This is a lessons using Power Maths and the White Rose Guidance on finding fractions of amounts. It includes pictorial representations, varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving. It is planned for upper KS2
This is a short historical narrative in first person about a Jewish child who arrives at Auschwitz with his grandma. It describe the concentration and some of the horrors that Jews had to face.
This resource is three days of dividing fractions. It includes dividing unit fractions, dividing fractions where the numerator is divisible by the divisor and where the numerator is not divisible by the divisor. It follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths.
This is a year 6 resource following the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths. This resource teaches children how to divide fractions where the numerator is not divisible by the divisor. (lesson 3 of 3)
This resource follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths. It is a lesson on dividing a fraction by a whole number, where the fraction needs to be changed so that it can be divided by the divisor. It follows on from the previous lesson on dividing unit fractions by a whole number. It includes reasoning and problem solving.
This resource includes a IWB, fluency, reasoning and problem solving on dividing a unit fraction by a whol number. It is aimed for a year 6 class and follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths.
This is a mastery resource using White Rose Guidance and Power Maths on multiplying fractions. It includes fluency, reasoning and problem solving for UK KS2
This is a mastery CPD flipchart for staff meeting or training made by a Mastery Specialist. It covers the progression of multiplication and division from early years to year 6 with examples of resources and pictorial representation for each stage.
This is a resource for year 2, following the White Rose guidance and Power Maths. It includes varied fluency, problem solving and reasoning for all abilties.
This is a IWB on making equal groups for a year 2 class. It follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths books. It includes fluency, problem solving and reasoning.
A year 2 resource to show division by grouping. This resource follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths. It includes fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
A year 4 lesson on dividing a 3-digit number by a 1 digit number with concrete, pictorial and abstract examples. It includes reasoning and problem solving with greater depth activities for the more able.
A year 2 resource on finding missing numbers in division with concrete, pictorial and abstract examples. It includes fluency, reasoning and problem solving and follows the mastery approach