This resource follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths. It is a lesson on dividing a fraction by a whole number, where the fraction needs to be changed so that it can be divided by the divisor. It follows on from the previous lesson on dividing unit fractions by a whole number. It includes reasoning and problem solving.
This year 6 lesson is finding any percentage of an amount. It follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths scheme. It includes varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This resource is the second year 6 lesson on finding percentages. It follows the White Rose and Power Maths schemes. It includes varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This resource is the third lesson on finding percentages of amount. It teaches finding 1% and multiples of 1%s. It follows the White Rose and Power Maths scheme. It includes varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This is a mastery lesson following the White Rose Guidance on ordering numbers to 10,000,000. It includes varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
This year 6 lesson is on finding the area of a parrallelogram. It follows the mastery approach and includes varied fluency, reasoning, problem solving and a great depth task.
This is two weeks of reading comprehension for upper KS2. It includes 10 worksheets that follow SATs style questions and the Boom’s Taxonomy questions.
A year 4 lesson on dividing a 3-digit number by a 1 digit number with concrete, pictorial and abstract examples. It includes reasoning and problem solving with greater depth activities for the more able.
These three lessons are on finding the area of a triangle. They follow the White Rose guidance and Power Maths. They include varied fluency, problem solving and reasoning for a year 6 class.
This is a KS2 reading comprehension resource on the ancient Egyptians. It is a non-fiction text with a range of questions. It includes three weeks worth of comprehension questions with the text.
This resource is three days of dividing fractions. It includes dividing unit fractions, dividing fractions where the numerator is divisible by the divisor and where the numerator is not divisible by the divisor. It follows the White Rose Guidance and Power Maths.
This is the Autumn year 5 unit of work on Statistics. It follows the White Rose guidance and is a mastery unit. It includes varied fluency, problem solving and reasoning. I have created these on Active Inspire. There are pdf versions availbale to view too.