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Owen134866's Shop

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TES Resource contributor of the year 2014 - not really a shop, more a free-for-all take what you want and use it however you like!




TES Resource contributor of the year 2014 - not really a shop, more a free-for-all take what you want and use it however you like!
Matrix Algebra

Matrix Algebra

These powerpoints cover 5 lessons on the basics of Matrices, including addition/subtraction and multiplication, as well as finding the determinant and the inverse of a Matrix. I made them to go with our IGCSE book exercises so there aren't any worksheets I&'m afraid. I have also included some examples of matrices in tables and why multiplication is done in the way it is. If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! :)
Sample Spaces

Sample Spaces

In this lesson students get shown how a sample space can help when finding combinations of events. They then go onto using the diagram to calculate probabilities based on those events. The worksheet has a variety of difficulties of question and includes answers. If you liked this resource then please check out my other stuff on TES! All free! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Owen134866
Happy Numbers

Happy Numbers

A nice little investigation into which numbers are happy and which are unhappy. Pupils will end up with a reflected pattern in their grid and as an extension you can ask them to try and draw flow diagrams (I have referenced the source for these (davecavill - also on the TES site) in the powerpoint itself!) If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! :)
Changing the subject

Changing the subject

These two powerpoints go through the basics of changing the subject of an equation or formula. The first includes just simple linear rearrangement, and the second includes example of factorising and dealing with roots and fractions. Nothing especially exciting, just trying to be as clear as possible! If you liked this resource, then please check out my other stuff on TES! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Owen134866
Completing the Square

Completing the Square

2 lesson sequence on Completing the Square. The first lesson pupils are introduced to the pattern and how to rewrite expressions under various conditions. The second lesson pupils actually use the process to solve equations. This has been made to go with our IGCSE textbooks but I imagine most courses structure it in a similar way! If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on TES! :)
Matrix Transformations

Matrix Transformations

These lessons are designed to go with the IGCSE course and the CIE Extended textbook. The first shows pupils how to transform a shape by multiplying its coordinates by a Matrix, and pupils should experiment to see if they can find any specific transformations. The second lesson, pupils are shown how to work out a specific transformation. These follow on from my other resource on Matrix Algebra (also on TES). If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff! :)
Probability Investigation

Probability Investigation

Another lesson based on a worksheet I saw. Pupils investigate how many ways a coin can reach a certain destination according to a rule, then find the pattern of Pascal's Triangle. If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here!
A-level Core Pure Mathematics Year 2/A2

A-level Core Pure Mathematics Year 2/A2

This set of 8 powerpoints have been designed to match the Edexcel Core Pure Mathematics Year 2/A2 textbook (for Further Maths), and have largely been adapted from my previous A-level resources. Every chapter is covered, and within are explanations that could be used to teach lessons or be shared with students via a digital classroom! If you liked this resource, then please check out my other resources on TES! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Owen134866 Special thanks to Robin Fellerman who helped me get to grips with Hyperbolic Functions!
Generating and Graphing Sequences

Generating and Graphing Sequences

These 3 lessons are aimed at higher ability pupils who have covered linear sequences before, and need a quick recap but then an extension into harder work. Lesson 1 - Generating much more complicated sequences and finding patterns in the differences. Lesson 2 - Using the patterns they found to work out the nth term of quadratics/cubics etc. Lesson 3 - Graphing the sequences and their differences and finding links between them. If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! :)
Geometrical Square Rooting

Geometrical Square Rooting

Pupils learn how to estimate square roots of numbers using only a pencil, ruler and a pair of compasses. Originally discovered by Rene Descartes, it is based around Pythagoras' Theorem (a proof is included in the powerpoint). If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! :)
Even more Maths Relays!

Even more Maths Relays!

Another set of 5 relays, this time aimed at Y9 students. Also included is an example of how I use them and a scoring sheet. Most of the questions have been pilfered from nRich or the UKMT, so are not my own work... If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Owen134866 The relays are originally based on Chris Smith's set, uploaded here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/maths-relay-races-problem-solving-puzzles-6064073 And my other set of 5 is here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/more-maths-relays-11026512
Volume and Surface Area Investigation

Volume and Surface Area Investigation

Pupils investigate what happens when the increase one of the dimensions of a cuboid by 1 unit repeatedly, and plot their results on a graph. They then try to explain their findings. Can be extended to Surface Area as well. If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on TES! :)
Graph transformation by substitution

Graph transformation by substitution

Pupils become familiar with the f(x) notation and what some of the transformations actually mean in terms of the function itself. They then change a function based on the transformation and plot the corresponding values so they can see its effect. There is most likely several lessons of work here and it is broken into separate sections. If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! :)
Exponential Equations

Exponential Equations

Pupils learn to solve equations where the unknown is in the 'power', by changing the base so the powers can be compared (ie - logarithms not needed). The powerpoint has been made to go with the Cambridge IGCSE course but could easily be adapted. If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! :)
Standard Unit Prefixes (Standard Form extension)

Standard Unit Prefixes (Standard Form extension)

Pupils practice Standard Form (which they should be familiar with before this lesson is taught), and learn about many of the prefixes used. For example changing milligrams to micrograms, how big is a yottametre compared to a picometre etc. Why say 1000 kilometres when you could just say 1 Megametre? They usually find all the names of units quite interesting! If you like this resource then please have a look at my other stuff on here! :)
Multiplicative Relationships

Multiplicative Relationships

3 lessons on ratio problems, but with an emphasis on using fractions in calculations and not relying on calculators or decimals. The students may well have seen ratio already in which case their methods may be different to those used here, which is fine! If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! :)
Fractals, Imaginary and Complex Numbers

Fractals, Imaginary and Complex Numbers

4 lessons taking students through processes required to understand the Mandelbrot set and fractals. Students should already know how to simplify surds and expand a double bracket. They will learn about imaginary and complex numbers, Iteration and Argand diagrams. The spreadsheet can be used to help map out points that satisfy the Mandelbrot set. Aimed at very high ability KS4 students. If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! :) (and thanks to danwalker on TES for the idea for the spreadsheet!)
Tree Diagrams

Tree Diagrams

This lesson is intended as an introduction to Tree diagrams. In it, pupils see how Tree diagrams can be used to show different combinations of events, and can therefore be used to calculate probabilities. There are no probabilities on the diagrams at this point, this idea can be introduced at a later date. The worksheet has a variety of questions, with answers included. If you liked this resource then please check out my other stuff on TES - all free! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Owen134866
Coordinate Patterns

Coordinate Patterns

Pupils plot coordinates based on rules. This is effectively graph plotting but without using the formal algebra. The powerpoint is set up in such a way that certain sections should be written on and the worksheet has plenty of questions! If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here! :) EDIT: 1/4/14 Improved the visibility of the gridlines on the sheet.
Maths in Sport - Average Speeds

Maths in Sport - Average Speeds

Pupils use Maths to calculate the average speed of runners in various Olympic races and plot a graph of their results. They then try to explain the data by interpreting their graphs. If you like this resource then please check out my other stuff on here!