Composer of the Month: Hans Zimmer
Composer of the Month: Hans Zimmer
This product includes display posters, worksheets, sheet music and fun activities. These sheets focus on the life of Hans Zimmer and some of his most famous movie soundtracks.
What is included:
3 Display Posters
2 Information Sheets
5 Worksheets
7 Listening Sheets - 1 suitable for any piece of music
Crossword & Hidden Message Word Search
Booklet cover - so you can create student booklets
Answer sheets
Printer friendly versions
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Composer of the Month: Mozart
Composer of the Month: Mozart
This product includes display posters, worksheets, sheet music and fun activities. These sheets focus on the life of Mozart and some of his most famous pieces.
What is included:
4 Display Posters
2 Information Sheets
5 Worksheets
A Listening Sheet - suitable for any piece of music
Crossword, Hidden Message Word Search and Color in sheet
Music - Melodies for Air, The Marriage of Figaro & Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - several versions to cater for different skill/year levels
Booklet cover - so you can create student booklets
Answer sheets
Printer friendly versions
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
38 Notes and Rests Worksheets for Beginners
38 Worksheets with Answer sheets designed for students learning about music notes for the first time.
Whole note, Half note, Quarter note and Eighth note (Semibreve, Minim, Crotchet and Quaver) - and worksheets include variations with sixteenth notes (semiquavers) and variations without.
Excellent resource for different knowledge levels or extension work within the one class.
Answer Sheets included for all sheets.
All files come in an American and English version.
Worksheets include:
Draw That Note
Name That Note
Draw That Rest
Name That Rest
Recognising Notes and Rests x 2
Matching Notes and Rests
Writing Notes in order of value
Writing Rests in order of value
Adding Notes x 10
Adding Rests x 9
Notes and Rests Crossword
Check out the Preview to see all included sheets.
Reading Treble and Bass Clef Notes - 14 Worksheets
14 Worksheets and Answer sheets naming notes in the Treble and Bass Clefs. Uses notes only on the lines and spaces ie. FACE and EGBDF in the Treble Clef and ACEG and GBDFA in the Bass Clef - no ledger lines.
Worksheets 1-5 name individual notes.
Worksheets 6-11 name words.
Worksheet 12 - Crossword, students need to read treble and bass clef words to complete the crossword.
Worksheet 13 - Word Search, student need to name treble and bass clef words and find the answers in the word search.
Worksheet 14 - Hidden Joke Word Search, student need to name the treble and bass clef words and find the answers in the word search, revealing a hidden music joke.
Answer sheets included.
Check out the preview to see all sheets.
Elements of Music - Posters, Handouts and Worksheet
Elements of Music - Posters, Handouts and Worksheet
2 Handouts/Posters summarizing 9 elements of music.
9 individual elements of music sheets can be used a display posters in the classroom or handouts for students. American and English terminology versions included.
Elements include
Tempo (2 versions)
1 x 3 page worksheet of questions based on the handouts/posters. American and English terminnology versions and answer sheets included.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
File in PDF format.
Ties and Slurs in Music - PowerPoints, Handouts & 11 Worksheets
This product is perfect for introducing Ties and Slurs to your students.
You can choose to introduce Ties and Slurs separately with individual PowerPoints and Handouts. Or choose to introduce them together using the combined PowerPoint and accompanying Handout.
1 Worksheet on Slurs
3 Worksheets on Ties
6 Worksheets on Ties and Slurs
1 Crossword
Answer sheets included.
English and American Terminology included.
Files: 3 PowerPoints, 3 Handouts, 11 Worksheets and Answer sheets.
PowerPoint and PDF formats.
Music Scale Degree Names
A short unit of work introducing Scale Degree Names.
A PowerPoint and Handout explaining the Scale Degree Names associated with scales.
11 Worksheets and Answer sheets in varying difficulty, including a fun crossword worksheet.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Reading Ledger Line Notes in the Treble Clef - 14 Worksheets
These worksheets introduce students to ledger line notes in the Treble Clef.
14 worksheets in total.
5 Worksheets asking students to name Ledger Line Notes in the Treble Clef.
Sheets 1 and 2 - naming individual ledger line notes above and below the stave - from G below to D above .
Sheets 3, 4 and 5 naming treble clef words using mostly ledger line notes.
4 Fun Worksheets
A Crossword, Word Search, Puzzle and Hidden Message Word Search as fun alternatives.
5 Drill sheets. Challenge for students to name notes on Ledger Lines in the Treble Clef and improve in accuracy/and or time.
Answer sheets included.
All sheets are individual files - great for delivering to students online.
Music Instrument Families - Handouts & 11 Worksheets
A great resource to introduce your students to the four instrument families - Brass, Strings, Woodwind, Percussion. Great to support classroom teaching, sub tubs, homework, extension work.
4 Handouts, 12 Worksheets and Answer sheets.
One information Handout and worksheet for each family.
7 extra worksheets looking at all of the instruments.
Odd One Out
Instruments Crossword
What Instrument Am I?
Matching Instruments
Instruments Hidden Message Word Search (extra version with word bank)
Unscramble Hidden Message Word Search
Instrument Families - Cut and Paste Activity
Christmas Color by Music Notes - 30 No Prep, Print & Go Sheets
30 fun Christmas Color by Notes and Rests sheets. No Prep, Print and Go.
10 Different Designs
Note recognition
Rest Recognition
Notes and Rests combined
Note and Rest addition
Treble Clef Notes
Bass Clef Notes
Music Symbols.
Check out the preview to see all the sheets.
Every sheet in American and English terminology.
Answer sheets included.
Easter Music Worksheets
52 Easter Themed Music Worksheets
This pack of worksheets focuses on note recognition in the Treble, Bass, Alto and Tenor Clefs. (13 Worksheets per clef). Print and go, no prep.
Worksheets focus on
recognition of line or space
match note to name
naming notes
drawing notes
Answer sheets included.
American and English spelling - color/colour
Printer friendly B&W.
Secondary Chords - PowerPoint, Handouts and Worksheets
Secondary Chords in Music.
PowerPoint explaining what Secondary Chords are on which notes of the scale they are built. 2 slides.
2 Handouts based on PowerPoint.
6 Worksheets and Answer sheets.
Questions ask students to recognise, name and write secondary chords in various major keys.
Sheets 1-3 treble clef only.
Sheet 4 includes bass clef questions.
Sheet 5 asks students to name secondary chords by letter name and key.
Sheet 6 asks students to name primary and secondary chords by letter name and key.
Please note this product only introduces Secondary Chords. Knowledge of major scales and/or key signatures is assumed.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Files in PDF and PowerPoint form.
Music Bar Lines, Repeats and Coda Symbols
Handouts and Power Points explaining the different types of Bar Lines, Repeat Signs, 1st and 2nd time bars, Segno and Coda symbols. These files demonstrate to students how to follow the different symbols through a piece of music.
2 Worksheets and Answer sheet with Sheet Music - The Entertainer & Angels We Have Heard On High
6 Worksheets with Answer sheets based on popular music. These worksheets ask students questions to demonstrate they can identify and understand the different symbols and how to follow their directions through a piece of music.
The Entertainer & Angels We Have Heard On High - addresses concepts of Start and End Repeats and 1st and 2nd Time Bars.
Cups & How Far I’ll Go – addresses concept of D.S. al Coda, Segno, To Coda and Coda. No first or second time bars.
Hall of Fame, Flashlight, Dark Horse – addresses dynamics, multiple repeat signs, first and second time bars, D.S. al Coda, Segno, To Coda and Coda.
Clarity– addresses dynamics, multiple repeat signs, first, second and third time bars, D.S. al Coda, Segno, To Coda and Coda.
Generic Worksheet Sheet A - can be applied to any piece of music that has Coda, To Coda, Segno and D.S. al Coda.
Generic Worksheet Sheet B - can be applied to any music that has Coda, To Coda, Segno, D.S. al Coda, 1st time and 2nd time bars.
All Worksheets, Power Points and Handouts come in American and English versions.
Files in PowerPoint and PDF format.
Tones and Semitones / Whole steps and Half steps - 15 Printable Worksheets
Tones and Semitones / Whole steps and Half steps explained with PowerPoints and Handouts.
All files available in English and American Terminology.
8 Worksheets based around finding Tones and Semitones/Whole steps and Half steps on the keyboard.
4 Worksheets based around finding Tones and Semitones/Whole steps and Half steps in the Treble Clef.
2 Worksheets naming and writing Tones and Semitones/Whole steps and Half steps in the Treble Clef.
1 Fun Crossword solve by answering questions about Tones and Semitones/Whole steps and Half steps in the Treble Clef.
All Handouts, Worksheets and Answer sheets are individual files. Perfect for online delivery or the paperless classroom.
All Worksheets come with Answer sheets.
Files in PDF and PowerPoint format.
Reading Ledger Line Notes in the Bass Clef - 14 Printable & Digital Worksheets
5 Worksheets asking students to name Ledger Line Notes in the Bass Clef.
Sheets 1 and 2 - naming individual ledger line notes above and below the stave - from B below to F above .
Sheets 3, 4 and 5 naming bass clef words using mostly ledger line notes.
5 Drill sheets. Challenge for students to name notes on Ledger Lines in the Bass Clef and improve in accuracy/and or time.
1 Matching Bass Clef Ledger Line Notes to words sheet
1 Wonderword using Bass Clef Ledger Line notes
1 Crossword using Bass Clef Ledger Line notes
1 Puzzle using Bass Clef Ledger Line notes
All worksheets in Printable and Fillable PDFs. Answer sheets included. All sheets are individual files - great for delivering to students online.
Grouping Notes & Rests in Music-PowerPoint, Handouts,10 Worksheets &Answersheets
This unit of work demonstrates how to Group notes correctly.
The PowerPoint (7 slides) and accompanying Handouts (6 Pages) introduce
The Anatomy of a Music Note
Grouping Notes in Simple Time
Grouping Notes in Music - an exception
How to Add Rests
Grouping Notes in Compound Time
2 versions - American and English terminology.
10 Worksheets and Answer sheets.
Worksheets 1-7 use Simple Time Signatures 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4.
Worksheets 8-10 use Simple and Compound Time Signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, 9/8, 12/8.
Files in PDF and PowerPoint format.
15 Music Worksheets Christmas Theme - Print & Go
15 Music Worksheets Christmas Theme are designed for students just learning about notes names and values.
3 x Worksheets matching note pictures to note names (American & English versions)
3 x Worksheets matching note pictures to note values.
2 x Worsheets recognising notes on a line or space (Treble & Bass Clef versions)
2 x Worksheet recognising if a note is higher, lower or the same (Treble & Bass Clef vesrsions)
Note Addition Worksheet
Rest Addition Worksheet
Christmas Carol Word Search - complete the christmas carol title (Word Bank option included)
Christmas Carol Crossword - complete the christmas carol title
Notes and Rests Hidden Joke Word Search - answer note and rest questions to reveal a hidden christmas joke answer.
All sheets are individual PDFs.
Music Percussion Instruments Unit Of Work -No Music Teaching Experience Required
Music Percussion Instruments Unit Of Work. Everything you need to introduce Percussion Instruments to your students. NO MUSIC TEACHING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED.
24 Percussion Instrument Posters
Information Handouts and 3 Worksheets
Two beginner Percussion Ensemble pieces. Original music with 4 parts.
both pieces include PowerPoint files with audio to help students learn
each rhythm so no music teaching experience required.
the rhythms are very repetitive, great for beginners.
play along with the PowerPoint - each piece has audio in three
different tempos (speeds) - 70, 100 & 140 bpm.
Write your own percussion rhythm.
sheets for students to write their own rhythms. Different variations to
suit different skill levels.
The Ensemble pieces are designed to be used for any number of students - 2 students or an entire class.
These pieces can be used with any percussion you have available (or not). They can be performed with claps and clicks, any body percussion, drum sticks, or any combination of percussion instruments.
Music Symbols -Level 1 -Handouts and Worksheets -Print & Go -English terminology
Music Symbols - 4 Handouts and 12Worksheets with Answer sheets.
7 Matching symbols Worksheets.
Music Symbols Worksheet - complete sentences about symbols.
Away In A Manger Worksheet - adding symbols to the music.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Worksheet - answering questions about symbols in music.
Music Symbols Crossword
Music Symbols Hidden Message Wordsearch
English terminology.
Symbols covered include
Lines - Stave, Bar Line, Double Bar Line, Final Bar Line, Ledger Lines
Clefs - Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Percussion Clef
Accidentals - Flat, Sharp, Natural,
Articulations - Staccato, Accent, Fermata
Chord, Time Signature, Common Time
Dynamics - Pianissimo, Piano, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Forte, Fortissimo, Crescendo, Decrescendo
How To Build Melodic Minor Scales PowerPoint, Handouts and Worksheets
A small unit of work introducing students to Melodic Minor Scales. English terminology.
PowerPoint 4 slides that explains How to Build Melodic Minor Scales.
Slide 1 explains what a scale is and introduces the Tone Semitone pattern.
Slide 2 demonstrates how to create a A Melodic Minor Scale using a Natural Minor Scale.
Slide 3 explains important points when raising the 6th and 7th notes.
Slide 4 demonstrates how to create a D Melodic Minor Scale using a Natural Minor Scale.
Handouts explaining “How to Build Melodic Minor Scales” using the Tone Semitone pattern, and using the Circle of 5ths.
6 Worksheets
3 sheets - writing and completing melodic minor scales and naming key signatures
2 sheets - writing the letter names of ascending melodic minor scales
1 crossword - solve puzzle by answering 10 melodic scale questions
Answer sheets included.
All Handouts, Worksheets and Answer sheets are individual PDFs, great for online learning and the paperless classroom.
Knowledge of Major Scales, Natural Minor scales, Tones and Semitones and sharps and flats is assumed.