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Raphella's Resources

Average Rating4.34
(based on 1441 reviews)

I am a primary school teacher and assistant head. I love my job and my aim is to produce high quality teaching resources that motivate learners and make life easier for teachers! All of my resources are ready to teach, differentiated and easy to adapt. I don't make resources just to sell, all uploads have been made to be used in my own classroom. Therefore, I can vouch for their suitability, pitch and quality.




I am a primary school teacher and assistant head. I love my job and my aim is to produce high quality teaching resources that motivate learners and make life easier for teachers! All of my resources are ready to teach, differentiated and easy to adapt. I don't make resources just to sell, all uploads have been made to be used in my own classroom. Therefore, I can vouch for their suitability, pitch and quality.
Division Week    Year 5.     Ready to Teach

Division Week Year 5. Ready to Teach

A complete week of 5 lessons, with all resources and a PowerPoint for each lesson. The planning is based around the division objectives for Year 5 and fully differentiated 4 ways (including mastery and greater depth) Ready to teach Please leave feedback.
Measures Year 4 - Skills and Problem Solving.  Complete week of Lessons

Measures Year 4 - Skills and Problem Solving. Complete week of Lessons

A complete week of work (5 lessons), based around the measures objectives for Year 4. Each lesson comes with resources and a Powerpoint presentation and is differentiated at least 3 ways with mastery tasks. Skills covered include: converting between units, measuring length, capacity and volume. The final lesson is a series of problem-solving challenges to consolidate the week of learning (possible outdoor learning lesson - weather permitting). Please leave feedback.
Polygon Properties   Year 4 Maths

Polygon Properties Year 4 Maths

A complete week of planning , along with all resources and a presentation for each day. Each lesson is differentiated 4 ways, and there is also a hot and cold task for each end of the week. Objectives covered include: triangles, regular/irregular polygons, angles, symmetry and drawing shapes according to a set criteria. Please leave feedback.
Introduction to reasoning - NUMBER SKILLS   Year 4.

Introduction to reasoning - NUMBER SKILLS Year 4.

A complete week of planning, resources and presentations all based around number fluency, reasoning and problem solving. A strong mastery approach is built into all lessons, with 4 way differentiation and greater depth questions. Ideal for revising number skills whilst developing resilience for problem solving in a systematic way. Please leave feedback


A complete 5 week unit, based around the history and art of Ancient Egypt. All resources and a power point for each lesson is included. Children explore Canopic jars and then create a 3d construction, using recycled materials and mod-roc (could just as easily be paper mache) Please leave feedback
Ancient Egypt  - Complete 8 Week Scheme of Work.  NC 2014 linked

Ancient Egypt - Complete 8 Week Scheme of Work. NC 2014 linked

A complete 8-week scheme of work, based on life in Ancient Egypt. Contains PPTs, planning and resources Written for a year 5 class, it is easily adapted. Objectives covered include: The geography of the ancient world Life in Ancient Egypt social structure Life along the Nile The Farming Year Scribes and Hieroglyphics The Valley of the Kings King Tutankhamen Please leave Feedback.
Reasoning with time Intervals, timetables and real- life time.

Reasoning with time Intervals, timetables and real- life time.

A complete set of 4 days of planning for year 5. All resources and presentations are included. The planning is fully differentiated 3 to 4 ways and includes mastery extension tasks. Written because I could not find anything like it out there (and needed it!) Please leave feedback
Egyptian themed  narrative writing.  COMPLETE WEEK of planning and resources.

Egyptian themed narrative writing. COMPLETE WEEK of planning and resources.

A whole week of planning and resources, aimed at year 3/4. Linked to the Egyptian book of the dead. This week long unit really improved the writing in my class, taking the process step by step and modelling at each stage. They were then able to do the process independently in our subsequent units. The week opens by watching an animated version of the myth. Children then spend the week learning how to structure and write a 5 part action story, using description, showing not telling, suspense and detail. Designed to incorporate lots of shared writing and modelling as a class and in pairs.
Ancient Greek Poetry  Week - the first Olympics

Ancient Greek Poetry Week - the first Olympics

A complete week of English planning, presentations and resources. written for year 3/ 4 but very easy to adapt for other age ranges. Every resource needed is included. Links with an Olympic and/or Ancient Greek topic. Perfect unit when preparing for a class or sharing assembly, as chdn create a performance poem at the end of the week. Objectives covered: Explore concrete (shape) poetry. Learn about the events at the ancient Greek games. Write poems using the laurel wreath shape (about Olympic events) Perform the poems in groups, creating a collaborative poem by combining your work. You could even create a laurel wreath to wear that also contains your poem! (great for class assemblies) Please leave feedback.
Ancient Greek Poetry   COMPLETE WEEK

Ancient Greek Poetry COMPLETE WEEK

A complete week (5 days) of English planning, planned for year 4/5 but easily adaptable. There is a strong emphasis on word classes, noun phrases and adverbs - highlighting the need for precision throughout the week. All resources are included, along with a PowerPoint for each day. At the end of the week, the chdn write and perform a poem about the god of their choosing. Any questions please feel free to ask: D Please leave feedback. Thank you :)
Reasoning with fractions, decimals and percentages

Reasoning with fractions, decimals and percentages

A full week of planning for year 5. All resources and presentations are included. The planning is fully differentiated 3 ways and includes mastery extension tasks. Written because I could not find anything like it out there (and needed it!) Please leave feedback


5 days of planning, resources and a powerpoint for each lesson. Planning starts with a cold task, and is then based around the year 5 objectives for decimals. Mastery activity each day, along with 4 way differentiation. Please leave feedback.
Ancient Greece   - Complete 6 week unit of work

Ancient Greece - Complete 6 week unit of work

A complete 6-week scheme of work, based on the history of Ancient Greece. Written for a mixed year 4/5 class, but easily adapted Objectives covered include: The geography of the ancient world Greek daily life Life in Athens and Sparta School in Ancient Greece The Greek Alphabet. Please leave Feedback.
Greek Myths   Complete Scheme of Work. KS2

Greek Myths Complete Scheme of Work. KS2

A complete 3-week scheme of work. Exploring, writing and retelling Greek Myths. Written for lower KS2 and fully linked to the new curriculum. I have planned for a strong emphasis on Grammar and writing skills (clause structures, direct speech, word choices and figurative description techniques) All stories are included and all resources have also been uploaded. There is a powerpoint for each day (except when in the final 2 days of Phase 3 - as the children are writing their extended outcomes at that point) Please leave feedback, I am happy to help with any queries etc.
Coordinates and Translation Week Year 4

Coordinates and Translation Week Year 4

Outstanding maths planning, resources and Power-Points for four days of lessons. Written for year 4 and differentiated 4 ways. Linked to the new curriculum. Everything needed to teach the lesson is included. Objectives covered on plotting and describing coordinate positions. translating shapes on a grid and the application of skills on the final day.
Year 5 Fractions Part 2

Year 5 Fractions Part 2

A second complete unit of work on fractions, pitched at year 5 (very mixed ability) linked to new curriculum, and differentiated 4 ways. Includes extension and mastery activities. Objectives covered: To convert between mixed number and improper fractions To add fractions To subtract fractions To multiply fractions between whole numbers and fractions. All resources, Powerpoints and planning is included. Ready to teach.
Computing - photostory  complete unit

Computing - photostory complete unit

A complete unit (4 weeks) based around MS photostory. At the end of the unit, children will have made a photostory about their school, which could be added to the school website! A prezi presentation and resources are also included. https://prezi.com/mpnap4dqukgz/photostory-unit/