Digit Cards
Digit cards 0-9 (ten of each digit)
Operation cards (+, -, x and divide signs)
can be used to create different mathematical sentences.
I can identify odd and even numbers
help students recognise odd and even numbers
True/ False sort- Multiply by 2,3,4 and 5
Sort the mathematical statements into whether they are true/ false. Where the statement is incorrect, write the correct sentence.
True/ false sort- Multiply by 6,7,8 and 9
Sort the mathematical statements into whether they are true/ false. Where the statement is incorrect, write the correct sentence.
true/ False sort- Subtraction facts to 20
Sort the mathematical statements into whether they are true/ false. Where the statement is incorrect, write the correct sentence.
True/ False sort- Subtraction facts to 10
Sort the mathematical statements into whether they are true/ false. Where the statement is incorrect, write the correct sentence.
True/ False Sort- Addition facts to 20
Sort the mathematical statements into whether they are true/ false. Where the statement is incorrect, write the correct sentence.
True/ False sort- Addition statements to 10
Sort the mathematical statements into whether they are true/ false. Where the statement is incorrect, write the correct sentence.
I can order numbers to 20
Cut and stick the numbers 1-20 in the correct order
Ten Frames 11-20
Colour in the ten frames to match the digit.
Ten Frames 1-10
Colour in the ten frames to match the digit.
Place Value cards
Help your students with their place value by partitioning numbers into hundreds, tens and ones.
Contains 10 x 100 cards, 9 x 10 cards and 9 x 1 cards, along with 50 different number cards to partition.
Addition to 20 Splat game
Help children learn their addition facts to 20 with a quick and easy game.
Version 1: Read out the digit cards 11-20 and children ‘splat’ the question cards which give the answer to the card you have read out e.g. 12 = 11 + 1
Version 2: Read out the question card e.g. 11 + 1 and children have to ‘splat’ the digit card e.g. 12
Addition to 10 Splat game
Help children learn their addition facts to 10 with a quick and easy game.
Version 1: Read out the digit cards 1-10 and children ‘splat’ the question cards which give the answer to the card you have read out e.g. 10 = 4 + 5
Version 2: Read out the question card e.g. 2 + 3 and children have to ‘splat’ the digit card e.g. 5
1 more 1 less 10 more 10 less
fill in the boxes to identify 10 more, 10 less, 1 more and 1 less than any given number
Days of the week ordering
Cut out the days of the week and stick them in the correct order.
3d shape book
An activity booklet to support children to learn the 3d shapes and their properties. Shapes include: cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder, triangular prism, square based pyramid and a tetrahedron.
The children have to trace the letters to spell out the name of the shape, colour in the shape the correct colour and then fill in the blanks.
2d shape book
An activity booklet to support children to learn the 2d shapes and their properties. Shapes include: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, hexagon, pentagon and octagon. The children have to trace the letters to spell out the name of the shape, colour in the shape the correct colour and then fill in the blanks.
Subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number
Check for understanding for your students
Subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number
Subtract a one digit number from a two digit number
Check for understanding for your students
Subtract a one digit number from a two digit number