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Carl Warner food art bundle.

Carl Warner food art bundle.

The Art of Edible Masterpiece lesson introduces students to the art of food sculpting and food photography. They will be amazed at how Carl Warner transforms everyday fruits, vegetables, and other edible items into intricate landscapes and imaginative settings. Through demonstrations and hands-on activities, students will explore different techniques, experiment with food materials, and develop an understanding of the artistic process behind Warner’s masterpieces. Cultivate Creativity and Imagination: Our lesson cultivates creativity and imagination by challenging students to create their own food art compositions inspired by Carl Warner. They will have the opportunity to design and build their edible masterpieces using a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and other food items. This process encourages out-of-the-box thinking, problem-solving skills, and a sense of artistic expression. Nutrition Awareness and Appreciation: “The Art of Edible Masterpieces” lesson highlights the importance of nutrition and healthy eating by incorporating discussions about the various food items used in Carl Warner’s art. Students will learn about the nutritional value of different fruits and vegetables, their role in a balanced diet, and the importance of appreciating and enjoying a diverse range of foods. This interdisciplinary approach promotes a holistic understanding of art, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle choices. Photography and Presentation Skills: Our lesson explores the art of food photography and presentation. Students will learn about composition, lighting, angles, and other techniques to capture the beauty and details of their edible creations. They will also discover how different presentation styles can enhance the visual impact of their food art. This combination of artistic and technical skills fosters attention to detail, visual literacy, and effective communication through visuals. Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to transport your students into the awe-inspiring world of Carl Warner’s food art, ignite their creativity, and foster their appreciation for art and healthy eating. Join the ranks of satisfied educators who have already transformed their classrooms with this engaging and learning experience. Unleash the artistic and culinary talents of your students, inspiring them to become visionary artists of their own edible masterpieces. Take the leap and revolutionize your classroom today!
Wright brothers bundle.

Wright brothers bundle.

Pioneering Spirit: Our unit launches with an exploration of Amelia Earhart’s pioneering spirit. Students will discover her groundbreaking achievements as the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and her relentless pursuit of new horizons. Through multimedia resources, interactive discussions, and engaging activities, they will develop an appreciation for Amelia Earhart’s courage, determination, and perseverance in the face of adversity. Biographical Exploration: Next, our unit delves deeper into the life of Amelia Earhart. Students will engage in biographical research, discovering her upbringing, her fascination with aviation from a young age, and the milestones that shaped her career. They will explore her impact on women’s rights and her contributions to aviation history. This biographical exploration nurtures research skills, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of the historical context. Flight Adventures: Our unit takes flight as students embark on a series of flight-themed activities. They will explore the principles of flight, learning about lift, drag, and the dynamics of airplanes. Through hands-on experiments, interactive simulations, and model-building challenges, students will gain a practical understanding of the science behind aviation. This immersive flight adventure nurtures scientific inquiry, problem-solving skills, and a passion for STEM learning. Map the Journey: Students will trace Amelia Earhart’s epic flights on maps, following her routes across continents and oceans. They will explore geography, landmarks, and the challenges she encountered along the way. By mapping the journey, students will develop spatial awareness, enhance their map-reading skills, and gain a deeper appreciation for the global scale of Amelia Earhart’s accomplishments. Inspirational Role Model: Throughout the unit, students will discover Amelia Earhart as an inspirational role model. They will learn about her advocacy for gender equality, her determination to break barriers, and her influence on future generations of aviators. Through discussions and reflective activities, students will explore the qualities that made Amelia Earhart a trailblazer and consider how they can apply those qualities to their own lives. Culminating Celebration: The “Aviation Adventure” unit culminates in a celebration of Amelia Earhart’s legacy. Students will have the opportunity to showcase their learning through creative projects such as presentations, artwork, or dramatic performances. They will reflect on the lessons they have learned from Amelia Earhart’s life and share how her story has inspired them to pursue their dreams fearlessly.
Amelia Earhart double lesson.

Amelia Earhart double lesson.

Our unit launches with an exploration of Amelia Earhart’s pioneering spirit. Students will discover her groundbreaking achievements as the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and her relentless pursuit of new horizons. Through multimedia resources, interactive discussions, and engaging activities, they will develop an appreciation for Amelia Earhart’s courage, determination, and perseverance in the face of adversity. Next, our unit delves deeper into the life of Amelia Earhart. Students will engage in biographical research, discovering her upbringing, her fascination with aviation from a young age, and the milestones that shaped her career. They will explore her impact on women’s rights and her contributions to aviation history. This biographical exploration nurtures research skills, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of the historical context. Flight Adventures: Our unit takes flight as students embark on a series of flight-themed activities. They will explore the principles of flight, learning about lift, drag, and the dynamics of airplanes. Through hands-on experiments, interactive simulations, and model-building challenges, students will gain a practical understanding of the science behind aviation. This immersive flight adventure nurtures scientific inquiry, problem-solving skills, and a passion for STEM learning. Map the Journey: Students will trace Amelia Earhart’s epic flights on maps, following her routes across continents and oceans. They will explore geography, landmarks, and the challenges she encountered along the way. By mapping the journey, students will develop spatial awareness, enhance their map-reading skills, and gain a deeper appreciation for the global scale of Amelia Earhart’s accomplishments. Inspirational Role Model: Throughout the unit, students will discover Amelia Earhart as an inspirational role model. They will learn about her advocacy for gender equality, her determination to break barriers, and her influence on future generations of aviators. Through discussions and reflective activities, students will explore the qualities that made Amelia Earhart a trailblazer and consider how they can apply those qualities to their own lives. Culminating Celebration: The “Aviation Adventure” unit culminates in a celebration of Amelia Earhart’s legacy. Students will have the opportunity to showcase their learning through creative projects such as presentations, artwork, or dramatic performances. They will reflect on the lessons they have learned from Amelia Earhart’s life and share how her story has inspired them to pursue their dreams fearlessly.
Oceans and continents unit.

Oceans and continents unit.

Marvels of the Continents: Our unit begins by diving into the awe-inspiring continents that make up our world. Students will explore the unique physical and human features of each continent, from the towering mountains to the bustling cities. Through interactive maps, engaging discussions, and multimedia resources, they will develop a strong geographical foundation and a sense of interconnectedness with the global community. Next, our unit takes a deep dive into the mesmerizing world of oceans. Students will discover the vastness, importance, and incredible biodiversity of Earth’s oceans. They will explore marine ecosystems, learn about fascinating sea creatures, and uncover the environmental challenges facing our oceans. Through captivating videos, hands-on activities, and discussions, students will develop an appreciation for the vital role oceans play in sustaining life on our planet. Arctic Adventure: Our unit ventures to the Arctic, a region of unparalleled beauty and unique significance. Students will explore the Arctic’s distinctive geography, wildlife, and environmental conditions. They will learn about climate change and its impact on this fragile ecosystem. Through virtual expeditions, multimedia resources, and interactive simulations, students will gain a deeper understanding of the Arctic’s global importance and the need for environmental stewardship. Physical and Human Features: Our unit delves into the exploration of Earth’s physical and human features. Students will investigate landforms, bodies of water, climates, and the ways human activities shape the natural environment. They will engage in hands-on experiments, map analysis, and case studies to understand the intricate relationship between physical and human geography. This exploration nurtures critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of the human impact on Earth. Global Connections: Throughout the unit, students will explore the interconnectedness of Earth’s features and the global community. They will investigate how physical geography influences human settlements, cultural practices, and economic activities. Through collaborative projects, virtual exchanges, and discussions, students will develop a global perspective, cultural understanding, and the ability to appreciate and respect diverse societies. Culminating Earth Expo: The “Oceanic Odyssey” unit culminates in an Earth Expo, where students showcase their understanding of continents, oceans, the Arctic, and Earth’s marvels. They will create displays, present research findings, and engage in interactive activities that reflect their learning journey. This culminating event celebrates their knowledge, creativity, and collaborative skills, creating a memorable and inspiring experience for all. Transform your classroom into an epicenter of geographical exploration and global understanding with the “Oceanic Odyssey: Exploring Continents, Oceans, the Arctic, and Earth’s Marvels” unit.
Plan and write an information text with two SPAG lessons included.

Plan and write an information text with two SPAG lessons included.

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure into the prehistoric world of dinosaurs while honing your students’ planning, writing, and grammar skills? Look no further! Our “Dino Explorers: Planning and Writing Explanation Texts” activity is designed to engage children in the captivating realm of dinosaurs while developing their ability to craft well-structured explanation texts. Get ready to unleash the paleontologists within! Journey into the Dinosaur Kingdom: Our activity takes students on an exciting journey into the dinosaur kingdom, igniting their curiosity and sparking their imagination. They will delve into the fascinating world of dinosaurs, learning about different species, their characteristics, and the environments they inhabited. Through multimedia resources, engaging discussions, and interactive materials, students will develop a deep appreciation for these ancient creatures, setting the stage for their explanation texts. Planning and Structure: “Dino Explorers: Planning and Writing Explanation Texts” activity provides students with a structured approach to planning their explanation texts. They will learn about the key components of explanation writing, such as introducing the topic, providing clear explanations, and using appropriate examples. With guided exercises and brainstorming sessions, students will outline their texts, identifying the main points to be covered and organizing their ideas in a logical sequence. This planning and structuring process nurtures their critical thinking, organization skills, and attention to detail. Grammar Focus: Our activity incorporates two SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar) lessons specifically targeting causal conjunctions and sentence starters. Students will learn how to effectively use causal conjunctions (e.g., because, since, as a result) to connect their ideas and demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships in their explanation texts. They will also explore a variety of sentence starters to enhance their writing’s clarity and coherence. These focused grammar lessons strengthen their understanding of language mechanics and enhance their overall writing proficiency. Descriptive Language and Scientific Terminology: “Dino Explorers: Planning and Writing Explanation Texts” activity encourages students to use descriptive language and scientific terminology to enrich their texts. They will learn about the specific vocabulary associated with dinosaurs, such as species names, physical features, and behaviors. Through engaging exercises, they will enhance their ability to incorporate appropriate terminology into their writing, fostering scientific literacy and effective communication.
There's a Rang-Tan in my bedroom bundle.

There's a Rang-Tan in my bedroom bundle.

Unveiling Rang Tan’s Story: Our bundle begins with a deep dive into the heartwarming and thought-provoking story of Rang Tan. Students will uncover the tale of a young orangutan displaced from her home due to deforestation. Through guided reading sessions, engaging discussions, and multimedia resources, students will explore the themes of environmental conservation, empathy, and the power of storytelling. Retrieving Information: Students will sharpen their literacy skills as they retrieve important information from the story of Rang Tan. They will practice comprehension strategies such as identifying key details, making inferences, and drawing conclusions. Through interactive activities, guided reading exercises, and collaborative discussions, students will develop their ability to analyze and interpret text, fostering a deeper understanding of the story’s message. Role Play and Empathy: Our bundle encourages students to step into the shoes of the characters in Rang Tan’s story through role play. They will explore the emotions, motivations, and perspectives of the characters, fostering empathy and emotional intelligence. By engaging in dramatic play and thoughtful discussions, students will develop a deeper connection to the story and gain valuable insights into the experiences of others.
The little polar bear lesson bundle.

The little polar bear lesson bundle.

Prepare to embark on a captivating journey with your students into the enchanting world of the little polar bear. This comprehensive literacy lesson promises to engage, educate, and inspire young minds as they explore the heartwarming story of a brave and resilient Arctic hero. In this immersive lesson, your students will: Discover the Wonders of the Arctic: Dive into the fascinating ecosystem of the Arctic, learning about the unique flora, fauna, and the challenges faced by its inhabitants. Develop a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of this fragile environment and its importance in the global ecosystem. Follow the Little Polar Bear’s Adventure: Captivate your students with the heartwarming tale of a young polar bear who becomes separated from his family and must navigate the perilous Arctic landscape. Witness the little bear’s resilience, adaptability, and the kindness of the other Arctic creatures that he encounters along the way. Engage in Literacy-Focused Activities: Immerse your students in a range of engaging reading, writing, and comprehension tasks that reinforce core literacy skills. Activities may include story mapping, character analysis, narrative retelling, and creating visual representations of the story’s events. Cultivate Empathy and Environmental Awareness: As your students follow the little polar bear’s journey, they will develop a deeper sense of empathy and understanding for the challenges faced by Arctic species. This emotional connection will inspire them to consider the impact of climate change and human activities on the delicate balance of the Arctic ecosystem. Inspire Environmental Stewardship: Empower your students to take action and become advocates for Arctic conservation. They’ll learn about practical ways they can contribute to protecting the polar bear’s habitat and supporting ongoing conservation efforts. The “The Little Polar Bear: A Literacy Adventure” combines the power of storytelling with engaging literacy-based activities to create a truly transformative learning experience. Your students will not only develop essential reading, writing, and comprehension skills but also cultivate a profound appreciation for the natural world and a commitment to environmental stewardship. Bring this captivating lesson to your classroom and watch as your students embark on a journey of discovery, empathy, and environmental advocacy. Together, we can inspire the next generation of Arctic protectors and ensure a brighter future for the little polar bear and all of its Arctic companions.
Sea turtle endangered species lesson bundle.

Sea turtle endangered species lesson bundle.

Are you ready to captivate your students with a fascinating journey into the world of sea turtles and empower them to make a real difference? Look no further, as our “Saving Sea Turtles” literacy lesson offers a comprehensive and engaging approach to teaching children about these incredible creatures and the importance of conservation. In this dynamic lesson, your students will: Discover the Wonders of Sea Turtles: Explore the diverse species of sea turtles, their unique physical characteristics, and their vital role in the marine ecosystem. Develop a deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring life cycle and migratory patterns of these ancient reptiles. Understand the Threats to Sea Turtles: Delve into the alarming reality of sea turtle endangerment, learning about the various human-induced threats, such as plastic pollution, habitat destruction, and bycatch in fishing operations. Reflect on the devastating impact these threats have on sea turtle populations and the importance of conservation efforts. Engage in Literacy-Based Activities: Dive into a range of engaging reading, writing, and research tasks that reinforce key literacy skills while fostering a deeper understanding of sea turtle conservation. Activities may include informative text analysis, persuasive letter writing, creating educational infographics, and conducting research on conservation initiatives. Become Sea Turtle Ambassadors: Empower your students to take action and become advocates for sea turtle conservation. They’ll learn about simple, impactful steps they can take to support conservation efforts, such as reducing plastic use, participating in beach cleanups, and raising awareness among their peers and families. Cultivate a Sense of Stewardship: Throughout the lesson, students will develop a profound sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the natural world and its vulnerable species. They’ll leave the lesson inspired to make a difference and committed to ongoing environmental conservation efforts. Immerse your students in the captivating world of sea turtles and watch as they become passionate advocates for their protection. The “Saving Sea Turtles” literacy lesson not only strengthens core literacy skills but also nurtures a deep respect for the natural world and a commitment to making a positive impact. Bring this transformative learning experience to your classroom and empower your students to be the change they wish to see in the world. Together, we can safeguard the future of these remarkable sea creatures and inspire a new generation of environmental stewards.
Design and sew a sea animal.

Design and sew a sea animal.

Dive into the World of Textile Art: Create Your Own Vibrant Fish in “Sew and Design a Fish”! Are you ready to let your creativity swim freely? Join us for an exciting art lesson where you will learn the art of sewing and designing a whimsical fish. Dive into the colourful realm of textile art and bring your aquatic masterpiece to life! Why Choose “Sew and Design a Fish”? Learn Essential Sewing Skills: Whether you’re a beginner or have some sewing experience, this lesson will equip you with important sewing techniques. Our skilled instructors will guide you through the basics of hand sewing or using a sewing machine, teaching you stitches, pattern cutting, and fabric selection. Gain confidence in handling textiles and expand your artistic horizons. Unleash Your Imagination: Let your creativity swim as you design your own unique fish. From selecting vibrant fabrics to choosing embellishments, such as beads, sequins, or embroidery, you’ll have the freedom to infuse your fish with personality and charm. Our instructors will provide guidance and inspiration to help you bring your artistic vision to life. Explore Textures and Colors: Dive into the depths of textile artistry by exploring a variety of fabrics and materials. Experiment with different textures, patterns, and colors to create a visually captivating fish. Learn how to combine fabrics effectively and use surface embellishments to add dimension and visual interest to your creation.
Climate change lesson.

Climate change lesson.

Are you ready to empower your students to become champions in the fight against climate change? This captivating lesson promises to equip your young learners with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and a sense of agency to address the most pressing environmental challenge of our time. In this transformative lesson, your students will: Understand the Fundamentals of Climate Change: Explore the scientific evidence and mechanisms behind climate change, examining the role of greenhouse gases, the greenhouse effect, and rising global temperatures. Investigate the wide-ranging impacts of climate change, including extreme weather events, sea level rise, and the disruption of ecosystems and biodiversity. Examine the Human Footprint: Dive into the human activities that contribute to climate change, such as fossil fuel consumption, deforestation, and unsustainable practices. Encourage your students to reflect on their own carbon footprint and identify areas where they can make eco-friendly choices. Engage in the “Carbon Footprint Challenge”: Immerse your students in a hands-on, interactive activity where they calculate and track their personal carbon footprint. As they explore ways to reduce their emissions, they’ll develop a deeper understanding of the actions they can take to combat climate change. Discover Solutions and Innovations: Inspire your students with the incredible advancements in renewable energy, sustainable transportation, and other innovative technologies that are helping to mitigate climate change. Challenge them to think critically and propose their own creative solutions to the climate crisis. Empower Climate Changemakers: Equip your students with the knowledge and skills to become effective climate change advocates within their communities. They’ll learn about advocacy strategies, community engagement, and ways to inspire positive change through individual and collective action. The “Climate Changemakers: Empowering the Next Generation to Tackle Climate Change” lesson is designed to ignite a sense of purpose and determination in your students. By fostering a deep understanding of the climate crisis and empowering them with practical solutions, you’ll nurture a generation of climate champions who are ready to lead the charge towards a sustainable future. Bring this transformative lesson to your classroom and witness the excitement and passion as your students embark on a journey to become Climate Changemakers. Together, we can inspire the next generation to take decisive action against climate change and secure a brighter future for our planet.
Global warming lesson bundle.

Global warming lesson bundle.

Are you ready to empower your students to become champions in the battle against global warming? This captivating lesson promises to equip your young learners with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and a sense of agency to tackle the most pressing environmental challenge of our time. In this transformative lesson, your students will: Unravel the Mysteries of Global Warming: Explore the scientific evidence and mechanisms behind global warming, delving into the roles of greenhouse gases, the greenhouse effect, and rising global temperatures. Investigate the far-reaching impacts of global warming, including melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and the disruption of ecosystems and weather patterns. Examine the Human Footprint: Dive into the human activities that contribute to global warming, such as fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, and industrial practices. Encourage your students to reflect on their own carbon footprint and identify areas where they can make eco-friendly choices. Engage in the “Greenhouse Gas Simulation”: Immerse your students in a hands-on, interactive activity where they simulate the effects of greenhouse gases on the Earth’s temperature. Through experimentation and data analysis, they’ll gain a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between human activities and global warming. Explore Solutions and Innovations: Inspire your students with the incredible advancements in renewable energy, sustainable transportation, and other innovative technologies that are helping to mitigate global warming. Challenge them to think critically and propose their own creative solutions to the global warming crisis. Empower Climate Crusaders: Equip your students with the knowledge and skills to become effective advocates for global warming prevention within their communities. They’ll learn about advocacy strategies, community engagement, and ways to inspire positive change through individual and collective action. The “Climate Crusaders: Uncovering the Secrets of Global Warming” lesson is designed to ignite a sense of urgency and determination in your students. By fostering a deep understanding of the global warming crisis and empowering them with practical solutions, you’ll nurture a generation of climate champions who are ready to lead the charge towards a sustainable future. Bring this transformative lesson to your classroom and witness the excitement and passion as your students embark on a journey to become Climate Crusaders. Together, we can inspire the next generation to take decisive action against global warming and secure a brighter future for our planet. Can you do a sales pitch for a topic lesson that teaches children about climate change with a related activity? Assistant