Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
**This pack of revision resources has been specifically designed to help students revise for the Historic Environment of the British Sector of the Western Front. This is the first section in the Paper 1 Medicine in Britain Thematic Study. **
The pack of resources are all on A4 power point and include the following:
Activity 1: A timeline of the main events activity
Activity 2: Medical progress before the war match up and worksheet
Activity 3: Western Front Medical Pioneers March up with challenge tasks
Activity 4: Western Front Environment Glossary Fill
Activity 5: Western Front Medicine Glossary Fill
Activity 6: Statistic Quiz (Multiple Choice)
Activity 7: Western Front Sources Activity - allowing students to become familiar with the types of sources which can be used or analysed
Activity 8: The ‘Follow Up’ activity - students use the previous sheet to decide which sources they would use to help them answer a series of questions.
Activity 9: ‘Two Features’ practice
Activity 10: Western Front Facts Activity
Activity 11: The Big Western Fron Quiz (2 pages for back to back printing)
Activity 12: Mind Map sheet
This lesson examines how far society and life changed in England after 1066, both for the wealthy and the poor.
You will recieve:
1 x A4 worksheet detailing the experiences of three ‘typical’ people from the time. This will act as an information sheet for one of the tasks
2 x A4 worksheets with a variety of tasks and activities for all abilities
1 x Main Power Point presentation which includes: a recap and starter task, animated background information, fully resources learning tasks, challenge and creative writing opportunities as well as a lesson recap/review.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson contains a variety of activities and tasks which will allow students to understand the key events of each crusade as well as some of the individuals involved. **
This pack includes:
1 x A4 Fact Sheet about the crusades (colour free for photocopying)
1 x A4 Fact Sheet about the crusades (in colour if required)
2 x A4 Worksheets about the events covering key terms, sources and an analysis of the events. (including challenge questions)
- 1 x Main Power Point Presentation:
Slide 1: Title slide - To examine the main events and key people of the crusades
Slide 2: Animated, clear and engaging background information giving a brief background to the crusades
Slide 3: An overview of Pope Urban II’s speech which called for the First Crusade
Slide 4: My own designed map of the main routes and areas of the crusades
Slide 5: Why there was more than one crusade
Slide 6: An overview of the main fact sheet needed for the lesson
Slide 7: A table based activity for students to pick out facts such as dates, people and events from each event along with an analysis of if the crusaders were successful or not
Slide 8-9: A recap quiz with answers revealed for students to self assess (mainly based on key individuals and places).
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
**The lesson has a focus on the short term and longer term wider consequences of the Black Death. **
The main task is for students to identify these consequences and then analyse them. There is then a variety of optional tasks such as a creative writing task, extended writing task and additional challenge questions for the students to discuss and complete.
You will recieve the following in this lesson:
1 x A4 Worksheet to allow students to sort the long term and short term consequences
1 x Main Power Point lesson which includes starter activities, recap tasks and all the resources you will need to complete the tasks mentioned above.
Please note that all images (clipart/vector/illustrations/photographs) are in the public domain and are therefore classed as Creative Commons 1.0 unless otherwise attributed in the notes section of each slide. If you believe there are any errors, please email me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue.
This lesson examines the case study of Matthew Hopkins and his contribution to the seriousness of the crime of witchcraft in the mid-1600s.
Slide 1: Title slide - To evaluate the role of Matthew Hopkins in the increased belief in witccraft in the 1600s.
Slide 2: Medieval Crime and Punishment Recap Quiz
Slide 3: Starter Task
Slide 4-5: Bcakground information about the origins in witchcraft
Slide 6: Student discussion - why do you think there was an increase in the belief in witchcraft during the 1600s?
Slide 7: An outline of the factors that led to the increasing belief in witchcraft
Slide 8-9: Worksheet for students to make notes about the main reasons
Slides 10-16: Printable A4 fact sheets to help students make notes about the various reasons for the increase in witchcraft.
Slide 17: An outline of why the belief in witchcraft declined by 1700.
Slide 18-19: Two 4 mark practice exam questions
Slide 20-21: An example of a 16 mark question about the increase in the belief in witchcraft
Slide 22-23: Match up the key terms from the lesson activity with answers
Slide 24-25: Lesson Fact Sheets
A4 worksheet - a highly differentiated worksheet
To take into account copyright, all photographic and illustrative images have been attributed where appropriate and/or are all in the public domain. Clipart/vector images are all creativecommons.publicdomain.zero.1.0 which do not have to be attributed. If you have any issues regarding copyright please email me in the first instance.
This lesson specifically covers the extent of medical training for physicians, apothecaries and surgeons during the Early Modern period. Students aim to identify what changed, why and then evaluate the most significant improvement while studying the role of physicians, surgeons and apothecaries.
The lesson includes: Clear learning aims and achievements, a recap task, a starter activity, background information, an easily copied table where students can fill in information about the improvements, extension and challenge tasks, exam questions, a learning review (plenary) and finally a fact sheet which can be used as a stand alone resource for the lesson or as part of revision/student catch up.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
**This lesson investigates how far methods of treatment and prevention changed in the Early Modern period 1500-1700. **
The lesson includes: Clear learning aims and achievements, a recap task, a starter activity, background information, a variety of tasks to pick from to suite your students learning style and ability, extension and challenge tasks, exam question and example answer, a learning review (plenary) and finally a fact sheet which can be used as a stand alone resource for the lesson or as part of revision/student catch up.
Please be kind enough to leave a review if you have found this resource effective.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson has a focus on the factors that led to change in ideas about the cause of disease in Early Modern Britain and gives clear guidance about how to answer a 16 mark exam question. In particular, it looks at factors such as improvements in science, the role of individuals, the increase in exploration and the reduced influence of the Christian Church.
The lesson includes: Clear learning aims and achievements, a recap task, a starter activity, background information, a variety of tasks to pick from to suite your students learning style and ability, extension and challenge tasks, exam questions, a learning review (plenary) and finally a fact sheet which can be used as a stand alone resource for the lesson or as part of revision/student catch up.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson looks at what the Domesday Book was, why William ordered it and what its significance was. There is a particular focus on categorising explanations with the terms: military, financial, legal and political.
The lesson includes:
Clear learning aim with learning outcomes linked to GCSE grades, a recap from previous learning, an engaging starter task, a choice of tasks for all levels and learning styles, printable worksheets, clearly written instructions in the notes section of each slide, exam practice questions, a plenary, differentiation for higher ability students and a fact sheet which can be used on its own or alongside other resources you may have.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson specifically focusses on Hereward the Wake’s resistance at Ely and then encourages the students to think about why all of the rebellions between 1068-71 were a failure.
The lesson includes: Clear learning aim with learning outcomes linked to GCSE grades, a recap from previous learning, an engaging starter task, background information with a map of Ely’s location, a choice of tasks for all levels including a sort tasks and comprehension question sheets, clearly written instructions in the notes section of each slide, exam practice questions, extension questions, a plenary, differentiation for higher ability students and a fact sheet which can be used on its own or alongside other resources you may have.
To take into account copyright, photographic and cartoon images have been attributed where appropriate and are all in the public domain. At times, the images I have wanted to use have been restricted and so you may wish to use your own. Images created by myself using Power Point tools have also been noted as creations of RAResources. Please contact me in person if you see any errors.
This lesson examines all aspects of continuity and change in definitions of law, methods of law enforcement and punishments by the later Medieval period.
The lesson includes all the factual information as well as all of the resources you will need for teaching this lesson. There is no need for any additional text books.
Slide 1: Title slide - To outline changes to crime, law enforcement and punishments in late Medieval England
Slide 2-3: Starter Task - sort the crimes, methods of law enforcement and punishments - answers revealed
Slide 4: Starter Task 2
Slide 5-6: Background information about the new definitions of crime in the late Medieval period.
Slide 7: Task sheet (printable for students)
Slide 8: Challenge Tasks
Slide 9: What causes change sheet
Slide 10: Lesson recap quiz
Slide 11-12: Practice exam questions (similarity and difference)
Slide 13: Lesson Fact Sheet
Power Point 2: A4 Worksheets
To take into account copyright, all photographic and illustrative images have been attributed where appropriate and/or are all in the public domain. Clipart/vector images are all creativecommons.publicdomain.zero.1.0 which do not have to be attributed. If you have any issues regarding copyright please email me in the first instance.
Students will examine the various methods of law enforcement during the Anglo-Saxon period such as the trials (ordeals), tithings, hue & cry and the role of a relgious oath.
No other lesson resources needed.
Slide 1: Title slide - To examine the methods of law enforcement in Anglo-Saxon England
Slide 2: Knowledge recap quiz based on Anglo-Saxon crimes
Slide 3-4: Background information about the beliefs of the Anglo-Saxon period
Slide 5: An outline of Trial by Jury
Slide 6: An outline of Trial by Ordeal
Slide 7: Links to two BBC Class Clips
Slide 8: Task one - defining methods of law enforcement
Slide 9: Follow up challenge questions
Slide 10: Exam Practice Questions (Similarity and difference)
Slide 11: Lesson fact sheet in line with GCSE History Edexcel specification.
Slide 12: The factors that influenced changes slide (useful in all lessons)
To take into account copyright, all photographic and illustrative images have been attributed where appropriate and/or are all in the public domain. Clipart/vector images are all creativecommons.publicdomain.zero.1.0 which do not have to be attributed. If you have any issues regarding copyright please email me in the first instance.
This lesson covers the causes, events and significance of the Revolt of the Northern Earls (1569).
This lesson has been updated in line with the 2025/6 amended specification and so takes into account amendments to the spec. and exam questions.
The lesson pack includes:
1 x A4 Fact sheet - The Revolt of the Northern Earls (PDF & PPT)
1 x Main 19 slide PowerPoint
The Main PowerPoint includes:
Slide 1: Title Slide
Slide 2-3: Threats to Elizabeth Picture Quiz with answers
Slide 4: The Revolt of the Northern Earls as a turning point
Slide 5-6: Starter Activity Gap Fill
Slide 7: Background information - Why was there Catholic opposition in the North?
Slide 8-9: Task 1 - Reasons for the Revolt of the Northern Earls instructions and printable worksheet.
Slide 10-12: Task 2 - The events and failure of the Revolt of the Northern Earls activities, printable worksheets and instructions.
Slide 13: Why was the revolt significant?
Slide 14-15: Learning Review Match Up Key Names with answers
Slide 16: Additional printable worksheet
Slide 17-18: Sample exam questions
Slide 19: Lesson fact sheet
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues.
My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
**This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use. **
NEW SPEC - In this lesson, students examine the various threats and challenges which Queen Elizabeth faced from other countries such as Spain, France and Scotland as well as the influence of the Pope.
This lesson has been updated ready for the 2025 exams onwards and is based on the recently published GCSE specification.
The lesson includes:
1 x Fact Sheet/Revision Sheet - What were Elizabeth’s Threats from Abroad?
1 x Worksheet - Students outline, explain and then rate the threat of each nation.
Main Power Point Lesson - 15 slides:
Slide 1: Title slide
Slide 2-3: Previous learning recap picture activity with answers revealed
Slide 4: Starter discussion
Slide 5: Starter Activity - Based on a religious map of Europe in 1558.
Slide 6: Task 1 - Instructions to the table based sorting activity (links to additional worksheet)
Slide 7-8: Task 2 - Outlining, explaining and rating the threats from abroad.
Slide 9: Follow up challenge questions
Slide 10-11: Learning Review 10 question quiz with answers revealed.
Slide 12-14: Example exam questions with printable answer sheets
Slide15: Lesson Fact sheet based on the GCSE specification.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
**This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use. **
UPDATED 2024 This lesson examines the consequences of America dropping the atomic bomb and then the resulting telegrams which proved the suspicion between the USA and the Soviet Union after the war.
The resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT)
1 x main 18 slide Power Point
The lesson includes activities such as:
Previous lesson recap quiz to identify key terms
A ‘consequence’ practice exam question with exam advice
A printable worksheet as well as power point based tasks
Engaging background information to introduce the topic
A fact sheet which includes all of the information needed for the teaching of the lesson in line with the exam specification.
Please note that all images (clipart/vector/illustrations/photographs) are in the public domain and are therefore classed as Creative Commons 1.0 unless otherwise attributed in the notes section of each slide. If you believe there are any errors, please email me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue.
LATEST 2025/6 SPEC: The lesson examines the reasons why Queen Elizabeth’s English navy defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT)
1 x Spanish Armada Route Map Worksheet
1 x 22 slide main Power Point Lesson
The Main Power Point includes:
Slide 1: Title Slide
Slide 2-3: Recap Quiz - Based on the Spanish invasion plans and previous events between England and Spain. Answers included.
Slide 4-5: Starter Task - Spanish Armada Top Trumps Activity with printable sheet and instructions
Slide 6-8: Task 1 - Tracking the events of the Spanish Armada Map Activity
Slide 9-11: Task 2 - Explaining the English victory worksheet
Slide 12: Task 3 - Students asked to make a final judgement about which factor played the biggest role in the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
Slide 13-14: Learning Review Gap Fill - With answers
Slide 15: Challege Questions
Slide 16-17: Challenge Source Analysis worksheet
Slide 18-20: Example exam/assessment questions
Slide 21: Learning Review Activity
Slide 22: Lesson Fact Sheet
This lesson has been updated in line with the amended specification and exam questions ready for the 2025/6 examinations.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
**This lesson looks at the development of aseptic surgery, x-rays and blood transfusions and their limits at the start of the war in 1914.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
**This lesson examines how the advancement in technology such as X-rays, microscopes and blood tests have helped improve the ability of doctors to diagnose and treat patients. **
It includes all the information needed to teach the lesson without the need for a text book. Students will create their own timeline of key pieces of technology and then explain the impact this technology has had. There is a model 16 mark answer included.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
This lesson covers the progress made by scientists after 1900 in developing the link between a person’s lifestyle and the cause of disease. The factors such as diet, poverty, alcohol and smoking etc are identified and students will also explain why this was an important development to make and the impact it had on health.
This lesson includes:
Clear learning aims/targets
Provoking starter tasks and discussion activities
Printable worksheets
Challenge tasks
Exam links
Learning Review
Fact Sheet linked to the GCSE specification
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.
NEW SPEC 2025/6 - Students examine how far the attitudes and policies towards the poor changed during the reign of Elizabeth I.
The lesson resources include:
1 x A4 Workbook Style Fact Sheet (PDF & PPT)
1 x 17 slide Main PowerPoint Lesson
Main Powerpoint Includes:
Slide 1: Title Slide
Slide 2: Warm up discussion questions based on modern day government help for the poor.
Slide 3-4: Recap picture quiz linked to the causes of poverty in Elizabethan England with answers.
Slide 5-6: Starter Task - Source analysis covering Elizabethan attitudes towards the poor. 5 sources included with printable worksheet.
Slide 7-8: Background knowledge about Elizabethan attitudes towards the poor including the difference between the deserving poor and idle poor.
Slide 9-10: Main task worksheet with instructions and printable worksheet.
Slide 11: Follow up challenge questions
Slide 12-13: Learning review quiz with answers
Slide 14-16: Example eexam/assessment questions
Slide 17: Lesson Fact Sheet
This lesson has been updated in line with the amended specification and exam questions ready for the 2025/6 examinations.
All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at raschoolresources@gmail.com in the first instance to resolve any issues. My lessons are completed using PowerPoint and designed on widescreen formatting. Thank you.
This resource is for personal use only and for copyright reasons should not be copied/amended for commercial use.