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The Dance Shop

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Resources for teachers who want easy to deliver, creative lessons - but don't know where to start!




Resources for teachers who want easy to deliver, creative lessons - but don't know where to start!
KS1 Dance - Toy Story

KS1 Dance - Toy Story

5 Creative dance lessons suitable for ks1 or lower ks2 based on the original Toy Story film. The lessons focus on the characters & their qualities/attributes. These lessons have been written with covid 19 restrictions in mind & whilst still allowing the children to work together they do not require physical contact, limit travelling around the space and the activity level is moderate & sustained rather than high impact. Each lesson follows a simple step by step format where the teacher is simply required to ask questions to stimulate movement ideas in the children; there are hints & tips along the way to guide the teacher how long each task might last & what they can do to further support learning. Further to this the skills that each section of the lesson focus upon are noted in a column on the right. The lessons can be performed in any order & you do not need to cover all of them.
Dance lessons linked to Greek Myths

Dance lessons linked to Greek Myths

For anyone teaching the Ancient Greeks or Greek Myths here are 3 easy to deliver, creative dance lessons that will have your students active, fire their imaginations and develop their creative skills and team working. The first lesson uses the sailing ship crashing onto the island of Crete; the second explores the maze and the third lesson uses the theme of the battle. These could be developed further by being linked together to creative the narrative & then further still by being repeated in reverse order to show Theseus leaving the maze and returning home. The lessons come with suggestions for instrumental music that can be accessed through itunes or YouTube. If you require any further help or support I deliver inset to help your school devise and deliver high quality dance lessons linked to curriculum themes.
4 Dance lessons for ks2 on The Stone Age

4 Dance lessons for ks2 on The Stone Age

This pack includes 4 easy to follow dance lessons that cover cave paintings hunter gatherers moving from caves to simple houses into the Iron Age with the creation of weapons (battles). Each lesson comes with a link to suitable music as well as hints and tips along the way to help you to keep the children on task and challenged. There is also a side column indicates the key skill for each section of the lesson. The lessons are in step-by-step form that require the teacher to simply ask questions & set tasks - this allows the children to be very creative & it is also a very inclusive way of working. If you require any further support please feel free to contact me at cpring@live.co.uk
Six dance lessons for KS1 using polar/wintery themes

Six dance lessons for KS1 using polar/wintery themes

A step by step guide to enable those who lack confidence in delivering dance. The lesson is clearly structured but allows the children to be fully active throughout the lesson, creating their own movement in response to ideas from the story. The plan includes a guide of what you hope to see for each element of the lesson to help you assess the children and develop their skills. There is a music suggestion for each lesson. The lessons would fit with themes such as habitats, polar regions, winter; but individual lessons within the plan also look at explorers, winter sports, penguins & snow.
5 KS1 Dance Lessons - King & Queens

5 KS1 Dance Lessons - King & Queens

5 creative dance lesson plans covering the topic of ‘Kings & Queens’. These focus on Castles Dragons William the Conqueror (and the Bayeux Tapestry) The Tower of London The Crown Jewels Each plan enables the teacher to deliver the lesson simply by asking questions & setting creative tasks for the students - this encourages imaginative responses, high levels of engagement, opportunities for students to work together, share ideas, analyse and evaluate. The lessons are written in a clear formula & include hints & tips along the way as well as the key skill of each section being identified in the right hand column. This method of working is very inclusive of children with different physical abilities and levels of experience - it also includes an i-Tunes link for suitable music - the tracks suggested would also be available on other platforms such as Spotify or YouTube.
Science Through Dance - Space

Science Through Dance - Space

5 dance lessons aimed at ks2, that cover the science area of ‘The Earth & Space’ focusing on ~ The Solar System Rocky Planets & Gas Planets The Sun Journey into Space The Earth Each lesson plan is written in a detailed, step by step approach where the children are encouraged to work creatively and often co-operatively, this also assists with inclusivity and allows students to work at their own level. Hints & tips are included along the way to help you sustain the pace of the lesson, as well as a guide to the skills being developed in each section. A suggestion for suitable music is included, along with a link for iTunes - the music should also be available on other platforms such as Spotify & YouTube
3 Dance lessons based on The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

3 Dance lessons based on The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

Suitable for lower KS2 these step by step dance lessons use themes from the story - the first looks at the Iron Man on the farm & eating machinery, the second is the arrival of the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon & the final uses the battle. All are highly creative lessons that requires the teacher to simply ask questions & set tasks, which in turn allows the children to create their own actions & to keep moving for the duration of the lesson. The plans comes with a suggestion of suitable music.
Dance - Lindy Hop

Dance - Lindy Hop

3 lessons aimed at upper ks2 or ks3 that introduce the students to the Lindy Hop and how it connected with other dance styles of the time. Each lesson includes some taught movement material which is then developed to enable the students to have some creative input and problem solving opportunities. Each lesson plan comes in a clear, step by step form with hints & tips along the way as well as an identification of the skills involved in each section of the lesson. Further to this there is a suggestion of music that you may wish to use (easily available via iTunes, Spotify, YouTube or many other platforms. In order to further support learning I have include links to examples of Lindy Hop/Swing Dance fromYoutube.
5 Dance lessons for KS2 on Rivers & Mountains

5 Dance lessons for KS2 on Rivers & Mountains

5 dance lessons aimed at ks2, that cover themes and ideas covering ~ The formation of mountains The River Nile Meandering Rivers The River Thames Mount Everest Each lesson plan is written in a detailed, step by step approach where the children are encouraged to work creatively and often co-operatively, this also assists with inclusivity and allows students to work at their own level. Hints & tips are included along the way to help you sustain the pace of the lesson, as well as a guide to the skills being developed in each section. A suggestion for suitable music is included, along with a link for iTunes - the music should also be available on other platforms such as Spotify & YouTube
4 Dance lessons on The Dragon Machine

4 Dance lessons on The Dragon Machine

This pack includes 4 dance lessons for KS1 or lower KS2 based on the book ‘The Dragon Machine’ by Helen Ward. Each lesson focuses on a section of the text and comes in an easy to follow step-by-step format, with hints & tips along the way & a clear indication of the skills they will be focusing on in every section of the lesson. At the end of the plan there is a suggestion of a piece of music that will complement the lesson (with the link to Youtube) to make it easy to access. An additional lesson could easily be added consolidating the themes and ideas from the previous lessons.
Natural Disasters - 4 dance lesson plans ks2

Natural Disasters - 4 dance lesson plans ks2

4 dance lesson plans covering themes & ideas covering ‘Natural Disasters’. These cover Plate techtonics/earthquakes Volcanoes Tsunami Cyclones & floods All of which link closely to their understanding of the environment & they can be delivered in any order. Each plan enables the teacher to deliver the lesson simply by asking questions & setting creative tasks for the students - this encourages imaginative responses, high levels of engagement, opportunities for students to work together, share ideas, analyse and evaluate. The lessons are written in a clear formula & include hints & tips along the way as well as the key skill of each section being identified in the right hand column. This method of working is very inclusive of children with different physical abilities and levels of experience - it also includes an i-Tunes link for suitable music - the tracks suggested would also be available on other platforms such as Spotify or YouTube.
4 KS1 dance lessons using a poem 'Under the Sea'

4 KS1 dance lessons using a poem 'Under the Sea'

This pack includes 4 step by step creative dance lessons suitable for KS1 or lower KS2. Each lesson links to ideas from a poem ‘Under the Sea’ and enables the children to explore a wide range of actions & physical skills. The lessons come with music suggestions that are easily accessed through the internet, alternatively feel free to add your own choice. The lessons are written with the non-specialist in mind & hints and tips are included to help you to create a positive working environment without having to dance a step yourself! Lesson 1 looks at swimming, limpets and coral reefs; Lesson 2 links with octopus, jellyfish, starfish & dolphins; Lesson 3 uses sharks, sea snails and hermit crabs & Lesson 4 explores building sandcastles, gathering shells & paddling/splashing in the sea & these can be performed in any order.
Goldilocks & the 3 Bears - 3 Dance lessons

Goldilocks & the 3 Bears - 3 Dance lessons

Three easy to follow dance lessons following the story of Goldilocks that allow the children to be very active and creative. The first lesson plan follows Goldilocks travelling through the forest & entering the house. The second lesson introduces the porridge and the chairs. The third lesson has Goldilocks trying out the beds & the bears returning. A final lesson could be added to amalgamate the whole story. Each lesson plan includes suggested music (with a link to it), a column at the side that identifies the key skill for each section of the lesson as well as hints & tips along the way to help you identify good work and anticipate any possible problems. The lessons are very inclusive as they ask the children to find their own way of moving, they also do not require the teacher to dance along - but to ask questions & describe what they see the children doing.
Dance lesson plans based on 'Penguin Small' by Mick Inkpen

Dance lesson plans based on 'Penguin Small' by Mick Inkpen

A series of 5 detailed lesson plans suitable for key stage one, that take inspiration and ideas from Mick Inkpen’s lovely story. Each lesson allows the children to create their own movement ideas so the teacher is free to guide, observe, describe and enjoy. The lessons are themed around the story & follow the narrative, they are ~ Lesson 1 - Penguin Small watched his friends plop into the ocean & swim away Lesson 2 - The polar bears were in a terrible mood Lesson 3 - The island was a wonderful place Lesson 4 - All night long the storm blew Lesson 5 - I can fly! I can fly!
Dance lessons for KS2 on The Tudors

Dance lessons for KS2 on The Tudors

Five creative dance lessons for KS2 children based on the Tudor themes of The Battle of Bosworth, The Spanish Armada, Tudor Houses, The Tudor Rose and Jousting. Each lesson is in a step by step format but simply asks the teacher to set creative tasks for the children - so you don’t need to dance a step yourself! The work helps to embed their knowledge and understanding of the topic as well as develop their physical and choreographic skills. Each lesson comes with a suggestion for the music you might like to use - there is an iTunes link on the sheet to help you access it quickly & easily. The lessons can be performed in any order & you don’t need to complete them all.
Science Through Dance - Forces

Science Through Dance - Forces

Step by step lesson plans for KS2 science - Forces - covering ~ What is a force? Magnetism Buoyancy Gravity Friction & Resistance through creative activity to introduce or consolidate understanding of the scientific principles. The lesson plans can be delivered in any order (and you don’t need to deliver all of them). Each step comes with hints and tips to help with classroom management as well as identifying good work and the skills the children will be developing. There is also a suggestion of suitable music that can be accessed through platforms such as iTunes, Spotify or YouTube. The lessons are inclusive allowing children to different levels of experience, physicalities or ages to work together. The teacher simply asks questions and sets tasks - there are no ‘routines’ to be learnt or taught.
Diwali, 3 Dance Lessons based on the story of Rama & Sita

Diwali, 3 Dance Lessons based on the story of Rama & Sita

3 dance lessons using the story of Rama & Sita as the stimulus for creative movement ideas suitable for dance or drama. Each lesson comes in a step by step format to help the teacher structure the work, there are hints and tips along the way & the key skills for each element of the lesson is identified in a column on the side. Suggested music is also included which is easily accessible via iTunes or Youtube. The lessons can be amalgamated to create a performance piece covering the whole story. Each lesson has been written by a dance specialist - if you require any extra help or advice please feel free to contact me via the email address on the notes.
Dance - scripted lesson for the nervous teacher

Dance - scripted lesson for the nervous teacher

For those of you who feel a little apprehensive about teaching dance I have tried something a little different. A power point that takes you through the lesson step by step by simply going from slide to slide & reading out the tasks for the children to do. (Alternatively you could project the tasks onto a whiteboard for them to work more independently). It is a creative lesson aimed at year 2, 3 or 4. The teacher just asks the children to ‘find a way…’ & it is up to them how they respond. I have suggested a piece of music to suit the lesson - but it would suit any gentle instrumental piece.
Dance Lesson Plan by Powerpoint

Dance Lesson Plan by Powerpoint

This is an experiment for me. I’d really appreciate your feedback. I’ve put the stepping stones of a dance lesson for ks2 in the format of a powerpoint. (In the same way as I do in my written resources). So, as a teacher, you can either use the powerpoint for yourself or you could share it with the students so they use it to remind them what to do or become more independent. The benefits could include helping the students to stay on track less talk time by the teacher suitable for supply teachers to deliver help to support NQT’s as they develop their skills The music I would suggest using include… Storm 3000 by Leftfield (for y5 or 6) or Bubble & Slide by The Sabres of Paradise or Forbidden Colours by Sakamoto (for something gentle) or Black Sands by Bonobo (for y3 or 4). All of which should be available on iTunes, Spotify or You Tube. clairepringdance.com cpring@live.co.uk