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Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!




Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!
French Theme 1 - TV shows (comparatives)

French Theme 1 - TV shows (comparatives)

A lesson aimed at a Yr9 class, recaping TV shows and adding comparatives. Lesson 1: Recap of TV shows (focus on gender) Study of the comparative burger Practice of comparison with scaffolded activities (sentence puzzle to guide, then translation,…). Lesson 2: Introduction and practice of some new vocab to justify their opinion. Je ne rate jamais J’apprends beaucoup J’aime bien l’animateur Mon émission préférée c’est… Les acteurs sont très doués Le scénario est passionnant Je regarde cette série en streaming Regarder la télé en direct Lesson 3: Practice of Lesson 1 and 2 together, leading to the exit ticket.
French Theme 4 - Work Experience (Higher - Imperfect + vs perfect tense)

French Theme 4 - Work Experience (Higher - Imperfect + vs perfect tense)

Lesson covering the vocabulary of tasks done during Work Experience, and opinion using “c’était”, as well as the imperfect tense and its difference in use with the perfect tense (passé composé). Aimed at a higher set of Yr11s. Two-hour lesson (with the potential of being a 3 hour lesson). Lesson 1 (can be split in two): l’imparfait - language presentation independent practice to drill the method (scaffolded with the students being asked to write down the steps to find the stem, then write the verb in the first person singular in the imperfect tense). Whole class practice with MWB (scaffolding removed) Language presentation - imparfait vs passé composé Independent practice - study of scenarios in English and decide whether you would use imperfect or passé composé to talk about them in French. Writing - list of verb, roll a die to choose one, roll a die to choose a scenario (sentence starters given) and student have to make a sentence joining the two. Lesson 2: Starter: picture description Reading: match up the places of work experience with the activities (sentences mixing imperfect tense and perfect tense). Listening: fill in a table with places of work experience, tasks + opinion (added). Writing: write your own report of your work experience (using imperfect + perfect tense).
French Theme 1 - Hobbies in the past

French Theme 1 - Hobbies in the past

Lesson aimed to a class of Yr9s revising the perfect tense / passé composé. A two-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Revision of how to do the passé composé with avoir (with all 3 groups). Lesson 2: Study and production of the passé composé in context, adding opinions. Leading to a writing.
French Theme 2 - Countries, transports & accommodation (F&H)

French Theme 2 - Countries, transports & accommodation (F&H)

2 Resources
Bundle gathering the Foundation and Higher lesson, aimed at Yr10s, covering vocabulary of holiday travels with countries, transports and accommodation. Grammar: both cover “en”, “au”, “aux” before countries. Foundation: recap of the negative sentence with a focus on word order & present tense of “aller”. Higher: focus on the conditional, reflexive verbs to talk about routine, then reflexive verbs in the conditional (extension, the option of only recapping the present tense of reflexive verbs is also available).
French Theme 2 - Countries, transports & conditional (Higher)

French Theme 2 - Countries, transports & conditional (Higher)

Lesson aimed to a Year 10 class for higher students, covering countries, preposition “en”, “au” and “aux”. A 6 hour lesson: Lesson 1: Countries + work on the correct preposition. Lesson 2: Transports + accomodation Lesson 3: Conditionnal + practice with set phrases “je voyagerais”, “je resterais” Lesson 4: Holidays routine (present tense) + adding conditional Lesson 5: Conditional practice with model phrases Lesson 6: More practice of the conditional and reflexive verbs
French Theme 2 - Countries, transports & conditional (Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Countries, transports & conditional (Foundation)

Lesson aimed at a lower Yr11 set covering the vocabulary of countries, transports and accommodation, in the present tense (See Higher / Bundle for the same lesson with conditional verbs and explicit teaching of the conditional). A two-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Re teach of the negative sentences that goes into depth in terms of word order. Studies of countries at word level Studies of countries at sentence level (with the correct preposition). Revision of the verb to go in the present tense. Lesson 2: Adding vocabulary for accommodation and transports + practice with a guided writing. More practice through listening and final practice with a writing (a writing frame included for certain students if needed)
French Theme 2 - Hotel booking (Higher) + nous vs on

French Theme 2 - Hotel booking (Higher) + nous vs on

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary needed to book a hotel room (included showers, single/double bed, etc…) and covering the grammar point of nous vs on (useful for the 28 mark formal essay). A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Covering vocabulary of hotel rooms and introducing sentences with “nous” and “on”, as well as “avec” and “sans”. Lesson 2: Practicing the verb loger in several tenses and practicing the vocab seen in Lesson 1 with a reading talking about several hotels. Adding other vocab such as “petit-déjeuner inclus” “nos chambres modernes vous attendent” (seen as chunks). Lesson 3: Focus on “on” vs “nous” in the present tense (verb endings) Lesson 4: Study of a listening (conversation to book a room) followed by a speaking based on the questions of the listening. Students are given a card with information in English about the room they want to book and are asked to play out the role play.
French Theme 2 - Hotel booking (Foundation) + nous vs on

French Theme 2 - Hotel booking (Foundation) + nous vs on

Lesson aimed at a lower set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary needed to book a hotel room (included showers, single/double bed, etc…) and covering the grammar point of nous vs on (useful for the 28 mark formal essay). A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Covering vocabulary of hotel rooms, and use of several games to enhance memory, before introducing sentences with “nous” and “on”, as well as “avec” and “sans”. Lesson 2: Practicing the vocab seen in Lesson 1 with a reading talking about several hotels. Introducing the grammar point of “on” vs “nous”. Lesson 3: Study of a listening (conversation to book a room) to pre empt questions used in a made up role play. Lesson 4: Students are given a card with information in English about the room they want to book and are asked to play out the role play.
French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Higher)

French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Higher)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary of transports, leading to a role play on booking your own train ticket and giving your opinion on which means of transport you would rather travel in, using comparatives. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Starts with chunks of sentences to do with transports (plane, car, train) such as “quai”, “guichet”, “aéroport” then revises the sentence structure “il faut + inf” (eg il faut montrer son passeport à la douane". Study of a challenging gap fill listening / reading through 4 activities exploring listening and reading strategies. Lesson 2: Study of questions of a ticket booking, model through a listening. Leads to a role play where each student has a different train ticket that they want to buy with different information on them (destination, time, platform number, single / return, etc…). Lesson 3: Study of 12 sentences with different tenses and the verb “voyager”. Recap of the comparative structure. Lesson 4: Recap of comparative and adding justifications as to why one transport has their preference over another. Leads to a guided writing.
French Theme 2 - Hotel booking + nous vs on (F&H)

French Theme 2 - Hotel booking + nous vs on (F&H)

2 Resources
Lessons aimed at Yr11 students covering the vocabulary of hotel furniture and hotel booking. Both lessons include a grammar point on “on” vs “nous” and lead to a role play (made up but following GCSE format). Foundation has a bigger focus on activities to remember the vocabulary whereas Higher goes into sentences sooner. Higher has activities with added difficulty (differentiated down as well, with different worksheets) and Foundation has the same activities made more simple (simpler questions, simpler sentences, etc…) still with
French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (F&H)

French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (F&H)

2 Resources
Lesson aimed at a Year 10 class, covering the vocabulary of transports, booking a ticket and comparing transports. Foundation has slightly less challenging resources, with more activities focusing on practice of single words / chunks for memory. The writing/speaking frame for the role play is also simplified. Higher, on top of a more challenging lesson, has also a challenging listening gap fill / reading texts that is done as a whole class study through 4 activities based on listening / reading strategies.
French Theme 2 - Holidays activities (past tense + reflexive verbs)(Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Holidays activities (past tense + reflexive verbs)(Foundation)

Lesson aimed to a lower set Yr10 group covering the vocabulary of holidays activities in the present tense, then in the perfect tense (including reflexive verbs). A five-hour lesson: Lesson 1: Conjugation activities, conjugating ER verbs at the first person singular in the perfect tense, present tense, near future, future and conditional. Leads to a mwb activity mixing tenses and a translation to French mixing tenses. Lesson 2: Focus on the twelve holidays activities, tasks supporting memory, leads up to a guided writing. Lesson 3: Focus on the beginning of the activities (mostly je vais / je fais / je me). Other activities supporting memory. Lesson 4: Looking at particular past tenses (je suis allée /j’ai fait / je me suis…) and application to the holidays activities. Practice of present tense and past tense through a listening (differentiation worksheets available). Lesson 5: Leads to a writing and a speaking practice.
French Theme 4 - Work experience (Foundation - perfect tense)

French Theme 4 - Work experience (Foundation - perfect tense)

Lesson covering the vocabulary of tasks done during Work Experience (WEX), and opinion using “c’était”, as well as a recap of perfect tense (passé composé). Aimed at a lower set of Yr11s. Two-hour lesson Lesson 1 : Language presentation of WEX tasks in the passé composé with a match up exercise (dual coded to help with memory.) Listening and translation: sentences on the board, I say the translated version (or part of it) and they have to tell me (on their mwb) with sentence it is. Listening: fill in a table in English (opinion added) with the required details. Translation: translate into French (3 sentences with increasing difficulty). Lesson 2: Starter: picture description Language presentation: recap of passé composé + common irregulars + je suis allé(e) Independent practice with first person singular Whole class AfL with MWB Writing: students are asked to write their own report using the passé composé, giving justified opinions and using time markers.
French Theme 2 - Holidays activities (past tense + reflexive verbs) (F&H)

French Theme 2 - Holidays activities (past tense + reflexive verbs) (F&H)

2 Resources
Bundle gathering the Foundation and Higher version of this lesson, covering holidays activities in the present tense, then in the past tense (including reflexive verbs) and training students to recognise both tenses in context. Higher gets into the full paradigm conjugation of the reflexive verbs in the past tense. Foundation focuses on chunks “je fais --> j’ai fait”, “je vais --> je suis allé(e)”, “je me… --> je me suis…”
French Theme 2 - Holidays activities (past tense + reflexive verbs)(Higher)

French Theme 2 - Holidays activities (past tense + reflexive verbs)(Higher)

Lesson aimed to a higher Yr10 group covering the vocabulary of holidays activities in the present tense, then in the perfect tense (including reflexive verbs). A five-hour lesson: Lesson 1: Re teach of comparatives with a focus on word order without scaffolding. Conjugation activities, conjugating ER verbs at the first person singular in the perfect tense, present tense, near future, future and conditional. Leads to a mwb activity mixing tenses and a translation to French mixing tenses. Lesson 2: Focus on the twelve holidays activities, tasks supporting memory, leads up to a guided writing. Lesson 3: Focus on the beginning of the activities (mostly je vais / je fais / je me). Study of the past tense of reflexive verbs. Lesson 4: Application of the past tenses on the twelve activities and practice of both tenses in a listening. Lesson 5: Challenging reading activity with inference needed to answer questions (as well as knowledge of some synonyms in French. Leads to a writing and a speaking practice.
French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (F&H)

French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (F&H)

2 Resources
Bundle containing the Foundation and Higher version of the same lesson, covering vocabulary of restaurant menu, order food and taking orders. Foundation has an extra recap on food items and “some”. Higher goes more straight into studies of more complex reading and listening of interaction in a restaurant. The sentence builder to give one’s opinion about a past experience has more vocabulary than the Foundation one.
French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Restaurant outing (Foundation)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary of food (recap), how to order food and take orders, and give your opinion about food. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Tenses practice with “avoir” (imperfect, perfect tense, present tense, near future, and future). Leads to a mwb activity then a translation mixing tenses with the following expressions: avoir faim avoir soif avoir besoin de avoir envie de Lesson 2: Practice of vocab related to food and restaurant. Study of key verbs “je mange” / “je bois” / 'je prends". Practice of the grammar point “some” Lesson 3: Focus on giving your opinion of a restaurant outing, with the help of a sentence builder. Practice through a reading (differentiated worksheets) and a listening. Lesson 4: Students create their own menu. Work on a role play to go order at their “classmates’ restaurant”. Writing a Trip advisor review for their classmates’ restaurant, giving their opinion.
French Theme 2 - Topic: My holidays (F&H) - Whole term Bundle

French Theme 2 - Topic: My holidays (F&H) - Whole term Bundle

12 Resources
Bundle regrouping all the Foundation and Higher lessons, meant to last a whole term with 2-to-4-hour lessons. You will find lessons on: Countries, accomodation and transports (F: present tense, H:conditional) Hotel room booking - leads to a role play Transports & ticket booking - leads to a role play (+ comparative). Holidays activities (present and past tense + H: perfect tense of reflexive verbs). Restaurant outing - leads to a role play + writing to review a restaurant Problems on holidays (including perfect tense, some imperfect tense + “j’aurais/j’ai dû… + inf” + H: pluperfect)
French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (pluperfect) (Higher)

French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (pluperfect) (Higher)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the problems that can happen on holidays (dirty hotel, lost items, broken limbs…) and what they had to do. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Practice of ER verbs at the first person singular in the perfect tense, present tense, near future, future, conditional. Leads to mwb activity and a translation involving several tenses. Lesson 2: Introduction of various problem that happened during the holidays through reading. Practice through listening / translation. Lesson 3: Study and practice of the pluperfect (through a recap of the perfect tense first). Practice through reading, which requires students to make the difference between pluperfect and perfect tense. Lesson 4: Quick look into the imperfect tense to describe (c’était, il y avait…), then focus on vocabulary related to problems in a hotel. Leads to a guided writing that includes vocabulary and tenses of the whole lesson.
French Theme 2 - Topic: My holidays Foundation - Whole term Bundle

French Theme 2 - Topic: My holidays Foundation - Whole term Bundle

6 Resources
Bundle regrouping all the Foundation lessons, meant to last a whole term with 2 to 4 hour lessons. You will find lessons on: Countries, accomodation and transports (present tense). Hotel room booking - leads to a role play Transports & ticket booking - leads to a role play (+ comparative). Holidays activities (present and past tense). Restaurant outing - leads to a role play + writing to review a restaurant Problems on holidays (including perfect tense, some imperfect tense + “j’aurais/j’ai dû… + inf”