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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Thomas Coram and the London Foundling Hospital

Thomas Coram and the London Foundling Hospital

captain Thomas Coram (c.1668-1751 was a philanthropist who created the London Foundling Hospital in Lamb’s Conduit Fields, Bloomsbury, to look after abandoned children. It is said to be the world’s first incorporated charity. Thomas Coram, while living in Rotherhithe , regularly travelled into London. He was frequently shocked by the sight of infants exposed in the streets, often in a dying . He agitated for the foundation of a foundling hospital. This institution was to be a children’s home for children and orphans who could not be properly cared for. He laboured for 17 years. He induced many ladies of rank to sign a memorial. King George 11, in 1739, finally signed a charter for the Foundling Hospital and considerable sums were subscribed. 20th November 1739 saw the first meeting of the guardians at Somerset House. Later a vote of thanks was given to Coram who requested thanks should also be given to the interested ladies. William Hogarth, a personal friend of Thomas, showed great interest in the undertaking. In May 1740 he presented his portrait of Coram to the hospital. He introduced a portrait of Coram into an engraved power of attorney for receiving subscriptions. He presented a picture of Moses with Pharaoh’s daughter. Finally he gave 157 tickets in the lottery for the ‘March to Finchley’ -one of the 157 tickets won the prize. Some houses were taken and the first children were admitted in 1741. A piece of land was bought for £7,000 in Bloomsbury. Lord Salisbury, the owner insisted that the whole of his ground as far as Gray’s inn lane should be taken. He also subscribed £500. Coram continued to invest in the hospital. Up until 1742 he continued to be elected to the General Committee. But at the May Day meeting in 1742 he did not receive enough votes. As a result he no longer had any say in the management of the hospital. Why? No clear reason is obvious but he is said to have spread defamatory rumours about 2 of the governors or he expressed criticism towards how the hospital was run. 16th September 1742 the foundation stone for the hospital was laid. October 1745 the west wing was finished. Children moved into the new building. Hogarth was among the first governors of the Foundling hospital. Handle gave performances at the hospital in 1749 and 1750. ( See ‘Legacy’) . Today the Foundling Hospital continues as the children’s charity Coram, with a mission to improve the lives of the UK’s most vulnerable children and young people. ( See ‘Coram’ for more info) In 2000Coram Boy - a children’s book about the hospital, by Jamila Gavin was published. Now a play. William Coram died on 29th March 1751, aged 81. He was buried in the chapel of the Foundling Hospital. A statue and inscription was erected in front of the building 100 years later. In 1935 the building was demolished. Today his exhumed remains are in the chapel of Ashlyns School.
Alfred the Great    (848/9  -899)

Alfred the Great (848/9 -899)

Alfred the Great was the king of th e West Saxons from 871-886 and king of the Anglo-Saxons c.886-899. He is venerated as a saint by some Christian traditions. The Anglican community venerate him as a Christian hero with a feast day or commemoration on 26th October. He is often depicted in stained glass windows in C of E parish churches. Alfred was the youngest son of King AEthelwulf. Three of his brothers AEthelbald. AEtheberht and AEthelred, reigned in turn before him. After ascending the throne he spent several years fighting Viking invasions. In 878/9 he had a decisive victory at the Battle of Edington. (He did not win all the battles) With the Vikings he created Danelaw in the North of England. He saw the Viking leader. Guthrum converted to Christianity. He became the dominant ruler in England Alfred had a great love of the church. As a child he had made the difficult journey to Rome to be blessed by the Pope. As king he now turned to rebuilding of civilisation and religion among his people. The Danes had destroyed nearly all th churches and schools in the land. He restored communications with Rome and invited scholars and monks from the Europe and Ireland to come and help in the revival of learning in England. He encouraged the building of churches, monasteries and schools. Alfred studied and translated into Anglo-Saxon the Psalms. He also translated from Latin into Old English certain works that were regarded at the time as providing models of ideal Christian kingship and ‘most necessary for all men to know.’ From his followers he won the title ‘Protector of the Poor’. Bishop Asser of Wales was set the task of writing the king’s biography - he emphasised Alfred’s positive aspects. He presented Alfred as the embodiment of the ideal, but practical, Christian ruler. By the time of the Reformation Alfred was seen as a pious Christian who promoted the use of English rather then the Latin He was given the epithet as ‘the Great’ by writers in the 16th century not by his contemporaries. He reigned for 30 years. He died aged just 50.King Alfred was never canonised (although HenryV1 asked Pope EugeneIV in 1441 to canonise him). History Today published an article The Most Perfect Man in History- I have enclosed most of the article. I desire to live worthily as long as I lived, and to leave after my life, to the men who should come after me, the memory of me in good works Alfred’s translation of passage from* Consolation of Philosophy* by Boethius Source used Wikipedia
Epiphany, the Feast of the 3 Kings

Epiphany, the Feast of the 3 Kings

Epiphany means ‘revelation’, ‘manifestation’ or ‘showing forth’ - it was the revealing of Jesus to those who were not Jewish - the magi, 3 kings, or 3 wise men were Gentiles. January 6th is the feast day January 6th originally was used to celebrate the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. When Jesus received the Holy Ghost it was manifested to the people. The 3 kings are part of the Nativity plays, along with the shepherds, which are part of the birth story of Jesus. Tradition suggests that they arrived days following Halley’s Comet, maybe weeks after, the birth of the baby Jesus. Tradition has named them as Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar and they brought gifts of gold (kingship), frankincense (godship0 and myrrh (for burial0. In orthodox churches Epiphany is also known as The Feast of the Holy Theophany and is important as Christmas. Special cakes are eaten in Spain, France and Mexico. This is also the time that some children from Spain and Italy receive their Christmas presents from the 3 Magic Kings. (Read Epiphany, the Feast of The Three Kings) ( Winter swimming is even mentioned!!) January 6th is also Twelfth Night when the Christmas decorations normally are taken down. Sources used Wikipedia Church Dates for Children by Tony Batchelor


Lent looks at the 40 days leading up to Easter. We think of Jesus spending 40 days fasting in the wilderness before he began his earthly ministry. The word ‘lent’ is the shortened form of the Old English word ‘lencten’ which means spring season. It starts on Ash Wednesday. The day before Ash Wednesday is Shrove Tuesday which is celebrated as Pancake day or Mardi Gras. On this day, the day before fasting begins, the rich, fatty food are eaten up - the last day of ‘fat eating’ or ‘gorging’, in readiness to start fasting. Pancakes are tossed then eaten. On Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, the palm crosses distributed the previous year at the Palm service, are burnt and the ashes places on people’s foreheads during the service. Lent is a penitential season and many people fast - they cut out/cut down or abstain from eating. It could also include abstaining from drinking alcohol or smoking. it could include praying more, reading more Bible studies instead of watching a favourite television programmes. (Read ‘Fasting and abstinence’) I have included list of other 40 days mentioned in the Bible. Source Wikipedia See also Pancake day & Shrove Tuesday Easter
James  Gilchrist Lawson (1874-1946)

James Gilchrist Lawson (1874-1946)

James Gilchrist Lawson was a popular American Baptist evangellst Christian author and hymn writer of the early twentieth century. He wrote and compiled biographical sketches for Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians (1911) **** is a landmark text in Pentecostal and Charismatic history. ** Deeper Experiences is the one book , other than the Bible, that has most influenced me Professor Dallas Willard He wrote Greatest Thoughts about God the compiler of this volume is able to give to the world the very cream of religious thoughts concerning God James was also editor of The Marked Reference Bible Read the notes . Deeper Experiences ,over 100 years later, is still available in paperback
Kofoworola Abeni Pratt   (1915-1992)    First black nurse in NHS

Kofoworola Abeni Pratt (1915-1992) First black nurse in NHS

Chief Kofoworola Abeni Pratt Hon. FRCN was a Nigerian born nurse and was the first black nurse to work in Britain’s National health Service. She went on to become vice-president of the International Council of Nurses and the first black Chief Nursing Officer of Nigeria, working in the Federal Ministry of Health. Kofoworola was educated at Lagos CMS Girls’ Grammar school. She wanted to become a nurse but her father discouraged her so she trained as a teacher. For 4 years she taught at CMS girls’ school. She married Nigerian pharmacist Dr. Olu Prat and they came to the UK in 1946. She studied nursing at the Nightingale School at St. Thomas’ Hospital. She passed her preliminary exams in 1948, her finals in 1949 and qualified as a State registered nurse in 1950. She was the first black nurse to work for the NHS. After 4 years she returned to Nigeria. She applied for the post of ward sister but at the time only British expatriates allowed to hold role. 1955-7- admin .sister. 1955-63 deputy matron In 1960 Nigeria became independent. Kofoworola 's star began to shine! She led in the Nigerianisation of nursing in her country. She was appointed Matron of the University Hospital in Ibadan 1964/5 - the first Nigerian to do so. 1965-72 chief nursing officer (federal) 1965 she was founder of a nursing school at the University of Ibadan leader of the Professional Association of Trained Nurses in Nigeria co-edited the journal Nigerian Nurse. 1971 she became President of National Council of Women’s Societies in Nigeria. 1973-5 commissioner for Health, Lagos State 1973 she was awarded the Florence Nightingale Medal by the International Committee of the Red Cross. 1975 she was awarded the chieftaincy title * Iya Ile Agbo of Isheri * f or services to the nation. 1979 Kofoworola was made an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Nursing. 1981 awarded an honorary degree from the University of Ife. Twice in her life time we are aware she was discriminated against because of her colour. The first time was when she worked at St, Thomas’. The second , although fully qualified, in Ibadan from becoming a matron earlier in her career. Kofoworola died on 18th June 1992 Kofoworola has not yet been honoured in Britain in association with Florence Nightingale. She is linked to Nightingale for inspiration, the Nightingale School where she trained , and the Nightingale Fund which gave her a scholarship. Nor must it be forgotten Kofoworola was the first black nurse to work for the NHS. Sources used Florence Nightingale Museum London Mary Seacole Information The Nightingale Society wikipedia
Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday

This is the last great festival of the church’s year. The Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost/Spirit is celebrated. There is a straight forward information sheet. On Google it is possible to get b/w pictures for the children to colour. I have created a ‘How many words can you find in Trinity Sunday’ sheet. When they have found a few words they can create a simple crossword - example of crossword shown. I have included a Word Maker for TrinitySunday if they have a problem finding words.
Joseph Prince

Joseph Prince

Joseph Prince is a televangelist, senior pastor and one of the founders (1983) of New Creation Church based in Singapore, plus being an author. Joseph is the son of a Sikh priest and Chinese mother. He was born on the 15th May 1953.His birth name was Xenonamandar Jegahusiee Singh. He adopted the name of Joseph Prince while serving as an IT consultant just before he was appointed senior pastor in 1990. He spent his primary school years in Perak, Malaysia. He studied at Commonwealth Secondary School and completed his ‘A’ levels at Our lady of Lourdes, a private school. Joseph prior to 1997 had preached at churches across the world - Europe, Canada and USA and Australia. In 1997, while on holiday in the Swiss Alps with his wife, Wendy, God spoke to him. He was told he had not been preaching grace. God gave him a mandate to preach grace- pure and unadulterated *If you don’t preach pure, unadulterated grace, people’s lives will never be gloriously blessed and gloriously transformed. Desiring to see his congregation liberated, empowered and blessed by the Lord, Joseph fully embraced the mandate and has not looked back. The Singapore church numbers in 1997 were 2,000. Today there are 30,000 members. Since 1997 he has spoken in Israel, Norway, Germany, Holland, the UK. the USA, Canada, Australia and Asia. Impacting on both believers and church leaders with practical and revelatory preaching that unveils to the person the grace of Jesus Christ In 2014 Grace Revolution Church was birthed in Dallas. Texas. There is now a vibrant community of grace believers living there. In 2017 the Joseph Prince Ministry launched Decibel - an online channel and digital magazine with bite sized videos, articles and other inspiring contents to reach young people with the Gospel. May it loudly ring. Over the last 13 years (2007-20) he has written Christian books. ( See publications) Reading the paragraph - Compensation - it seems he is well paid… His church - New Creation Church regard his net worth as ‘personal in nature’. Grace is so important . It is an anagram of Great Riches at Christ’s Expense. The world is so much richer for Joseph Prince following God’s mandate to preach pure, unadulterated grace. Sources used Joseph prince Ministries Wikipedia
Sojourner Truth   (1797-1883)

Sojourner Truth (1797-1883)

Sojourner Truth was born Isabella Bomfree. She was a slave, born in 1797 in Dutch speaking Ulster County, New York. She was bought and sold 4 times. In her teens (1815) she was united with another slave and they had 5 children. In 1827, the year before New York’s law freeing slaves was to take effect, she ran away with her infant Sophia. She ran to the nearby abolitionist family, the Van Wageners. For $20 they bought her freedom. In 1928 she began to work for a local minister. By the early 1830s she was participating in the religious revivals that were sweeping the state and she became a charismatic speaker and itinerant preacher. In 1943 she declared the Spirit called on her to preach the truth- renaming herself Sojourner Truth. Abolitionists, William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass, encouraged her to give speeches about the evils of slavery. She never learned to read or write. In 1950 she dictated her autobiography The narrative of Sojourner Truth to Oliver Gilbert, who also helped publish the book. The book brought her national recognition and she survived on the sales of the book. She met women’s rights activists,including Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, plus temperance advocates, and quickly championed both causes. In 1851 she delivered her famous Ain’t I a Woman speech at the women’s conference on Akron, Ohio. She challenged the prevailing notions of racial and gender inferiority and inequality by reminding her listeners of her combined strength - she was nearly 6 feet tall and had female status. ( See Speech) She eventually split from Douglass because he believed enslaved men should should come before women’s suffrage. She believed they should occur simultaneously. In the 1950s she moved to Battle Creek where 3 of her daughters lived. She continued to speak nationally and to help slaves escape to freedom. During the Civil War she encouraged young men to join the Union cause and organized supplies for black troops. After the war, in 1864, she was invited to the White House by President Abraham Lincoln and became involved with the Freedmen’s Bureau - helping freed slaves find work and build new lives. In the mid 1860s a street conductor violently tried to block her from riding. In court she won her case. In the late 1860’s she collected 1000s of signatures on a petition to provide former slave with land - Congress never took action. In her final years she became nearly blind and deaf. She spent her final years in Michigan and died in 1883. Sources National Women’s History Museum Ain’t I a Woman transcript
Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) was an abolitionist, civil rights activist, feminist and advocate of Social justice. He travelled to Britain in 1845 for 19 months, lecturing against slavery in the USA. Frederick was born on a plantation in Talbot County. He was born a slave. His birth name was Frederick Bailey. he did not know who was his father or the exact date of his birth. He later picked 14th February as his birthday and estimated he was born in 1818. Aged 7 he was sent to live at the Wye House plantation. His mother died when he was 10. Eventually he went to Baltimore to serve the Auld family. Sophia Auld started to teach him how to read. It was against the law and her husband her from teaching him. Frederick was an intelligent young man and taught himself how to read and write by observing others and watching white children. He read in newspapers about slavery, He taught others to read which got him into trouble and he was moved to another farm where he was beaten by the slave owner to break his spirit. In 1838 he escaped. He disguised himself as a sailor and carried papers to show he was a free black seaman. On 3rd September he boarded a train for the north. 24 hours later he arrived in New York a ‘free’ man. He married Anna Murray and took the surname of Douglas. They settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts. There he met abolitionists - people who wanted to abolish slavery. He became an excellent speaker on the subject and became famous but feared of being captured and returned to slavery. In 1845 he travelled to Ireland and Britain lecturing against slavery in the USA. He became embroiled in controversies due to his electrifying capacity as an oratory and performer. He returned to the USA a free man, British abolitionists purchased his legal freedom. He also spoke about Women’s Rights. He attended the first ever women’s rights convention at Seneca falls, New York in 1948. During the Civil War 1961-6 he fought for the rights of black soldiers. When the Soth announced they would execute or enslave any captured black soldier he insisted that President Lincoln should respond- he responded by threatening to execute like for like. Frederick also sought equal pay and treatment for black soldiers. He wrote an autobiography Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, It became a best seller, He later wrote 2 more books about his life. Frederick died on 20th February 1895, aged 77 (?) from either a heart attack or stroke. His legacy lives on in his writings and monuments named after him. NOTE This is just a simple summary. There are 38 pages on Frederick Douglas on Wikipedia giving far more detail. Sources used Wikipedia Biography for Kids
Robbie Brightwell GB 400m  (1939-2022)

Robbie Brightwell GB 400m (1939-2022)

Robbie Brightwell was captain of the GB team at the i1964 Olympics in Tokyo. He was a 400m runner. He came fourth in the individual 400m; the 4x400 men’s team won silver. He married Ann Packer-( the surprise GB winner of the individual 800m gold medal ) after the Olympics. After his own disappointment in the individual 400m he had encouraged the reluctant Ann to run in the 800m. Both received MBEs in 1965 for their services to athletics.
Mary Rand  - former GB world long jump champion (born 1940)

Mary Rand - former GB world long jump champion (born 1940)

Mary Denise Rand (nee Bignal) is a former English track and field athlete. In 1964 she won the gold medal for the long jump, in a new world record - 6,76 metres, at the Summer Tokyo Olympic games. At the same Olympics she also won silver in the Pentathlon (5 events) and bronze in the 4 x 100 relay. Mary remains the only GB athlete to win medals in a single games.
Ann Elizabeth Packer GB (b 1942) 800 m gold Tokyo Olympics

Ann Elizabeth Packer GB (b 1942) 800 m gold Tokyo Olympics

Ann, at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, was the unexpected winner of the 800m winning in world record time of 2:01.1 minutes. This was only her eighth race over the distance. She had already won silver in the 400m. Her local club was Reading Athletic club where she competed in 200m, 400m, 800m, 4 x 100 and 4 x400 relays, hurdles and long jump. After winning the gold she announced her retirement. She, with her future husband, Robbie Brightwell, were awarded MBEs in 1965 for services to athletics. In 2011 they published a book detailing their careers Robbie Brightwell and his Golden Girl:The Posh and Becks of Yesteryear. Source Wikipedia
Saint George, Patron saint of England, Feast Day 23rd April

Saint George, Patron saint of England, Feast Day 23rd April

I have put together some information and some work sheets about St. George, the patron saint of England. The first sheet is a cover. The next two are information sheets followed by two large font sheets showing basic data. These are followed by two ‘gap’ pages which are differentiated. There is then a crossword which needs a picture answer followed by a word search. The next page is about St. George’s flag and the Union Jack. The last two pages are for the child’s diary - the first sheet gives ideas what to write about, the second is a clip art page for his ‘best’ copy. David Woodroffe, a professional illustrator, created the original art work. 6 extra pictures added by Super Coloring
Lester Sumrall   (1913-1996)

Lester Sumrall (1913-1996)

Lester Frank Sumrall was an American Pentecostal pastor and evangelist. He founded the Lester Sumrall Evangelistic Association ( Le SEA) and its Humanitarian arm LeSEA Global Feed the Hungry, World Harvest Radio international and World Bible College. His mother, Betty, prayed while he was still her womb, that he would be a preacher. Lester was born in New Orleans on 15th February. Aged 17 he was on his death bed suffering from tuberculosis when he received a vision. Suspended in midair to his right was a casket, to his left an open Bible. He heard a voice ask, Lester Sumrall, which of these will you choose tonight? He chose to preach the Gospel as long as he lived. When he woke up in the morning he was completely healed Following his recovery, aged 17, he began to preach. Aged 19 he found a church in Green forest, Arkansas he found a church and was ordained by the assemblies of God. He became a ‘brush arbor’ preacher on the backwoods of Florida, Tennessee and Arkansas. On 18th December, 1831 he had his second vision.At the same time In England Howard Carter was praying for a companion. Lester was to be his companion. In 1934 he began travelling abroad. He preached in Tahiti, New Zealand and Brisbane Australia where he established a church. He travelled with Howard throughout eastern Asia, Europe and South America. Together they forged new territory in the area of spiritual warfare as they cast out devils, won new converts and established churches and instructed people of God. In South America he heard about a pretty, young missionary, from Argentina. He met and married Louise Layman on 30th September 1944. They took the ‘unconventional’ route to honeymooning. They began a 50,000 mile missionary tour and life together that spanned 49 years. They had 3 children. In 1957 he founded the Lester Sumrall Evangelistic Association (LeSEA). Which gave birth to over 100 books and study guides, a quarterly magazine,. In 1963 Lester moved to South Bend Indiana, to pastor Christian Central Cathedral of Praise ( now Christian Centre Church). He also withdrew from the Assemblies of God denomination. In 1968 he began what would become World harvest Radio International. Between 1972-97 he acquired 11 television stations, a satellite ministry, 3 radio and 5 shortwave stations. Lester founded the World Harvest Bible College (now Indiana Christian University) and* World Harvest Magazine* In 1987 he founded the LeSEA Global Feed the Hungry, a humanitarian aid organization, to help desperately poor families. In 2018 LeSEA changed its name to Family Broadcasting Corporation (FBC Lester died on 28th April 1996 aged 83. He was one of the most colourful preachers of the 20th century. He began as a fiery young preacher during the depression. He left a legacy of what simple and determined faith in God can accomplish. * *This is just the beginning. There are greater blessings ahead! Sources used family Broadcasting Corporation WHBC Wikipedia
Margaret E Barber  (1866-1930) British missionary to China

Margaret E Barber (1866-1930) British missionary to China

Margaret Emma Barber was born in Peasenhall, Suffolk. The family moved to Norwich in 1879. The family home was opposite St.Martins parish church which was intensely evangelical in the 1880-90s. must have had an influence on the Barber Family. During the course of her life she lived twice in China. On her first visit as a missionary she went as an Anglican. On her second visit she went as an independent missionary with informal ties to the Plymouth Brethren. She was an Anglican missionary sent out by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) to the city of Fuzhou, Fujian. There she taught in a the Tau Su Girls’ High School- founded by the Church of England for 7 years. She was regarded as an excellent missionary but her co-missionaries became jealous. They fabricated a serious charge against her and she was sent home to Great Britain. She was known for her faith and decided not to vindicate herself. Years later the chairman of CMS board became aware of the case. He persuaded her to tell the truth. She told him the whole story and was fully vindicated. While in England she came in contact with D.M. Panton, editor of the Christian magazine The Dawn. 1907 Margaret became a member of Surrey Chapel and was baptized by full Immersion. Margaret resigned from CMS. In 1909 with Miss Ballard, a Surrey Chapel member she returned to China, settling in Fuzhou. They rented a house in Pagoda . She stayed there until her death in 1930 of Crohn’s disease. She lived by faith. According to Chinese customs all bills had to be paid in full by the end of the year. With only 2 days remaining she found herself $120s short. On the last day of the year D.M. Panton, in London, through the British bank in Foochow, sent exactly $120s! Margaret lived with little travelling and no publicity. She was content to remain at home and pray. She helped those who sought her counsel. She, with others, regularly taught a Bible class at ‘white teeth rock’. There she had contact with Watchmen Nee while he was studying at Anglican Trinity College. Through their relationship Watchman Nee was greatly edified and perfected. If he had a problem or needed spiritual instruction he would go to her. She treated him as a young learner and frequently administered strict discipline. At that time over 60 young brothers and sisters received help but after awhile most stopped going to see her except Watchmen Nee. When Margaret died she left all her belongings - an old Bible and her notes - to Watchmen Nee. In the March 1930 issue of his periodical The Present Testimony he wrote She was one who was very deep in the Lord, and in my opinion, the kind of fellowship she had with the Lord and the kind of faithfulness she expressed to the Lord are rarely found on this earth. In 1972 Watchmen Lee was martyred for his faith. Sources used Living Stream Ministry Christian web sites Contending for the Faith American Society of Church History 1955 wikipedia
Cricket  -  Clock Cricket

Cricket - Clock Cricket

Clock Cricket is played by a group of 8 children. Only one wicket is used with a stump at the bowler’s end. The children are set up in a ‘circle’ - the ‘circle’ can either go clockwise or anti-clockwise. There are always two children batting - when one is OUT they change ends. They are only in for 6+ balls . Once the 6+ alls have been bowled it is one move to the right. This keeps everyone interested and busy. To make it more interesting an individual score sheet could be created. Everyone is kept busy. A class can be divided into maybe 4/5 groups and each group have their own game.
James Hudson Taylor

James Hudson Taylor

James Hudson Taylor was the founder of the interdenominational China Inland Mission. He dreamed as a child of going to China as a missionary. He fulfilled his dream but he had to set up his own mission to make it successful. He was frustrated the first time he went out because he had little support from the mission which sent him out. He did such a good job setting up his own mission for China that other faith missions followed his methods. His chief emphases were to identify with the local people by dressing 'native', direction to come from the mission field not home, efficient administration and wanting a deepening of Christian life in the home churches to encourage more to go into the mission field. He was happily married twice and both his wives Maria and Jane supported him in his endeavours to evangelise China. He spent 50 years as a missionary and went 11 times to China. Through a lifetime of ministry he fulfilled his calling.
Caroline Chisholm

Caroline Chisholm

Caroline Chisholm is a woman spent a great deal of her time trying to help others get on in life -especially other women. With her husband Archibald she spent time in both India and Australia. In India where she opened a school. In Australia she wanted to help emigrants settle successfully there- she set up the Female Immigration Home and also helped set up a safe route for the gold pioneers to follow. She also helped migrants wanting to go to Australia from the UK. It has been suggested that Charles Dickens, in his book Hard Times, wrote his character Mrs. Jellyby as a criticism of female activists like Caroline Chisholm.
Pentecost or Whitsunday

Pentecost or Whitsunday

Pentecost is the birthday of Christianity! This is the day man is given the special present Jesus promised his friends the* Holy Spirit.* Pentecost is when* tongues of fire* came down upon the disciples of Jesus. *Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire and they came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled .them The disciples now went onto the streets of Jerusalem. They were drunk with the spIrit not with wine. Peter stood up and gave his first sermon. Jesus Christ was risen he had defeated death. What he said could be understood by everyone in their own tongue, 3000 joined them that day. Men and women were ’ born again.’ The Holy Spirit gave birth Christianity that day. It is a time to celebrate. We celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas. At Pentecost we celebrate the birth of Christianity ** There is an information sheet on Pentecost and Whitsunday. This is when the disciples are given the gift of the Holy Spirit/Ghost. I have included some colourful pictures - art work in the form of flames representing the tongues of fire -would be a craft idea for the children I have created a sheet How many words can you find in _ _ _ _ _ so children can place words found in Pentecost of on the sheet. Their task is then to make up mini crosswords with clues.There are two sets of word lists - the original one I created and the much fuller one I found on Word maker. Sources used wikipedia The Bible Acts chapter 2 Church Dates for Children * Tony Batchelor