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Online Teaching Resources

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Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.




Welcome to the Online Teaching Resources TES shop. Here you'll find hundreds of KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching resources in the form of editable PowerPoints and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and History. All materials are made with the UK National Curriculum in mind and have been created to engage and enthuse learners. You can find out more and access hundreds more brilliant resources at our websites www.Teacher-of-Primary.com and www.Teacher-of-English.com.
Frankenstein - 39 slide PowerPoint teaching resource

Frankenstein - 39 slide PowerPoint teaching resource

Frankenstein (Mary Shelley) is a 38 slide PowerPoint teaching resource with a series of activities created to teach Frankenstein at KS4 / GCSE. As with all our PowerPoints, Frankenstein can be modified, personalised and differentiated to suit your exact teaching needs. Frankenstein (Mary Shelley) is a detailed resource which covers a range of activities: a brief biography of Mary Shelley discussing the social, historical and literary context of Frankenstein activities to develop knowledge of the plot exploration of the key themes of Frankenstein (scientific ambition, nature, morality etc) developing understanding of characters – in particular Victor Frankenstein and the creature analysis of Mary Shelley's use of language
Comparing Lengths and Heights - Year 1

Comparing Lengths and Heights - Year 1

Comparing Lengths and Heights - Year 1 In this maths teaching resource pupils learn how to compare and order different lengths and heights and look at the words used to describe them as per the year 1 maths programme of study (measurement). This colourful animated 31 slide PowerPoint presentation includes interactive activities and an accompanying worksheet. 'Comparing Lengths and Heights - Year 1' is fully editable so teachers are able to adapt the resource to suit each class they teach.
To Kill a Mockingbird - Unit of work

To Kill a Mockingbird - Unit of work

To Kill a Mockingbird is a comprehensive teaching resource for Harper Lee's classic American novel. The unit includes a 247-slide PowerPoint presentation, 40 accompanying worksheets and a lesson by lesson unit overview. Each lesson is structured using the four part lesson plan format with a starter, introduction, development and plenary. Teachers can personalise and differentiate the resource as much or as little as they want as all slides in the PowerPoint presentation are fully editable. This To Kill a Mockingbird unit covers: - Context - a biography of Harper Lee and the social and historical context of 1930s Alabama and 1950s/60s American Civil Rights - Character - analysis of Scout, Jem, Atticus, Dill, Boo Radley, Bob Ewell and Miss Maudie. - Themes - exploration of key themes: racism, justice, courage, prejudice, class, innocence and maturity. - Language - examining Lee's use of description, dialogue and action. To preview our To Kill a Mockingbird resource, click on the images.
Fantastic Mr Fox - KS2

Fantastic Mr Fox - KS2

Fantastic Mr Fox - KS2 This English fiction teaching resource is an 11 lesson scheme of work with a 97-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and a 13-page booklet of worksheets. 'Fantastic Mr Fox - KS2' contains a variety of lessons and activities designed to help children understand the novel's plot, characters, language and themes. Content includes: A scheme of work overview A Roald Dahl mini biography, a video about Roald Dahl by Michael Rosen, a comprehension task and a class game Reading, writing and speaking and listening activities Eleven 4 part lessons each with starter activity, introduction, development and plenary Developing making predictions skills using book covers (images, title, author, blurb) about plot, characters, themes and genre Exploring how Roald Dahl creates characters Writing-frames to help children write about characters Examining Roald Dahl's use of language in Fantastic Mr Fox (using effective verbs and adjectives) Creating a comic strip version of Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl to assess understanding of the plot Tips for tackling new words Cross curricular - Endangered species (Geography, Citizenship, nature and the environment)
The Twits - Unit of Work

The Twits - Unit of Work

The Twits - Unit of Work This English fiction teaching resource is a 9 lesson scheme of work with an 82-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and a 14-page booklet of worksheets. ‘The Twits by Roald Dahl’ contains a variety of lessons and activities designed to help children understand the novel’s plot, characters, language and themes. Content includes: A scheme of work overview A short film about author Roald Dahl narrated by Michael Rosen Making predictions Descriptive writing - creating character portraits using description from the text Analysis of characterisation - Mr Twit and Mrs Twit Studying how Roald Dahl creates sympathy in the novel Storyboarding, comprehension questions and cloze exercises to consolidate understanding Writing empathetically as Muggle-Wump Studying Roald Dahl’s use of language Understanding unfamiliar words - using a dictionary Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more resources for Roald Dahl books: Boy Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Fantastic Mr Fox The Magic Finger
Comparing Capacity and Volume - Year 1

Comparing Capacity and Volume - Year 1

Comparing Capacity and Volume - Year 1 In this teaching resource pupils begin to compare and describe capacity and volume (full, half full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty) as per the year 1 maths programme of study (Measurement). This colourful and animated PowerPoint presentation includes interactive activities, link to a short video introducing the subject of comparing capacity and 4 accompanying worksheets. As with all our PowerPoint teaching resources, ‘Comparing Capacity and Volume - Year 1’ is completely editable so that teachers can adapt, alter and revise it as much or as little as required. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar Year 1 measurement resources: Longer or Shorter - Year 1 Comparing Lengths and Heights - Year 1 Taller or Shorter - Year 1 Comparing Weight - Year 1 Year 1 Measurement Bundle
Symmetry - Year 4

Symmetry - Year 4

Symmetry - Year 4 In 'Symmetry - Year 4' pupils will identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes and complete a simple symmetric shape. This is an ideal teaching aid to use in a lesson covering the Year 4 geometry curriculum objectives . Content includes: 1. A symmetry PowerPoint presentation. 2. Activities to support the teaching of these objectives and 4 accompanying worksheets. 3. One further worksheet with answers. ‘Symmetry - Year 4’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Lines - Year 3

Lines - Year 3

Lines - Year 3 In this teaching resource children are taught how to identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of parallel and perpendicular lines as per the statutory requirements of the year 3 maths programme of study (Geometry - properties of shapes). Content includes: Explanations of horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of parallel and perpendicular lines Activities to support the teaching of this objective with 3 accompanying worksheets 1 further worksheet with answers ‘Lines - Year 3’ is editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 3 Geomaetry resources: 2-D Shapes - Year 3 3-D Shapes - Year 3 Angles - Year 3
Angles - Year 4

Angles - Year 4

Angles - Year 4 In 'Angles - Year 4' pupils focus on recognising and comparing and ordering right, acute and obtuse angles. This is an ideal teaching aid to use in a lesson covering the Year 4 geometry curriculum objectives. Content includes: 1. A PowerPoint lesson 2. Activities to support the teaching of these objectives 3. Two accompanying worksheets with answers ‘Angles - Year 4’ is ready to teach but it is also fully editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs.
Angles - Year 3

Angles - Year 3

Angles - Year 3 This maths geometry teaching resource covers the curriculum objectives of the year 3 maths programme of study (Geometry - properities of shape). Pupils are taught to identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle. Content includes: What are angles explanation Turn explanation with animated diagrams An explanation of angles as a description of a turn An explanation of right angles, acute angles, obtuse angles and reflex angles An angles quiz 2 accompanying worksheets with answers ‘Angles - Year 3’ is editable so teachers can adapt the resource to meet their individual teaching needs. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 3 Geometry resources: 2-D Shapes - Year 3 3-D Shapes - Year 3 Lines - Year 3
3-D Shapes - Year 3

3-D Shapes - Year 3

3-D Shapes - Year 3 In this teaching resource pupils are taught to recognise and describe 3-D shapes and learn how to make 3-D models using nets as per the curriculum objectives of the year 3 maths programme of study (Geometry - properties of shapes). Content includes: Definition of a 3-D shape Describing 3-D shapes by listing their properties (faces, vertices, edges) Describing cuboids, pyramids, spheres, cones, prisms Activities to support the teaching of this objective and 5 accompanying worksheets Make your own 3-D shapes using nets activity ‘3-D Shapes - Year 3’ is editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 3 Geomaetry resources: 2-D Shapes - Year 3 Angles - Year 3 Lines - Year 3
Dulce et Decorum Est

Dulce et Decorum Est

Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen Our Dulce et Decorum Est teaching resource is made up of a 39-slide PowerPoint presentation with 4 worksheets. The resource includes a range of activities designed for teaching the poem at GCSE level and the materials can be used as a standalone lesson on Dulce et Decorum Est or incorporated into a wider unit of work on war poetry. Contents include: A brief biography of Wilfred Owen The historical and social context of World War One, trench warfare, war propaganda and recruiting poetry - film footage included An introduction to the poem, including a video reading of 'Dulce et Decorum Est' A copy of 'Dulce et Decorum Est' Consolidation of understanding and comprehension tasks Wilfred Owen's use of imagery in 'Dulce et Decorum Est' Owen's use of structure and poetic techniques in the poem The theme and message of 'Dulce et Decorum Est' Links to a video reading of Dulce et Decorum Est and relevant World War One history resources To preview a selection of slides from 'Dulce et Decorum Est' please click on the images.
Comparing and Classifying Shapes - Year 4

Comparing and Classifying Shapes - Year 4

Comparing and Classifying Shapes - Year 4 In this Year 4 maths teaching resource, pupils compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes. This lesson covers the year 4 curriculum objective in the maths programme of study (Geometry - properties of shapes). Content includes: 2-D shape recap Regular and irregular polygon recap Different types of triangles (right angled, equilateral, isosceles, scalene) explanation Different types of quadrilaterals (square, rhombus, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium) explanation What are parallel sides explanation Activities to support the teaching of this objective and 4 accompanying worksheets 1 further worksheet with answers ‘Comparing and Classifying Shapes - Year 4’ is fully editable so teachers can adapt the resource, if they wish, to suit the needs of each class they teach. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more Year 4 Geometry resources: Angles - Year 4 Symmetry - Year 4 Year 4 Geometry (properties of shapes) Bundle Coordinates - Year 4 Translations - Year 4 Drawing Shapes on a Grid - Year 4 Year 4 Geometry Bundle
The Highwayman - Unit of Work

The Highwayman - Unit of Work

The Highwayman - Unit of Work - Teaching Resources 120-slide PowerPoint Presentation 15 lessons 19 PDF Worksheets PDF copy of the poem PDF lesson overview This engaging scheme of work explores the poem ‘The Highwayman’ verse by verse, analysing its narrative, characters, themes and language through a range of stimulating activities. These teaching resources can be used with either Year 6 (KS2) or Year 7/8 (KS3) depending on the ability of the students. Our unit for The Highwayman includes planning (planning provided with a 15-lesson unit of work overview), a fully editable PowerPoint teaching resource and 19 accompanying PDF worksheets. The resource can be used to teach a whole class text or as part of a guided reading programme. To preview ‘The Highwayman’ unit of work in detail refer to the images. Click on an image and it will expand, allowing you to view each PowerPoint slide in the teaching resource. Activities contained in the lessons include: Engaging verse by verse activities to consolidate understanding as children read through the poem Analysis of the characters of The Highwayman, Bess and Tim the ostler Exploration of the poem’s key themes Developing knowledge and understanding of poetic devices – similes, metaphors, building tension, tone and mood Using Point/Evidence/Explain to write about the poem Alfred Noyes’s ‘message’ – exploring the author’s purpose Cloze and sequencing activities to consolidate understanding Analysis of language in detail Role play - hot-seating activities to aid understating of characters Developing understanding of key characters through empathy writing activities Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar poetry units: The Lady of Shalott Conflict Poetry Christmas Poetry
2-D Shapes - Year 3

2-D Shapes - Year 3

2-D Shapes - Year 3 In this teaching resource pupils practise recognising and drawing regular and irregular polygons as per the statutory requirements of the year 3 maths programme of study (Geometry - properties of shapes). Content includes: 2-D shape explanation Regular and irregular polygon explanation Quadrilaterals and triangles explanation Activities to support the teaching of this objective and 3 accompanying worksheets 1 further worksheet with answers ‘2-D Shapes - Year 3’ is editable allowing teachers to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 3 Geomaetry resources: 3-D Shapes - Year 3 Angles - Year 3 Lines - Year 3
Stone Cold - Year 9 Unit of Work

Stone Cold - Year 9 Unit of Work

Stone Cold - Unit of Work (18-lesson, 203-slide PowerPoint-based unit of work with 49 worksheets) Stone Cold is an 18-lesson teaching unit made up of a 203-slide editable PowerPoint presentation and a booklet of 49 worksheets. This Year 9 unit explores every chapter of the novel in detail and covers: Exploring attitudes to homelessness Reading and comprehension questions Developing understanding of implicit and explicit meaning Developing deduction and other key reading skills Exploring themes: homelessness, crime and punishment, family breakdown, the welfare state, poverty Speaking and listening activities Robert Swindells’ use of language in Stone Cold Character profiles and analysis - Link, Shelter, Ginger, Gail, Vince Empathy and descriptive writing Non-fiction writing And lots more! Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see more resources for popular KS3 novels: Boys Don’t Cry Cirque Du Freak Face Holes Noughts and Crosses Skellig The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night The Demon Headmaster The Silver Sword
The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant - Year 3

The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant - Year 3

The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant: KS2 Science Teaching Resource This KS2 science teaching resource explores the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. It is an ideal teaching aid to use in a lesson covering the curriculum objectives in the year 3 science programme of study (Plants). 'The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant' is a colourful and engaging PowerPoint presentation with 5 accompanying worksheets. Content includes: Link to an introductory video What is the life cycle of a flowering plant (seed, germination, growing stage, pollination, fertilisation, seed dispersal) The life cycle of a flowering plant worksheet Link to a plant reproduction video Plant reproduction, taking a closer look at pollination and fertilisation Plant reproduction worksheet Pollination quiz with accompanying worksheet Pollination activity and accompanying worksheets What is seed dispersal and the different methods (wind, animal, water, explosion) Seed dispersal quiz with accompanying worksheet Link to a seed dispersal video 'The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant' is fully editable so teachers can adapt the resource to suit the needs of each class they teach.
Plants and Water - Year 3

Plants and Water - Year 3

Plants and Water - Year 3 In this science teaching resource pupils will learn about the importance of water to plant life and investigate the way in which water is transported within plants. It is an ideal teaching aid to use in a lesson covering the year 3 science curriculum objective listed below: - investigate the way in which water is transported within plants 'Plants and Water - Year 3' is an engaging PowerPoint presentation including: Link to an introductory video An explanation of how water is transported within plants Science activity and accompanying worksheets Water transportation in plants activity and worksheet with answers 'Plants and Water - Year 3' is fully editable so teachers can adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching requirements.
The Circulatory System - PowerPoint presentation and worksheet

The Circulatory System - PowerPoint presentation and worksheet

In this teaching resource pupils will be taught to identify and name the main parts of the circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. It contains a 35 slide PowerPoint presentation and 2 worksheets. This science teaching resource is an ideal tool to use in a lesson covering the year 6 science curriculum objective below: Year 6 science programme of study - Animals, including humans: - identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood 'The Circulatory System' is fully editable so teachers have the freedom to adapt the resource to meet the needs of each class they teach.
Skeletons - Year 3

Skeletons - Year 3

Skeletons - Year 3 KS2 Science Teaching Resource PowerPoint presentation and seven accompanying worksheets. In this science teaching resource pupils are taught about human and animal skeletons. ‘Skeletons - Year 3’ has been designed to use in a lesson covering the year 3 science curriculum objective: Animals, including humans: identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement Content includes: Link to an introductory video A 3-D skeleton model teaching aid Identifying some human bones activity and two accompanying worksheets Identifying the main bones of the body and worksheet Functions of the skeleton Explanation of joints and ligaments (hinge joints and ball and socket joints) Which bones protect which organs? How to take care of bones Animal skeletons and an explanation of vertebrates and invertebrates Skeleton detective activity - match the skeleton to the animal and an accompanying worksheet Animal skeleton sorting activity and accompanying worksheet Skeleton quiz and accompanying worksheet Useful links Make your own skeleton cut out model ‘Skeletons - Year 3’ is completely editable so you have the freedom to adapt the resource to suit each class you teach. Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below to see similar resources: Nutrition - Year 3 Muscles - Year 3