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I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered




I'm a Geography teacher with experience educating at various levels, ranging from mainstream schools, SEN and extra-curricular tuition. I also have experience in teaching humanities, English and PSHE topics. My resources are designed primarily as schemes of works for mainly Geographical topics with all levels considered
The Kayapo Tribe

The Kayapo Tribe

The Kayapo are the indigenous people of Brazil. They live in the plains of the Mato Grosso and Para south of the Amazon Basin and along the Rio Xingu and its tributaries. They call themselves ‘Mebengokre’, which translates to ‘people of the wellspring’. These worksheets have the students explore the Kayapo’s beliefs, examine the differences and simalarities between us and them, as well as giving them an opportunity to research the tribe by answering their peers questions about them
Transnational Companies In India

Transnational Companies In India

These worksheets look at the large companies and their locations around the work, then focus primarily on a Nike case study in India and the positives and negatives it brings to LEDCs
Who Eats Who?

Who Eats Who?

Students are able to identify what ‘grasslands’ are, identify the key members of a food chain and be able to produce a food chain for a given environment
China's Climate

China's Climate

As China is such a large country it’s not surprising to find that the climate varies from place to place and that these variations have different impacts of people’s lives. These worksheets help students to understand climate graphs, how to read ad draw them. They also give them a chance to develop their own graph and peer mark eachothers ideas with supporting comments.
Tribes Of The Savannah

Tribes Of The Savannah

The Maasai Tribe live and farm in the savanna. Unfortunately, in the past fifty years the Maasai way of life has had to change due to pressures from commercial and government policies. As a result, the ecosystem has also started to suffer. The students’ task is to produce a project booklet about the Maasi Tribe including their location, statistics, gender roles, homes, dress, and culture. As well as the problems facing the tribes from tourism and desertification for example. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation, Instagram @willsoneducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Jeju Island - Drawing a Cross-Section

Jeju Island - Drawing a Cross-Section

When looking at maps we can find it difficult to imagine what the landscape looks like if we were actually there. This worksheet explains how to draw a cross-section of Jeju Island, South Korea, by using the contours on a map and following a simple flow diagram. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Using Quadrats

Using Quadrats

These worksheets help students to understand how to use quadrats within their work and coursework with simple clear instructions and examples
The Galapagos Of Russia - Lake Baikal

The Galapagos Of Russia - Lake Baikal

Located in the southern Siberia area of Russia, Lake Baikal is the world’s largest freshwater and deepest lake in the world and in 1996 became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sometimes referred to as the Sacred Sea, the lake represents the unspoilt beauty of Russia and is the central part of many local myths and folklore. Lake Baikal is also known as the ‘Galapagos Of Russia’ due to its exceptional biodiversity and importance to evolutionary science. The freshwater ecosystem is one of the world’s richest dues to its age, isolation and deep oxygenated water. These worksheets have the students research some of the unique flora and fauna which is found Lake Baikal and discusses the best stratagies to help protect these from the increasing number of visitors to the area.
Dark Tourism

Dark Tourism

Dark tourism has been around for many hundreds, if not thousands of years, but is only now coming to the fore. Dark tourism refers to the specific locations’ tourists visit due to their links to death or tragedy. There are many theories as to why people are attracted to these places. This worksheet is a simple introduction to the topic looking at how similar destinations advertise themselves, whether it is thought right to advertise these places as ‘attractions’ and whether there is a location they would like to visit of the same genre. These questions could be an interesting way to begin a unit on a tragic episode in our planets history and explain how we could learn from our past. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Using Film In Geography

Using Film In Geography

This PowerPoint is divided into geographical topics and emphasizes several popular films which could be used within the classroom to demonstrate physical and human features. A number of children’s films include ‘extras’ which are educational as well as entertaining. Here you will find a list of popular films which could be used within your lessons to help understand some of your students initial ideas of various geographictopics and the ‘extras’ you may not be aware of. Please let me know of any others you may know of to add Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Papa New Guinea Tsunami Poster

Papa New Guinea Tsunami Poster

On the 17th July, 1998 a magnitude 7 earthquake occurred just off the north central coast of Papua New Guinea, generating a very destructive tsunami (see figure 1). The 1998 International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) concluded that the wave was between 7 to 10 meters with a maximum height of 15 meters and was confined to approximately 40-km of coastline. This poster shows the cause, effects and conclusions of the tsunami on Pap New Guinea and the surrounding area
Population Test

Population Test

This test consists of seven multiple chose questions and a ten mark question which involve the students writing a speech about population issues in different parts of the work for examples AIDS or the One Childe Policy


This worksheet explains what the tundra is and allows students to describe its distribution across the world, the climate there, including drawing a climate graph, and the plant life in these areas
Settlement Revision Cards

Settlement Revision Cards

These revision cards allow students to complete handy flash cards to use in the run up to their exams. Topics include site, situation, hierarchy, function, urban models, residential areas, inner city problems, developing the inner city, urban-rural fringe, trends in urbanisation, cause of urbanisation, problems and solutions in LEDC cities. Case studies include Corfe Castle, London Docklands, Brazil
Playing The African Game

Playing The African Game

This lesson allows students to understand how African children games are invented and gives them the opportunity to come up with their own version and peer assess them