Table mats showing the key concepts for Year 4 Number and Place Value.
There are two versions included. One without characters on the reverse and one with which has the characters the children encounter throughout the lessons on the reverse to ease the burden of reading.
NC Y3: Identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.
Uh oh! Somebody hid all the lines needed to make the pharaoh’s new pyramid! Can you be a super sleuth and find them?
A set of lines for children to hunt for around school. When children find the lines, the powerpoint can be clicked through to show the Pyramid growing.
A lift the flap booklet children can make to remind them of different mental multiplication strategies.
Includes counting in multiples, repeated addition, number line and arrays.
A set of printable 1-15 cards, a PowerPoint to introduce the problem and an accompanying activity plan.
I printed the cards onto different coloured cards so they could easily be sorted back into packs.
Great for a standalone / interview lesson!
Also available from
WALT: Multiply and divide by 8, understanding that multiplication is commutative whereas division is not
Suitable for Y3s. Easily differentiated through use of resources (Base 10, cubes etc).
This ready-to-use game allows teachers to provide tasks to Year 3 children on the maths topic of measure perimeter.
It forms part of a series of lessons on length and perimeter which include coverage of the objectives:
• Measure, compare, add and subtract lengths (m, cm, mm)
• Measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes
This game links well with White Rose Maths – Measurement: Length and Perimeter. It is available as part of the measure perimeter lesson pack.
The game is editable, giving you the option to make any changes you feel necessary with the knowledge you have about your class and school setting.
Check out my freebies to get a taste for the quality of resources available.
#Y3 #Measurement #Length #Perimeter #Y3M #Y3M-LP #LKS2 #Maths
This ready-to-use game allow teachers to provide tasks to Year 3 children on the maths topic of telling the time to 5 minutes.
It forms part of a series of lessons on time which include coverage of the objectives:
• Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks
• Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute
• Record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours
• Use vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight
• Know the number of seconds in a minute and the numbers of days in each month, year and leap year
• Compare durations of events.
This game is available as part of the telling the time to 5 minutes lesson pack.
The game is editable, giving you the option to make any changes you feel necessary with the knowledge you have about your class and school setting.
Check out my freebies to get a taste for the quality of resources available.
#Y3 #Measurement #Time #Y3M #Y3M-T #LKS2 #Maths
This game includes fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions about subtracting fractions from whole amounts. It is aimed at children working on the Year 4 curriculum. It includes ‘cheat sheets’ to remind children who require additional support of the models they can use to aid them in subtracting fractions from whole amounts.
A printable board game adaptable to many different curriculum areas.
Cards are available for a variety of different subjects and a template is available to buy so you can make your own for any topic you wish. I have used this game regularly with Year 3 and 4 children. It is easy to understand and easy to differentiate (you can even have children playing in mixed ability groups but by giving them their own sets of cards, they can be accessing appropriate material for their ability).
Playing cards for Escaped on the Playground.
These cards cover addition and subtraction objectives for Y2/3.
Game board and instructions available at
Playing cards for Escaped on the Playground.
These cards cover multiplication and division objectives for Y2/3.
Game board and instructions available at
Playing cards for Escaped on the Playground.
These cards cover number and place value objectives for Y2/3.
Game board and instructions available at
This card sort is designed as a cooperative activity which can be used to develop mathematical vocabulary or as a plenary on the subject.
This resource contains seven cards, with names, images and descriptions for children to match (right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, horizontal line, vertical line). These could be given out as a complete sheet for children to cut up, sort and stick into books or pre-cut, laminated and sorted into envelopes for children to be able to sort and re-use them.
identify right angles
identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle
identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.
This card sort is designed as a cooperative activity which can be used to develop mathematical vocabulary or as a plenary on the subject.
This resource contains ten shapes (including the broader categories of triangle and quadrilateral), with names, images and descriptions for children to match. These could be given out as a complete sheet for children to cut up, sort and stick into books or pre-cut, laminated and sorted into envelopes for children to be able to sort and re-use them.
compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilateral and triangles based on their properties and sizes.
This card sort is designed as a cooperative activity which can be used to develop mathematical vocabulary or as a plenary on the subject.
This resource contains nine 2D shapes, with names, images and descriptions for children to match. These could be given out as a complete sheet for children to cut up, sort and stick into books or pre-cut, laminated and sorted into envelopes for children to be able to sort and re-use them.
describe the properties of 2D shapes.
This card sort is designed as a cooperative activity which can be used to develop mathematical vocabulary or as a plenary on the subject.
This resource contains nine 3D shapes, with names, images and descriptions for children to match. These could be given out as a complete sheet for children to cut up, sort and stick into books or pre-cut, laminated and sorted into envelopes for children to be able to sort and re-use them.
recognise 3D shapes in different orientations and describe them.
This card sort is designed as a cooperative activity which can be used to develop recall of multiplication facts or as a plenary on the subject.
This resource contains ten cards with written and visual representations of multiplications for children to match. These could be given out as a complete sheet for children to cut up, sort and stick into books or pre-cut, laminated and sorted into envelopes for children to be able to sort and re-use them.
write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication.
This card sort is designed as a cooperative activity which can be used to develop recall of multiplication facts or as a plenary on the subject.
This resource contains twelve cards with multiplications, divisions and answers for children to match. These could be given out as a complete sheet for children to cut up, sort and stick into books or pre-cut, laminated and sorted into envelopes for children to be able to sort and re-use them.
recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3 times table.
This card sort is designed as a cooperative activity which can be used to develop recall of multiplication facts or as a plenary on the subject.
This resource contains twelve cards with multiplications, divisions and answers for children to match. These could be given out as a complete sheet for children to cut up, sort and stick into books or pre-cut, laminated and sorted into envelopes for children to be able to sort and re-use them.
recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 4 times table.