Wolsey Academy operates as a non-profit, with every penny we make going to one of our charity partners or into the Ipswich Initiative, funding good works across the town and county. Search for Wolsey Academy to see our website for more details and to purchase resources at a discount.
Wolsey Academy operates as a non-profit, with every penny we make going to one of our charity partners or into the Ipswich Initiative, funding good works across the town and county. Search for Wolsey Academy to see our website for more details and to purchase resources at a discount.
This is one lesson from a series of 7 lessons that focus on the Space Race, From Sputnik to Apollo. Each lesson is fully resourced with anything that needs printing at the end of the PowerPoint ready in a print friendly format.
The idea of this series of lessons is to introduce students to key historical skills using content they are familiar with and find engaging. We have had huge success with these lessons at Wolsey Academy with students often demanding that we teach more of them. The work produced from these lessons has also been exceptional, with the main activity in each lesson being scaffolded and supported in a number of ways. For details of each lesson please see below. If purchasing just one lesson, make sure you have seen the details for that one below.
In the lesson preview you will see the lesson structure in the road map slide.
We hope it helps.
The 7 lessons:
Sputnik 1957
Yuri Gagarin
Project Mercury
Earthrise Apollo 8
Apollo 11
Apollo Conspiracies Debunked
Cold War Space Race
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
One lesson from the French Revolution & Napoleon SOW (10 lessons) we have been teaching for a while but recently jazzed up some cartoon illustrations and streamlined/added some activities.
Each lesson comes with a range of activities and a focus, some build up essay writing skills, others focus on debates, others are more creative tasks. All resources included at the end of each PowerPoint, designed to be as ‘pick and play’ or ‘pick up and modify’ as possible to help you out.
Content wise you can see below, starts with the Enlightenment as context and then roams into Napoleon’s rise, his wars and eventually downfall at Waterloo. Have had excellent engagement with this SOW.
The lessons are as follows:
The Enlightenment - French Revolution & Napoleon
Causes of the Revolution - French Revolution & Napoleon
Tennis Court Oath & The Bastille - French Revolution & Napoleon
Constitution and the Republic - French Revolution & Napoleon
The Terror - French Revolution & Napoleon
Napoleon’s Rise To Power - French Revolution & Napoleon
Napoleon the General - French Revolution & Napoleon
Peninsular War & The Rifles - French Revolution & Napoleon
Battle of Waterloo 1815 - French Revolution & Napoleon
Napoleonic Law and Legacy - French Revolution & Napoleon
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
Offers general pre or post exam feedback on all question types. The examples used here are for China and Vietnam but the advice applies to all topics.
Focus on:
• Describe TWO features of EITHER X or Y (6 marks)
• Study Sources A and B and then answer the question:
• How far does Source A support the evidence of Source B about X (8 marks)
• Study Extract C.
• Extract C suggests that the main reason for X was Y
• How far do you agree with this interpretation?
• Use Extract C, Sources A and B and your own knowledge to explain your answer. (16 marks)
Skill focus:
• Using the sources effectively to answer the question.
• Creating good conclusions.
Hope it helps.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
This is one lesson from a series of 7 lessons that focus on the Space Race, From Sputnik to Apollo. Each lesson is fully resourced with anything that needs printing at the end of the PowerPoint ready in a print friendly format.
The idea of this series of lessons is to introduce students to key historical skills using content they are familiar with and find engaging. We have had huge success with these lessons at Wolsey Academy with students often demanding that we teach more of them. The work produced from these lessons has also been exceptional, with the main activity in each lesson being scaffolded and supported in a number of ways. For details of each lesson please see below. If purchasing just one lesson, make sure you have seen the details for that one below.
In the lesson preview you will see the lesson structure in the road map slide.
We hope it helps.
The 7 lessons:
Sputnik 1957
Yuri Gagarin
Project Mercury
Earthrise Apollo 8
Apollo 11
Apollo Conspiracies Debunked
Cold War Space Race
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
The Computer Revolution -
Meant as a cross department study with the Humanities and ICT/Computer Science. This is 1 lesson from a series of 17 (see below).
Each lesson is well constructed and fully resourced (all resources contained at the end of each PowerPoint to avoid multiple files). Lessons include a varied sequence of activities building up content and skills to answer a large essay question in lesson 17 on the nature of change and continuity thanks to the computer revolution, and a speculative discussion of the impact of future developments.
The series also runs parallel to a 17 part ‘Guided Reading’ pack on the same topic. Each lesson is paired with an extended piece of computing literature – for ease these extracts have been included inside the PowerPoints but you can access the reading as a separate bundle, and for free at Wolsey Academy.
The lessons are as follows:
Enigma and Turing (free)
The History of Women in Computing (free)
The Microchip and Moore’s Law
The PC, GUI and Microsoft
How Video Games Shaped Our World
Mid-Unit Test and Revision
Impact of the Internet
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (free)
Covid Track and Trace
Quantum Computing (free)
Artemis and Space X
Facial Recognition
Digital Divide
DeepMind, AI, AlphaGo and ChatGPT (free)
Emerging Technologies and their impact
Cybersecurity case studies
Revision keyword flash cards and essay assessment.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
We hope it helps.
The Computer Revolution -
Meant as a cross department study with the Humanities and ICT/Computer Science. This is 1 lesson from a series of 17 (see below).
Each lesson is well constructed and fully resourced (all resources contained at the end of each PowerPoint to avoid multiple files). Lessons include a varied sequence of activities building up content and skills to answer a large essay question in lesson 17 on the nature of change and continuity thanks to the computer revolution, and a speculative discussion of the impact of future developments.
The series also runs parallel to a 17 part ‘Guided Reading’ pack on the same topic. Each lesson is paired with an extended piece of computing literature – for ease these extracts have been included inside the PowerPoints but you can access the reading as a separate bundle, and for free at Wolsey Academy.
The lessons are as follows:
Enigma and Turing (free)
The History of Women in Computing (free)
The Microchip and Moore’s Law
The PC, GUI and Microsoft
How Video Games Shaped Our World
Mid-Unit Test and Revision
Impact of the Internet
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (free)
Covid Track and Trace
Quantum Computing (free)
Artemis and Space X
Facial Recognition
Digital Divide
DeepMind, AI, AlphaGo and ChatGPT (free)
Emerging Technologies and their impact
Cybersecurity case studies
Revision keyword flash cards and essay assessment.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
We hope it helps.
One lesson from the French Revolution & Napoleon SOW (10 lessons) we have been teaching for a while but recently jazzed up some cartoon illustrations and streamlined/added some activities.
Each lesson comes with a range of activities and a focus, some build up essay writing skills, others focus on debates, others are more creative tasks. All resources included at the end of each PowerPoint, designed to be as ‘pick and play’ or ‘pick up and modify’ as possible to help you out.
Content wise you can see below, starts with the Enlightenment as context and then roams into Napoleon’s rise, his wars and eventually downfall at Waterloo. Have had excellent engagement with this SOW.
The lessons are as follows:
The Enlightenment - French Revolution & Napoleon
Causes of the Revolution - French Revolution & Napoleon
Tennis Court Oath & The Bastille - French Revolution & Napoleon
Constitution and the Republic - French Revolution & Napoleon
The Terror - French Revolution & Napoleon
Napoleon’s Rise To Power - French Revolution & Napoleon
Napoleon the General - French Revolution & Napoleon
Peninsular War & The Rifles - French Revolution & Napoleon
Battle of Waterloo 1815 - French Revolution & Napoleon
Napoleonic Law and Legacy - French Revolution & Napoleon
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
This is one lesson from a completely fully resourced and integrated series of 17 lessons on the Russian Revolution. It was designed for GCSE History but has also been used very effectively at KS3 level.
Each lesson contains as a minimum:
• Recap from previous lesson
• Keyword flashcards (in a unique ‘Pokémon card style’ template!)
• Writing skill challenges building up to fully developed PEEKA paragraphs (these increase in complexity as you move through the lessons)
• Text with comprehension questions
• A ‘reverse engineer’ essay question task.
• A model paragraph with a ‘how can you improve?’ task
• Stretch questions.
• Video links.
The 17 lessons are as follows:
Russia and its discontents (free)
1905 Revolution (free)
The First World War (free)
February Revolution
Mod-Module Revision Tasks and Knowledge Check
Provisional Government
October Revolution
Bolsheviks & Constituent Assembly
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russian Civil War
Russian Civil War – Why did the Reds win?
Russian Civil War – War Communism
Russian Civil War – Kronstadt Naval Mutiny
Russian Civil War – New Economic Policy
Russian Civil War – Lenin’s Legacy
End of unit – all revision cards, revision tasks, assessment questions, models and criteria.
Hope they help.
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
From a series of 5 lessons taking KS3 through Central Asian History, highlighting many topics not covered by the traditional curriculum but which nonetheless are highly important to a developed and balanced appreciation of world history.
The five lessons are:
The Mongols
The Silk Roads
The Timurid Empire
The Ottomans
The Mughals
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
The Vikings
One lesson from a series of 10 lessons used recently to teach Key Stage 3 which much success. There is a great range of activities and the students really engaged with the subject. Each lesson is fully resourced and ready to teach from the box. Each includes options for adaption up or down depending on class level. Each lesson builds up students’ skills ready for an assessment in lesson 10, but also develops soft skills of group work, presentation, research and problem-solving.
The lessons are as follows:
• Raiders or Settlers? Push and Pull Factors
• Viking Mythology & Top Trumps
• Women in the Viking Age
• Trade and Longboats
• Lindisfarne
• Edmund the Martyr
• Bluetooth, Forkbeard & Canute
• The Kyivan Rus
• The Viking Discovery of America
• Assessment
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
A set of 17 flash cards for History lessons/revision of 1066
Each card is printable and foldable, also includes a ‘dual coding’ activity and then for the word to be used in a sentence to prove understanding. Also ideal to be used for round robin/quiz-quiz-trade style activities in class.
Words included:
Edward the Confessor
Harald Hardrada
Harold Godwinson
William, Duke of Normandy
Battle of Stamford Bridge
Battle of Hastings
Feudal System
Domesday Book
Harrying of the North
Motte and Bailey Castle
Shield Wall
If you are studying 1066 get your students playing the free Battle of Hastings RPG game at Wolsey Academy – includes a free work book that they complete as they walk around Medieval England and talk to the characters to reveal the answers. My students love it.
Hope it helps.
Lesson 3: Roman Roads
• Lesson teacher tutorial video for this lesson (for homework/home school learning)
• Literacy & Numeracy settler
• Contextual information and maps (to assist teacher talk)
• Documentary clips activity with extension task
• Guided reading task
• Roman road diagram and labelling activity
• Paragraph writing skills activity.
• Knowledge check plenary
• All resources required included at the end of the PowerPoint file.
• Online self marking quiz to assess understanding
Lesson 1: Roman Intro
Lesson 2: The Founding of Rome, Romulus and Remus
Lesson 4: The Roman Army
Lesson 5: Punic Wars
Lesson 6: Pompeii & Roman Life
Lesson 7: Roman Government (The Republic)
Lesson 8: Medicine and Public Health
An 8 lesson series guiding Key Stage 3 through some of the fundamentals of the Roman Empire. Tried and tested over a number of years. See details of each lesson below the initial list.
Each lesson focusses on the Video – Resource – Quiz structure to allow for maximum support for teachers and parents – and maximum independence for students.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
1 Lesson from a series of 10 lessons on the History of Early Islam. Each lesson contains keywords and a wide range of activities, with a focus on developing skills and content in this area. Each lesson includes reading comprehension tasks but also a main ‘activity’ that allows students to be creative and apply their new knowledge, there is also a focus throughout on building up long-form writing skills such as paragraph structure.
The lessons include:
The Birth of the Prophet
Mecca and Medina
The Ridda Wars
Khalid ibn al-Walid
Rashidun Caliphate & Battle of Yarmouk | Fall of Byzantium
Caliphate on the march | Fall of the Sasanians
The Shia Sunni Split
The Umayyad Caliphate and Islamic Spain
The Abbasid Caliphate and battle of Talas
The Abbasid Caliphate and the Golden Age of Islam
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
This is one lesson from a series of 7 lessons that focus on the Space Race, From Sputnik to Apollo. Each lesson is fully resourced with anything that needs printing at the end of the PowerPoint ready in a print friendly format.
The idea of this series of lessons is to introduce students to key historical skills using content they are familiar with and find engaging. We have had huge success with these lessons at Wolsey Academy with students often demanding that we teach more of them. The work produced from these lessons has also been exceptional, with the main activity in each lesson being scaffolded and supported in a number of ways. For details of each lesson please see below. If purchasing just one lesson, make sure you have seen the details for that one below.
In the lesson preview you will see the lesson structure in the road map slide.
We hope it helps.
The 7 lessons:
Sputnik 1957
Yuri Gagarin
Project Mercury
Earthrise Apollo 8
Apollo 11
Apollo Conspiracies Debunked
Cold War Space Race
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
This lesson is from the 10-lesson series below:
10 fully resourced lessons designed to cover in depth the first chapter of the Cambridge IGCSE History Modern World. Designed for both in person and virtual teaching. Each lesson includes:
• A Literacy/Numeracy/Think settler question
• A context slide to allow for some (valuable) direct instruction
• A range of resources which include the likes of categorisation tasks, source questions and writing activities with model answers (focus on flexible PEEKA paragraphs).
• An online recap quiz
• Each lesson also includes a scholarship and further reading page to really engage the higher-level students.
Lessons in the series:
WW1 Recap
The State of Germany in 1918
The German Revolution 1918
Paris Peace Conference 1919 – Motives Overview
Wilson’s 14 Points
David Lloyd George at Versailles
Terms of the Treaty – Germany
Reactions – Source work
The other treaties
Was it fair?
Also ideal for KS3 and other GCSE studies when considering the TofV – the Cambridge spec asks for a lot more depth on this topic that Edexcel seem to – so can easily be diluted a little for Edexcel, or used to push higher level classes.
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
King John – from his troublesome fighting with his brother (Lionheart) to his troublesome time as King ending in Magna Carta and the Baron’s War. This SOW focusses on John’s policies both foreign and domestic and the consequences they had for his people. Works well as a stand alone SOW but is also integrated into the free to play History game world at WA (check it out if you haven’t already!)
Each lesson contains a quick start guide, literacy & numeracy starter, teacher narrative context pages (chance for you to do some storytelling !) plenaries, a range of active learning episodes and a focus on writing skills. Homework, EAL and stretch activity sheets.
The 7 lessons, along with the main lesson activities, are as follows:
Richard I, Crusades & John (Plantagenet map relay, round robin Crusader battle reports, reading comprehension tasks, consult the codex activity).
John’s Early Life (John v Longchamp card sort/PEEKA paragraph practice and assessment/consult the codex activity)
John & Taxes (‘Be the teacher’ activity/essay construction practice/consult the codex activity)
John & War (Army recruiter role play presentations & Bouvines video)
Magna Carta (Baron grievances card sort/prioritisation tasks/PEEKA writing development)
The Baron’s War (Round the Room battle reporting/descriptive writing task/videos)
End of Unit Assessment (Planning and prep for a Narrative Analysis, Edexcel style Q on John’s legacy).
Hope it helps.
Remember – works best when the students are playing the (free!) King John game and completing the codex at the same time (perfect ongoing homework task or ict room lesson).
WolseyAcademy.com, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
This is one lesson from a series of 7 lessons that focus on the Space Race, From Sputnik to Apollo. Each lesson is fully resourced with anything that needs printing at the end of the PowerPoint ready in a print friendly format.
The idea of this series of lessons is to introduce students to key historical skills using content they are familiar with and find engaging. We have had huge success with these lessons at Wolsey Academy with students often demanding that we teach more of them. The work produced from these lessons has also been exceptional, with the main activity in each lesson being scaffolded and supported in a number of ways. For details of each lesson please see below. If purchasing just one lesson, make sure you have seen the details for that one below.
In the lesson preview you will see the lesson structure in the road map slide.
We hope it helps.
The 7 lessons:
Sputnik 1957
Yuri Gagarin
Project Mercury
Earthrise Apollo 8
Apollo 11
Apollo Conspiracies Debunked
Cold War Space Race
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.
From a series of 5 lessons taking KS3 through Central Asian History, highlighting many topics not covered by the traditional curriculum but which nonetheless are highly important to a developed and balanced appreciation of world history.
The five lessons are:
The Mongols
The Silk Roads
The Timurid Empire
The Ottomans
The Mughals
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
This download includes the Year 9 Challenge only.
This is from a Guided Reading Activity from a set of 24 that makes up 4 separate guided reading challenges designed for 4 year groups in KS3 and 4. Each extract is from one of the SPEARS topics (Social, Political, Economic, Armed Conflict, Religious and Science).
All are available at Wolsey Academy.
Guided Reading is an activity in which students are given an extract (2-4 pages-ish) from a real history book. They have to read through it and annotate it, with a ‘subtitle’ and 1-2 bullet points of key details of each paragraph. At the end there is space for students to write a summary of their learning from the extract.
The extracts are as follows:
Year 7:
Social – Women in Roman Society – Mary Beard, SPQR (article)
Political – Norman Control of England – Marc Morris, The Norman Conquest
Economics – Aksum Empire – Martin Meredith, The Fortunes of Africa (article)
Armed Conflict - Battle of Hastings – Marc Morris, Anglo-Saxons
Religious – Islamic Medicine – Firas Alkhateeb, Lost Islamic History (article)
Science – Black Death Contagion Theories – Benedict Gummer, The Scourging Angel
Year 8:
Social – Poverty & Marriage in Industrial Britain – Emma Griffen, Liberty’s Dawn
Political – Peterloo Massacre – E.P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (article)
Economic – The Great Exhibition – Ben Wilson, Heyday
Armed Conflict – East Indian Company & Sepoys – William Dalrymple, Anarchy
Religious – Christianity in The New World – Mark Steward, Great Expeditions
Science – Chicago and the Mid-West – William Cronon, Nature’s Metropolis,
Year 9:
Social – Migration to Britain – Sathnam Sanghera, Empireland
Politics – The Rise of Stalin – Frank Dikotter, Dictators
Economic – The Rise of Germany – Katja Hoyer, Blood and Iron
Armed Conflict – Japan’s invasion of China – Rana Mitter, China’s War with Japan
Religious – Indian Partition – Barney White-Spunner, Partition
Science – Naval Technology – Robert Masse, Dreadnought.
Social – Youth in Nazi Germany – Julia Boyd, A Village in the Third Reich
Politics – USA and post war Europe – Odd Arne Westad, The Cold War
Economics – Inflation ion Weimar Germany – Richard J Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich
Armed Conflict – Rolling Thunder – Max Hastings, Vietnam
Religious – USSR and Religion – Simon Sebag Montefiore, Stalin.
Science – A Bomb Development – Pap Ndiaye, Nylon and Bombs
If you have yet to hear of us, please do visit our site and try the free to play and study Medieval Free Roaming RPG games which students find brilliantly engaging and spice up your lessons/homework activities.
Hope it helps.
The History of India
This is one lesson from a series of 11 on the History of India.
Each lesson includes as a minimum:
• A context slide for teacher talk/intro
• A reading comprehension task
• A sorting/categorising activity of factors/causes.
• A writing task with support and guidance.
All resources are included within the same PowerPoint for ease of organisation. They have proved very effective with our High School classes.
The 11 lessons are as follows:
The Mughals (free)
The East India Company
The Battle of Plessey (free)
The Tiger of Mysore
The Mahratta
Revision & Feedback lesson for unit at half way point
Trucial States, UAE & Oman
The First War of Indian Independence (1857)
Amritsar Massacre & Indian Independence Movement
India, Gandhi and the Second World War
Bengal Famine 1947 (free)
Indian Independence and Partition
Wolsey Academy, a non-profit resource provider, directs all profits to various charities, including refugee support, youth sports, educational programs, and carbon capture, achieving a carbon-negative status. Explore our site for resources and free history role-playing games loved by students. Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for supporting our mission.
Hope it helps.