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Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning




Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning
GCSE Biology - Active Transport & Osmosis

GCSE Biology - Active Transport & Osmosis

GCSE Biology Revision Powerpoint on Active Transport & Osmosis Full revision powerpoint including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Osmosis defintions Solutes vs. Solvents Osmosis in Plant and Animal Cells Practical Experiments with Osmosis Osmosis & Sports Drinks Active Transport Comparing Diffusion, Active Transport & Osmosis
GCSE Biology - Diffusion

GCSE Biology - Diffusion

GCSE Biology Revision Powerpoint on Diffusion Full revision powerpoint including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Concept of diffusion How certain molecules cross membranes Factors affecting diffusion Surface Area : V ratios How exchange surfaces are adapted for diffusion (Small Intestine, Alveoli, Gills, Leaves & Root Hair Cells)
GCSE Biology - Stem Cells

GCSE Biology - Stem Cells

GCSE Biology Revision Powerpoint on Stem Cells Full revision powerpoint including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Stem Cell definition Types of Stem Cells (Embryonic, Adult & Meristem) The use of Stem Cells in Medicine The use of Meristem Cells in saving Rare Plant Species & Cloning Plants with Useful Features Therapeutic Cloning Evaluating Cloning
GCSE Biology Cell Biology (Unit 1)

GCSE Biology Cell Biology (Unit 1)

8 Resources
All lessons / revision notes for GCSE Biology Unit 1 - Cell Biology including: 1 - Cell Structure 2 - Cell Specialisation & Differentiation 3 - Microscopy 4 - Culturing Mircoorganisms 5 - Chromosomes, Mitosis & Cell Cycle 6 - Stem Cells 7 - Transport in cells #1 - Diffusion 8 - Transport in cells #2 - Osmosis & Active Transport Powerpoint have detailed notes covering all content from the topic including key practical and maths skills. Each powerpoint has practise exam questions and a summary page Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
GCSE Biology - Chromosomes, Mitosis & the Cell Cycle

GCSE Biology - Chromosomes, Mitosis & the Cell Cycle

GCSE Biology Revision Powerpoint on Microscopy Full revision powerpoint including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Key words, Chromosomes & The Cell Cycle Reasons for Mitosis A Map of the Cell Cycle and How Chromosomes Behave Identifying Cell Division using a Microscope Cell Cycle Calculations Cancer and its Risk Factors
GCSE Biology - Culturing Microorganisms

GCSE Biology - Culturing Microorganisms

GCSE Biology Revision Powerpoint on Microscopy Full revision powerpoint including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Cell Division & Binary Fission Calcualting number of bacterial cells Culturing process and aseptic techniques Testing the Effect of Antibiotics on Bacterial Growth & Plasmids Calculating area of colony or zone of inhibition
Scientific Figures Biology GCSE AQA

Scientific Figures Biology GCSE AQA

A revision table covering the relevant points needed for each of the scientific figures mentioned in the AQA GCSE Biology Specification. Revision table include name of individual, dates alive, a photo, the GCSE topic they relate to and the relevant information about their contribution to science that students need to remember for the exam. Figures included are: Gregor Mendel Jean Baptiste Lamark Charles Darwin Alfred Russel Wallace Carl Linnaeus Carl Woese Alexander Flemming The work of Watson & Crick as well as Franklin and Maurice
GCSE Biology - Microscopy

GCSE Biology - Microscopy

AQA GCSE Biology Revision Powerpoint on Microscopy Includes: How to use light microscope & preapre slides Light microscopes - pros/cons Electron microscopes - pros/cons SEM vs. TEM Comparrison table of light vs. electron microscope How to do magnification calculations with examples How to convert between units How to use standard form
GCSE Biology - Cell Differentiation & Specialisation

GCSE Biology - Cell Differentiation & Specialisation

AQA GCSE Biology Unit 1 Revision powerpoint for Cell Differentiation and Cell Specialisation Includes: Explanation of Cell Differentiation and Cell Specialisation The differences between animals and plants Specialised animal cells - muscle, nerve & sperm Specialised plant cells - root hair, xylem, phloem Summary
Digestion & Absorption (AQA A-Level Biology 3.3.3)

Digestion & Absorption (AQA A-Level Biology 3.3.3)

A powerpoint outlining all the key details of the 3.3.3 section of the AQA A-Level Biology specification for Digestion & Absorption. Includes keywords, diagrams, recap questions, exam questions and further thinkning questions. Structure of Digestive System * Different parts and their functions Digestion * Carbohydrates (amylases and membrane-bound disacharidases) * Proteins (endo-/exo-peptidases & dipeptidases) * Lipids (lipases & action of bile salts) Absoprtion * Monosacharides & Amino Acids via co-transport in ileum * Triglycerides and the role of micelles and chylomicrons
Protein Summary Sheet (AQA A-Level Biology)

Protein Summary Sheet (AQA A-Level Biology)

A detailed summary sheet of all knowledge required by the specification for AQA A-Level Biology. The sheet breaks down the areas of proteins from the Biological Molecules topic that students need to understand about: Characteristics Structure of an Amino Acid Formation of a peptide bond Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary structure of proteins Fibrous vs. globular proteins Insulin, haemoglobin and antibodies as examples A detailed look at collagen, its structure and properties The Biurets Tests Proteins and maths
Lipids Summary Sheet (AQA Biology A-Level)

Lipids Summary Sheet (AQA Biology A-Level)

A detailed summary sheet of all knowledge required by the specification for AQA A-Level Biology. The sheet breaks down the areas of lipids that students need to understand about: Characteristics Sturcture of Triglyceride Formation of Triglycerides Structure of Triglycerides related to their function Fatty Acids Phospholipids Uses of Phospholipids Structure of Phospholipids related to their function Biological importance of Lipids The Emulsion Test
AQA GCSE Geography A Physical Case Studies

AQA GCSE Geography A Physical Case Studies

A revison resource to learn each of the case studies for the physical geogrpahy exam paper Case Studies Include Restless Earth - The Alps – Fold Mountains Case Study - Montserrat – Volcano Case Study - Kobe – MEDC Earthquake Case Study - Kashmir – LEDC Earthquake Case Study - Boxing Day Tsunami, Asia Case Study Water on the Land - Boscastle – MEDC Flood - Mozambique – LEDC Flood - Bewl Water – Reservoir / Dam Scheme Coasts - Holderness – Cliff + Coastal Erosion / Mass Movement - Holderness – Coastal Management / Hard Engineering - Maldives – Rising Sea Levels Case Study - Studland Bay - Coastal Habitats