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What makes Kanya King an entrepreneur?
Worksheet to use with the audio file from BBC i-player - radio interview with Kanya King lasting just over 15 mins - where she discusses how she started off in business.

Mary Portas ~ Customer Service & Mobile Phone Shops
Worksheet (print back-to-back) to accompany Channel 4 TV programme aired on 2nd February 2011 focussing on customer service.

BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 4 - Introduction
Unit 4 - Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care - quick intro presentation.
Unit 4 Introduction - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-introduction-12578687
A1 and A2- https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-learning-aim-a1-and-a2-12578690
B1 and B2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-learning-aims-b1-and-b2-12578691
B3 and B4 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-learning-aims-b3-and-b4-12581100
C1, C2 and C3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-4-learning-aims-c1-c2-and-c3-12592630

Homework Sheet (Royal Mail & News Corp)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others.
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009, but you may want to adapt & update!]

Homework Sheet (Tiffinbites)
Worksheet - though not based on business story currently in the news as usual. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others. This one is about franchises.
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009, but you may want to adapt & update! The ownership of these restaurants has changed quite drastically since then.]

Summary – Nature of Business & Ownership
Flash presentation (interactive, rather than advancing automatically). Use in class, or upload to your MLE as a reminder of the issues pupils have been addressed in their coursework.

Mary Portas ~ Customer Service & Estate Agents
Worksheet (print back-to-back) to accompany Channel 4 TV programme aired on 9th February focussing on customer service & estate agents. Record it while you can from 4OD.

Homework Sheet (Kraft Foods)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others.
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009, but you may want to adapt & update!]

Homework Sheet (UK Coal)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others.
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009, but you may want to adapt & update!]

BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 - Introduction
Unit 1 - Human Lifespan Development - quick intro presentation.
Find resources for every Unit 1 Learning Aim using the links below:
A1 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a1-12571685
A2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a2-12571704
A3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a3-12573955
A4 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-a4-12583426
B1 and B2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b1-and-learning-aim-b2-12586905
B3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b3-12586911
B4 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b4-12590324
B5 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b5-12592599
B6 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-b6-12592602
C1 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-c1-12594891
C2 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-c2-12596817
C3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-national-health-and-social-care-unit-1-learning-aim-c3-12597245

Homework Sheet (Vodafone)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others.
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009, but you may want to adapt & update!]

Homework Sheet (Vauxhall Motors)
Worksheet based on business story currently in the news. I use for homework, but works equally well for classwork and cover work. Sheet is one in a series - you can search for others. Also related video clip of Peter Mandelson, Labour MP and (then) Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
[moved from my other profile which I've now deleted - NB: this news story dates from late 2009]

Course intro presentation for the first lesson of the course to give students an overview.
Check also the document listing resources for all the micro resources, with links to each.
A note on this series of resources for Economics GCSE micro – 20 lessons in total
The resources for each lesson will comprise at least:
• A detailed PowerPoint presentation
• Worksheets for students to make revision notes
• Exam questions from past papers linked to the topic.
The resources will be more than sufficient for an entire lesson, depending on how much discussion and classroom interaction you like to have of course! They are designed to encourage student interaction. In several cases, the resources will be sufficient for more than one lesson. For instance, more complex topics will have more detailed resources.
The resources can be used for any GCSE course, but they are tailored for the AQA 8136 Economics GCSE micro spec.
The presentations pose questions and encourage discussion. Many include video clips to support the topic content, or to review/consolidate learning.
Most resources include news stories from the media, so that the theory can be contextualised in real life.
As a magpie of ideas, sometimes my resources will incorporate ideas that I have gathered over time from various sources, and which I include or adapt if I feel they are the ‘mot juste’ to get concepts across effectively.
Occasionally, presentation slides have east London specific images/text. You may choose to replace with others that are more regional to you.
The ‘worksheets’ are designed to go with the presentations and together should form useful revision notes for students.
The exam questions are from either past AQA exam papers, or past OCR exam papers for Economics GCSE.
I really hope you find my resources useful. If so, please be kind and show your appreciation by leaving a review, so that it helps me - and helps others to find quality resources.
: )

WHAT'S IN THE NEWS? (Premier Foods)
Print the first two pages back to back. The third page is the worksheet with questions based on the three sources. Interesting topical news from the current affairs/business pages of recent newspapers regarding one of the UK's largest organisations - Premier Foods.

Tech Award Enterprise 2022 - Course Intro
PowerPoint and student reference sheets.
Assessment criteria for Component 1 - on one sheet (drives me mad when they’re supplied on multiple pages, sometimes with tables split over two pages!)
The text is v small though, so you can experiment on the photocopier and decide if you’d prefer to enlarge to A3 maybe.
Resources for the 2022 course are being constantly updated - please check in my shop regularly.