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McAllister’s AQA A-Level Psych Shop

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(based on 11 reviews)

I have been teaching A-Level Psychology for 12 years to very mixed ability cohorts so my resources appeal to both A* and E grade candidates. Each lesson covers a double page spread from the textbook and would take approximately 1 to 1.5 hours to teach. Every lesson includes a PPT presentation, a handout for students to complete throughout the lesson, and lots of interactive activities. Each lesson is comprehensive and includes everything a student needs, no need to go elsewhere.




I have been teaching A-Level Psychology for 12 years to very mixed ability cohorts so my resources appeal to both A* and E grade candidates. Each lesson covers a double page spread from the textbook and would take approximately 1 to 1.5 hours to teach. Every lesson includes a PPT presentation, a handout for students to complete throughout the lesson, and lots of interactive activities. Each lesson is comprehensive and includes everything a student needs, no need to go elsewhere.
AQA A Level Psych - Memory (Multi-Store Model)

AQA A Level Psych - Memory (Multi-Store Model)

Lesson includes: Description of model with activity (PPT and handout) Exam practice on the description of the model (PPT) Re-cap of model fill in the gaps (worksheet) Evaluation of model with links to relevant clips (PPT and handout) Exam practice on the on the evaluation of the model (PPT and handout)
AQA A Level Psychology - Issues and Debates (Idiographic and Nomothetic approaches)

AQA A Level Psychology - Issues and Debates (Idiographic and Nomothetic approaches)

Sixth lesson on Issues and Debates - Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches Lesson includes: Reading task to introduce the issue (handout and pink haired girl textbook). Description idiographic and nomothetic approaches (PPT and handout). Application task to the approaches (PPT and handout). Application task to studies from the specification (handout). Evaluation of idiographic and nomothetic approaches (PPT and handout). Exam questions (PPT).
AQA A Level Psychology - Issues and Debates (Ethical implications)

AQA A Level Psychology - Issues and Debates (Ethical implications)

Seventh lesson in Issues and Debates - Ethical implications Lesson includes: Re-cap of ethical guidelines (PPT and handout). Description of socially sensitive research and how to deal with socially sensitive research (PPT and handout). Discussion activity on socially sensitive research (PPT and additional handouts). Ethical implications of socially sensitive research with application task (PPT and handout). Evaluation points for the debate (PPT and handout). Exam questions and mark scheme (PPT).
AQA A Level Psych - Social Influence (Minority influence)

AQA A Level Psych - Social Influence (Minority influence)

Lesson includes: Locus of control and social support re-cap (PPT) Discussion of how a minority might influence a majority (PPT) Role play of Moscovici’s study (Moscovici role play) Description of consistency, commitment and flexibility (PPT and handout) Application task (PPT and handout) Evaluation (PPT and handout)
AQA A Level Psych - Social Influence (Resistance to social influence)

AQA A Level Psych - Social Influence (Resistance to social influence)

Lesson includes: Intro to resistance of social influence (PPT) Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale (Rotter’s scale) Description of internal and external locus of control, with activities (PPT and handout) Evaluation in the form of research studies (Handout) Description of social support (PPT and handout) Evaluation in the form of research studies (Handout)
AQA A Level Psych - Psychopathology (Definitions of Abnormality)

AQA A Level Psych - Psychopathology (Definitions of Abnormality)

Lesson includes: Starter activities to define abnormality; including abnormality pictures, case studies, discussion and post-it note activites (abnormaility pictures, PPT and handout). Description and evaluation of the four definitions of abnormality, including application activities (PPT and handout). Extension activities (TED talks and newspaper articles). Exam questions with mark schemes
AQA A Level Psych - Psychopathology (OCD)

AQA A Level Psych - Psychopathology (OCD)

Lesson includes: Characteristics of OCD, including activities and link to youtube documentary (PPT and handout). Biological explanation of OCD, including activities and evaluation (PPT and handout). Biology quiz and discussion task to re-cap the explanation of OCD (PPT and handout). Biological treatments of OCD, including activities and evaluation (PPT and handout). Pill box activity homework task (PPT)
AQA A Level Psych - Issues and Debates (Nature and Nurture)

AQA A Level Psych - Issues and Debates (Nature and Nurture)

Third lesson on Issues and Debates - Nature vs Nurture Lesson includes: Brainstorm starter activity (PPT). Description of nature and nurture with examples (PPT and handout). Application task to a newspaper article about whether we are born evil (additional handout). Description of the interaction between nature and nurture with examples (PPT and handout). Application task to specific studies and approahces (PPT and handout). Evaluation of debate (PPT and handout). 16 mark essay structure on the debate (additional handout). Extension ideas (PPT).
AQA A Level Psych - Approaches (Psychodynamic)

AQA A Level Psych - Approaches (Psychodynamic)

Lesson includes: Assumptions of the approach (PPT and handout). Description of Freud (PPT and handout). Description of the theory of mind (PPT and handout). Description of the structure of the personality, including defence mechanism role play (PPT and handout). Description of the psychosexual stages of development (PPT and handout). Evaluation of the psychodynamic approach including practical activities of psychoanalysis (PPT and handout). Exam questions and mark schemes (PPT). 16 mark sample answer.
AQA A Level Psych - Approaches (Behaviourist)

AQA A Level Psych - Approaches (Behaviourist)

Lesson includes: Description of behaviourist approach, including activities (PPT and handout). Description of classical conditioning, including activities (PPT and handout). Description of operant conditioning, including activities (PPT and handout). Evaluation of behaviourist approach follwoing PEE structure (PPT and handout). Behaviourist approach homework worksheet (handout).
Intro lesson to Approaches topic

Intro lesson to Approaches topic

First lesson of the Approaches topic to introduce students to some of the key approaches - learning, cognitive and biological Lesson includes: Five case studies (athlete, criminal, daredevil, drug addict, addict) for students to explanations to (case studies). Introduction to three of the approaches (learning, cognitive, biological) using interactive tasks (PPT). Application of approaches to the case studies. Origins of Psychology mix and match. Homework task on Wilhelm Wundt.
AQA A Level Psych - Attachment (Ainsworth's Strange Situation)

AQA A Level Psych - Attachment (Ainsworth's Strange Situation)

Sixth lesson on Attachment - Ainsworth’s Strange Situation - Types of Attachment Lesson includes: Description of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation (PPT, YouTube clip and handout) Activities on the Strange Situation including application task and a role play. Differentiated group evaluation task (PPT and handout). 16 mark sample essay (handout) Plenary re-cap task (handout).
AQA A Level Psych - Approaches (Cognitive)

AQA A Level Psych - Approaches (Cognitive)

Lesson includes: Key assumptions of the cognitive approach (PPT and handout). Theoretical and computer models (PPT and handout). The role of schemas with a class experiment (PPT and handout). The emergence of cognitive neuroscience (PPT and handout). Evaluation of the cognitive approach with structured activity to demonstrated fully developed PEE paragraphs (PPT and handout).
AQA A Level Psychology - Approaches (Biological)

AQA A Level Psychology - Approaches (Biological)

Lesson includes: Introduction task using Phineas Gage (PPT). Assumptions of the biological approach (PPT and handout). Peer teach research task on the genetic basis of behaviour, the biological structures on behaviour, the influence of neurochemistry and evolution. PPT includes answers (PPT and handout). Application tasks (PPT and handout). Evalution of the biological approach (PPT and handout). 12 mark essay plan (PPT and handout)