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French as a Second Language Resources

Average Rating4.63
(based on 10 reviews)

I have been teaching French as a Second Language for nearly 10 years. I hope this store provides you with fun and new ways to teach your students!




I have been teaching French as a Second Language for nearly 10 years. I hope this store provides you with fun and new ways to teach your students!
Au Restaurant - French Unit

Au Restaurant - French Unit

This unit is great for Junior/Intermediate Core French as a Second Language class. It is a restaurant unit that includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. It also has technology integration activities and ideas. There is a lesson plan guide that is included and all worksheets are organized and labelled to correspond with the daily lesson plan. There are daily activities, a vocabulary quiz, a unit test and a final project and rubrics too. Answer keys are provided at the end of the unit. Included in the unit: (*answer sheets included) -50 Flashcards and word cards -Class game J’ai… qui a… - Vocabulary list* , sheet for students on IEP Word search* Daily questions speaking activity Decode page/ Unscramble page* Que penses-tu? writing activity Que préféres-tu? speaking activity Le menu du jour / J’ai faim* –vocabulary writing practice Le verbe PRENDRE* La salle a manger café / À la carte-reading comprehension Commander au restaurant* -reading comprehension Au restaurant-listening activity with You tube reference Chez Aiello script / Sequencing worksheet*, a sheet for students on an IEP QR Code Scavenger Hunt –reading/writing activity Que commandent-ils?*/Ca coute combien?* reading comprehension Commander au restaurant/Décris la scène Unit Test-reading, writing Final Project – Make a menu with rubric Skit idea and rubric.