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Les voyages
Based on the Edexcel AS textbook page 20.
Introduction of plural
A presentation and activity to raise awareness of plural words in French.
Le conditionnel
A presentation to revise the conditional tense for KS5.
Healthy Eating - Types of food
A presentation on food and different types of food leading on to what to eat to stay healthy.
Qu'est-ce qu'il faut faire pour rester en forme?
A presentation about healthy lifestyle and what one should (not) do to stay fit and healthy. It includes new vocabulary and the following structures:, il faut, on doit, c'est une bonne idée de, il ne faut pas, on ne doit pas, c'est une mauvaise idée de.
Present tense intoduction - Metro 1 Module 4
Based on Metro1 Module 4
Introduction of the present of regular -er, -ir and -re verbs in the present tense.
Les métiers
Different jobs in masculine and feminine forms
answers are to be revealed using the rubber
Interview of a sports celebrity
Based on Edexcel Textbook
Questions and Answers using il/elle
Answers are to be revealed using the rubber on Smartboard software
Quel est son nom?
Quel est son prénom?
Quelle est sa nationalité?
Quel est son lieu de naissance?
Comment ça s'écrit?
Quelle est la couleur de ses yeux?
Quelle est la couleur de ses cheveux?
Que fait-il/elle de son temps libre?
Animals - Adjective agreement
Introduction of adjectival agreement of colours based on animals.
Avant, il y avait...
Talking what a place was like before using the imperfect tense with il y avait and c'était.
Script for the listening activity is enclosed.
Si je strutcture followed by future simple
Based on Expo3 Rouge Module 5. A lesson based on the future simple and si clauses (e.g. si je gagne a l'Euromillion, je ferai le tour du monde).
Verbs followed by an infinitive
Based on Edexcel textbook
Recap of verbs of likes/dislikes followed by an infinitve
Est-ce que tu veux...? Expo 2 Rouge Module 3
Based on Expo 2 Rouge Module 3
Asking somebody out
Introduction of the verb vouloir (full paradigm) and giving excuses.
Qu'est-ce que tu voudrais faire ?
A presentation about future plans using the structure 'je voudrais'. Based on the edexcel textbook.
Un faire-part - French literacy lesson
A lesson to introduce literature early in year 7 French (or in primary school if you are adventurous). It is based on formal announcements (faire-part). Most activities are differentiated. The lesson plan is very explicit but there is room for changes if you want to adapt some of the activities or change them.
This is a great way to introduce literature progressively early in KS3 based on the new National Curriculum recommendations. This will also allow an easier transition when literature becomes compulsory at KS4 in MFL in the new specifications. This is the part of a series of resources dedicated to the teaching of authentic literary materials in French.
Une comptine - introduction to French literature
A lesson to introduce literature early in year 7 French (or in primary school if you are adventurous). It is based on a popular authentic French nursery rhyme. Each activity is differentiated. The lesson plan is very explicit but there is room for changes if you want to adapt some of the activities or change them.
This is a great way to introduce literature progressively early in KS3 based on the new National Curriculum recommendations. This will also allow an easier transition when literature becomes compulsory at KS4 in MFL in the new specifications. This is the first of a series of resources dedicated to the teaching of authentic literary materials in French.
Le Monde des Medias (Unit of Work)
A Unit of Work on the topic of media and the news. There are four lessons worth of activities (understanding the news, interviews, weather forecast and reporting in the imperfect tense). Students can work through the supporting booklet.
The final activity gets the students into groups where they have to create their own TV show to include an opening, the weather forecast, breaking news and an interview.