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Hi! My name is Nicole Campbell and I specialise in PSHE and Citizenship in primary and secondary school. I have been teaching for nine years and have a BA in Media and Cultural Studies, a PGCE in Upper Primary and a Masters in Psychology. I am also a freelance writer and speaker.




Hi! My name is Nicole Campbell and I specialise in PSHE and Citizenship in primary and secondary school. I have been teaching for nine years and have a BA in Media and Cultural Studies, a PGCE in Upper Primary and a Masters in Psychology. I am also a freelance writer and speaker.
Year 2 Sleep/Vaccinations and Healthy Teeth

Year 2 Sleep/Vaccinations and Healthy Teeth

Year 2 Physical Health and Mental Well-being 2 x lessons -Sleep and Vaccinations and Healthy Teeth -PSHE 2021 Lesson. Contains a 13-slide editable powerpoint with PSHE Village watermark. Worksheets x1 Learning Outcomes Lesson 1: To know routines and habits for maintaining good physical and mental health To understand why sleep and rest are important for growing and keeping healthy To know that medicines, including vaccinations and immunisations, can help people stay healthy and manage allergies and prevent disease. Lesson 2:To understand the importance of, and routines for, brushing teeth and visiting the dentist To know about food and drink that affect dental health Key Vocabulary Lesson 1: Sleep, rest, memory, vaccination, immunisation, disease, infection, protect Lesson 2: Teeth, enamel, food, dentist, healthy and unhealthy food and drink, brush, clean Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources! :)
World Food Day: The Global Food Crisis

World Food Day: The Global Food Crisis

The global food crisis Around the world about 828 million people go to bed hungry every night. But food scarcity remains a complex problem to solve. This lesson plan on food scarcity can be used on 16 October for World Food Day. Help students explore some of the reasons why food is scarce and discuss the complexities of sharing food globally. Presentation slides and resources included Use this one-hour lesson to help your students: Understand what food scarcity means and how this links to stories in the news Discuss solutions to the global food crisis Consider who is responsible for solving the crisis The Economist Educational Foundation maintain full editorial control.
Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial day 2023 Objective: To research and give a presentation on different marginalised groups who were persecuted during the Holocaust, using the characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010. This PSHE lesson uses cross-curricular links to learn about prejudice and discrimination against different groups of people during the Holocaust. Includes lesson slides and resource. Adaptable to suit your needs! Thanks for visiting The Village!
Resilient Art

Resilient Art

A worksheet to get children to explore what or who they consider to be resilient. Get children to think of 4 objects/people that they think are resilient and list reasons why they think that.
Year 5 Sleep Choices and Keeping Healthy in the Sun

Year 5 Sleep Choices and Keeping Healthy in the Sun

Year 5 Physical Health and Mental Well-being 2 x lessons - Sleep Choices and Keeping Healthy in the Sun PSHE 2021 Lesson. Contains an 17-slide editable powerpoint with PSHE Village watermark. Worksheets x 1. Learning Outcomes Lesson 1: To understand how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle To know a range of healthy sleep strategies and how to maintain them Lesson 2: To know about the benefits of being outdoors and in the sun for physical and mental health To understand how to manage risk in relation to sun exposure, including skin damage and heat stroke Key Vocabulary Lesson 1: Sleep deprivation, brain, memory retention, moodiness, depression, sleep strategies Lesson 2: Immune system, active, ultra-violet B radiation, vitamin D, melatonin, serotonin, equator, melanin Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources! :)
The Rise of the Entrepreneur

The Rise of the Entrepreneur

Objective: To understand what an entrepreneur is and evaluate the motives for starting a business An Economist Foundation lesson that develops Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 10-Decent work and economic growth/ Reduced Inequalities. The desire to become an entrepreneur is on the rise. About 60% of American teenagers want to start their own business and many young people cite social-media influencers and celebrities as inspiration for their ambitions. What is the best motive for starting a business? And how might motive affect an entrepreneur’s success? This week, make connections between different statistics in the news and discuss what may affect the success of a new business. Use this one-hour lesson to help your students: Understand what an entrepreneur is and examine the motives behind starting a business Generate ideas to increase the likelihood of success Make connections between different statistics in the news
A Resilient Interview

A Resilient Interview

An interview sheet for children to record the answers of their friends or family to learn about other people’s resilience through challenges.
Protests in Iran: Mahsa Amini

Protests in Iran: Mahsa Amini

On September 13th, Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman, was arrested by Iran’s morality police for allegedly breaking the rule that requires women to cover their hair with a hijab, or headscarf. Ms Amini died in custody and many people believe this was a result of police brutality. This sparked protests across the country. This lesson plan and The Economist Educational. The PowerPoint is from PSHE Village to support the lesson plan. -Help students understand why people are protesting in Iran and the difficulties protesters might face. Use this one-hour lesson to help your students: Understand some of the context around the protests in Iran Discuss whether people outside the country should speak out Share ideas on how to spot misinformation and fake news (Powerpoint does not cover this)
Anti-slavery Day 2022

Anti-slavery Day 2022

18th October Whilst the transatlantic slave trade was outlawed in 1807 and slavery is prohibited internationally by Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are still an estimated 12.3 million people across the world in slavery today, forced to work for little or no pay. This is a day to approach carefully given the potential of this topic to cause worries. Nevertheless, it is important that students, especially in older years, are aware that slavery is not just a historical issue. Specifically, it should be highlighted that modern slavery is often more covert and hard to spot - this means that it can occur in our own communities and in the supply chains of products we buy. As with other serious topics, scary details should be avoided here. Instead, engage your students in a conversation about the basics of what modern slavery in the UK might be like. The recently revealed life story of Sir Mo Farah is a great example for this. Farah was trafficked from Somalia and held against his will in London by a woman he had never met. In the UK Farah was forced to work as a domestic servant for another family before being helped by his teachers to gain British citizenship and new foster parents. Through this story you can show that modern slavery may look very different to historical kinds. Ask: given this example, where might other instances of modern slavery occur? Good examples are in factories, in farms and in small businesses. Show in particular that this can happen anywhere in the world, especially in places with lower labour protections. Another key question to ask is: how can we recognise instances of this in our own community? Good ideas might be strong community care structures like well trained teachers, social workers and youth clubs. Another might be individuals looking for tell tale signs or checking up on people when things don’t seem right. 1 x Powerpoint
Year 3 Media Images and Celebrating Achievement

Year 3 Media Images and Celebrating Achievement

2 x lessons - Media Images and Celebrating AchievementPSHE 2021 Lesson. Contains an 16-slide editable powerpoint with PSHE Village watermark. Worksheets x 2. Learning Outcomes Lesson 1: • To recognise that images in the media can be changed, altered or adapted and therefore may not represent the ‘true’ image • To identify how an image can influence someone’s view about a place or product • To recognise why an image might be changed, such as to sell something, including an idea to others Lesson 2: To reflect on their achievements and describe what they are proud of • To describe the different ways achievements can be celebrated • To describe aspirations for the end of term/school year and how they will know if they have achieved them •To describe steps they can take to improve • To explain how making mistakes along the way can help them to learn Key Vocabulary Lesson 1:Media, images, distort, filters, confidence, self-image, advertising, influence Lesson 2: Media, images, distort, filters, confidence, self-image, advertising, influence Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources!:)
Monday Early Morning Presentation for Wellbeing

Monday Early Morning Presentation for Wellbeing

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like). Slide 3 A start of week check-in. Encourage children to set positive intentions for the week. Slide 4 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
Tuesday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

Tuesday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like)3 Slide 3 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
Wednesday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

Wednesday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like). Slide 3-5 Guess the country - childrren to guess in what part of the world the images have been taken. Slide 6 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
Thursday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

Thursday Early Morning Presentation Winter Term

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like). Slide 3 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
Friday Early Morning Presentation

Friday Early Morning Presentation

An editable PowerPoint to welcome children into their school day. This supports emotional and social development as well as skills in global citizenship. Designed for Primary-aged students. Slide 1 A welcome slide to greet children and put a smile on their face. Slide 2 A daily timetable (children love to know what the day ahead looks like). Slide 3 A end of week check-in. Encourage children to use sentence starters to reflect on the past week. Slide 4-6 Guess the Country - Children to guess what part of the world the images are taken in. Slide 7 A daily wellbeing activity. Children can record on whiteboards or in a specific wellbeing journal.
Exploring the Connection between Food and Mental Health

Exploring the Connection between Food and Mental Health

1 x lesson -Exploring the Connection between Food and Mental Health-PSHE 2024 Lesson. Contains a 9-slide editable powerpoint. Resource sheet x1 Suited to Key Stage 4/ 5- Linked to PSHE Association Year 11 Curriculum - Health and Well-being - Responsible Health Choices Learning Outcomes -to be able to understand and articulate the connections between food choices and mental health -to examine the impact of nutrition on mood, cognitive function, and overall mental well-being. Case studies included in download 1x sheet and 1 x answer sheet Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources!
Religious Discrimination

Religious Discrimination

1 x lesson -Religious Discrimination-PSHE 2023 Lesson. Contains a 17-slide editable powerpoint. Resource sheet x1 Suited to Key Stage 3- Linked to PSHE Association Year 8 Curriculum - Relationships - Discrimination Learning Outcomes -To develop an understanding of religious discrimination -To understand its impact on individuals and communities -To explore ways to promote religious tolerance. Key Vocabulary Equality Act 2010, Religious Discrimination, tolerance Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources!
Career Exploration and Goal Setting

Career Exploration and Goal Setting

1 x lesson -Career Exploration and Goal Setting-PSHE 2024 Lesson. Contains a 14-slide editable PowerPoint. Assessment sheet x1 Suited to Key Stage 5- Linked to PSHE Association Year 12 Curriculum - Living in the Wider World - Planning for the Future Learning Outcomes -to assess your strengths, interests, values, and skills to set realistic, aspirational goals. -to evaluate post-18 options in education, training, and employment, including higher education, further training or apprenticeships, and gap year opportunities. What you need: Self-assessment worksheet (included) Informational handouts on post-18 options. Whiteboard and markers. Computers or tablets for research. Key Vocabulary strengths, weaknesses, goals, personal and academic growth, effective decision-making, preparation, apprenticeships, gap year, purpose Thank you for choosing PSHE Village resources!