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Music Transposition Explained - Handouts & Worksheets - English terminology

Music Transposition Explained - Handouts & Worksheets - English terminology

Music Transposition explained in 4 easy steps! Handouts explaining how to transpose music - 3 different versions - choose the one that suits your students. Transposition with accidentals - 2 page handout explaining how to deal with accidentals when transposing. 5 Transposing worksheets - 3 with no accidentals and 2 with accidentals. Answer sheets and printer friendly B&W versions included. These sheets are based on a method using scale degree numbers. Students knowledge of scale degree numbers is essential. Check out my product ‘Music Scale Degree Names - PowerPoint, Handout & 11 Print & Go Worksheets’ here. English terminology used - semitone
Smooth Voicing for SATB - Music Handouts and Worksheets

Smooth Voicing for SATB - Music Handouts and Worksheets

A great product to teach students about smooth voicing for SATB. Learn how in five steps. Students can use smooth voicing to compose and/or arrange music for four voices. This product includes 5 page handout explaining how to smooth voice in 5 steps - using the Pachelbel Cannon as an example 2 worksheets with answer sheets Printer friendly B&W version included. Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Smooth Voicing for Piano/Keyboard - Music Handouts and Worksheets

Smooth Voicing for Piano/Keyboard - Music Handouts and Worksheets

A great product to teach students about smooth voicing. Learn how in four easy steps. Students can use smooth voicing to compose and/or arrange music for piano and keyboard. This product includes 3 page handout explaining how to smooth voice in 4 easy steps - using the Pachelbel Cannon as an example 2 worksheets with answer sheets Printer friendly B&W version included. Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
St. Patrick's Day Memory Card Game

St. Patrick's Day Memory Card Game

Memory Card Game is a fun way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. These 32 bright cards can be used in a variety of ways with single students, pairs or small groups. Memory game instructions are included, along with 4 variations to keep students entertained. Back design included - print back to back for a professional look. Print and laminate for a lasting resource.
St. Patrick's Day Booklet - Handout, Worksheets and Fun Activities

St. Patrick's Day Booklet - Handout, Worksheets and Fun Activities

St. Patrick’s Day Booklet - 10 pages. A great way to learn about and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Create a booklet or use as individual worksheets. Handout - information sheet about St. Patrick Crossword - questions based around Handout information (Word Bank version included) Luck of the Irish - students write down four wishes Irish Research Activity - students need to research 6 questions about Ireland Hidden Joke Word Search - students find the list of Irish words to reveal a St. Patrick’s Day joke Word Search - 36 words to find 2 coloring in pages 3D Shamrock craft activity Answer sheets included. Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Peter and the Wolf 11 Handouts and 17 Worksheets - Print & Go PDFs

Peter and the Wolf 11 Handouts and 17 Worksheets - Print & Go PDFs

Peter and the Wolf - Handouts & Worksheets - all you need to introduce students to the orchestra through the story of Peter and the Wolf. 11 Handouts Meet the Characters Meet the Instruments Instrument Information Handouts Orchestra Layout Handout 17 Worksheets / Acitivities Name the characters Name the instruments Match the character to the instrument Story Sequence Cut & Paste Activity Crossword Wonderword Music Elements Sheets Orchestra Color In Sheet Instrument Research Activity Composer Research Activity Instrument Questions Worksheet Answer sheets included. Booklet cover page included - print a booklet or use as individual worksheets. Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Music Theory Workbook - Level 1 - English terminology

Music Theory Workbook - Level 1 - English terminology

100+ page booklet. A complete theory unit of work designed to introduce music theory basics to students. Informations sheets and worksheets for the following topics. Notes and Rests Stem Direction Bar Lines Music Symbols Simple Time Signatures Dots In Music Treble Clef Bass Clef Dynamics 15 pages of extension activities also included - great for sub teachers, early finishers, advanced students. Cover page and contents page included. Also a completion page for students to mark off each page completed. English terminology used. 108 pages. Please purchase 1 workbook for every 20 students (ie. purchase 3 workbooks for 60 students). This equates to $1.25 per student. I aim to create affordable reources for busy teachers and thank you for your honesty and support.