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Specialist English Shop

Average Rating3.57
(based on 30 reviews)

I have been teaching English for 16 years in the state and independent sectors in the UK and internationally. I am also an Examiner so specialise in producing high level, tactical resources with excellent knowledge content for students, especially at GCSE and A Level.




I have been teaching English for 16 years in the state and independent sectors in the UK and internationally. I am also an Examiner so specialise in producing high level, tactical resources with excellent knowledge content for students, especially at GCSE and A Level.
The Handmaid's Tale and Frankenstein essay plans

The Handmaid's Tale and Frankenstein essay plans

Detailed essay plans on three questions comparing Frankenstein with The Handmaid's Tale including 'importance of responsibility', 'fear of female sexuality' and 'gender in the misuse of science'. Structured plans for possible responses given, including context and specific references to both texts. Could be used as a starting point for students to add to or tweak to develop their own plan/essay.
Hawk Roosting full lesson

Hawk Roosting full lesson

Full lesson on the poem Hawk Roosting including: Do Now Quote quest paired activity Guided analysis of the poem focusing on identifying techniques and exploring their effect Chain analysis guidance Plenary
The Horses Ted Hughes full lesson

The Horses Ted Hughes full lesson

Full lesson on The Horses by Ted Hughes. Includes: Do Now Creative writing mini practice Guided analysis of the poem focusing on identifying techniques and analysing their effects Plenary
The Jaguar Ted Hughes full lesson

The Jaguar Ted Hughes full lesson

Full lesson on The Jaguar including: Do Now Creative starter activity Guided analysis of the poem focusing on identifying techniques and exploring their effects Plenary
John Donne Essay Plans

John Donne Essay Plans

Essay plans for 8 essay questions on Donne’s poetry. Ideas, arguments, references to specific poems and context all included. Ideal for A Level revision / to promote discussion in class. Could be useful as a challenge activity as well as to support students’ revision.
Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?'

Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?'

3 Resources
Everything you need to teach this sonnet! Includes an engaging PowerPoint with several lessons’ worth of activities, a poetic techniques grid and a copy of the sonnet itself. Explanations of all poetic devices included on the slides, leads pupils to completing a guided essay.
Greek Myth: Hercules

Greek Myth: Hercules

5 Resources
Five detailed lessons on engaging PowerPoints around the myth of Hercules and his Labours. Includes grammar time, spellings and oral drill for each lesson as well as writing an information leaflet guidance and a character in role speaking and listening activity.
Journey's End Essentials

Journey's End Essentials

3 Resources
Everything students need for Journey's End: key context, key quotations from the play and a structural approach to the exam with exemplar paragraphs to model.
Greek Myth Week 1: Introduction to the Greek Gods

Greek Myth Week 1: Introduction to the Greek Gods

3 Resources
Colourful and engaging PowerPoints lead you through one week’s worth of lessons based around the Greek Gods. Includes fun Grammar Time, spellings, creative activities, non-fiction writing task and builds up to a Speaking and Listening activity where each student is interviewed as a Greek god of their choice.
Greek Myth: Theseus and the Minotaur

Greek Myth: Theseus and the Minotaur

5 Resources
Five detailed 1 hour lessons on engaging PowerPoints around the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. Includes grammar time, spellings and oral drill for each lesson as well as story structuring, newspaper article writing and paired speaking and listening activity.
The Great Gatsby Essentials

The Great Gatsby Essentials

4 Resources
Includes important extracts from each chapter, key quotations from the whole novel, and a list of context presentations for students to research. Also includes a ‘coursework guidance’ sheet if comparing Gatsby with another text for coursework (includes over 20 possible essay questions and partner texts).
Greek Myth: Odysseus and his adventures

Greek Myth: Odysseus and his adventures

5 Resources
A series of five 1 hour lessons (or realistically longer if all activities completed) taking pupils through some of Odysseus’ adventures. Each lesson is engagingly presented on a PowerPoint with a Do Now, spellings, oral drill and Grammar Time included for each lesson as well as the main task. Tasks include analysing language for effect, planning and writing a monologue as your own monster from myth and Speaking and Listening performances.
Greek Myth: Persephone and the Underworld

Greek Myth: Persephone and the Underworld

4 Resources
Four detailed lessons on engaging PowerPoints around the myth of Persephone and the Underworld. Includes grammar time, spellings and oral drill for each lesson as well as planning and writing a letter of complaint to the gods on Mount Olympus.
Romeo and Juliet Revision Essentials

Romeo and Juliet Revision Essentials

3 Resources
Several lessons worth of activities here. Includes key quotations with space to annotate as well as a handy fill in the blanks PowerPoint test for after pupils have learnt them. Also includes key context for them to learn for the exam. An effective activity is for them to link a relevant piece of context to each quotation.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essentials

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essentials

4 Resources
Several lessons’ worth of revision materials for the novella - includes a handy themes grid for students to fill in as well as a quotations quiz. Key quotations and a practice exam paper all included.
International Women's Day

International Women's Day

This lesson explores gender stereotypes, focusing especially on female stereotypes to focus on International Women’s Day. It can be used for any lesson on gender steretypes of course! There is a starter, then a Nike advert to watch, followed by tasks exploring the use of language and images. Finally, there is a creative advert design task at the end.
John Donne Essentials for A Level

John Donne Essentials for A Level

4 Resources
Detailed essay plans, key poetic techniques, context and critical readings for John Donne’s poetry. Essential knowledge for the exam, concisely put together as bullet pointed crib sheets.
Jane Eyre Essentials

Jane Eyre Essentials

5 Resources
Everything you need to teach the novel: detailed and thorough context, critical views, key quotations, symbols and themes and a suggested approach to the exam to help students structure their answers effectively.