Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
Welcome to RA Resources. I have an extended range of fully resourced, high quality History lessons for KS2, KS3 and GCSE aimed at schools, tutors and home learning. Having taught History abroad and then in Cornwall for 20 years, these lessons reflect my creativity and teaching experience.
Please feel free to email me with any enquiries about the resources on offer. You can keep up to date with my latest published lessons using the Facebook link in my shop.
This bundle contains everything you need to teach Unit 2 (Migration in Early Modern England). With all of these lessons there is no need for any additional text books as fact sheets for each lesson are included (they have been adapted from both Pearson and Oxford GCSE History text books).
Lesson 6: What changes were there in English society?
Lesson 7: Which groups migrated to England and why?
Lesson 8: What were the experiences of the migrant groups?
Lesson 9: What impact did the migrant groups have on England?
Lesson 10: Case Study - The Flemish and Walloon weavers in Sandwich and Canterbury
Lesson 11: Case Study - The success of Huguenot migrants in Soho and Spitalfields, London.
This bundle of lessons contains all of my lessons covering the reign of the Stuart monarchy in Britain.
Carefully read the list below so you are fully aware of the lessons you are purchasing in this bundle:
Lesson 1: An introduction to the Stuart monarchs & events timeline.
Lesson 2: The reign and personality of King James I.
Lesson 3: The causes, events and consequences of the Gunpowder Plot, 1605.
Lesson 4: Was Oliver Cromwell a ‘hero’ or ‘monster’?
Lesson 5: What happened to Oliver Cromwell’s head?
Lesson 6: The causes of the English Civil War
Lesson 7: The belief in Witchcraft in the 1600s.
Lesson 8: The significance of Matthew Hopkins.
Lesson 9: Charles II - The ‘Merry Monarch’.
Lesson 10: The causes, events and consequences of the Great Fire of London
Lesson 11: The impact and events of the Great Plague.
Lesson 12: The Age of Discovery & Scientific Revolution.
Lesson 13: The Glorious Revolution - William and Mary
As always, positive feedback will be warmly welcomed.
This bundle contains all the lessons and resources you will need to teach the Historic Environment of Whitechapel (Crime & Punishment GCSE History).
The bundle includes:
Lesson 1: An introduction to the skills and knowledge for Whitechapel
Lesson 2: Problems with housing, poverty and employment.
Lesson 3: Migrant tensions in Whitechapel
Lesson 4: The Whitechapel Workhouses
Lesson 5: The difficulties of policing Whitechapel
Lesson 6: The Jack the Ripper Murders
Lesson 7: Police techniques to catch Jack the Ripper
Lesson 8: Police challenges - The Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, illustrated press and police force rivalry.
BONUS FREE RESOURCE - Whitechapel Revision Mind Map
UPDATE 2024: Please note that all images (clipart/vector/illustrations/photographs) are in the public domain and are therefore classed as Creative Commons 1.0 unless otherwise attributed in the notes section of each slide. If you believe there are any errors, please email me directly in the first instance to resolve the issue.
All the resources, fact sheets, assessment material and sources you will need for the last unit of Weimar and Nazi Germany
Lesson 21: Women and the Family in Nazi Germany
Lesson 22: Young people in Nazi Germany
Lesson 23: Education in Nazi Germany
Lesson 24: Life for the Unemployed in Nazi Germany
Lesson 25: Workers in Nazi Germany
Lesson 26: Minority groups in Nazi Germany
Lesson 27: The persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany
A 6 lesson bundle to take your students through:
- The establishment of a dictatorship
- The Police State
- Control of Religion
- Propaganda and Censorship
- Cultural Censorship
- Opposition Groups
This bundle covers the lessons needed to teach the final unit about Crime and Punishment in Modern Britain
Lesson 22: The changing definitions of crime after 1900.
Lesson 23: The changing methods of crime after 1900.
Lesson 24: The development of the modern police in Britain
Lesson 25: The abolition of the death penalty
Lesson 26: The case of Derek Bentley
Lesson 27: The development of prisons in modern Britain
Lesson 28: The treatment of Conscientious Objectors
This is the bundle for Unit 3 of Edexcel’s USA Home & Abroad (Paper 3 topic). It includes the following lessons:
Lesson 17 - The origins of the Vietnam War
Lesson 18 - Eisenhower and Increasing Involvement in Vietnam
Lesson 19 - Kennedy and the Strategic Hamlet Program
Lesson 20 - Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Lesson 21 - The guerrilla tactics of the Vietcong
Lesson 22 - The military tactics of the USA
Lesson 23 - The Tet Offensive
Lesson 24 - The Nixon Doctrine, Vietnamisation, Cambodia, Laos, Easter Offensive & Operation Linebacker
Lesson 25 - Reasons for the failure of Vietnamisation
All other bundles available on TES
This bundle of lessons includes all of the resources you will need to teach Unit/Key Topic 2 of the Paper 3 Home & Abroad topic. This second unit has a focus on the campaign for civil rights from the 1960s to 1975.
The lessons in this bundle are:
Lesson 9: The Greensboro Sit in, Freedom Riders and James Meredith
Lesson 10: Martin Luther King’s Civil Rights Campaign in Birmingham
Lesson 11: The Freedom Summer, Mississippi Murders and Selma
Lesson 12: The role of President Kennedy & Johnson with the Civil Rights Act (1964) and Voting Rights Act (1965)
Lesson 13: Malcom X and the Black Power movement
Lesson 14: The Stokley Carmichael and the Black Panthers
Lesson 15: The Watts Riots and Kerner Report
Lesson 16: The Assassination of Martin Luther King and the Progress of Civil Rights by 1975.
Each lesson includes two different fact sheets based on the Edexcel specification. Therefore, you will not need to use or need any other resources alongside these lessons.
Please be kind enough to leave a review if you have found the lessons useful.
This bundle contains the following lessons intended for the teaching of Early Elizabethan England Key Topic 3:
Lesson 18: Education in Early Elizabethan England.
Lesson 19: Elizabethan Sports, pastimes and theatre
Lesson 20: The causes of poverty in Elizabethan England.
Lesson 21: Changing Attitudes & Policies towards poverty
Lesson 22: The causes of the increase in exploration.
Lesson 23: Francis Drake’s circumnavigation of the world.
Lesson 24: Walter Raleigh’s failed colonisation of Virginia.
This bundle contains 9 fully updated and re-vamped teaching resources for the first GCSE unit for Early Elizabethan England.
All tasks, exam questions and knowledge are based on the most recent specification amendments ready for 2025/26.
The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1: Elizabethan Society & Government
Lesson 2: Legitimacy, gender & marriage
Lesson 3: Challenges from Home and Abroad
Lesson 4: Religious Divisions
Lesson 5: The Religious Settlement
Lesson 6: The Role of the Church
Lesson 7: The Puritan Challenge to the Religious Settlement
Lesson 8: The Catholic Challenges to the Religious Settlement
Lesson 9: Mary, Queen of Scots
This bundle includes the following lessons designed for Key Topic/Unit 2 of Early Elizabethan England GCSE History:
Lesson 10: The Revolt of the Northern Earls
Lesson 11: The Ridolfi, Throckmorton and Babington Plots
Lesson 12: The role of Francis Walsingham
Lesson 13: Why Mary, Queen of Scots was Executed
Lesson 14 Increasing tension between Spain and England
Lesson 15: Robert Dudley in the Netherlands and the actions of Francis Drake
Lesson 16: Philip’s invasion plans and causes of the Spanish Armada
Lesson 17: The reasons for the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
This bundle contains all of the resources you will need to teach the first Unit covering Crime and Punishment in Medieval England.
Lesson 1: An introduction to Crime and Punishment
Lesson 2: Anglo-Saxon Crimes
Lesson 3: Anglo-Saxon Law Enforcement
Lesson 4: Anglo-Saxon Punishments
Lesson 5: Norman Crimes
Lesson 6: Norman Law Enforcement and Punishments
Lesson 7: Later Medieval Crime and Punishment
Lesson 8: Case Study: The role of the Church
2023 UPDATE INFO: To take into account copyright, all photographic and illustrative images have been attributed where appropriate and/or are all in the public domain. Clipart/vector images are all creativecommons.publicdomain.zero.1.0 which do not have to be attributed. If you have any issues regarding copyright please email me in the first instance.
This bundle contains all of the resources, including information sheets, that you will need to teach the Medieval unit for GCSE History Medicine Through Time. There is no need for any text book and teacher notes are given throughout.
The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1 - Overview of skills and knowledge
Lesson 2 - Supernatural and Religious Explanations of Disease
Lesson 3 - The Theory of Four Humours, The Theory of Opposites, Miasma
Lesson 4 - Explain the continuity of theories throughout Medieval England
Lesson 5 - Religious and Rational Treatments and Prevention
Lesson 6 - Surgeons, Apothecaries, Physicians and Wise Women
Lesson 7 - Medieval Hospitals and Home Care
Lesson 8 - Case Study of The Black Death
The first 9 lessons with everything you will need:
Lesson 1: The legacy of war and the creation of the Weimar Republic
Lesson 2: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic
Lesson 3: The Treaty of Versailles
Lesson 4: Challenges to the Weimar Republic
Lesson 5: The Ruhr and hyperinflation
Lesson 6: Recovery and Stresemann
Lesson 7: Improved living standards in Germany
Lesson 8: Women in Weimar Germany
Lesson 9: Culture in Weimar Germany
Active starter tasks.
Recap quizzes
Example exam questions
A fact sheet for each lesson
A revision sheet for each lesson
Interactive presentations
Exciting, bold graphics to keep student attention.
Example answers for analysis.
This bundle contains all the lessons/resources you will need to teach the second unit/key topic of Edexcel’s GCSE British Depth Study - Henry VIII and his Ministers.
The lessons included in this bundle include:
Lesson 18: Henry VIII’s Break from Rome
Lesson 19: The Act of Supremacy & The Act of Succession
Lesson 20: Opposition from Elizabeth Barton, John Fisher & Thomas More
Lesson 21: The impact of the Reformation on the English Church
Lesson 22: The Role of Monasteries in Early Tudor England
Lesson 23: The Reasons for the Dissolution of the Monasteries
Lesson 24: The Impact of the Dissolution of the Monasteries
Lesson 25: The Causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace
Lesson 26: The events, failure and significance of the Pilgrimage of Grace.
These are high quality, fully resourced lessons which do not require any text books. Each lesson contains a range of warm up tasks, starter activities, discussion questions, engaging background information, learning tasks, practice exam questions, A4 printable worksheets, learning reviews and much more!
This bundle includes all of the lesson content and resources needed for the teaching of the American West Unit 1. Each lesson contains a fact sheet and printable worksheets. This means that no other resources are needed.
Lesson 1: An introduction to the American West
Lesson 2: Plains Indian Lifestyle and Beliefs
Lesson 3: The importance of the buffalo & horse
Lesson 4: Reasons for migration into the West
Lesson 5: The experiences of the Mormons & Donner Party
Lesson 6: US Government Policy towards the Plains Indians
Lesson 7: The problems of farming the Great Plains
Lesson 8: The Fort Laramie Treaty 1851
Lesson 9: Lawlessness & the Gold Rush
This is the final set of lessons needed to teach Unit 4 of the Edexcel GCSE History Migrants in Britain. Each lesson contains a variety of tasks and activities aimed at all levels along with example exam questions, discussion tasks and learning reviews. In addition, you will also find a fact sheet for each lesson which is based on information from all GCSE text books. Therefore, there is no need for any other resources such as text books.
Lesson 18: The changes to society in the period c.1900-present
Lesson 19: The impact of both world wars on migration to Britain
Lesson 20: Migration to Britain after 1945 to the present day
Lesson 21: The experiences of migrants in Britain during the world wars.
Lesson 22: The experiences of black and Asian migrants to Britain after the world wars
Lesson 23: The impact of migration on Britain in the modern period.
Lesson 24: Case Study - Caribbean migrants to Bristol
Lesson 25: Case Study - Asian migrants to Leicester
This bundle contains all of the necessary lessons and teaching materials needed to teach the final unit of Medicine in Britain 1900-Present Day.
Lesson 28: The causes of disease - Genetics and DNA
Lesson 29: The causes of disease - Lifestyle Factors
Lesson 30: The role of Technology in diagnosis and treatment
Lesson 31: The Impact of the NHS
Lesson 32: Technology and Science in Hospitals
Lesson 33: Disease Prevention - Vaccinations and Government Action
Lesson 34: Case Study - Penicilin
Lesson 35: Case Study - Lung Cancer
This bundle contains all of the lessons/resources you will need to teach the first unit/key topic of Edexcel’s British Depth Study Henry VIII and his Ministers.
**The lessons included in this bundle include:
Lesson 1: Tudor Government and Society in 1509
Lesson 2: Henry’s Strengths & Weaknesses and King of England in 1509
Lesson 3: The Rise of Thomas Wolsey
Lesson 4: Wolsey’s Reforms
Lesson 5: The Amicable Grant
Lesson 6: Wolsey’s Foreign Policy Aims
Lesson 7: Wolsey’s Foreign Policy Successes & Failures
Lesson 8: Henry’s Marriage to Catherine of Aragon and the Succession
Lesson 9: The Failure to gain an Annulment
Lesson 10: The Reasons for the Fall of Wolsey by 1529
These are high quality, fully resourced lessons which do not require any text books. Each lesson contains a range of warm up tasks, starter activities, discussion questions, engaging background information, learning tasks, practice exam questions, A4 printable worksheets, learning reviews and much more!
This bundle contains all of the resources and lessons you will need to teach Edexcel GCSE History Migration in Britain Historic Environment about Notting Hill (c.1948-c.1970).
Each lesson comes with its own information sheet which means there is no requirement for any additional text books. Each lesson also contains practice exam questions, exam answer guides, printable worksheets as well as a number of varied learning activities.
The lessons you will receive will be:
Lesson 1: An introduction to the knowledge and skills of the Historic Environment
Lesson 2: The impact of the war on life in Britain and Notting Hill
Lesson 3: The reasons why Caribbean migrants came to Britain and Notting Hill
Lesson 4: Housing conditions for Caribbean migrants in Notting Hill
Lesson 5: The impact of Caribbean cultures in Notting Hill
Lesson 6: Racism and the police in Notting Hill
Lesson 7: The Notting Hill Race Riots (1958)
Lesson 8: The murder of Kelso Cochrane (1959)
Lesson 9: Black Activism - Claudia Jones (West Indian Gazette/Caribban Carnival) and the British Black Panthers
Lesson 10: Black Activism - Frank Crichlow and the trial of the ‘Mangrove Nine’.