, for an opinion, for past tenses and for future tenses, for each theme (a total of 20 models analysed against the mark scheme). –> 9 questions as detailed above –> Elements to stretch their answers. Click here for a free preview document
Speaking prep_ Edexcel (Role Play, Picture, Conversation)

Speaking prep_ Edexcel (Role Play, Picture, Conversation)

3 Resources
This Bundle regroups a conversation booklet, an introduction to the Role Play (2 hour lesson) and an introduction to the Picture Card (4 hour lesson). Both lessons include an introduction of the exam, a look at a RP/PC question, writing answers with teacher modelling and peer assessment. Both include a peer-assessment grid based from an interpretation of the Edexcel mark scheme (H/F). The conversation booklet is based on 9 simple questions per theme, removing the barrier of understanding complex question, and focusing on how to develop and stretch answers. Contains a detailed example (put against the markscheme) of a question about opinion, a present tense question, a past tense question and a future tense question per theme (translated and analysed). Check out the FREE PREVIEW of Conversation booklet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12932275
French Theme 1 H/F - Edexcel past papers

French Theme 1 H/F - Edexcel past papers

All the theme 1 exercises in the following skills: Listening, Reading and Writing. From Edexcel past papers from 2018 to 2023 (included). Included: transcript and answers. Included: in the note under the side, you will see the year of the paper (that way you can plan around the papers you are going to use for MOCKs).
French GCSE Conversation booklet (Speaking) FREE PREVIEW

French GCSE Conversation booklet (Speaking) FREE PREVIEW

Concept of the booklet: The concept of this Conversation booklet (Edexcel) is straightforward - Simple questions, Complex answers. The aim of this speaking booklet is to enhance students’ results by removing (as much as possible) the first layer of difficulty when it comes to the conversation task: understanding the question. To do this, the 9 questions per theme follow the pattern below: Parle-moi de… present tense (x2) Qu’est-ce que tu penses de… Opinion (x3) ___ dernier/dernière, … past tense (x2) _____ prochain / prochaine,… future tense (x2) Opinion questions: you can also ask them a closed question always starting with « tu aimes…? » and coach them to develop their answers. Eg: « tu aimes le foot? » rather than «Qu’est-ce que tu penses du foot? » The booklet also contains: Presentation of the conversation task (what, timings, themes and topics) Presentation of the top band markscheme for Higher and Foundation. Language elements to meet each requirement of the markscheme. One minute presentation: writing frame (designed by a colleague of mine) for Higher and Foundation + space to write. 5 themes that each includes: –> A list of what is included in the theme –> Model answers (WAGOLL), divided in “Grade 3”, “Grade 4/5”, “Grade 6+”, translated and with a paragraph explaining why it’s a good answer against the markscheme. This is being done for a question asking for present tense, for an opinion, for past tenses and for future tenses, for each theme (a total of 20 models analysed against the mark scheme). –> 9 questions as detailed above –> Elements to stretch their answers. Click here for full conversation booklet
Theme 4 French_Part time jobs / Mon petit boulot (Foundation)

Theme 4 French_Part time jobs / Mon petit boulot (Foundation)

A one hour lesson covering the vocabulary of part time jobs and chores, as well as earnings. Aimed at a lower set of Yr11s. Starter: picture description (theme 4). Language presentation: match up the French and the image with the help of the infinitive verbs given to the students for each picture (extension: conjugate each action in the perfect tense). Practice through a past paper listening (Theme 4 - 2021). Reading to expose to more complex material. Listening based on the reading just done and adding earnings. Translation from a past paper (Theme 4 - 2021).
French GCSE Past papers - per theme (Edexcel)

French GCSE Past papers - per theme (Edexcel)

Listening, Reading and Writing exercises from Edexcel past papers from 2018 to 2023 (included) sorted per theme. Included: transcript and answers. Included: in the note under the side, you will see the year of the paper (that way you can plan around the papers you are going to use for MOCKs).
Theme 4 French_Jobs (Foundation)

Theme 4 French_Jobs (Foundation)

Aimed at Yr11 Foundation sets covering jobs and how to say what you would like to be. The activities are differentiated. 2 lessons of 1 hour each. Lesson 1: Starts with conjugation of travailler in all tenses, with “je”, “on” and “ils” line. Then reading to cover the vocabulary of jobs and what each person does “policier - j’arrête les criminels”. Grammar: feminine and masculine of jobs. Lesson 2: Starter contains past paper questions revising Theme 1. The lesson covers qualities for each job (travailleur/euse, courageux/euse) and the type of job (varied, manuel, with good prospects…) with a sentence builder and a writing/speaking activity. Reading activity introduces higher sentence starters (my dream job would be, I don’t know what to do when I’m older but,…). Leads up to a writing. Check up my other resources if you like this one !
Introduction to the picture card task (GCSE Edexcel)

Introduction to the picture card task (GCSE Edexcel)

Lesson aimed at a mixed ability group of Year 10s (mainly middle and higher attainers with some low attainers). It covers a writing frame and strategies to describe a picture, looks at the markscheme (original + simplified version) and ends on a peer assessed speaking activity. Based on a past paper. Included is a pack to print and give out to students with the writing frame and useful vocab. A three to four hour lesson (heavily based on modeling and “I do, we do, you do” model). Lesson 1: Introduction of the picture description with a description to correct (using the vocab from the pack). Based on the study of this model, students write their own description of another picture. Lesson 2: Study of the bullet points (translation + match the sentence that would answer each bullet points - with odd ones out). Study of the original markscheme and introduction of a simplified one for the students to use. Lesson 3: Marking of the answers from the previous activity based on the simplified mark scheme. Modeling (you can write your own using the thinking aloud technique then reveal the answers written already or go straight to the answers already written). Once the model for each question has been studied / discussed, only the sentence starters remain on the board. Students write their own answer. 5 to 7 minutes to learn them in silence (could be done in a new lesson or as homework). ** Lesson 4:** Students re write their answers on a new piece of paper (with or without sentence starters). They are allowed two questions per student, materialised by joker cards on their worksheet (you cross the card once they have asked you their question). Presentation of the peer assessed activity (looking at a teacher picture card task and prompting). Peer assessment using the simplified mark scheme.
Ma maison (+pièces) - My house (+ rooms) - BAGS Adjectives

Ma maison (+pièces) - My house (+ rooms) - BAGS Adjectives

This lesson is aimed at a higher set of Yr7 students, introducing the different types of houses (with BAGS adjectives - the adjectives that comes before the noun in French), then looking at rooms in the house. This lesson has been made with the New GCSE in mind (Edexcel). The lesson contains differentiated worksheets. This is a three hour lesson. Lesson 1: use of a Sentence Builder to practice sentence structures but also to practice liaison and pronunciation. Study of BAGS adjectives and review of adjective agreements. Lesson 2: looking at rooms in the house (with floors). SB to support independent practice. Study of a text around, first, the correct use of le/la/les then looking at the meaning through comprehension questions and replacing rooms on a drawing. Leads to a writing. Lesson 3: recap of rooms. Didactisation of a video (FLE) of one teenager taking another friend on a tour of her flat. Prediction activities and comprehension questions to support completion and success in this activity.
French Theme 5 H/F - Edexcel past papers

French Theme 5 H/F - Edexcel past papers

All the theme 5 exercises in the following skills: Listening, Reading and Writing. From Edexcel past papers from 2018 to 2023 (included). Included: transcript and answers. Included: in the note under the side, you will see the year of the paper (that way you can plan around the papers you are going to use for MOCKs).
Yr8_Music_¿Qué tipo de música te gusta?

Yr8_Music_¿Qué tipo de música te gusta?

Lesson aimed for a set 2 Year 8 and differentiated for a set 5. Objective: give your opinion about different music genres and justify it. This lesson contains activities designed by a colleague that I have used and adapted in my lesson. Lesson 1: Revision of basic opinion in Spanish + introduction of music genres in Spanish (activities from a colleague adapted) Lesson 2: Practice of opinion + music genre in differentiated readings (mix of my resources and my colleague’s). Lesson 3: Writing with a writing frame (differentiated, pushing set 2 a lot further) whilst listening to music (Spanish / French / English). (My resources, except Plenary).