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Addition and subtraction planning and resources - Mental Methods - Week Plan and all resources.

Addition and subtraction planning and resources - Mental Methods - Week Plan and all resources.

Mon: Subtract and multiples of 10 and 100 Tues: Mentally add two 2 digits numbers Wed: Mentally subtract a 1 digit for a 2 digit. HA: Mentally subtract 2 digit from a 2 digit Thurs: Mentally subtract 2 digit from a 2 digit Fri: Solve addition and subtraction problems Each day has resources differentiated 3 ways including weekly plan Easy to edit and adapt for your needs. Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here
Week plan and resources for doubling, halving and multiplies. Year 3

Week plan and resources for doubling, halving and multiplies. Year 3

Week plan and resources for doubling, halving and multiplies. Year 3 (start) or the end of year 2 as revision lessons. WALTs Double two-digit numbers. Halve two-digit numbers Revise 5 and 10 times tables and related division facts Recognising multiples of 2, 5 and 10 Problem solving with multiplies of 2 5 and 10’s Detailed plan and all activities differentiated 3 ways for each day. Easy to edit and adapt for your needs. Other Year 3 planning also can be found in my shop. Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here
Maths Year 3 Planning (4 days) on Number and sequences.

Maths Year 3 Planning (4 days) on Number and sequences.

4 days maths plan on number and sequences WALTS / LI / LO: Count in 4s and 8s from 0 Work out the rule for a sequence To describe and extend sequences Solve number problems - go to https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/maths-word-problems-on-sequences-year-3-or-4-ks2-differentiated-3-ways-11514279 - for the word problems for this day. Easy to edit and adapt. Check out my other resources.