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Reception -- Autumn, Spring and Summer Curriculum Maps
Curriculum maps based on expectations from the EYFS throughout each term. Document links to Reception Curriculum and my planning.
8x weeks worth of spellings for Year 1
8 weeks worth of spellings that I have used for Year 1 to learn at home and test at school. Common Exception Words are included.
Year 1 Maths weekly plan - Division and Problem Solving.
Year 1 Maths weekly plan - Division and Problem Solving.
Links to all Division and Problem Solving objectives.
Half Term of Spellings for Year 1
Spellings given out each week for a test the following week. Covers all the beginning sounds of Phase 5.
Can you label the picture? Powerpoint
Can be used as a morning starter, intervention group or within Literacy or Phonics sessions. The PowerPoint includes pictures that children can discuss, label or even write a sentence about e.g. pig, dog, tap.
MTP - Which animals can you keep as a pet?
MTP covering all areas of the EYFS, vocabulary and Characteristics of Effective Learning.
Make Your Own Playdough Reciepe Cards for Children
Simple cards for children to follow to make their own playdough.
Under Construction label- model label
A label that can be added to children’s models to show others not to destruct and who it belongs to.
Reception weekly plans - Spring Term 2 - Maths based on White Rose Maths
Spring Term 2 Plans based on the White Rose guidance 2020. 6 weeks planning covering shape, length and height, numbers to 10 and subtraction
Phase 5 - Growing 6, 7, 8
Phase 6 - Building 9 and 10
Letter formation Assessment sheet
Resource is used to assess the letter formation throughout the year, identify letters that need improvement and show progress.
2x weeks English planning on The Great Fire of London Year 1
2x weeks of English planning covering writing a diary entry, newspaper article and making a ‘wanted’ poster alongside some Drama activities.
Reception 6x weeks of Literacy plans - Dear zoo, tiger who came to tea, Rumble in the Jungle etc
6 weeks of Literacy Plan for Summer Term
Dear Zoo
The Tiger Who Came to Tea
Rumble in the Jungle
Dinosaurs love Underpants
Commotion in the Ocean
The Rainbow Fish
5 Weekly Maths plans for Reception - Spring 1
5 weeks of Maths plans for Recpetion.
Planning is based on White Rose Maths and includes:
Numbers 5-8.
3D and 2D shapes.
Number bonds.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Literacy weekly Plan for Reception
1 week Literacy plan covering the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’