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How the Tortoise Got His Shell Comic Strip/Storyboard
A template that can be used to retell the myth “How the tortoise got his shell”.

Cardinal Points Display
Display pack including: North, South, East, West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW

Parts of Speech Mini Worksheet
A mini worksheet that could be used as a starter or as part of a lesson on nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Parts of Speech Note
Mini note/information sheet for children to stick into notebooks to help them remember a noun, verb and adjective. There is also space for them to add examples.

Types of Maps Chart
A chart for children to complete which describes the 3 types of maps (thematic, physical and political).

Simple Punctuation Practise
A worksheet that can be used for children to practise using full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.

Magnificent Machines Design Plan
Taking inspirastion from Pie Corbett’s ‘Magnificent Machines’, this is a plan that will support children in designing their own invention. There is space to write the name, function and process.

Summary Plan (Somebody Wanted To But So Then)
A simple summary plan using the “Somebody Wanted To But So Then” format.

Maps/Cartography Information Sheet
An information sheet explaining what cartography is and the process of making a map.

Formation of Mountains Information Sheet
An information sheet/document about how mountains are formed.

Create an Animal Worksheet (Habitats, Adaptations, Prey/Predator)
A worksheet for children to create their own animal to help them to learn about habitats, adaptations and prey and predator.

Orientation Information Sheet
An information sheet about orientation and the different methods that we can use to orient ourselves.

Life in the Mountains Information Sheet
A document explaining what life is like in the mountains and how humans use the landscape to benefit themselves and their communities.

Sectors of Industry Information Sheet
An information sheet/worksheet about the sectors of industry (primary, secondary and tertiary). There is a mini activity at the bottom for students to complete.

5 Senses Setting Description Worksheet
A worksheet that includes a setting description of an enchanted forest. At the bottom there is a task for the pupils to complete where they have to find a descriptive phrase in the text for each of the 5 senses.