I have been a teacher for over 20 years - all the stuff I upload has been tried and tested in my classroom. I don't mind a discussion on Twitter too where I also share new resources. I now have a personal website: https://andylutwyche.com/
I have been a teacher for over 20 years - all the stuff I upload has been tried and tested in my classroom. I don't mind a discussion on Twitter too where I also share new resources. I now have a personal website: https://andylutwyche.com/
Five questions each on finding a side and finding an angle using the Sine Rule, with gaps to fill in, working forwards and backwards. This was designed as an introduction to the Sine Rule but use it (if you do at all) however you like…
Two sets of questions (one on calculating a side, one on calculating an angle) using the cosine rule, allowing students to place measurements in the formula and work backwards from formula to diagram. This is intended for use when introducing the formula to students but you know your students better than me so use it (or don’t) however you like.
Six questions, ten answer options. The questions are all based around similar shapes. These are good for students to just get on with as the answers appear on the sheet.
Four questions, ten possible answers. Students seem to like these and can just get on with them as answers appear on the sheet. This only involves the cosine rule.
Based on the daytime gameshow where one question has three options: one correct, one incorrect but correct in a different context, one impossible (wrong). This is designed to test students’ knowledge then their reasoning to find which are the incorrect and impossible answers and why. Topics include: area, angles (parallel lines and polygons), circle theorems, vectors, transformations and more. There are 12 questions…
This is an activity based on the daytime quiz show “Impossible” where a question is asked and three options given: one correct, one incorrect but could be correct if the question was slightly different (partial answer), and one that is impossible (cannot be the answer). This is designed to be a discussion/reasoning activity where students find the correct answer then discuss why the other two options are impossible or incomplete. Topics include HCF, fractions, percentages, bounds, standard form, ratio, proportion, indices.
This is based upon the concept of the gameshow called “Impossible” (I watch daytime TV in the holidays, sadly) where each question has three options: one correct, one partially correct and one impossible. I ask students to find the correct answer and then explain why the other two options are either impossible or only partially correct. This one involves algebra topics like simplifying expressions, factorising, sequences, equations of lines, inequalities, quadratic equations, function notation, rearranging formulae etc. There are twelve questions altogether.
A bunch of codebreakers (30 I think, with answers) on various topics, including Venn diagrams (probability), set notation, vectors (including calculations), turning points of quadratics (completing the square), transformations, truncation/error intervals, sale prices, properties of number, circle theorems, product rule for counting, identities, midpoints, domain/range of functions, currency conversion, density, capture/recapture. These are good for any stage of a lesson or homework and are easy to mark as they should spell out the punchline to a joke. All these codebreakers are available individually for free.
Answer the questions and reveal the gag; I rather like this joke (I saw it on social media and it’s clean). There are “given that…” questions too to create discussion.
Find the invariant points, reveal the punchline to a cheesy joke…
Useful for starters, plenaries and main tasks in my experience but use (or don’t use) however you like.
Answer the questions (including algebraic ones) to reveal the punchline. Ideal for starters, plenaries or a main activity and the students seem to enjoy them.
This is probably more aimed at Further Maths Level 2 Certificate or early A Level but could be a challenge task for GCSE students too. It’s the usual “answer the questions and reveal the punchline”.
Fill in the blanks to reveal the punchline to the cheesy joke. These seem popular with students and can be used as a main task, starter or plenary but you have a brain and don’t need me to tell you how to structure your lessons!
The usual thing: answer the questions, reveal the cheesy joke. I use these as starters, plenaries and main tasks; you can use them (or not as the case may be) however you like… but students do seem to like them (if the volume of groans at the jokes is anything to go by).
Integrate the expressions, reveal the punchline…
This includes “reverse chain rule”, one integration by parts and where the differential of the denominator is the numerator. A useful starter?