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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Harry Emerson Fosdick   (1878-1969)

Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969)

Henry Emerson Fosdick was a liberal protestant American pastor, teacher and author who was central figure in the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy within American Protestantism in the 1920s and 1930s . He was one of the most prominent liberal ministers of the early 20th century. He was ordained a Baptist minister in 1903. He was minister at Montclair N.J. from 1904 until 1915. He taught at Union Theological seminary for nearly 40 years (1908-1946). In 1919 he became associate pastor at th First Presbyterian Church in New York City. Crowds filled the church to hear his sermons but conservative Protestants denounced him modernist. His sermon * Shall the Fundamentalists win ? * on May 21st, 1922 , caused an uproar. It lead to his resignation 3 years later. Within a few months he was called to the Park Avenue Baptist Church in New York. With the aid of John D. Rockefeller. Jr. as a trustee a larger interdenominational church was built. It was renamed the Riverside Church. Henry was pastor there and preacher on the National Vespers nationwide radio programme for the next 20 years (1926-1946). Henry’s sermons won him wide recognition. Many of his sermon collections are still in print. His radio addresses were broadcast nationally. He was a prolific author of sermons, articles and books over 60 years. ( see Works -this does not include work he contributed to) ) He is regarded as one of the top 10 preachers of the 20th century. Martin Luther King placed him first ( see info from King encyclopedia) More recently Michael Duduit placed him 5th ( see My intro to by William l. Self) Sources wikipedia Britannica Online Encyclopedi The Martin Luther king Research and Education institute The 10 greatest preachers of the 20th century
George Campbell Morgan    (1863-1945)

George Campbell Morgan (1863-1945)

The Revd. Dr. George Campbell was called by many * the prince of espositors . He helped influence the shape of evangelical preaching on both sides of the Atlantic. He was brought up in Wales. He was unwell as a child and was tutored at Home. D.L. Moody came to England when George was 10. His ministry and the dedication of his parents, father had become a Baptist minister, impressed the young George. Aged just 13 he preached his first sermon: aged 15 he was preaching in country chapels during his Sundays and holidays. In 1883 he was teaching in Birmingham. In 1886 he devoted himself to preaching and Bible exposition. 1890 saw him ordained as a Congregational minister. The skilled expository preacher served several English congregations. His reputation grew as a preacher and Bible expositor throughout Britain and spread to the USA. Moody in 1896 invited him to lecture to his students at his Bible Institute. This was the first of 54 visits to the USA to preach and teach. George’s sermon method was to read the text. Read the text 25-50 times in context The whole book. In context. Only then will you understand the text and be able to preach it. In 1899, after the death of Moody, he became director of the Northfield Bible Conference. After 5 years he returned to the UK in 1904 to become pastor of Westminster chapel in London (1904- 1919 and 1933-1943). His preaching and weekly Friday Bible classes were attended by 1000s. The church experienced unparalleled growth growth under his leadership. Between 1919-1933 he taught at Biola, Los Angeles. USA. Where he conducted an itinerant preaching and teaching ministry. George was also a prolific writer. He wrote about 80 works in his lifetime. There is also a 10 volume set of sermons - The Westminster Pulpit. He even wrote commentaries on the entire Bible. (See list for early of writings) George retired in 1943. He died aged 81 on the 16th of May 1945 . Preaching was the supreme passion of his life Martyn Lloyd Jones. (Incredibly George was rejected for formal ministry because his preaching showed so little potential. In those dark days that followed his father remind him * rejected on earth accepted in heaven.* He put aside all his books except the Book - the BIBLE) He is regarded as one of the top 10 preachers of the 20th century. Sources The 10 Greatest Preachers of the 20th century - Michael Duduit wikipedia
Saint Vincent of Saragossa   ( born 3rd cent.)   Feast Day 22nd January

Saint Vincent of Saragossa ( born 3rd cent.) Feast Day 22nd January

Saint Vincent was Spaniard who became a deacon under Valerius, Bishop of Saragossa. The bishop had a bad stammer so Vincent was commissioned to preach throughout the diocese and acted as his spokesman. During the Diocletian persecution he was arrested and imprisoned in Valencia. He was offered his freedom if he would consign Scripture to the fire. He refused and speaking on behalf of himself and the bishop he informed the judge that they were ready to suffer anything for their faith. His outspoken manner so angered the judge that they inflicted all manner of torture on him. He was stretched on the rack and his flesh torn with iron hooks. His wounds were rubbed with salt and was then burned alive upon a red-hot grid iron. He was then cast into prison where he died. He suffered his torture with such peace and tranquility that his jailer was converted. The elderly Valerius was exiled. His body was placed in a sack and thrown in the sea. A woman or a group of Christians recovered the body. Legend has it that a flock ravens stopped vultures eating the body. Saint Vincent became one of the most famous of the early saints. King Afonso 1 of Portugal had the body of the saint exhumed in 1173 and brought it by ship to Lisbon Cathedral. The transfer of the relics is depicted on the coat of arms of Lisbon. Sources wikipedia The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
George Washington Truett   (1867-1944)

George Washington Truett (1867-1944)

George was an Americcan clergyman who was pastor of the First CHurch of Dallas , Texas from 1897- 1944 - nearly half a century. He was the president of both the Southern Baptist Convention ( 1927-9) and the Baptist World Alliance (1934-9) . He had a sudden conversion at a revival camp meeting in 1886. His dream was to be a lawyer In 1887, aged just 20, he founded the Hiawassee Academy - a rural mountain school where he served as principal. In 1889 he moved with his parents to Whitewright in Texas. He joined the Baptist church there and attended Grayson College. George began to get involved - he taught Sunday School and ‘filled in’ when the pastor was away. The church recognized his talent and made the decision for him. (Read * I was thrown into the stream and just had to swim. ) What over welling support from the congregation! By 1890 he had already gained a reputation for being able to speak like the famous preacher Charles Spurgeon according to the Reverend Fernando C. McConnell. His remarkable voice made him audible to large crowds without the aid of an amplifying system. 1890 he was ordained into the Baptist ministry at Whitewright. In nearby Sherman he preached his first sermon. In 1891 Baylor University were looking for a financial agent to help correct a debt. George’s pastor, R.F. Jenkins, wrote a letter recommending him to B.H.Carroll - a Baylor trustee- and George was called for an interview. The trustees thought he was too young. Before they could dismiss him George stood up and demanded that they at least let him make his case. They listened; the job was his. (Read A preacher on the Rise) In 1893 he enrolled as a freshman at Baylor. He served as a student-pastor of the East Waco Baptist church to pay for his tuition. He graduated in June 1897 with an A.B. degree and became pastor at First Baptist Church in Dallas. He stayed for 47 years - until he death . His preaching made him famous. The church rebuilt 3 times - membership rose from 715 to 7,804. George was 1 of 20 preachers chosen by President Woodrow-Wilson to go to Europe for 6 months during WW1. He delivered as many as 6 sermons a day. During his 47 year pastorate he published 10 volumes of sermons, 2 volumes of addresses and 2 Volumes of Christmas messages. George’s famous sermons* Baptists and Religious Liberty* were delivered on the steps of Washington May 16, 1920. For 37 years he made trips to preach to cattle drives in the Davis Mountains- concerned cowboys were too isolated. He was involved with the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He chaired the committee seeking to find a location. Fort Worth, Texas was chosen. 1910 - 1944 he remained on the board of trustees and president from 1931-1944. There is a biography to buy-see Amazon advert. The George W. Truett Theological Seminary was founded in his memory in 1993. He was one of the most famous Southern baptist preacher and writer of his era. Sources wikipedia SBTS
Jerry Falwell    (1933-2007)

Jerry Falwell (1933-2007)

Jerry Laymon Falwell Sr. was an American religious leader, televangelist and founder of the Moral Majority. He accepted Jesus in 1952. He was a good athlete and entered Lynchburg College but transfered to Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri,and graduated in 1956. In the same year he founded and stayed at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg. The congregation grew from a modest 35 members to 20,000 by his death. He also started to broadcast his sermons on the Old Time Gospel Hour- a radio and television programme . This quickly moved from local, to national, to international and claimed 50 million viewers. He founded the Lynchburg Christian Academy in 1967. In 1971 he founded and led Liberty Baptist College - later Liberty University - a fundamentalist Christian University, until his death. Jerry created a Christian media empire. In 1995 he started the monthly National Liberty Journal for evangelical Christians. In 2002 he created the Liberty Channel a satellite based network which offers a variety of content all from a Christian perspective. He also wrote more than 12 books. He shared his faith and ideas in Champion of the Gods (1985) and The New American Family (1992). Throughout his career he engendered controversy on a number of topics and was perceived as intolerant or bigoted. This included his thought on abortion, feminism, gay and lesbian rights,homosexuality/ AIDS and other causes. Jerry is perhaps best known for his political activism. He founded in 1979 the Moral Majority organization which mobilized religious voters… It grew to have millions of supporters and was credited in helping Republican Ronald Reagan become president in 1980. He disbanded it in 1989 - Jerry said it had accomplished its mission. In 2004 however, buoyed by George W. Bush’s success he founded the Faith and Values Coalition- which became the Moral Majority Coalition. He wanted to keep the evangelical movement as a strong force in politics. Jerry had health problems in 2005 and was hospitalized twice. On 15th May, 2007 he died, having been discovered unconscious in his office at the school. He had a marked impact, sometimes controversially , on both American religious and political life, in the late 20th century. Sources used Britannia Online Encyclopedia Biography.com/personality/jerry-falwell
Rick Warren   (b 1954)

Rick Warren (b 1954)

Time in 2004 named Warren as one of the *leader who mattered most Time in 2005 named him as one of the *100 Most influential People in the World * U.S. News and World Report 2005 named him as one of America’s Top 25 leaders Newsweek in 2006 named him one of 15 people who make America Great Richard Duane Warren is an American Baptist evangelical Christian pastor and author. He has a B.A., M.D., and DrM. In November 1973, aged 19, he and a friend skipped classes to drive 350 miles to hear W.A. Criswell preach. Rick waited to shake Crisell’s hand. Instead Crisell I feel led to lay hands on you and pray for you. He was then called to full time ministry. Rick founded Saddleback Valley Community Church in 1980 when he was just 26 years of age. To many he is Papa Rick - a voice of wisdom, hope, encouragement and vision. Saddleback , which is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention in Lake Forest, California. is the sixth largest megachurch in the USA and regularly has nearly 20,000 people in attendance each week Rick has published a number of Christian books. *The Purpose Driven Church and The Purpose Driven Life *. The second book sold 30 million copies . What followed was the Purpose Driven Network, a global alliance of pastors from more than 160 countries and 100s of denominations who have been trained to be purpose driven churches. Following a trip to Rwanda he changed his trajectory. God gave him a vision for the PEACE plan - a mission to fight the 5 giants of spiritual emptiness, self-serving leadership, poverty, pandemic disease and illiteracy. that has devastated the lives of people around the world. During the 2008 presidential elections Warren hosted the Civil Forum with John MvCain and Barack Obama. Warren gave the invocation at the presidential inauguration in January 2009. Rick and Kay, his wife, consider it is their life’s work to empower local churches and local leaders to create sustainable change that gives voice to the voiceless and help to the helpless. Sources used Saddleback church wikipedia
Harry  Emerson Fosdick (1878- 1969)

Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878- 1969)

Harry was an American pastor who became a central figure in the Fundamentalist - Modernist-controversy within American Protestantism in the 1920s and 1930s. He was one of the most prominent liberal ministers in the early 20th century. He graduated from Colgate University in 1900. He became an ordained Baptist minister in 1903 and left Union Theological Seminary in 1904. First Baptist Church, Montclair, New Jersey was his first ministry (1904-1915). In 1917 he volunteered as an Army chaplain serving in France. He also taught at Union Theological Seminary (1908-1946). In 1918 he moved to the First Presbyterian Church. On May 21st, 1922, he delivered his famous sermon Shall the Fundamentalists Win?. He presented the Bible as a record of the unfolding of God;s will not as the literal ‘Word of God’. This caused an uproar. Fundamentalists regarded it as rank apostasy and a investigation followed. At a formal trial in 1924 he escaped censure. Harry resigned and was immediately called to Park Avenue Baptist, later renamed Riverside Church. (1925-30, 1930-1946). John D.Rockefeller Jr. funded the building of the famed ecumenical Riverside Church in Morningside heights, Manhattan. Harry opposed racism and injustice. His sermons won him wide recognition.His 1933 anti-war sermon The Unknown Soldierultimately led to the founding of the Peace Pledge Union His radio addresses were broadcast nationally. Many of his sermon collections are still in print and he wrote many books. (See ‘Works’) He had a major influence on Martin Luther King Jr. who said Harry was the greatest preacher of the century.
James Petigru Boyce     (1827-1888)

James Petigru Boyce (1827-1888)

James served as a Southern Baptist pastor, theologian, author, seminary professor and founder and first president oft the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS). He was born at Charleston, South Carolina. James was educated at Brown University under Francis Wayland, whose evangelical sermons contributed to James conversion. James served as editor of the Southern Baptist when he graduated. In 1849 he then went to Princeton Theological Seminary under Charles Hodge who led James to appreciate Calvinistic theology. He completed the 3 year course in 2 years. He then served as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Columbia, South Carolina until 1855 when he was offered the chance to join the faculty at South Carolina’s Furman University (SCFU) as professor of theology. James enjoyed teaching at SCFU but he wanted to begin a Baptist seminary for southerners. In his famous 1856 inaugural address on Three Changes in Theological Education he presented his educational philosophy for a theological school. With the help of fellow southern Baptists he brought his vision to life - Southern Seminary (SS) opened in Greenville in 1859. For nearly 30 years years he served SS 's as defacto president. He proved himself to be a skillful fund-raiser and administrator. He finally took the title in 1888- the year he died.His talent as an executive fostered competition for his talents but he stayed at SS. He taught theology from 1859 until 1888. He wrote a catechism and a book Abstract of systematic Theology (1887). The book was used for many years in the department. He led a Sunday School class at Broadway Baptist church and served as president for Southern Baptist Convention (1872-9 and 1888). In 1888 he became ill and he took the opportunity to recover in Europe. His heart lifted when he met Charles Spurgeon. Reports indicated James was suffering from gout and while travelling his condition worsened and became fatal. He died in Pau, France on 28th December 1888. James’ legacy lives onto this day through the seminary he devoted his life to establishing and preserving. - Our Presidents Sources used Amazon Southern Seminary wikipedia
Charles Hodge  (1797-1878)

Charles Hodge (1797-1878)

Charles Hodge was a leader of the ‘Princeton School’ of Reformed or Calvinist theology, and the principal of Princeton Theological Seminary (1851-78). He was a conservative American biblical scholar and one of the greatest defenders of historical Calvinism in the USA during the 19th century. His theology was based on traditional beliefs. Charles spent most of his adult life at Princeton University. Time Line 1812 Charles matriculated from College of New Jersey (now Princeton University (PU) 1814-5 Revival came to the PU in the winter 1815 he graduated and made a public profession of faith by joining the Presbyterians 1816 entered the theological seminary in PU. 1820 appointed teacher at PU in May 1821 he is ordained into the ministry 1822 became professor of Biblical and Oriental Literature 17th June marries Sarah Bache 1825 founded the * Biblical Repertory * 1826-8 abroad attending lectures in Europe 1840 chair of exegetical and didactic 1851-78 principal of PU 72 24th April Jubilee and Celebration of 50 years with PU 78 died 19th June Charles wrote copiously from the beginning to the end of his theological career, His master work, the 3 volume Systematic Theology was an unashamed defence of the tenets of the Presbyterian church. (See ‘Thought and works’) He founded the Biblical Repertory ( later the Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review) in 1825 and remained editor and principal contributor for 43 years - the year he died. He contributed nearly 150 articles to the journal. In the 1830s he had supported slavery; by 1846 he became convinced that slavery was wrong. He publically deno He educated more than 3,000 ministers of the Gospel. He achieved distinction as a teacher, as a critical interpreter, preacher, and systematic theologian At conferences he spoke with clearness and logical precision but with spontaneity and tenderness. At the 1872, 50 year Jubilee celebrations 400 of his own pupils, colleagues and representatives from various theological institutes assembled to honour him. Congratulations arrived from across the globe. Devotion to Christ was foremost in his experience, and it was the test by which he judged the experiences of others. Charles died on 19th June 1878 in Princeton. He had enjoyed old age surrounded by his children and grandchildren. To his daughter he said, Dearest don’t weep. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. To be with the Lord is to see him. To see the Lord is to be like him. Source used American Theology
Merrill C. Tenny   (1904-1985)

Merrill C. Tenny (1904-1985)

Merrill Chaplin Tenney was an American professor of New Testament and Greek and author of several books. He was general editor of the Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary and served on the original translation team of the New American Standard Bible. Merrill was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts. He earned diploma (1924), Th.B (1927), A.M. (1930), and a Ph.D. (1944). He married Helen Margaret Jaderquist (1904-78) in 1930. He served as pastor of Storrs Avenue Baptist Church, in Braintree, Massachusetts (1926-8) at the same time as teaching at Gordon College while he was still a student there. He joined the faculty after graduation and was professor of New Testament and Greek until 1944 when he moved to Wheaton College. From 1947-1971 he was dean of the graduate school. In 1951 he became the second president of the Evangelical Theological Society. In 1975 a volume of essays entitled Current Issues in Biblical and patristic Interpretation was published in his honour. He retired in 1977 but continued teaching as professor emeritus until 1982. Under Selected Works 8 books are mentioned and under Articles and Chapters 8 are mentioned. Merrill died in Wheaton on March 18th, 1985.
Charles E. Fuller  (1887-1968)

Charles E. Fuller (1887-1968)

Charles Edward Fuller was an American Baptist minister, a radio evangelist - known for his Old Fashioned Revival Hour and one of the co-founders of Fuller Theological Seminary. Charles was born in Los Angeles into a devout Methodist family. As a youth he showed little interest in religious matters. In 1910 he graduated from Pomona College as a chemist and married his high school sweetheart Grace Payton. Between 1910 and 1918 he worked in his father’s citrus packing business in California. He was converted in 1916, under the preaching of Paul Raderand and began to teach an adult Sunday school at Placentia Presbyterian Church in Ls Angeles. He then entered the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (BIAS) (now Biola University) -where he eventually became chairman. He was initially a Presbyterian but in 1925 he was ordained as a Baptist minister and pastored a group named Calvary church. He held revival meetings down the West Coast of the USA and soon began using radio as a method to get his message out. In 1928 he was drafted in by BIAS as vice-president to find a new dean and president. By 1930 he was regularly broadcasting Calvary Sunday school services as well as Bible programmes in the local area. In 1933 he resigned his pastorship because the time he spent on the radio was in conflict with the time he spent with his church.He formed a nonprofit Gospel Broadcasting Association to support hie radio evangelistic efforts. The Old Fashioned Revival Hour (TORH), (1937-68) a weekly Sunday broadcast. on which he acted as both host and speaker, gained him serious recognition. The first national broadcast was on the Mutual Broadcasting System on 3rd October 1937. The broadcasts were noted for the music, TORH choir, a quartet, an organist and pianist.Those who tuned in heard great hymns sung by a quartet followed by a short message from Charles. Aided by his wife Grace it created a family-like atmosphere . By 1942 he had attracted an audience of !0 million listeners worldwide.In 1951 the programme was carried by ABC Radio network on 650 radio stations. Since 2015 re-broadcasts of TORH are streamed weekly on the Internet. Charles with Harold Ockenga, the pastor of Park Street Church in Boston, founded the Fuller Theological Seminary in 1947. The founders sought to reform fundamentalism’s separatist and sometimes anti-intellectual stance during the1920s-40s. Charles envisaged the seminary would become a* Caltech of the evangelical world * His seminary work was incremental and thoughtful. Charles died on March 18th 1968 shortly after his last TORH. Kraphol and Lippy said his legacy was not appreciated at the time Yet, his organizational skill, his masterful use of the radio medium, his vision for Christian higher education and his willingness to moderate the more divisive aspects of his own fundamentalism background made him a significant force in the development of modern American evangelical ethos.
Samuel Rodriguez

Samuel Rodriguez

Samuel Rodriguez Jr. ( born 29th September 1969) is an Evangelical Christian evangelist. He is a pastor, author, television personality, civil rights activist and movie producer. He is the founder and pastor of New Season Christian Worship Center. He is president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC. His parents are Puerto Rican but he was born in the USA. Aged 16 he delivered his first sermon and quickly grew to be a leading and acclaimed evangelical preacher. He gained a MA for Organization Leadership form Northwest University. In 1992 he became an ordained minister in the assemblies of God, a Pentecostal fellowship. In 2000 he founded and is currently the president of NHCLC. NHCLC is the largest Hispanic Evangelical organization in the world with 40,118. Latino Evangelical churches as members. It helps to cultivate a network of Latino leaders in the Christian community. As a spokesperson for the Hispanic evangelicals he has featured as a speaker in the White House and congressional meetings. In 2017 as president of NHCLC he was pleased to release the statement that the organization was pleased President Trump had decided ’ to return power to states to withhold federal funds from abortion providers’ ( Read statement) Samuel currently serves on the board for the National Association of Evangelicals He is an author and his book You Are Next (2019) is a publishers weekly bestseller. In 2019 he was the executive producer of the film Flamin Hot. In 2013 he was nominated for Time Magazine’s Top 100 Most Influential People. In 2015 he was named as one of Newsmax’s Top 100 Christian leaders in America. In 2020 he was recognized as one of Israel’s Top 50 Christian Allies. Samuel is now in his early 50s and still has a great deal to offer to the Latino Christian Community and beyond. Sources NHCLC Wikipedia
Luis Palau      Argentine Christian Evangelist

Luis Palau Argentine Christian Evangelist

Luis Palau Jr. is one of the world’s leading international Christian evangelists and lives in the Portland area of Oregon, USA. He was born in Argentina and moved to Portland in his mid-twenties to enroll in a gradate program in Biblical studies. For many years he had a long and close relationship with Billy Graham. Luis was born on 27th November 1934 in Maschwitz, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has 5 younger sisters and a step brother. His father, a construction executive, died when Luis was 10. The family were left nearly destitute and he had to leave his British-run boarding school to work in a bank as the sole provider. Aged 12 he was ‘born again’- devoting his life to Christ. Luis first heard Billy Graham in 1950 on the radio when he was still in Argentina. Billy inspired Luis. 1960 Luis came to Portland to attend a graduate program at Multnomah Bible college. He met and married his fellow student Pat, a Beaverton kindergarten teacher in 1961. 1962 he became a US citizen. The Palaus spent the next 8 years as missionaries in Mexico and Colombia. He worked for Billy as a Spanish interpretor and as an evangelist and in 1970. Billy contributed the ‘seed’ money( $100,000 in 4 quarter payments of $25,000) for Luis to start his own ministry, which he based on Billy’s model. In the 1970’ s he worked to build up his ministry In 1975 he shared the Bible Expositor post with Bishop Festo Kivengere at Eurofest ‘75 which was held in Brussels’ Belguim and the Palais du Centenaire and the Heysel Stadium and sponsored by the Billy graham organizasion. October 1978 Luis Palau Evangelistic Association LPEA) was ‘incorporated’. Since then Luis has held large scale evangelistic festivals and gatherings around the world. In 1999 it was noted in the Portland weekly newspaper that he assembled an 80,000 member audience in the nation’s least churched major city. In 2003, 3 of his 4 sons were working for his ministry. He hosted 3 daily radio programs- an English show carried by 900 stations and 2 Spanish programs carried by 880 stations in 25 countries. November 2005 visited Beijing, China. In 2007 it was estimated that he had shared the message of Jesus Christ with 25 million people in 70 nations. At his headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon he employs 70 and another 25 around the world. March 2008 Luis addressed 500 Christian pastors in the build-up to the August event. 22-23August 2008 held a festival in Portland which focused on volunteerism to support the homeless - over 2 days 140,000 attended. This was organized by fellow evangelicals and the Portland commissioner Erik Sten. He called the effort* Season of Service*(Please read notes) In 2015 he hosted an event City-Fest for 60,000 in Central Park, New York City For over 70 years Luis has been committed to the Word of God On Thursday, January 18th, 2018 Luis shared on Facebook he had stage 4 cancer. ( Read update on Luis’s heath on 14th October 2020 PBS wikipedia
Rod Parsley   Breakthrough Ministry

Rod Parsley Breakthrough Ministry

Rodney Lee Parsley (born 13th January 1957) is a prominent American Christian minister, author, television host and evangelist. He is the senior pastor of World harvest Church, a large pentecostal church in Canal Winchester, Ohio, Columbus. He is the founder of a number of organizations. Rodney’s Breakthrough -a media ministry -covers 8 areas of ministry ( in alphabetical order) Bridge of Hope Center for Moral Clarity started 2004 founder and president City Harvest Network started 2017 Harvest Preparatory School founded 1986 Joni’s Journal written by his wife Valor Christian College founder and chancellor World Harvest Church Columbus started 1977 with 17, now 12,000 members World Harvest Church Elkhart (See separate sheet for further information on each heading) This is besides The Women’s Clinic of Columbus His television program Breakthrough with Rod Parsley is aired daily on the several networks. RODPARSLEY. TV is a 24/7 online streaming channel. Brief biography of Rod. Born in Cleveland, Ohio. Raised as a Free Will Baptist. Enrolled at Circleville Bible college- left after 2 years. As youngster influenced by Lester Sumrall who became his mentor and traveling companion. Became pastor at World Harvest Church (1977-present. Married Joni Parsley in 1986. Children - boy & girl- now adults. (See separate article on Lester Sumrall) In 2015 Rod was treated for cancer of the throat, but has since recovered. I have concentrated on Breakthrough. I have included information from Wikipedia about World harvest Church, Political activism, Writings and Criticism of Parsley Breakthrough is a worldwide soul winning ministry that is reaping the end time harvest and reviving the life of God in the hearts of humanity, With a fresh anointing on Rodney in this new millennium of ministry 1000s all across the world are being healed, saved and delivered by the power of God. Sources Breakthrough now daystar.com Ministries The center for Moral Clarity Wikipedia
Phillip Jensen

Phillip Jensen

Phillip Jensen is an Australian cleric of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney and the former Dean of St. Andrew’s Cathedral. He founded the Australian Christian publishing house Matthais Media. He founded the Christian magazine The Briefing in 1988. He authored the Gospel tract The Two Ways of Living. He also created the Ministry Training Strategy (MTS). He was chairman of the Katoomba Youth Convention (KYC) (1974-1991) & Convention Council (1983-91). Phillip spent his early years living at Bellevue Hill, a suburb of Sydney. His first public statement of faith came at a Billy Graham crusade in 1959. From 1967-70 he studied theology at Moore Theological College. He married his wife Helen in 1969. On graduation he worked at St. Matthew’s Manley and at the Department of Evangelism (now Evangelism and New Churches). In 1975 he became Anglican chaplain to the University of New South Wales (UNSW) In 1977 or8 he became rector of St. Matthias’ Centennial Park. His university ministry was based around expository preaching and ‘walk-up evangelism’. There were many conversions and large student gatherings at UNSW. The congregation at St. Matthias grew from 20-30 in 1977 to over a 1,000 by the mid 1990s. His work at UNSW included the creation of the Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) which trained young people in practical ministry skills, preparing them for church ministry, ordained or otherwise. After over 30 years he resigned as Chaplain for the UNSW in 2005. From 1974-91 he led the reinvigoration of the Katoomba Christian Convention - an interdenominational ministry providing evangelical Biblical preaching to Christians. ( See notes on ’ Katoomba Christian Convention’) 1988 founded *The Briefing* an evangelical Christian magazine published by Matthias Media . It had a distinct Sydney Anglican slant. (See notes 'The Briefing' - closed in 2014 He promoted lay administration of the Lord’s Supper and is an opponent of the ordination of women. In 2003 he was appointed Dean of Sydney’s St. Andrews Cathedral and Director of the Sydney Diocesan Ministry Training and Development (MT&D)(2003-12). During his time there he changed many things. Peter Phillips, the Tallis Scholars’ director, accused him of ‘vandalising’ Anglican culture, ( Read 3rd para on ‘Views’) In 2014 he announced he was resigning as Dean at the end of the year. Phillip commenced work on Two Ways Ministries* (TWM) at Moore Theological College. TWM seeks to serve people by proclaiming the death and resurrection of Jesus through teaching people the Bible Phillip currently accepts invitations to preach and to speak at inter/national conferences. Sources twowayministries
Harry R. Jackson  Jr

Harry R. Jackson Jr

Harry R. Jackson Jr. is an American Christian preacher and Pentecostal bishop who serves as the senior pastor at Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland. founded the Christian Hope Center. He is the Presiding bishop of the International Communion of Evangelical Churches (ICEC) He is the founder and chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition(HILC) and also co-founder of the Reconciled Church initiative (RCI). Harry was raised in Cincinnati. He became involved in political activism as a child with his mother Essie. I was a black kid at Country Day who stayed in the houses of wealthy white people. He attended Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts where he played football. He had a tryout with the New England Patriots but did not make the team In 1973 his family moved to Washington D.C. area and eventually settled in Silver Spring, Maryland. After graduating from Williams College with a B.A. he got a high level executive job at Republic Steel and admitted to Harvard business school (MBA). He married his wife, Michele, in 1976. The death of his father caused Harry to become a Christian minister The family moved to Cleveland, Ohio where he preached in the inner city. He took a job at Corning Glass (now Corning Incorporated) and preached in his spare time. He founded the Christian Hope Center. *We really broke racial barriers for a black man pastoring white people in 1981 His work in Corning attracted attention and he was recruited to Bltsville, Maryland to take over Hope Christian Church. He is now the presiding bishop of ICEC which *seeks to offer a clear, concise, and uncompromising voice to address the most pressing issues of our day primarily those relating to righteousness & justice. The founder and chairman of (HILC) which is composed of ministers who actively promote socially conservative causes. Plus the co-founder of RCI. which seeks to bring racial healing to the church and America. He states firmly that same-sex marriage and abortion are morally wrong. In the late 1990s he gained national recognition through his columns in Charisma magazine in which he frequently wrote about abortion and gay marriages ( See ‘Activism’) He has authored several books. One of his recent books is *Personal Faith Public Policy (See middle para of SHOP the WORD for more title). He has appeared on many television channels and been featured in the newspapers and other media outlets. He shares a weekly message on Praise 104.1FM and a daily radio program The Harry Jackson Show on a stream. Bishop Harry Jackson has two grown-up daughters and resides in Maryland. Sources Harry Jackson Ministries The Harry Jackson Show SHOP the WORD.com Wikipedeia
Tim Keller

Tim Keller

Timothy J. Keller is an American pastor, theologian and Christian apologist. He is the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church (RPC) in New York City. He is the chairman and co-founder of Redeemer City to City , which trains pastors for ministry in global cities. He is co-founder of The Gospel Coalition* and founder of Hope for New York. He is also author of some of The New York Times bestselling books. Tim was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He has degrees from;- B.A. Bucknell University (BN) 1972 M.Div Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS) 1975 D.Min Westminster Theological Seminary (WTS) 1981 Tim became a Christian while studying at BN through IVC Fellowship and became a staff member. He was ordained by the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He served as a pastor at West Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Hopewell, Virginia for 9 years. At the same time he was director of church planting for PCA and on the faculty at WTS where he and his wife, Kathy, were involved in urban ministry. The church planting involved looking at the needs of New York. Although working at WTS he continued to commute to New York and joined the prayer meetings at RPC. Tim was recruited by PCA to start RPC in 1989. He lacked experience but succeeded after 2 others had turned it down. His congregation of 50 in 1989 grew to over 5,000 each Sunday by 2008. This led to some calling him the most successful Christian Evangelist in the city Over the next 28 years RPB exploded in size and influence! In 1992 RPC founded Hope for New York. its mission was to mobilize volunteer and financial resources to support non-profit organizations serving the poor and marginalized in New York City Tim is co-founder of The Gospel Coalition (2005) a group of reformed leaders from around the USA. He is chairman and co-founder of Redeemer City to City (CTC) which starts new churches in New York and other global cities, and publishes books and resources for ministry in an urban environments. For 28 years he led a diverse congregation of young professionals that grew a weekly attendance of over 5,000. (Read the 5 pages Redeemer History - Redeemer Churches and Ministries) On 1st July 2017 Tim stepped down from his role as senior pastor of RPC to concentrate on CTC . This will enable him to teach and mentor church planters and seminary students full time in a joint venture with Reformed Theological Seminary’s (RTS) , the City Ministry program June 2020 Tim was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Tim will be remembered as a pioneer of the new urban Christians. * Christianity Today* Sources Hope for New York Wikipedia
Charles Simeon  (1759-1836)

Charles Simeon (1759-1836)

Charles Simeon became a leader among evangelical churchmen and was one of the founders of the Church Missionary Society (CMS) in 1799. He also helped found the *London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews * (LSPCAJ) in 1809. He also established what is now the *Charles Simeon Trust. Simeon was born in Reading, Berkshire in 1759 and baptized the same year. He studied at Eton College and was an undergraduate from 1779 at King’s College Cambridge. One Easter, while at King’s, he experienced a Christian conversion In 1782 he became a Fellow of King’s College and was ordained a deacon and graduated B.A. in 1783. He began as a minister as deputy to Christopher Atkinson at St. Edward King and Martyr, Cambridge. He then received the living of Holy Trinity, Cambridge in 1783. Technically it was a curacy. He was appointed, under the age of 23, as a curate-in-charge for the bishop. Initially John Hammond was preferred by the congregation. Services were disrupted and he was insulted in th e streets. But Simeon stayed (1783-1836) there for the rest of his life and eventually had a crowded church. He gained influence among the under graduates of the university. He taught, young priests in training Theology and preaching technique, at discussion parties hosted in his College room in the Gibbs building. They were inspired by his dynamic preaching at St. Edward’s, Great St. Mary’s and Holy Trinity churches. They used his published 100s of sermons ,or skeleton of sermons, when drafting their own- to some an invitation to clerical plagiarism! He became a leading evangelical churchman and was one of the founders of the Church Missionary Society ( now called Church Mission Society -see notes). He also help found LSPCAJ) (now known as the Church Ministry Among Jewish People (CMJ - see notes.) He established the Charles Simeon Trust to encourage perpetuate evangelical clergy in the Church of England parishes. It continues to operate to this day. ( See notes- sorry about poor print). In 1809 the British East India sought his advice of choice of Chaplains for India. His main piece of work was a commentary on the whole Bible -Horae homileticae. Charles died on 13th November 1836, aged 77. He was buried on the 19th in King’s College Chapel, Cambridge. His influence and authority extended to the most remote corners of England. His real sway over the Church was far greater than that of any Primate… Thomas Macaulay- historian *One of the greatest and most persuasive preachers the Church of England has ever known * John Stott- evangelist Sources used King’s College Cambridge Simeon’s Trustees and Hyndman’s Trustees Wikipedia
Charles Stanley    In Touch Ministries

Charles Stanley In Touch Ministries

Charles Frazier Stanley is Pastor Emeritus of First Baptist Church (FBC) in Atlanta, Georgia, having been senior pastor for 50 years. He is the founder and president of In Touch Ministries (ITM) which broadcasts his sermons through television. He has served 2 one year terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) from 1984-6. Charles was born in Dry Fork, Virginia on 25th September 1932 His farher died 9 months after he was born. He grew up in Dry Fork. Aged 12 he became a born again Christian. 2 years later he began his life’s work in Christian ministry. Degrees BA from University of Richmond MD from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth MT & DrTh. Luther Rice Seminary in Florida (now in Lithonia) He joined the staff at FBC in 1969 and became senior pastor in 1971. The book Think and Grow Rich served as a motivational book over many years. In 1972 launched a half hour religious television program The Chapel Hour The Christian Broadcasting Network began televising it in 1978. In 1982 he founded In Touch Ministries . It uses tools like radio, television, magazines and digital media to advance the Gospel as quickly as possible. Television *The Breakfast Club 1983-5. In Touch with Dr Charles Stanley 1990-present * 1989 ’ In Touch’ named by NRB as Television Producer of the Year 1999 ‘In Touch’ named radio program of the year In the USA it is broadcast on approximately 500 radio stations, 300 television stations and several satellite networks. He is a an avid photographer and many of his photographs appear in the In Touch magazine, ( Called In Touch becomes it comes from a Living Bible he owned) In 1984-6 he was elected president of the SBC. He has authored more than 60 books and has hit the New York Times Best Seller’s List several times. He developed 30 Life Principles that have guided his life and helped him grow in his knowledge, service and love of God. His grandfather gave him this principle - Obey God and leave all the consequences to him. He was married to Anna J. Stanley for more than 40 years. They had a son, Andy and a daughter Becky. They divorced on 11th May, 2000. Anna died on 10th November 2014. On 13th September 2020 he announced his retirement as senior pastor. He is now pastor emeritus. Charles does not believe in retirement so he continues to work, now aged 88, at In Touch ministries *It is the Word of God and the work of God that changes people’s lives * Dr Charles F. Stanley Sources used Meet Dr. Charles Stanley Wikipedia
John F, MacArthur

John F, MacArthur

John Fullerton Macarthur Jr is an American pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated Christian teaching radio and television program** Grace to You. He has been the pastor/teacher of Grace Community Church (GCC) in Sun Valley, California for 51 Years (1969-2020). He notably edited the MacArthur Study Bible He is also the chancellor emeritus of The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, California and the Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, California. John was born in Los Angles on 19th June 1939. His grandfather and father were both ministers. degrees and colleges Fundamentalist Bob Jones University (FBJU) 1957 B.A. Los Angeles Pacific College (LAPC) -1959 M. Div Talbot Theological Seminary (TTS) 1963 D.D. Grace Graduate School (GGS) 1976 D.D. Talbot Theological Seminary (TTS) 1977 In 1969 after graduating from TTS he came to Grace Community Church. (GCC). The emphasis of his pulpit ministry is the careful study and verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible with special attention to the historical and grammatical background behind each passage. During the early days of his ministry the church congregation doubled in size every 2 years. In 1971 The Family Center was built. In 1977 a new Worship Center. Today GCC two morning worship services fill the 3,000 auditorium to capacity. In the week several 1000s of members participate in fellowship and training programs. 2008 av. weekly attendance 8,258. In 1969 he founded the Grace to You ministry. He is both th chairman and featured host/teacher It is a nonprofit organization responsible for developing, producing and distributing John’s books, audio resources and the radio and television programs. The radio program is aired 1000 times a day. The television program is a weekly half hour slot on DirecTV in the USA. All of his 3,000 sermons are available for free on their website. ( See adverts for radio and TV) In 1985 John became president of The Master College (2016 The Master’s University) - a distinctly Christian accredited Liberal institution. In 1986 he founded The Master’s Seminary, a graduate school dedicated to training men for full-time pastoral or missionary work. He now serves as chancellor emeritus for both of them He has written 100s of study guides and books. Most notably ‘MacArthur Study Bible’ ( 1 million copies sold). (See 4th par of ‘The Master’s Seminary’ for partial list) Christianity Today acknowledged John as one of the most influential preachers of his time. Sources GCC Wikipedia