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I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.




I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.
Edexcel A level Biology cells revision

Edexcel A level Biology cells revision

A complete revision lesson covering objectives 3.1-3.5 of module 3 of Edexcel Salters Biology- the vice of the Genome. However it would be suitable for any A level course. It covers eukatyote and prokaryote cell structure as well as the functions of the organelles and the functional links between them. It also includes electronmicrographs to ensure students can identify organelles. It includes lots of student activities as well as plenty of exam practice to cover both recall and understanding. All answers included
AQA Biology competition and adaptation revision

AQA Biology competition and adaptation revision

A revision lesson covering both adaptation and competition. It reminds students what animals and plants compete for and how they are adapted. It focuses on the importance of understanding why the adaptation is helpful. The lesson includes lot of students activities and exam practice All answers included
OCR Biology Reasons to protect biodiversity

OCR Biology Reasons to protect biodiversity

A full lesson covering section 4.2.1g of the OCR A level biology specification- the reasons for protecting biodiversity. It covers the economic, aesthetic and ecological reasons for protecting biodiversity. This includes key stone species and the importance of preserving genetic diversity. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student activities and a differentiated summary at the end All answers included
OCR Biology factors affecting Biodiversity

OCR Biology factors affecting Biodiversity

A complete lesson covering section 4.2.1 f of the OCR Biology specification the factors affecting biodiversity. It covers the impacts of human growth, the effects of agriculture and mono-culture, climate change and extinction. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided
OCR Biology Simpson's Index of Diversity

OCR Biology Simpson's Index of Diversity

A complete lesson covering section 4.2.1 c and d of the OCR A level Biology specification- how to calculate and interpret the Simpson’s index of biodiversity. It introduces the index, provides worked examples and an opportunity for students to complete a full calculation. It also introduces the second part of PAG3.1 so students can calculate their own values of biodiversity based on the previous lessons practical work. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various independent student activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided.
OCR Biology Sampling plants and PAG3.1

OCR Biology Sampling plants and PAG3.1

A complete lesson covering section 4.2.1a and b of the OCR Biology specification- sampling strategies and techniques. It covers the data collection part of PAG3.1 with the analysis covered in a future lesson. The lesson introduces quadrats and how they can be used to sample species. This includes the use of a point frame as well as other ways of estimating percentage cover. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided
OCR A level Biology Sampling strategies

OCR A level Biology Sampling strategies

This is a complete lesson covering section 4.2.1 a and b of the OCR A level Biology specification- biodiversity and sampling techniques. It covers what biodiversity is and how it can be considered at different levels. It also covers different sampling strategies including random and non- random sampling and techniques for sampling animals. It closes with capture recapture. The lesson includes a starter recalling previous topics, full notes, many student independent activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided This is a free lesson to show the nature and quality of my resources. Please see my shop for other resources available- https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/atdewar
AQA B6 genetics and reproduction revision

AQA B6 genetics and reproduction revision

A complete lesson revising content from AQA trilogy topic B6- Genetics and reproduction. The lesson has been updated to reflect the return to normal exam oprocedures. The old version is inclduded. the lesson covers : Gender determination Genes and DNA Genetic crosses Asexual reproduction Meiosis Vs mitosis Cystic fibrosis Evolution Selective breeding and GM
OCR A level Biology Module 4 disease

OCR A level Biology Module 4 disease

10 Resources
A complete bundle of the OCR Biology Disease topic. The bundle covers: Types of pathogen Ways in which pathogens can be transmitted Plant disease defences Primary and secondary defences in animals The specific immune response The structure and function of antibodies Vaccination and types of immunity Antibiotics Sources of medicines Each lesson includes a starter, full notes, a variety of student independent learning tasks and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided
OCR A level Biology Sources of medicines

OCR A level Biology Sources of medicines

A full lesson covering section 4.1.1m of the OCR A level Biology specification- sources of disease. It covers the use of plants as a source of medicine, some examples of plant based medicines, the importance of maintaining biodiversity and synthetic biology and personalised medicines. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, a variety of individual student learning activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end All answers provided
OCR Biology benefits and risks of antibiotics

OCR Biology benefits and risks of antibiotics

A full lesson covering section 4.1.1n the benefits and risks of the use of antibiotics. This includes the discovery of antibiotics by Fleming in 1928 as well the development of antibiotics as a treatment in WW2. It also covers the risks associated with the development of antibiotic resistance and ways in which this might be prevented The lesson includes a starter, full notes, multiple independent student learning activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. A homework is also included All answers included
OCR A level Biology Vaccination and immunity

OCR A level Biology Vaccination and immunity

This is a complete lesson covering points 4.1.1 j and l of the OCR A Level Biology specification-vaccination and types of immunity. It covers what a vaccination is, how it was developed, the use of vaccines to tackle epidemics and the difference between active and passive immunity and natural and artificial immunity. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, a variety of individual student activities, and a fully differentiated summary at the end. It also includes a homework based on Jenner and his vaccine for small pox. All answers included
OCR A level Biology Antibodies

OCR A level Biology Antibodies

A complete lesson covering specification points 4.1.1h- antibodies. It covers the structure and function of antibodies, the various roles they play in the immune system, how antibodies contribute to allergies and the difference between the primary and secondary immune response. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, a variety of independent student learning activities and a differentiated summary at the end All answers provided
OCR Biology Specific immune response

OCR Biology Specific immune response

A full lesson covering points 4.1.1 f and k of the OCR A level Biology specification- the specific immune response and autoimmune diseases. It covers B and T cells, clonal selection, clonal expansion and differentiation, and the types and roles of B and T cells . It also covers autoimmune diseases including the likely cause and two specific diseases as examples (arthritis and lupus). The lesson includes a starter, full detailed notes, various independent student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided
OCR A level Biology Secondary immune defences

OCR A level Biology Secondary immune defences

A complete lesson covering specification point 4.1.1e- the structure and function of phagocytes. It also includes instructions for PAG1 using a microscope to observe a blood smear. The lesson covers the structure of neutrophils and macrophages as well as the function they play in both the secondary immune response and the specific immune response . It also includes an image of a blood smear to allow students to practice biological drawings if working online and not able to complete the practical. The lesson includes an exam question starter, full notes, a variety of independent student activities, instructions for the PAG and a differentiated summary at the end.
OCR Biology primary defenses against disease

OCR Biology primary defenses against disease

A full lesson covering section 4.1.1d of the OCR A level Biology specification- primary defenses against disease. It covers skin structure, blood clotting, mucous membranes, inflammation and coughing and sneezing. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student activities, and a differentiated summary activity at the end. All answers provided
OCR A level Biology Plant defences against pathogens

OCR A level Biology Plant defences against pathogens

A full lesson covering section 4.1.1c of the OCR Biology specification - Plant defences against disease. This includes both passive and active defences, physical defences and the release of various chemicals to both prevent and remove infections. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers included
OCR A level Biology disease transmission

OCR A level Biology disease transmission

A full lesson covering section 4.1.1b of the OCR Specification- disease transmission. It covers both direct and indirect transmission in plants and animals as well as the role of vectors and the effect of climate on disease transmission The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student activities with lots of opportunities for independent working and fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers provided
OCR A level Biology Organisms that cause disease

OCR A level Biology Organisms that cause disease

A full lesson covering section 4.1.1 of the OCR Biology specification- organisms that cause disease. It starts by looking at a definition of health and disease and covers the main types of pathogens as well as the difference between pathogens and parasites. It provides many animal and plant examples of pathogens and their effects. The lesson has a starter, full notes, various student activities, a research task (especially for online learning) and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers included This is a free lesson to show the nature and quality of my others resources. Please see my shop for other available lessons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/atdewar
OCR A Level Biology Module 3

OCR A Level Biology Module 3

20 Resources
A complete set of resources to deliver the whole of OCR A level Biology Module 3. This covers: Exchange surfaces Ventilation in mammals, fish and insects Measuring lung volume and function Types of circulatory system The mammalian circulatory system Heart structure and function Electrocardiograms and heart problems Blood,tissue fluid and lymph The transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide Plant vascular tissue Transpiration and translocation Each lesson includes a starter, full notes and diagrams, various student activities and a fully differentiated summary activity All answers included