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Mr Lipscombe's Shop

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(based on 7 reviews)

I am a teacher of all 3 sciences specialising in Biology A-level. Here in my shop you will find a mixture of full work units and revision lessons- usually bundled together ready to deliver and use in the classroom. Please leave a review to help support the shop




I am a teacher of all 3 sciences specialising in Biology A-level. Here in my shop you will find a mixture of full work units and revision lessons- usually bundled together ready to deliver and use in the classroom. Please leave a review to help support the shop
Stem Cell AQA GCSE

Stem Cell AQA GCSE

This resource includes 2 lessons- one covering all the content from AQA Biology Stem cells to be delviered in the form of an infomration hunt and the second in the form of a lesson discussing the pros and cons with exam questions modelled and embedded- perfect for this topic that students famously do bad on due to poor exam technique Enjoy!
Populations and Sustainability- OCR A level Biology

Populations and Sustainability- OCR A level Biology

This resource contains a 4 lesson big powerpoint covering ‘Populations and sustainability’ from OCR-A level Biology Module 6. Each lesson contains embdeded questions and exam question practice The lessons are broken down into the following: 1.) Population and Competition 2.) Predator and Prey relationships 3.)Conservation vs Preservation 4.) Sustainability (Coppicing and fishing)
Plant Hormones- OCR A level Biology

Plant Hormones- OCR A level Biology

This resource contains a big powerpoint covering 3 lessons on ‘Plant Hormones’ from unit 6 of OCR A-level Biology. The content is broken down into the following 3 lessons: 1)Plant response and Plant hormones 2) Auxins and Gibberrellins 3) Commercial use of Plant hormones There is also embeded review question and exam question practice incorporated! Thanks
Maintaining Body Temperature- OCR A-level / AQA GCSE

Maintaining Body Temperature- OCR A-level / AQA GCSE

Lesson covering OCR-A level Unit 5 - ‘control of temperature’ ecotherms and endotherms, comparisons, including all behavioural and physiological adaptations to them. Full quizzes as AFL and Exam question pracitce is embedded. This lessons is also suitable to AQA Biology Triple- ‘Control of temperature’ in Unit 5 on homeostasis and makes a nice challenging lesson for higher ability students
The Brain- AQA GCSE Biology

The Brain- AQA GCSE Biology

Full lesson powerpoint with exam practice and links to extra reading on the brain to stretch and challenge. Covers the following learning objectives:
Transport in Plants OCR A Level Biology- FULL UNIT

Transport in Plants OCR A Level Biology- FULL UNIT

Full Unit Resource covering 3.1.3 of OCR A-Level Biology ‘Transport in Plants’ Contains lessons on the following -Transport in Plants overview -Transpiration -Translocation Xerophytes and Hydrophytes (plant adaptations) Also contains exam questions embedded as practice materials and range of AFL in lessons
AQA 4.4 Bioenergetics revision mat

AQA 4.4 Bioenergetics revision mat

Contains comprehensive revision of content in AQA Biology GCSE Spec point 4.4 ‘Bioenergetics’ - in the style of a fun retrieval practice activity with growing levels of challenge as students move through the menu
Stem Cells GCSE Biology

Stem Cells GCSE Biology

Complete Double lesson covering all aspects of stem cells from AQA Biology 4.1 Cell biology- covers the 3 main types of stem cells, how they are used in medicine/agriculture, as well as discusses how to evaluate each of them- contains a myriad of exam questions for students to practice too
Discovery and Development of Drugs- AQA Biology

Discovery and Development of Drugs- AQA Biology

Comprehensive resource containing all the stages of the drug development timeline explained, with a timeline actvitiy for students to complete and questions on the powerpoint to consolidate learning Covers on AQA Biology spec
Cell Cycle and Mitosis GCSE Biology

Cell Cycle and Mitosis GCSE Biology

Contains a full lesson powerpoint covering AQA GCSE Biology ‘Mitosis and Cell Cycle’ Goes into detail on the different phases on Mitosis , which can be suitable for higher ability classes who need a stretch
OCR 4.1 Communicable disease and Immune system

OCR 4.1 Communicable disease and Immune system

Contains a full unit of work for OCR A level Biology topic 4.1- Communicable disease, prevntion and immune system I have broken it down into 6 double lessons for delivery as outlined below, each lesson contains AFL and exam question practice too: Session 1- Animal and Plant Pathogens and disease​ Session 2- Plant defence against pathogens​ Session 3- Non specific immune system​ Session 4- Specific Immune system​ Session 5- Sources of medicines and antibiotics ​ Session 6- Immunisation and Autoimmune diseases
OCR MODULE 6- Manipulating Genomes

OCR MODULE 6- Manipulating Genomes

Unit bundle for Module 6.1.3 Contains 5 lessons covering all spec points for ‘Manipulating genomes’ split into the lessons below, with exam questions and AFL included for each! Lesson 1- DNA profiling and PCR Lesson 2-DNA sequencing and application Lesson 3-Genetic engineering Lesson 4- Gene technology and ethics of GM