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BTEC Sport (Level 2) - Assessment tracker

BTEC Sport (Level 2) - Assessment tracker

Excel spreadsheet to track student progress across all units. Includes ssessment criteria and accompanying descriptions (set up for units 1, 2, 3 and 6 but can easily be edited) Includes ‘overview’ tab with BTEC calculator to allow staff and students to see overall progress towards their final grade.
BTEC Sport  (Level 2) - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities

BTEC Sport (Level 2) - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities

10 Resources
Whole unit resource pack for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities. The resource pack includes: PowerPoints for all Learning Aims All specification content covered Student examplar work (Pass - Distinction) Session plan template Session evaluation template Development plan template Bank of starters Whole-unit feedback checklist
BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Student checklist

BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Student checklist

A feedback checklist containing all aspects of the specification content that needs to be included for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities. The checklist covers the whole unit and includes space for teachers to provide feedback to students.
BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Session Evaluation

BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Session Evaluation

PowerPoint for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities - P5 Session Evaluation. The PowerPoint includes: All areas of the specification content Tasks to allow students to reach all levels (Pass to Distinction) Student examplar work at Pass and Distinction levels Development plan example
BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading session

BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading session

PowerPoint for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities. The PowerPoint includes: Tasks to evidence the leading of the sports session Examples of peer feedback sheets Distinction-student examplar
BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - P3 - Session Plan

BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - P3 - Session Plan

PowerPoint for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Leading Sports Activities. The PowerPoint includes: All specification content Session plan example Guidance and considerations for each section of the content Risk assessment explanation and example Tasks for students to complete prior to their assignments
BTEC Sport (Level 2) - Unit 6 - Comparing 2 sports leaders

BTEC Sport (Level 2) - Unit 6 - Comparing 2 sports leaders

PowerPoint for BTEC Sport - Unit 6 - Comparing 2 sports leaders. The PowerPoint introduces the criteria for P2 and explains the tasks using practical examples of a professional sports leader and a local junior coach. The PowerPoint includes merit and distinction examples to allow students to understand the structure and requirements of the assignment.
BTEC Sport  (Level 2) - Unit 2 - Practical Performance in Sport

BTEC Sport (Level 2) - Unit 2 - Practical Performance in Sport

7 Resources
Complete pack of PowerPoint resources covering all aspects of the Unit 2 assessment criteria. Prepares students to complete the whole Unit with specific and consistent references to football and basketball throughout. Resource bundle has now been updated to include unit 2 assessment tracker and whole-unit progress checklist.