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Model o ddyddiadur a chwestiynau darllen- Morladron - Dyddiadur Barti Ddu
Model o ddyddiadur diwedd bywyd y morleidr Cymraeg, Barti Ddu yn cynnwys nodiadau athrawon am iaith a strwythur a thaflen cwestiynau darllen gydag atebion.
Addas ar gyfer CA2 a ChA3

Ail Rhyfel Byd - Model o Lythyr Ffurfiol - Mae fy nghymydog yn ysbiwr Almaeneg!
Model o lythyr ffurfiol ar gyfer Bl.4, 5, a 6 gyda chwestiynau darllen cysylltiedig (wedi gwahaniaethu) a nodiadau i athrawon am ddefnydd iaith a strwythur.
Thema - mae fy nghymydog newydd yn ysbiwr Almaeneg

Ffactorau, Lluosrifau a Rhifau Cysefin - Taflen gwaith Bl.6 gydag atebion
Taflen gwaith wedi gwahaniaethu (3 haen) i ddangos dealltwriaeth o ffactorau, rhifau cysefin a lluosrifau
Taflen atebion i athrawon
pdf a Publisher os oes eisiau addasu

Romeo and Juliet - Persuasive Speech and Reading Questions - "Romeo isn't worth remembering!"
Based on Shakespeare’s “Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”
A persuasive speech asking the people of Verona not to erect the gold statue that Lord Capulet wants to build at the end of the play. The speech is about how Romeo is actually a villain and shouldn’t be remembered.
Model of a persuasive speech
Teacher Notes on Structure and Language
Reading Questions including a more extended essay question at the end
Answers to reading questions
Suitable for Upper KS2 and KS3