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Big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets for Year 2 KS1 maths basic skills revision SATS
A big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets.
Each sheet has squared paper at the side to allow children to have space to use formal, written methods and/or pictorial methods to work out the answers to the questions.
A range of basic skills are covered such as:
counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
place Value
adding/subtracting tens
doubling and halving
finding missing parts on a part-whole model
finding missing parts in addition and subtraction calculations.
2 digit addition and subtraction
multiplication and division (2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables)
KS1 Year 2 multiplication and division maths working wall display
Multiplication and division display for working walls
‘Maths’ title in bunting
Various multiplication strategy posters
Vocabulary posters for both operations
Posters for counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
Year 3 equivalent fractions using cuisenaire rods - concrete resources lesson & display poster LKS2
Full lesson on introducing equivalent fractions to year 3.
This is a hands on lesson- children will spend the full lesson exploring fractions through cuisenaire rods.
I carried this lesson out with the children working in small groups. I blew the included recording sheet up to A3.
There is a box for them to physically place their cuisenaire rods down and record the fractions that they represent. There are more boxes for children to record equivalent fractions. I then took a photograph of the completed sheet as evidence for children’s books (there is space for names on the sheet to make this easier!).
Included is a power point (with learning objective, lots of mathematical questions and plenary), recording sheet and a fraction wall display poster (I blew this up to A3 for my working wall and reduced it to A5 for each child to stick into the back of their maths books for future reference).
KS2 differentiated non-chronological report WAGOLL editable with features to spot & colour code
Non-chronological report WAGOLL on snakes.
Includes one version of just the WAGOLL and two differentiated versions complete with features to spot and a handy key so that children can colour code the feautes that they find.
There is a higher and lower ability version, the HA version has more features to look out for.
KS2 Differentiated parts of a flower pollination/reproduction worksheet
LO: To be able to identify the different parts of a flowering plant and discuss their roles in plant reproduction.
Used with year 5 and 6 to look at the different parts of a flower and their role in sexual reproduction.
HA sheet requires pupils to fill in name and function.
LA sheet requires children to fill in function only.
KS1 YEAR 2 Place Value match matching and comparing game cards activity place value counters
Place Value matching game ideal for use in year 2.
Pictorial representations of numbers below 100 using tens and ones place value counters.
Smaller than, larger than and equal to symbols also included to add extra challenge for more able children.
phonics phase 5 alternative spelling of ch phoneme spotter activities flashcards presentation
This bundle includes a presentation to introduce the alternative spelling for the ch phoneme, activities and flashcards.
It looks at ch, tch and t.
There is a phoneme spotting and sorting activity and two activities where children must identify the correct spellings.
The powerpoint is interactive and uses sound buttons to identify the letter(s) making the ch phoneme.
There are lots of flashcards that could be used for segmenting and blending, speed reading and/or display.
More alternative spelling bundles will be added soon!
Caterpillar and butterfly fact cards KS1 science investigation area display
20 bright and colourful fact cards about caterpillars and butterflies.
I used these to set up a science investigation area in year 2 when we had caterpillars that we kept to observe and release as they turned into butterflies. (I also sell them in a bundle with matching display title bunting and key vocabulary)
These cards concentrate on the things that children will notice while the caterpillars are in the classroom. They allow the children to find out about what they can see happening.
These cards are also a geat resource for teachers and support staff to explain what is happening and answer any tricky questions that the children might ask!
Classroom jobs display elegant/fancy chalkboard theme KS1 KS2
I laminated and cut these out and than used black ribbon to create a hanging display that can be put anywhere in my classroom.
I write the childrens’ names on the white sections with dry wipe marker so they can be quickly and easily changed,
The jobs could be easily edited to suit your classroom.
year 2 SCIENCE-PLANTS lesson planting sunflowers, what plants need, measuring sunflowers pictogram
Science lessons looking at plants in year 2.
Lesson on planting sunflowers, learning how to take care of them and what they need. Differentiated sheet for children who are new to English.
A log to keep track of how high and fast they grow.
Analysis lesson to create pictograms (with links to the year 2 maths curriculum) to show the height of different sunflowers.
Extra questions for high ability children once they have made their pictogram (links to year 2 maths curriculum).
NTE N2E EAL LA electricity vocab/vocabulary cards with symbols and real pictures UKS2 LKS2
Set of eight vocabulary cards for use in electricity science lessons in upper and lower key stage two.
Each card shows not only shows the word and symbol but also a picture of what the item looks like in ‘real life’ to help especially EAL and NTE children during these lessons.
Year 3 addition and subtraction arithmetic and problem solving 8 homework worksheets and answers
8 homework sheets to practise addition and subtraction skills.
Enough for the full half term when we cover addition and subtraction. They gradually get more challenging when given in the correct order:
1 and 2. addition without regrouping and another with regrouping.
3 and 4. subtraction without exchange and one with exchange.
5 and 6. use the inverse to find missing numbers.
7. pyramid problems where children must decide when to add/use the inverse.
8. word problems.
answers are included with each worksheet
Phase 2 phonics phoneme and tricky words flashcards or working wall display cards
All phase 2 phonics phonemes and tricky words on striped flashcards.
Prefect for assessment, intervention or displays.
Flashcards and tricky words also available for other phases.
'Our Caterpillars' display/investigation area bunting title natural green leaf design
‘Our Caterpillars’ bunting.
The bunting has a green leaf background that will completment natural classrooms perfectly.
I used this bunting to create an investigation area in year two when we got caterpillars in class. (I also sell this bunting as part of a bundle which also has matching caterpillar fat cards and key vocab cards.)
KS1 year 2 Maths Working Wall Display pack ~ titles, pictures, posters ~ supports WRM
Everything that is needed to create a maths working wall display in a year two classroom with the focus of place value.
These resources have been designed to be interactive and to fully support the teaching of WRM (White Rose Maths) Year 2, Autumn block 1.
The files contain a bunting header plus lots of other subheadings and interactive questions.
Also included are templates such as tens frames, place value charts, part-whole models as well as pictorial representations of concrete resouces such as base 10, place value counters etc.
There are other decorative bits and pieces such as speech bubbles and arrows and frames to be laminated and written on by adults and children.
KS1 year 2 English Working Wall Display pack ~ NATURAL THEME~ titles, posters, writing, reading,
Everything that is needed to create an English working wall display in a year two classroom.
All these resources have been created with a natural theme to make them bold and easy to see.
Files Include:
Main title bunting
Sub-titles to arrange the display in different sections
a wide range of synonyms for commonly over used words
Punctuation posters
sentence starters
year 1 common exception words
year two common exception words
Different writing types
KS1 year 2 Maths Working Wall Display addition & subtraction titles, pictures, posters supports WRM
Everything that is needed to create a maths working wall display in a year two classroom with the focus of addition and subtraction.
These resources have been designed to be interactive and to fully support the teaching of WRM (White Rose Maths) Year 2, addition and subtraction unit.
MATHS CAFE year 2 KS1 differentiated money activity finding total and change addition subtraction
Fun maths cafe activity for year 2.
A good consolidation activity for the end of a unit on measurement with money.
Covers finding the total of different items, finding out how much change would be given and two step problems.
I used this at the end of the White Rose Maths Autumn Block 3 unit on money.
HA questions are word problems, children have to read and understand the questions and decide what operation to use independently.
MA questions have bar models to support children’s calculations. These bar models have parts filled in to begin with but gradually, less is filled in to encourage independence. Some two step problems also included to provide an extra challenge.
bundle of display/working wall bunting titles/banners Science, Maths, English and more KS1 KS2
A set of 6 bunting display titles- Enlgish, Maths, Science, Topic, PSHE and Notices.
These are all black bunting with white letters but are editable so you could change the colours to suit your classroom.
Simply laminate, hole punch the top corners and thread onto string or ribbon.
Big set of Christmas Mud Kitchen Recipe cards EYFS counting and maths outdoor activity
Big set of bright, colourful Christmas themed Mud Kitched recipe cards.
With numbers from 1-10, these cards promote counting through loose parts and outdoor play.
6 of the 16 cards are blank for children to make their own recipes.
Laminate to create a fun,festive mud kitchen cook book!