Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
This lesson covers how the understanding of what causes disease has developed from 1900-the present day with a focus on genetics and DNA. Students will understand the timeline of these developments as well as be able to explain why they were made after 1900. Students will then explain the impact this has had on preventing some diseases.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
**This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson looks at the improved diagnosis, treatment methods and forms of prevention of Lung Cancer in the modern period.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson examines the creation, significance and strengths and weaknesses of the Black Panther Movement. This includes the role of Stokely Carmichael and the events at the 1968 Mexico Olympic Games.
The lesson includes the following:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2: Lesson key questions
Slide 3-4: Malcom X recap quiz with answers revealed
Slide 5-7: Animated and engaging background information about the development of the Black Panthers
Slide 8: Source analysis of the Black Panther Ten Point Programme
Slide 9: An overview of the aims and methods of the Black Panthers
Slide 10: An overview of the events at the Mexico Olympic Games
Slide 11-14: Practice Exam Question ‘How useful’ which includes a model answer, suggested structure and student answer sheets
Slide 15-18: Practice Exam Questions - ‘Interpretation Difference’ with printable resources and suggested structure
Slide 19: Practice Exam Question ‘How far do you agree with Interpretation 2’.
Slide 20: Lesson sorting activity and follow up questions
Slide 21: Black Panther creative task outline
Slide 22-23: Learning Review quiz with answers
Slide 24-25: Lesson fact sheets based on GCSE specification
I have included two fact sheets (one slightly differentiated) with the information needed for this part of the course which can be found on the final two slides. Therefore, no other resources are needed for the teaching of this lesson.
Please note that all images (clipart/photographs/vectors) used in this presentation, to be best of my knowledge, are copyright free and in the public domain unless otherwise attributed in the links. If you feel any errors have been made please contact me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue. Thank you.
**This high quality lesson provides you will all of the material and resources you will need to teach your students about the causes, events and consequences of the Harrying of the North. **
You will be purchasing a double page worksheet/fact sheet as well as the main power point presentation full of activities, discussion tasks, starter activities and learning reviews.
Worksheet 1
A fact sheet for students about the events
Worksheet 2
A set of increasingly more difficult tasks including key term match up, source analysis and explanation style questions.
Main Power Point Presentation
Slide 1: To examine the causes, events and consequences of the Harrying of the North
Slide 2: Source analysis of an illustration of the Harrying of the North - prompt questions given
Slide 3: Background information about William just after the Battle of Hastings
Slide 4: Background information about William being crowned King of England
Slide 5: Background information about the start of the Norman Conquest
Slide 6: Background information about the Anglo-Saxon Rebellions
Slide 7: Background information about the rebellions in the north
Slide 8: Background information about the Harrying of the North
Slide 9: Outline of the two worksheets and lesson fact sheets
Slide 10: Challenge questions
Slide 11: Key term learning review
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson covers the importance and impact of the work carried out by Vesalius in the 1500s and how it progressed medicine in Britain.
The lesson includes:
Clear learning aims and achievements
Recap task: Crossword for the board or printable for students
Starter activity: Discussion about a source showing an illustration of Vesalius during a dissection.
Background information:8 slides which outline the work of Vesalius
Task Sheet 1: Students asked to think about Vesalius as a key individual Vs other factors which helped him such as the printing press.
Task Sheet 2: A differentiated version of the sheet above
Task Sheet 3: A comprehension style sheet as an alternative task
Exam focus: Give examples of a 12 and 16 mark exam question
Plenary: A true or false quiz to assess student learning
FACT SHEET: Every lesson comes with a fact sheet which can be given to the students as a replacement for a text book. This means you will not need any other resources for the lesson.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
NEW 2025/6 SPEC: Students examine Elizabethan Education in Dame Schools, Petty Schools, Grammar Schools, Apprenticeships and education at home for the nobility. They also explain the reasons why education became more important in Elizabethan England.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT)
1 x Main 18 slide Power Point Lesson
The main lesson includes:
Slide 1 - Title slide
Slide 2 - An outline of Elizabethan Society
Slide 3-4: As you enter activity - alphabet of modern school subjects
Slide 5: Class clips with questions
Slide 6-7: Starter Task - Education key word match up with answers and printable sheets
Slide 8: Starter Task 2 - Picture source analysis
Slide 9: Background information about Elizabethan Education
Slide 10-11: Elizabethan education worksheet
Slide 12: Elizabethan schools and home education printable worksheet
Slide 13: Explaining the increased importance of education in Elizabethan England.
Slide 14-16: Sample exam questions
Slide 17-18: Fact Sheets
This lesson has been updated in line with the amended specification and exam questions ready for the 2025/6 examinations.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson covers the continuity and change in ideas about the cause of disease in the Early Modern period 1500-1700. In particular it explains why there was so little change in our knowledge of what caused disease as well as a study of individuals such as William Harvey, Robert Hooke and Thomas Sydenham.
This lesson includes: Clear learning aims and achievements, a recap task, a starter activity, background information, a variety of tasks to pick from to suite your students learning style and ability, extension and challenge tasks, exam questions, a learning review (plenary) and finally a fact sheet which can be used as a stand alone resource for the lesson or as part of revision/student catch up.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
Students examin the reasons for Stalin’s creation of Cominform and Comecon as well as the consequences for the future of the Cold War with the USA.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT)
1 x Main Power Point Lesson
The Main Power Point Includes:
RECAP 1: Heads and Tails - match the Cold War key term to its meaning. Answers revealed in the presentation for students to peer mark afterwards.
RECAP 2: Vocabulary/Literacy - students select the terms which best describe the relationship between the USA and Soviet Union at this point in their study.
STARTER: A focus on the two terms Cominform and Comecon - what do they mean?
BACKGROUND: The possibility to run through the basics and the narrative of the announcement of the two organisations with your students.
TASK OPTION 1: Students to copy and complete a table to identify the main aims and outline Cominform and Comecon.
TASK OPTION 2: A printable worksheet for students to be used with the fact sheet.
EXAM FOCUS AND TASK: Another opportunity to focus on the narrative account. This time, students have the opportunity to complete a narrative timeline (see image) and link the causes and and consequences of each event together. Printable worksheet available and an example given to model what is expected.
RECAP: A 10 question quiz called ‘Cominform’ or ‘Comecon’? Students have to match the statement to the organisation it belongs to.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson covers the actions and policies of Mikhail Gorbachev from 1985-1991 along with his significance for US-Soviet relations and the fall of the Soviet Union.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT) – Included in every Cold War lesson!
1 x Main Power Point Lesson
The main PowerPoint includes:
RECAP: Missing terms quiz about the actions of President Reagan from lesson 16.
STARTER: A discussion question about the forms of technology available in the West by the 1980s and how this might show the difference between capitalism and communism.
STARTER: A cartoon for the students to discuss showing Mikhail Gorbachev and the ‘breaking up’ of the Soviet Union. Students have to interpret the cartoon as a way into the lesson.
STARTER: 3 sources. Students should read each one and ‘infer’ what they can about the actions of Gorbachev.
BACKGROUND: Various, clear slides to outline the events and actions taken by Gorbachev in this time before the students read further.
TASK: Students are asked to complete a fact file about Gorbachev. Students are given an outline of suggested headings for this fact file from basic facts to a description of each of his actions. They will then be prompted to examine his importance and such turning points in the Cold War.
PLENARY: Key term ‘Who/what am I?’
FACT SHEET: All of the information needed for the students on one sheet.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson has a focus on the actions of Francis Drake and Robert Dudley and asks students to explain their role in the decline of Anglo-Spanish Relations in the years before the Spanish Armada.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT)
1 x Main 23 slide Power Point Lesson
1 x Worksheet
The Power Point includes:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2-3: Recap multiple choice quiz about Anglo-Spanish relationships - with answers
Slide 4 - 14: A series of role play/decision making tasks where students decide which option Elizabeth should select.
Slide 15 - 16: Background knowledge about Robert Dudley’s actions in the Netherlands
Slide 17: Background knowledge about Drake’s Raid on Cadiz
Slide 18-19: Task 1: Explaining how the events increased tensions between England and Spain
Slide 20-22: Example exam/assessment questions
Slide 23: Lesson fact sheet
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson covers how methods developed during the First World War to better treat infections and broken bones, for example with the development of the Thomas Splint, x-ray machines, wound excision, the Carrel-Dakin method and amputations.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson specifically asks students to explain why there were so many medical breakthroughs in the 18th and 19th century. Students are given all the factors they needs with a variety of tasks for all abilities. They then have the opportunity to answer a 16 mark question based on this unit.
The 13 slide lesson contains:
Clear learning aims
Thought provoking starter & discussion tasks
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Example exam questions
Fact sheet based on GCSE specifications
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
**This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use. **
This lesson looks at the methods used to transport the injured soldiers from the frontline to hospitals. It has a focus on the problems and challenges presented by the environment of the Western Front.
All resources for the teaching of this lesson are included such as worksheets, information sheet, practice exam questions and a variety of sources.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
**This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use. **
**This 16 slide lesson includes all of the materials and resources needed to teach students about the Chain of Evacuation for wounded soldiers during the First World War. In particular, students study the Regimental Aid Post, the Dressing Stations, the Casualty Clearing Stations and Base hospitals.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
**This lesson includes all of the information needed to teach students about the role of the RAMC, FANY and VAD. There is a link to the underground hospital at Arras as part of this. **
You will get all of the resources needed such as fact sheets and worksheets as well as a range of exam questions the students can practice with.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson concludes this part of the topic which covers ‘Conflict at Home’ and Civil Rights. The lesson examines the impact of the assassination of Martin Luther King and uses this to help evaluate how much progress the civil rights movement had made by 1975.
I have included two fact sheets (one slightly differentiated) with the information needed for this part of the course which can be found on the final two slides. Therefore, no other resources are needed for the teaching of this lesson.
The lesson includes the following:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2: Lesson Key Questions
Slide 3: Comparison of two differing historical interpretations about the progress of civil rights
Slide 4: Comparison of two different historical interpretations in an exam style format - printable version for students
Slide 5-6: Introduction to the 12 mark ‘Explain why’ question with analysis of the question itself an suggested structure
Slide 7-8: A timeline of the key events from 1964-75 - students need to use this to help them think about the reasons why there was progress or limited progress in civil rights.
Slide 9: A table for students to fill in their ideas about progress/little progress
Slide 10-12: A differentiated version of the above tasks whereby students organise various statements about civil rights into ‘progress’ or ‘limited progress’. Printable sheets and answers supplied
Slide 13: Overall evaluation questions
Slide 14-15: A fully animated and interactive ‘blockbusters’ game to help students recap some of the main events/people/terms from unit 2. Teacher question sheet and answers provided.
Slide 16-17: Fact sheets based on the Edexcel specification
Please note that all images (clipart/photographs/vectors) used in this presentation, to be best of my knowledge, are copyright free and in the public domain unless otherwise attributed in the links. If you feel any errors have been made please contact me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue. Thank you.
This lesson examines the causes and events of the Watts Riots and the significance of the Kerner Report. It also evaluates the success/failures of King’s Campaign in the North.
I have included two fact sheets (one slightly differentiated) with the information needed for this part of the course which can be found on the final two slides. Therefore, no other resources are needed for the teaching of this lesson.
The lesson includes:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2: Lesson Key Questions
Slide 3-5: Black Panther Recap - Word fill with answers and a printable version for students
Slide 6: Source starter task
Slide 7-12: Engaging background information about the three events including further source analysis and photographic evidence
Slide 13: Learning activity - students have to sort the statements about King’s Campaign in the North into ‘successes’ or ‘failures’. This includes an additional source task based on the same idea.
Slide 14: Follow Up Challenge Questions
Slide 15-16: Learning Review Quiz with answers revealed
Slide 18-19: Lesson fact sheets based on the Edexcel specification
Please note that all images (clipart/photographs/vectors) used in this presentation, to be best of my knowledge, are copyright free and in the public domain unless otherwise attributed in the links. If you feel any errors have been made please contact me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue. Thank you.
This lesson examines the changing beliefs of Malcom X and how he influenced the Black Power Movement in the 1960s.
The lesson includes the following:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2: Lesson Key Questions
Slide 3-4: Previous learning about the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act True or False Quiz with answers
Slide 5: Photographic source inference starter
Slide 6-7: Malcom X source enquiry activity including a printable sheet of 6 sources based on his autobiography
Slide 8: An optional creative writing task
Slide 9: Printable student worksheet (students to write their answers on the sheet)
Slide 10: Practice Exam Question (inference)
Slide 11: Follow up challenge questions
Slide 12: Learning Review - Key Term Association
Slide 13-14: Lesson fact sheets based on Edexcel specification
I have included two fact sheets (one slightly differentiated) with the information needed for this part of the course which can be found on the final two slides. Therefore, no other resources are needed for the teaching of this lesson.
Please note that all images (clipart/photographs/vectors) used in this presentation, to be best of my knowledge, are copyright free and in the public domain unless otherwise attributed in the links. If you feel any errors have been made please contact me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue. Thank you.
This lesson examines the key events of the Freedom Summer (1964) , the Mississippi Murders (1964) and the march for voting rights from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. Students analyse how these key events caused publicity as well as the continued opposition towards black voter registration from groups such as the KKK and WCC.
I have included two fact sheets (one slightly differentiated) with the information needed for this part of the course which can be found on the final two slides. Therefore, no other resources are needed for the teaching of this lesson.
The lesson includes:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2: Lesson Key Questions
Slide 3-7: Recap Activities covering Campaign C and the March to Washington with printable student version and answers
Slide 8 : Starter Task Discussion about the importance of black Americans gaining the vote.
Slide 9-10: Background information and tasks covering the Freedom Summer and Freedom Schools
Slide 11: Background information about the Mississippi Murders
Slide 12-15: Background information about voting rights in Selma and the march to Montgomery
Slide 16: Discussion and task covering the various pressures placed on President Johnson for further civil rights laws.
Slide 17: Student worksheet/question sheet about the events covered in the lesson.
Slide 18: Source analysis question sheet (includes two sources)
Slide 19-20: Learning Review Statistic Match Up
Slide 21-22: Fact Sheets created in line with the Edexcel specification.
Please note that all images (clipart/photographs/vectors) used in this presentation, to be best of my knowledge, are copyright free and in the public domain unless otherwise attributed in the links. If you feel any errors have been made please contact me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue. Thank you.
This lesson examines two key civil rights events during 1963 - King’s Campaign C in Birmingham, Alabama and the following March on Washington DC. Students examine the events as well as think about the significance of them for the progress of civil rights in America.
I have included two fact sheets (one slightly differentiated) with the information needed for this part of the course which can be found on the final two slides. Therefore, no other resources are needed for the teaching of this lesson.
The lesson includes:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2: Lesson Key Questions
Slide 3-4: Previous lesson recap quiz with answers revealed
Slide 5: Martin Luther King Source Starter Task
Slide 6-7: Picture Quiz - Identify which civil rights events caused publicity in America?
Slide 8: Brief background information about Campaign C and a map showing the location of Birmingham in the Deep South
Slide 9: Instruction sheet for the timeline exercise
Slide 10: Printable student worksheet for students to organise the events into the correct chronological order
Slide 11-12: Two different style timelines
Slide 13: Follow up challenge questions
Slide 14-15: Photographic evidence of the March on Washington
Slide 16: Inference practice question
Slide 17: ‘I have a Dream’ source analysis
Slide 18: Learning Review activity
Slide 19-20: Fact sheets based on Edexcel specification
Please note that all images (clipart/photographs/vectors) used in this presentation, to be best of my knowledge, are copyright free and in the public domain unless otherwise attributed in the links. If you feel any errors have been made please contact me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue. Thank you.