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Resources made by a native French speaker with 17 years of primary and secondary experience. I currently teach French in two primary schools. A lot of the resources I made for upper primary children can also be used for ks3 pupils.

Resources made by a native French speaker with 17 years of primary and secondary experience. I currently teach French in two primary schools. A lot of the resources I made for upper primary children can also be used for ks3 pupils.
les chiffres 1 a 100 et les prix en euros avec la nourriture

les chiffres 1 a 100 et les prix en euros avec la nourriture

Here is a powerpoint I prepare to recap/ introduce gradually numbers 1 to 100. It aims at practising saying, reading and writing prices in euros. Prior to this lesson I taught various food and drinks and wanted to reuse this topic to learn how to say prices in euros. The first few slides aim at recaping numbers. From slide 5 I introduce how to say prices with decimals and want the children to write on their whiteboard or the attached worksheet the prices in words. There is plenty of written on each slide to help the pupil write the words correctly. From slides 9 I want the pupils to guess the prices of essential items (speaking), I can only help them by telling them ‘plus eleve’/ ‘inferieur’ or ‘plus bas’ /‘superieur’ . From slide 17 the pupils have to read the words and write the prices in words.Then I introduce numbers 70 to 100. From slide 25, pupils have to write prices in words and then from slide 30 they have to write the prices as a number.On the next slides I introduce the Euro coins and bank notes.
La nourriture (writing and reading tasks)

La nourriture (writing and reading tasks)

Here is a worksheet I have created around the food topic, diet, opinions on food and drink. It can used as an end of topic activity to recap vocabulary. The first task is to use the information in English to write what members of a family like eating and drinking. The second task is a very long comprehension task where pupils have to read and scan the text to find some English words. They also have to find to tick the correct person for each statement. Finally there is a translation task.
Verbes -er et -ir exercices et pratique

Verbes -er et -ir exercices et pratique

Here are some resources I have created for very able French learners in to practise the -er verbs and ir verbs at the present. There are a couple a worksheet and some blockbuster games to play in class (with some challenging tasks, e.g. doubling the consonant with verbs like jeter, je jette).
Les joueurs de football (recap introducing yourself, saying your age and when your birthday is)

Les joueurs de football (recap introducing yourself, saying your age and when your birthday is)

These worksheets contain various activities (short writing task to start with, followed by a reading task and finishing with a longer reading task paired with by a true or false task). These worksheets aim at motivating lower ability that are interested in football. There is also a powerpoint to teach months of the year (with French celebrations) and numbers up to 31 to teach how to say when our birthday is. I have put the pictures from the worksheet in order to do one as a model with them and to correct them after.
French  primary assessment (name, age, feelings) with recording

French primary assessment (name, age, feelings) with recording

Here is an assessment I have created to assess my primary children on their first unit of French. The powerpoint matches the assessment worksheets. It includes some writing tasks (1 short task: writing your name and age, 2nd task: writing name, age and how you feel using clues with support, 3rd task writing name, age and feelings without support), a listening task (using alphabet to spell name), another listening task on name, age and feelings.
Er verbs at the present tense (with hobbies/ past-time)

Er verbs at the present tense (with hobbies/ past-time)

Here is a very lengthy powerpoint presentation that can be used over two or three lessons. It gives the pupils plenty of opportunities (orally or in writing) to use the correct ending for each pronoun. I tried to use it with free time and hobbies (to model possible answers for speaking exams). I have also included few board game (5 in a row class work or pair work) and some blockbuster games. Powerpoint overview: Slides 1 and 2 understanding pronouns. Slide 3 : understanding infinitives Slide 4: what is the present tense? Slide 6: endings for each pronoun Slides 7 and 8: Je and Tu endings Slide 9: il and elle ending Slides 10 to 19: which sentence is correct?# Slide 20: pair work (choose an action to go with each pronouns, guess your partner’s choices) Slides 21 to 25: write or say a sentence for each picture. Slide 26: write sentences Slide 27: add adverbs Slide 28: add frequency expressions Slide 29: use the negative Slides 30 and 31: Blockbuster (boys vs girls) translations Slide 32 : write sentences using adverbs Slide 33: nous and vous forms Slide 34: ils and elles forms Slides 35 to 49: which sentence is correct. Slides 50 to 52: Translation Slides 53 to 55: French culture quiz
Dans mon cartable il y a

Dans mon cartable il y a

Here is a powerpoint presentation aiming at teaching pupils how to say what they have or what there is in their school bag or pencil case using there is/are as well as ‘j’ai’, ‘je n’ai pas’ or il n’y a pas. I have also included a listening task. See below a description of the full content: Slide 1 : key vocabulary that will be taught. slides 2 to 7: new language slide 8: recap of new language slide 9 to 11: new language slide 12: recap slide 13 to 21: choose correct sentence that matches the pictures (reading task) slide 22 to 27: new language slide 28: overview of the taught vocabulary slide 29 to 31: choose correct sentence (reading task) slide 32 to 33: complete with missing information (available on the worksheet 3) slides 34 and 35: describing the colour of school equipment. slides 36 to 38: writing task (available on worksheet 3) slide 39: true or false (worksheet 3) slide 40: reading task (worksheet 3) slide 42: using the negative (see worksheet for the task) slide 43 to 45: listening task slide 46 : answers slide 47: noughts and crosses game I have also included two short starting tasks and a long worksheet with various tasks (some are also on the powerpoint). There is snap/memory game ( turn the cards over and pick two. Match the words to pictures)
Les fetes de Noel (listening/comprehension task) year 10 and 11

Les fetes de Noel (listening/comprehension task) year 10 and 11

Here is a powerpoint presentation and a worksheet on French Christmas with moderate to challenging language.On each slide you will find a recording attached (check speaker icon). You can play it without showing the slide and use it as a listening/comprehension task. I have attached a worksheet with questions to answer in English and some vocabulary to find in the powerpoint. I have also attached the answer sheet. If the sound does not work on each slide, I have attached a Youtube link with the audio recording.
French food and drinks booklet with plenty of varied reading and writing tasks

French food and drinks booklet with plenty of varied reading and writing tasks

Two differentiated booklets on French food and drinks. There is plenty of visual and written support for lower ability children and more challenging tasks for higher ability pupils. The booklet starts with two easy tasks of labelling the pictures and a wordsearch then gradually becomes more challenging as the children get to extend their writing skills. There is also an opportunity for the children to revise numbers and use them with food or drinks. I have also added differentiated reading tasks (for instance correct the wrong statements, read the paragraphs and answer the questions, a code to crack and a task on breakfast in different countries)
La Nouvelle Vague. Entretien avec Francois Truffaut

La Nouvelle Vague. Entretien avec Francois Truffaut

Here are two comprehension tasks I have created on la Nouvelle Vague. The reading comprehension goes with an article published on Lumni Enseignement. The listening task goes with a video which shows Truffaut explaining la Nouvelle Vague to the famous journalist Anne Sinclair.
Dans ma ville il y a

Dans ma ville il y a

Here is a powerpoint presentation on places in town. It aims at teaching primary age children teaching or a lower ability class. I used the town of Redcar in the North East. The powerpoint has two workksheets (differentiated) to work on reading and writing skills. They are very easy tasks (circle the correct answers) and complete with missing vowels, replacing pictures by words. There is a comprehension task for the more able pupils. I have created a four in row speaking task to play in pairs or as a group (one with support il y a…and one with there is, there is no, there are…to translate). I have added a battle-ship speaking task for the pupils to play in pairs. Finally there is a reading task which can be used as a model for writing.