We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of 'what' and 'how' questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
This comprehension is all about the Victorian nurse, Mary Seacole.
PDF file format. Answers are also included.
These comprehensions are also available as part of the Year 2 five lesson literacy unit:
This resource is a comprehension activity for year 2, perfect for using in the spring. There are three differentiated booklets on spring wildlife and animals, with differentiated questions.
It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper.
There are a range of ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
Answers are also included. (The preview pages show the title page and one of the pages from the middle ability booklet.)
PDF file format.
This resource is an interactive lesson aimed at whole class or group phonics. It is a powerpoint presentation that allows children to revise phonemes and learn or revisit the sound ‘oy.’ It takes 15-20 minutes.
This powerpoint is split into different sections:
- Revision of phase 3 and 4 phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to ‘oy’ sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Spotting the odd one out (the picture without the ‘oy’ sound)
- Segmenting and blending sounds in ‘oy’ words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with ‘oy’ sound
- Writing a sentence with ‘oy’ sound
- Revision of HFW
This resource is an interactive lesson aimed at whole class or group phonics. It is a powerpoint presentation that allows children to reviseprevious phonemes and learn or revisit the sound ‘sl.’ It takes 15-20 minutes.
This PowerPoint is split into different sections:
- Revision of phase 3 and 4 phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to ‘sl’ sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Spotting the odd one out (the picture without the ‘sl’ sound)
- Segmenting and blending sounds in ‘sl’ words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with ‘sl’ sound
- Writing a sentence with ‘sl’ sound
- Revision of phase 4 tricky words
This resource is a comprehension activity based on the year 6 reading comprehension SATs paper.
The comprehension text covers the part of the Christmas story when the shepherds visit Jesus. I have rewritten the Bible story to resemble the style of the SATs reading paper. There is a reading booklet of 3 pages, followed by 4 pages of questions, which are based on last year’s paper. There is also a mark scheme at the end of the booklet.
I have included 3 differentiated levels. The HA level is similar to the SATs paper, whilst the MA and LA use slightly simplified wording in the reading and question booklet and could also be used by year 5s.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This resource is a comprehension activity based on the year 6 reading comprehension SATs paper.
The comprehension text covers the part of the Christmas story when the Wise Men visit Jesus. I have rewritten the Bible story to resemble the style of the SATs reading paper. There is a reading booklet of 3 pages (around 1000 words), followed by 4 pages of questions, which are based on last year’s paper. There is also a mark scheme.
I have included 3 differentiated levels. The Higher Ability level is similar to the SATs paper, whilst the Middle Ability and Lower Ability use slightly simplified wording in the reading and question booklet and could also be used by year 5s.
PDF file format.
You might also be interested in our presentation on the story of Epiphany and our KS2 RE lesson on Epiphany:
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘when,’ ‘where’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page. Answers are also included.
This comprehension is all about Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web. Perfect for cross-curricular English and History learning.
PDF file format.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of 'what,' 'who,' 'how' and 'why' questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page. Answers are also included.
This comprehension is all about Queen Elizabeth I. Perfect to use as part of a KS1 history topic or just for general interest for comprehension practice.
PDF file format.
This resource is a comprehension activity for year 2, perfect for using on or around Good Friday or Easter. There are three differentiated sets of instructions on how to make hot cross buns, with differentiated questions.
I have also included colour and black & white versions of each of the booklets which contain some cute clip art of kids cooking! A sample of one of the pages from the middle ability booklet is shown in the preview.
Each booklet is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper.
There are a range of ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
PDF file format.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 3 or 4. It is based on a combination of the KS1 and KS2 SATs reading papers and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of 'what,' 'why' 'how' and 'who' questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity contains five pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page. Answers are also included.
This comprehension is based on the Jewish festival of Purim. It tells the story of Queen Esther and describes how Jewish people celebrate her bravery now with the festival of Purim.
There is a colour and black & white version of each of the booklets. The preview pages show the title page and one other page from each of the middle ability booklets. PDF file format.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is all about what changes occur in the spring. It covers daylight hours, weather, plants and animals. It includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity includes four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
(The Preview pages show the title page and one of the other pages from the middle ability booklet.)
PDF file format.
This resource is an interactive lesson aimed at whole class or group phonics. It is a powerpoint presentation that allows children to revise phonemes and learn or revisit the sound ‘x.’ It takes 15-20 minutes.
This powerpoint is split into different sections:
- Revision of phase 2 phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to ‘x’ sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Spotting the odd one out (the picture without the ‘x’ sound)
- Segmenting and blending sounds in ‘x’ words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with ‘x’ sound
- Writing a sentence with ‘x’ sound
- Revision of common exception words
A set of Christmas themed SPaG activities, with a focus on word classes. All questions are based on the SATs questions which ask children to circle different word classes:
There are 4 different activities included:
- One activity asks children to circle nouns in a sentence, progressing from one noun up to three, with six sets of ten questions.
- One activity asks children to circle adjectives in a sentence, progressing from one noun up to two, with four sets of ten questions.
- One activity asks children to circle adverbs in a sentence. There are two sheets of ten questions.
- One activity asks children to circle verbs in a sentence, progressing from one verb up to two, with four sets of ten questions.
All the sentences have a Christmas theme, with each page containing festive pictures.
Answers are included.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This resource is a comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels. The booklet tells the final part of the Christmas story, when the three Wise Men visit Jesus. It could be used on its own, or with the three other parts of the story, available on my shop.
There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘how’ and ‘who’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This resource is a fiction comprehension activity for Lower Key Stage 2. It tells the legend of St George. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and KS2 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘who’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets. The lower ability have the text split into four sections with accompanying questions and the middle and higher ability have a page of text before 2 pages of questions.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels.
There are a range of ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
This comprehension is all about what happens in the autumn. It covers daylight hours, weather, leaves and wildlife.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension booklet for year 2 and includes 3 differentiated levels. The comprehension is all about the harvest festival and covers what it is, its history, traditions and how people celebrate now.
There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘who’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. There is a title page with some helpful words followed by four pages of pictures with short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page. There is a colour and black & white version of each booklet and answers are also included. The higher ability booklet has 13 questions in total. The middle ability has 12 questions and the lower ability has 11 questions.
PDF file format.
All the booklets are in the zip file.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension booklet aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 (7-9 yrs). The theme for the booklet is harvest around the world and covers Thanksgiving in the USA, rice festivals in Asia, the yam festival in Ghana, a fruit festival in Thailand, the Jewish holiday Sukkot and the harvest moon festival in China. It is a perfect comprehension to use during the autumn term, but could be used throughout the year, as harvest is celebrated at different times of the year around the world.
There are three differentiated booklets. The higher ability booklet has two pages of information for the children to read before they complete 2 pages of ‘what,’ ‘when,’ ‘who’ and ‘why’ questions. There are also true or false, multiple choice questions and some that require more detailed answers. There are 15 questions in total. The middle and lower ability booklets have the information split into four pages with questions on each page. The middle ability has 13 questions and the lower ability has 12 questions in total.
There is a colour and black & white booklet for each level. Answers are also included.
PDF file format.
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Harvest around the world Comprehension Year 2
Harvest Around the World Presentation
This resource is a comprehension activity based on the year 6 reading comprehension SATs paper.
The theme for the comprehension is the story of the Annunciation (when Mary is visited by the Angel Gabriel). I have rewritten the Bible story to resemble the style of the SATs reading paper. There is a reading booklet followed by four or five pages of questions, which contains a range of questions based on last year’s paper. There is also a mark scheme at the end of the booklet.
I have included 3 differentiated levels. The HA level is similar to the SATs paper, whilst the MA and LA use slightly simplified wording in the reading and question booklet and could also be used by year 5s.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
An interactive PowerPoint advent calendar to use throughout the month of December. Just click on the date and you will be taken to a phase 5 phonics activity! Activities range from finding rhyming words to singing phase 5 phonemes. All phase 5 sounds and tricky words are revised in a wide variety of scenarios, perfect for your whole class to enjoy.
A great start to the Christmas season.