All resources
Bible references
A variety of Bible references around the Christian unit of Advent.
Creating my own non gender biased uniform!
Worksheet for creating a non gender biased uniform. Worksheet linked to part one and two of Gender Stereotyping Notebook.
Spring 2 Spelling Lists for Year 2
Year 2 weekly spelling lists for Spring 2
Summer 1 Spelling Lists for Year 2
Year 2 weekly spelling lists for Summer 1
Morning activities for addition and subtraction
Editable morning activities for Year 2 addition and subtraction NC objectives.
Spelling Bee Challenge booklet and testing sheet
For my Spelling Bee I created some little booklets (sheet attached on yellow card) that I stamp and date when weekly spellings are all correct. It is a great record to keep and helps when assessing children against the spelling objectives from the 2014 national curriculum. When printing back to back the sheets to turn them into booklets.
Also attached an editable version and the spelling sheet I use when testing the children on their weekly lists.
Spelling Bee display
A banner, spellings of the week poster and winners of the Spelling Bee Challenge poster for your Spelling Bee Challenge display.
Spelling Strategy Bundle
This bundle includes a variety of spelling strategy activities. My students thoroughly enjoy completing these throughout the week.
Twist Script
A complete script based around the book Oliver Twist. This script is suitable for a Key Stage 1 or Lower Key Stage 2 production and includes song suggestions for each scene.
Spelling Bee Hives
This resource can be used as part of a spelling display. It is a fun and interactive way children can collect rewards for learning their weekly spellings. The honey pieces fit perfectly into the hexagons on the hive.
Once the groups collect enough honey they can then have some sort of reward. I give my students extra playtime. It is also nice for those students who may find learning their spellings tricky and who struggle to earn rewards.
I have also attached an editable version so you can alter it to your liking.
Year 3 RE planning on Advent
Four lessons on the Christian teachings of Advent. The planning focuses on teaching Advent to children in Year 3, it provides key questions to develop moral understanding, lesson suggestions and creative ideas to teach the unit.
Create your own foodimal
Fact file containing some of the foodimals from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and a mind map to help scaffold own foodimal.
Notebook on Advent
Four lessons on Advent, focusing on what each candle on a wreath represents with lesson ideas.
Place Value morning work
Editable morning activities for Year 2 Place Value
Measurement morning activities
Editable morning activities for Year 2 measurement NC objectives
Gender Stereotyping notebook - PSHE part two
This notebook is part two of two and looks at the area of gender and what is considered a traditional and non traditional role.
Gender Stereotyping notebook - PSHE
This notebook is part one of two and looks at the area of gender and what is considered a ‘girl’ or ‘boy’ toy/job.
RE Christianity unit on Advent
A bundle of resources and planning linked to the Christianity unit Advent.
Year 4 Gardening Overview
Have you wanted to incorporate more gardening or outside activities into your curriculum? Well, look no further. This overview incorporates the following:
suggested curriculum topic links where the growing of radishes and sage can be incorporated into your main curriculum
information on how they are great companion plants
the plant origins of radishes and sage
a growing calendar
a linked bible quote
suitable learning objectives chosen from the Royal Horticultural Society
on the second page there is more detail for each of the sections Sow, Plant and Harvest
lastly, some links to where further information can be obtained
This overview has taken a huge amount of research and has been put in one place for your convenience.