A real life guide by the National Geographic on the best drones of 2017. Rich language and vocabulary. As a class we watched some drone videos as a hook and we had a fascinating discussion about role of drones in the 21st century as well as privacy issues.
Differentiated as always with a full mark scheme, flashcards (with word etymologies) and Illustrations by a professional artist for key words to support vocabulary development. Great for literacy, guided reading, homework, boosters/intervention and tutoring. Enjoy!
A must-read for everyone! Why not expose Year 5 and 6 children to such a wonderful text? The opening introduces key themes and characters and therefore younger pupil are able to acess the text. Differentiated comprehensions focusing on assessment strands 2B (Retrieval questions) and 2D (Inference questions). Ideal for whole class guided reading, intervention, literacy, tuition pr homwork.
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children's illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
A text taken from the Science Museum exploring the relationship between robots and humans. Ideal for an English or DT/History/Topic lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes pcitures of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching.
Non-fiction text about skyscrapers from the Guinness World Records of 2017. Ideal for an English or DT lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children’s illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
Non-fiction text on David Doubilet’s, life as a pioneering underwater photographer. Ideal for an English or topic lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children’s illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
A classic from Russia (stories from around the world) by Adèle Geras. Ideal for an English lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes pictures of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching.
Opening chapter of a classic novel for KS2. Ideal for Literacy, guided reading, intervention/boosters or homework.
Differentiated comprehension with a mark scheme. Flashcards with Illustrations for keys words by a professional artist, words etymologies (word origins, prefixes/suffixes/root words, synonyms and antonyms) to support and aid language development. Enjoy!!
William Golding's most famous novel. I have chosen the beginning of chapter 9, where the author describes the island and when Ralph and Jack argue over who should lead the' tribe.'
Ideal for a Year 5 or 6 English lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children's illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
One of Roald Dahl's most famous novels. Ideal for an English lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children's illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
Fascinating non-fiction text about ants (most dangerous, largest colonies, largest/ smallest ants, most painful sting) from the Guinness World Records of 2017. Ideal for an English or Science lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children’s illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
UNESCO presents a fascinating summary on The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) including 42 articles. Child-friendly but with ample content and vocabulary to challenge Year 5/6 pupils… Ideal for an English/PSHE/Topic lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes pictures of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching.
A classic novel. Ideal for an English lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children's illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
A modern day classic. The extract comes from the scene in which Ben and Granny have entered the jewel house and about to depart with the Crown Jewels when they meet someone rather interesting… Ideal for an English lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children’s illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
Fascinating text about spiders (most venomous, smallest, largest webs, noisiest spider) from the Guinness World Records of 2017. Ideal for an English or Science lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children’s illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
Fascinating text about Monkeys and Primates from the Guinness World Records of 2017. Ideal for an English or Science lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children’s illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
Detailed and comprehensive text on the political and economic context of WW1 and the reasons as to why the war broke out. Ideal for an English/History Year 5 or 6 lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domain 2B (retrieval questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children's illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
Considered a classic in children's fiction. This resource (an original text) is ideal for an English lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children's illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
Jackeline Wilson touches on many modern themes: divorce, friendship, loss, family life etc. Ideal for an English lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes flashcards of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching. The flashcards come with pictures drawn by a professional children’s illustrator, contextualised sentences, definitions from the Oxford dictionary, word origins, root words, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, word family, phrases/idioms and word classes.
A classic in children’s fiction and a must read for all primary pupils. This resource is ideal for an English lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes picture of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching.
Very topical newspaper report explaining BREXIT and the EU including the: structure, institutions, culture, economy and member states. Child-friendly but with ample content and vocabulary to challenge Year 5/6 pupils… Ideal for an English/PSHE/Topic lesson, whole class reading/guided reading, homework, tuition or intervention. The comprehension questions focus on assessment domains 2B (retrieval questions) and 2D (inferential questions).
Includes pictures of key words and phrases to help with explicit vocabulary teaching.