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Jack the Ripper and Victorian Crime and Punishment

Jack the Ripper and Victorian Crime and Punishment

Lesson includes a worksheet to be completed with a carousel activity to find clues and information about the victims and suspects for Jack the Ripper. Also includes a script to learn about the suspects by being interviewed by police. Also includes slides about crime and punishment in the Victorian era more generally including transportation and prisons.
Fabulous Feminists

Fabulous Feminists

A collection of fact files of fabulous women throughout History. This was used as a History Club lesson so doesn’t have many activities and is mainly fact files. Includes Margery Kemp, Catherine Parr, Elizabeth I, Mary Wollstonecraft, Jane Austen, Anne Lister, George Elliot, Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale, Ida Bell Wells Barnett, Milicent Fawcett, Elizabeth Garret Anderson, Emmeline Pankhurst, Emily Wilding Davison, Marie Curie, Marlene Dietrich, Rosalind Franklin, Simone Dde Beauvoir, Eleanor Roosevelt, Katherine G Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Berry Frieden, Gloria Steinem, Rosa Parks, Angela Davis, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Malala Yousafzai, Emma Watson, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Louisa Gould, Alex Scott, Serena Williams and Taylor Swift
Rise of Wolsey- Edexcel Henry VIII's Advisors GCSE

Rise of Wolsey- Edexcel Henry VIII's Advisors GCSE

A lesson looking at the Rise of Wolsey as part of the Edexcel Henry VIII’s Advisors GCSE. Looks at Wolsey’s background and his personality and how it helps him and debates whether Wolsey was the Alter Rex. Lesson includes teacher exposition and note making, practice exam questions, a colour code activity and a bingo plenary.
Medicine Unit- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Medicine Unit- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A unit including lessons for the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE covering the Medieval, Renaissance, 18th and 19th century and modern era (does not include the Western Front case study). Also includes an exam technique lesson with advice, model answers and practice questions. Lessons include a range of activities including recap quizzes, videos, worksheets, debates, colourcodes, teacher exposition and note making and exam practice. Exact lessons included are: Hippocrates, Galen, Medieval cause, diagnosis, prevention and cure, Medieval hospitals, Black Death, Medieval Summary Sheet, Vesalius, Sydenham, Harvey, Renaissance cause, diagnosis, prevention and cure, Renaissance Hospitals, Great Plague, Renaissance Summary Sheet, Medieval and Renaissance Snakes and Ladders, Edward Jenner, Germ Theory, Koch, Pasteur and Vaccination, James Simpson, Joseph Lister, Nursing, Living conditions in the 19th century, John Snow, 18th and 19th Summary, 18th and 19th Snakes and Ladders, Magic Bullets, Penicillin, Five Giants, NHS, DNA, Modern Summary, Exam Technique lesson, Revision Crossword.
Modern Medicine Unit- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Modern Medicine Unit- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A unit looking at Modern Medicine as part of the Edexcel Medicine GCSE. Includes lessons on Magic Bullets, Penicillin, Five Giants, NHS, DNA, Summary Sheet and an Exam Technique lesson. Lessons include recap quizes, videos, teacher exposition and note making, worksheets and exam practice.
Elizabeth's Image- AQA Tudors A-Level

Elizabeth's Image- AQA Tudors A-Level

A lesson focusing on Elizabeth’s portraits as part of the AQA Tudors A-Level. Lesson looks at the symbols in several paintings including sieve, rainbow and armada portrait. Lesson includes source analysis, a video and some debate questions.
Last Years of Elizabeth- AQA Tudors A-Level

Last Years of Elizabeth- AQA Tudors A-Level

Lesson looking at the Last Years of Elizabeth as part of the AQA Tudors A-Level. The lesson focuses on economic issues and problems in Ireland. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note making and a debate question.
Roman Entertainment

Roman Entertainment

A lesson looking at Roman entertainment including sports, shopping, chariot races and gladiators. Lesson includes a card sort, mind map activity, teacher exposition and a trivial pursuit plenary.
Roman Health and Hygiene

Roman Health and Hygiene

A lesson looking at Roman Health and Hygiene including sewers, public baths and toilets and aquaducts. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition , video, carousel activity, PEEL paragraph writing and a plenary sheet.
DNA- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

DNA- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at how Watson and Crick discovered DNA and its later developments such as the Human Genome Project as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE.
NHS- Edexcel Medicie GCSE

NHS- Edexcel Medicie GCSE

A lesson looking at the National Health Service as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. The lessons looks at the services of the NHS including cradle to grave care and high tech treatments. Also looks at the ways government prevents disease such as campaigns, laws and vaccinations. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teaching exposition and note making, videos, a sorting activity and a word fill activity.
Magic Bullets- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Magic Bullets- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at magic bullets as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. Lesson focuses on Ehrlich and Salvarsan 606 and Domagk and Prontosil aswell as sulphonamides. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note taking, videos and colour coding activity.
Public Health in the 18th and 19th century- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Public Health in the 18th and 19th century- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at Public health in the 18th and 19th century as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. The lesson looks at diseases that were common during the Industrial Revolution, Edwin Chadwick, the Great Stink and Joseph Bazalgette and the Public Health Acts. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note making, videos and a sorting activity.
Nursing- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

Nursing- Edexcel Medicine GCSE

A lesson looking at nursing in the 19th century focusing on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole as part of the Edexcel Medicine Through Time GCSE. Lesson includes a recap quiz, teacher exposition and note making, video, questions and a true or false plenary.