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Place study - Challenges in Kenya (Lesson and resources).

Place study - Challenges in Kenya (Lesson and resources).

Third lesson of a 3 part series looking at Kenya as a Low income country - Aimed at Year7/8. Re-written to develop the GCSE skills. Video analysis - difference between the UK and Kenya? Developing GCSE – AO2 and AO3 writing task Lesson plan - Resources - Powerpoint.
AQA Global Governance and Global Commons SOW - Global Systems Unit.

AQA Global Governance and Global Commons SOW - Global Systems Unit.

10 Resources
Full SOW for AQA A-Level Geography the Global Governance element of the Global Systems Unit - including assessment and Feedback. Lesson 1 - Global Governance Actors KEY IDEA 1.11 Understand the range of actors and their relevance in global issues. Lesson 2 - The UN as a Global Governance Actor KEY IDEA 1.12 Understand the range of actors and their relevance in global issues. This lesson has focus on the UN what they have set out to achieve, how they have done it and any issues. Emphasis on Sustainable Development Goals and Millennium development goals. Lesson 3 - COP26 KEY IDEA 1.11 Understand the range of actors and their relevance in global issues. This lesson uses what the UN has done with COP26 to deepen the understanding of the UN as a governance Actor. Lesson 4 - Human Rights (Gaps in Global Governance) KEY IDEA 1.12 Issues associated with attempts at Global Governance. Understand the background of a global issue - in this case Human Rights issues. Lesson 5 - Global Commons KEY IDEA 1.13 What is a global common - the concept, rights and benefits? Lesson 6 - Introduction to Antarctica as a Global Common KEY IDEA 1.13 What is a global common - the concept, rights and benefits? Geographical case study on Antarctica - location, topography, climate etc. Lesson 7 - Threats to Antarctica KEY IDEA 1.15 + 1.6 Antarctica threats including fishing and whaling, tourism, climate change and the search for minerals. Lesson 8 - The Antarctica Treaty KEY IDEA 1.17 How to govern Antarctica from the viewpoint of international policies as a global governance actors. Lesson 9 - Antarctica NGOs KEY IDEA 1.17 How to govern Antarctica from the viewpoint on an NGO as a global governance actor. Lesson 10 - Assessment Lesson 11 - Feedback, improvement and DIRT time.
AQA Globalisation + Governance -L8 Antarctica Governance + Treaty (Lesson and Resources).

AQA Globalisation + Governance -L8 Antarctica Governance + Treaty (Lesson and Resources).

L8 in the Global Systems SOW looking at the Governance of Antarctica with a focus on the Antarctica Treaty (ATS) - written for the AQA Globalisation and Governance Unit (2nd half) KEY IDEA 1.17 STARTER - Retrieval Qs from the previous lesson (L7 - Threats to Antarctica ) Recap tasks on threats and linking to Governance in Antarctica Introduction ATS and the general info/ need for the Treaty AO2 Tasks ranking the rules of the governance including criticisms of the ATS Application task of ATS rules and justification HWK - Revision + Essay Plan Lessons - PowerPoint - Worksheets - Modelled Work.
AQA Globalisation + Governance -L9 NGOs in Antarctica (Lesson and Resources).

AQA Globalisation + Governance -L9 NGOs in Antarctica (Lesson and Resources).

L9 in the Global Systems SOW looking at the NGOs in Antarctica (Global Common)- written for the AQA Globalisation and Governance Unit (2nd half) KEY IDEA 1.17 STARTER - Retrieval Qs from the previous lesson (L8 - Governance in Governance ) Exam practice - Model answer identifying AO1/AO2 Structure Introduction NGOs as a Global Actor in Antarctica (in comparison to larger actors) Greenpeace Research Task + Reading Task HWK - Revision Clock Lessons - PowerPoint - Worksheets - Modelled Work.
AQA Systems (Globalisation) Unit - 16 Lessons (including Assessment and Feedback).

AQA Systems (Globalisation) Unit - 16 Lessons (including Assessment and Feedback).

16 Resources
Full SOW for AQA A-Level Geography the Globalisation element of the Global Systems Unit - including 2 assessments and Feedback. L1 - What is Globalisation? KEY IDEA 1.1 What is meant by the term ‘globalisation’ Concepts of cultural, economic, environmental and political globalisation. The evolution of globalisation – the stages in its development. L2 - Flows/ Dimensions of Globalisation KEY IDEA 1.1 About the increased interdependence and interrelationships that result from greater connectivity between the different countries L3 - Globalisation Factors KEY IDEA 1.1. Influence of 5 factors in the influence of Globalisation Global Shift - the movement of economic activities. L4 - Unequal Flows - Core and Periphery KEY IDEA 1.2 + 1.5 How has the global shift led to unequal flows? The rise of BRICs Nations and the Links between the changes to gloabl shift and changes over time. L5 - Positives and negatives of Globalisation KEY IDEA 1.9 Why is trade unfair - with emphasis on the manufacturing. what impact does this start to have and the evidence - Lorenz Curve and Gini Co-efficient. L6 - Interdependence and Unequal Flows KEY IDEA 1.2 The Empire has led to unequal flows of people, money and knowledge. What impact has the Empire had on countries and how is that evident? L7 - Unequal Flows and China RBI KEY IDEA 1.2 Ideas of flows being unfair and “trapping” between core/periphery regions Linking how globalisation factors have facilitated these flows. L8 - Globalisation Assessment and Feedback Lesson L9 - Introduction to Trade KEY IDEA 1.4 + 1.5 How has global trade developed and grown? How does this lead to unequal flows through imbalance of trade? L10 - Trade Blocs KEY IDEA 1.6 What is a Trade bloc and why are they used? How do Trade Blocs influence global markets? The EU and impacts - pros/cons L11 - Introduction to TNCs KEY IDEA 1.7 To understand the role and nature of TNCs with examples. What is the economic and political power of TNCs in relation to trade, foreign direct investment and employment? What is the role, power, influence? L12 - TNC Example: Coca-Cola KEY IDEA 1.8 Spatial Organisation of a TNC Focus on environmental issues with TNC expansion and its lead to inequality and unequal flows. L13 - TNC Example: Apple KEY IDEA 1.8 Spatial Organisation of a TNC Focus on social issues with TNC expansion and its lead to inequality and unequal flows. L14 - Food Commodity: Banana L1 KEY IDEA 1.10 Spatial organisation of a global food product - Bananas Focus on lead to unequal flows Students are able to describe world trade for a food commodity and/or manufactured product through a case study. L15 - Food Commodity: Banana L2 KEY IDEA 1.10 Know in detail the world trade in at least one food commodity or one manufacturing product. Focus on Fair Trade. L16 - 58 marks - variety of questions, skill based and essay. Feedback Lesson include Mark schemes, model answers and improvement tasks.
AQA Globalisation - L11 Food Commodity - Bananas (Lesson and Resources).

AQA Globalisation - L11 Food Commodity - Bananas (Lesson and Resources).

Whole lesson on the introduction to Globalisation for AQA Globalisation and Global Governance: KEY IDEA 1.10 Spatial organisation of a global food product - Bananas. Know in detail the world trade in at least one food commodity or one manufacturing product. Students are able to describe world trade for a food commodity and/or manufactured product through a case study. PowerPoint - Lesson Plans - Worksheets - Exam Practice
AQA Globalisation - L10 Food Commodity - Palm Oil (Lesson and Resources).

AQA Globalisation - L10 Food Commodity - Palm Oil (Lesson and Resources).

Whole lesson on the introduction to Globalisation for AQA Globalisation and Global Governance: KEY IDEA 1.10 Spatial organisation of a global food product - Palm Oil. Know in detail the world trade in at least one food commodity or one manufacturing product. Students are able to describe world trade for a food commodity and/or manufactured product through a case study. PowerPoint - Lesson Plans - Worksheets - Exam Practice
AQA Globalisation - L12 Coca-Cola Case Study (Lesson and Resources).

AQA Globalisation - L12 Coca-Cola Case Study (Lesson and Resources).

L12 in the SOW looking at the TNC Case study Coca-Cola - written for the AQA Globalisation and Governance Unit. KEY IDEA 1.8 Starter - Retrieval questions on previous lesson (L11 TNC Introduction) Background information task on Coca-Cola Pros and Cons of Coca-Cola Kerela India Example - Environmental degradation (negatives) Coca-Cola Foundation positives. EXAM Q - 9 Marks HWK - Knowledge Infographic Lessons - PowerPoint - Worksheets - Modelled Work.
AQA Globalisation - L5 Positives and Negatives of Globalisation   (Lesson and Resources).

AQA Globalisation - L5 Positives and Negatives of Globalisation (Lesson and Resources).

Lesson 5 on the SOW about the where trade is unequal, and beginning to think about why and to what impact and what pros and cons there are for AQA Globalisation and Global Governance: KEY IDEA 1.9 Starter - retrieval questions about previous lesson (L4 Factors of Globalisation) Introducing the idea of inequality and how it would be measured (Gini coefficent) with examples. Skills - Graphical analysis HOMEWORK - Pros/ cons of globalisation work and application PowerPoint - Lesson Plans - Worksheets - Modelled work
AQA Globalisation - L3 Globalisation Factors (Lesson and Resources).

AQA Globalisation - L3 Globalisation Factors (Lesson and Resources).

3rd lesson in the SOW looking at the different fators which have influences Globalisation for AQA Globalisation and Global Governance: KEY IDEA 1.1 Starter - retrieval questions from the previous lesson (L2 Flows/Dimensions of Globalisation). Addressing the 5 factors - Communication, Security, Financial systens, trade agreements and Transport. Further detail on Transport using a reading task on containerisation (London Gateway focus). HOMEWORK - Further reading/research on containerisation. PowerPoint - Lesson Plans - Worksheets - Modelled work.
AQA Globalisation - L1 What is Globalisation? Introduction (Lesson and Resources).

AQA Globalisation - L1 What is Globalisation? Introduction (Lesson and Resources).

1st lesson in the SOW - Whole lesson on the introduction to Globalisation for AQA Globalisation and Global Governance: KEY IDEA 1.1 What is meant by the term ‘globalisation’ Globalisations effects intro Dimensions of Globalisation About the increased interdependence and interrelationships that result from greater connectivity between the different countries PowerPoint - Lesson Plans - Worksheets.